How to communicate results from LabView windows to C socket on UNIX?

Hi, I am interested to buy LabView and I am going to use to control some devices. LabView would be residing on a windows machine and I will need to take input from a unix machine and provide output to it. I was thinking of using sockets and using TCP or UDP to do that. Can you suggest how can I communicate with a C socket program residing on UNIX machine with a labview program on windows? are there any features in LabView by which I can do that. I am new and thats why I needed to know.. your early response will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

LabVIEW has both TCP and UDP functions. If you set up your unix program as a TCP/UDP data server, it's pretty simple to write a LabVIEW client and in fact, LabVIEW comes with a sample client program.

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    Hey there,
    Thanks for replying,
    I too am using Dreamweaver recordset, my local server is XAMPP ( apache php mysql), i´have pasted my sql recordset below to give an idea of what i´m trying to do, however this does not work as i´m trying to select the exact data based on 4 menus PRICE TYPE LOCATION and BEDS, and also want the search to work if the user only selects options from either 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the menus, with the code as it is if the user select only two options from 2 of the menus the results don´t just find (for example) all results for location AND price they find all results for the location varibale OR the price variable rather than a match for both, if you see what i mean?
    Any suggestions?  
    SELECT trueprice,`desc`, `propid`, `bathrooms`, `photo1`, locationtable.loc,, bedtable.`number`
    FROM detailstable JOIN locationtable ON detailstable.location=locationtable.locid JOIN typetable ON detailstable.type=typetable.typeid JOIN pricetable ON detailstable.price=pricetable.priceid JOIN bedtable ON detailstable.beds=bedtable.bedid
    WHERE (location=varloc AND price = varprice AND type=vartype AND beds=varbed ) OR (price=varprice AND location=varloc AND type=vartype) OR  (price=varprice AND location=varloc AND beds=varbed) OR (price=varprice AND beds=varbed AND type=vartype) OR  ( location=varloc AND type=vartype AND beds=varbed) OR  (price=varprice AND location=varloc) OR (price=varprice AND type=vartype) OR (price=varprice AND beds=varbed) OR (type=vartype AND location=varloc) OR (type=vartype AND beds=beds) OR (location=varloc AND beds=varbed) OR (price = varprice OR beds=varbed OR type=vartype OR location=varloc)
    ORDER BY detailstable.trueprice ASC
    Look forward to receiving your thoughts,
    Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 14:36:33 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: how to filter results from 4 dynamic list menus depandant on how many of them are selected
    I'm just doing my first dynamic site too, and am at a similar level to yourself.
    Can you give us more info re the site. What software, eg Dreamweaver etc are you using, and is your server using PHP or ASP etc?
    For what I've used, I amended the SQL side of things in the recordset in Dreamweaver. That way, you can test the SQL as you're setting up the recordset.
    Let me know how you're going on anyway

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    From your Old Computer... Copy your ENTIRE iTunes FOLDER to an External Drive... and then from the External Drive to your New Computer..
    An Added Bonus is that you will then have a Backup of iTunes...
    Backup iTunes to an External Drive

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    I think the filter has a wrong operand. For example, a filter with an empty constant, or a filter that deals with numeric values is defined with an alphanumeric value.Check out for this.

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    You will first need an app on the iPad that supports PDF files - unlike a 'normal' computer the iPad doesn't have a file system, and everything on it has to be associated with an app. Apps that support PDFs include free apps such as Apple's iBooks and the Adobe Reader app.
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    Thank you.
    These are the two files:
    --------course1.jsp ------------
    Attach File <p>
    <FORM name="courseForm" action="course2.jsp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 border=0 WIDTH=500>
    <TR >
    <input type="text" NAME="f_file_name" size="30" VALUE="this value should be taken from child windows">
    get file name
         <INPUT class="buttons" TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Submit">
    ---- course2.jsp -------
    String filename = "this is the string needs to go back to parent windows when I click on close";

    In course2.jsp, you have to write some javascript code to reload the parent window document to reload the document with an added parameter. But, instead of doing this, you can also do simple thing; in course2.jsp, you can reference course1.jsp controls via javascript object, "parent". On closing event of course2, you can write:
    parent.courseForm.f_file_name.text = '<%=filename%>' ;
    window.close() ;
    But for this to work, you must open your course2.jsp document thru function instead of simple hyper link (as you did thru ).
    So, modify the hyperlink line like below:
    get file name
    Hope it helps.

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    From here :
    " &Options=mdfr – Each of the letters in mdfr have a specific function.
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    d - To include the download link under the report
    f - To include the printer friendly link under the report
    r - To include the refresh report link under the report"
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    Please help!

    Yes it does. I did that before but I could never get the image to boot after recording it to cd.
    Thanks for the reply by the way. I actually found some articles that I am reading through at:
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    Hi anson,
    it will run also in LV7.1 - but you should check those warnings (probably things not/differently supported by LV7.1...) anyway!
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

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    Hi jlock76,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  This article has information on how you can transfer various media to your computer from your iPod:
    iTunes: Transferring media from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or iPod
    - Ari

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