How to customize DMS for EH&S using KPRO

Hi all,
I am triing to configure DMS for EH&S using KPRO. It seems there are some specificities link to EH&S for using DMS with Kpro.
Id like to find documentations and / or help to know the different steps to achieve for configure DMS for EH&S using KPRO.
Anybody can tell me the different steps to do and / or give me some documentations?

Hello Ludo,
As Documentum is a separate document storage system, it requires a connector (Standard Interface) to connect to SAP-DMS.
As I am not expert in this field so will not be able to help you but still I have some information like, Documentum will be used as the Main Application & all data & objects will be created or linked to SAP objects in the Background and the Content Services for SAP application integrates the Documentum content management system with the SAP R/3 system. It is an interface to the SAP R/3 system based on SAPu2019s standard DMS and ArchiveLink interfaces.
I think your question is more relevant for DMS forum. May be you can post your theread there, so that you can get right answer or may be on this forum someone else can help you who has worked on this scenario.

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    how to write code for font family using swing?
    i tried this code.but i got only font styles.but i need font family.observ this code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class fontSelect extends java.awt.Dialog implements AdjustmentListener, ItemListener, TextListener, ActionListener {
    public Font selectedFont; //to get result
    public boolean isSelected = false;
    public Color selectedBackground, selectedForeground;
         public fontSelect(Frame parent, boolean modal) {
              super(parent, modal);
         String fntName[] = getToolkit().getFontList();
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    String[] names = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
              setSize(insets().left + insets().right + 380,insets().top + insets().bottom + 282);
    fontList = new java.awt.Choice();
              //fontList = new java.awt.List(0,false);
              fontList.setBounds(insets().left +25,insets().top + 50,137,144);
              //label1 = new java.awt.Label("Example:-");
              //label1.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 36,84,30);
              exampleText = new java.awt.TextField();
              //exampleText.setText("sample string ");
              //exampleText.setBounds(insets().left + 40,insets().top + 50,84,21);
              label2 = new java.awt.Label("Font Family:-");
              label2.setBounds(insets().left + 25,insets().top + 30,70,19);
              isBold = new java.awt.Checkbox("Bold");
              isBold.setBounds(insets().left + 320,insets().top + 90,60,18);
              isBold.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              isItalic = new java.awt.Checkbox("Italic");
              isItalic.setBounds(insets().left + 250,insets().top + 90,48,17);
              isItalic.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.ITALIC, 12));
              showFont = new java.awt.Label("samplestring ",Label.CENTER);
              showFont.setBounds(insets().left + 240,insets().top +50,120,30);
    label11 = new java.awt.Label("Size:-");
              label11.setBounds(insets().left + 290,insets().top + 120,70,19);
              fontSize = new java.awt.Choice();
              //label11 = new java.awt.Label("Example string");
              fontSize.setBounds(insets().left + 290,insets().top + 140,60,23);
              btnSelect = new java.awt.Button();
              btnSelect.setBounds(insets().left + 280,insets().top + 190,87,24);
              btnCancel = new java.awt.Button();
              btnCancel.setBounds(insets().left + 280,insets().top + 230,91,24);
              label3 = new java.awt.Label("Background:-");
              label3.setBounds(insets().left + 24,insets().top + 90,94,18);
              rBackground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,255,0,0,255);
              rBackground.setBounds(insets().left + 24,insets().top +110 ,197,21);
              gBackground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,255,0,0,255);
              gBackground.setBounds(insets().left + 24,insets().top + 135,197,21);
              bBackground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,255,0,0,255);
              bBackground.setBounds(insets().left + 24,insets().top + 160,197,21);
              label4 = new java.awt.Label("R");
              label4.setBounds(insets().left + 12,insets().top + 110,12,18);
              label4.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label5 = new java.awt.Label("G");
              label5.setBounds(insets().left + 12,insets().top + 135,12,18);
              label5.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label5.setForeground(new Color(-16744448));
              label6 = new java.awt.Label("B");
              label6.setBounds(insets().left + 12,insets().top + 160,12,18);
              label6.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              rBackValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              rBackValue.setBounds(insets().left + 225,insets().top + 110,24,12);
              rBackValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              gBackValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              gBackValue.setBounds(insets().left + 225,insets().top + 135,24,12);
              gBackValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              gBackValue.setForeground(new Color(-16744384));
              bBackValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              bBackValue.setBounds(insets().left + 225,insets().top + 160,24,12);
              bBackValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label7 = new java.awt.Label("Foreground:-");
              label7.setBounds(insets().left + 20,insets().top + 185,94,18);
              rForeground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,0,0,255);
              rForeground.setBounds(insets().left + 20,insets().top + 205,197,21);
              gForeground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,0,0,255);
              gForeground.setBounds(insets().left + 20,insets().top + 230,197,21);
              bForeground = new java.awt.Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,0,0,255);
              bForeground.setBounds(insets().left + 20,insets().top + 255,197,21);
              label8 = new java.awt.Label("R");
              label8.setBounds(insets().left + 10,insets().top + 205,12,18);
              label8.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label9 = new java.awt.Label("G");
              label9.setBounds(insets().left + 10,insets().top + 230,12,18);
              label9.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              label9.setForeground(new Color(-16744448));
              label10 = new java.awt.Label("B");
              label10.setBounds(insets().left + 10,insets().top + 255,12,18);
              label10.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              rForeValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              rForeValue.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 205,24,12);
              rForeValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              gForeValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              gForeValue.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 230,24,12);
              gForeValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              gForeValue.setForeground(new Color(-16744384));
              bForeValue = new java.awt.Label("255");
              bForeValue.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 255,24,12);
              bForeValue.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12));
              setTitle("Choosing font");
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)fntName.length; i++)
              showFont.setFont(new Font(fntName[0], Font.PLAIN, 12));
    // GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    //String[] names = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
    for ( int i=0; i<names.length; i++ )
    System.out.println( names[i] );
              selectedBackground = showFont.getBackground();
              selectedForeground = showFont.getForeground();
              int i = 8;
              do {
                   if (i<=30) i+=2;
                   else if (i<=70) i+=4;
                   else i+=8;
              } while (i<150);
              try {
              } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { }
         //java.awt.List fontList;
    java.awt.Label label11;
         java.awt.Label label1;
         java.awt.TextField exampleText;
         java.awt.Label label2;
         java.awt.Checkbox isBold;
         java.awt.Checkbox isItalic;
         java.awt.Label showFont;
         java.awt.Choice fontSize;
    java.awt.Choice fontList;
         java.awt.Button btnSelect;
         java.awt.Button btnCancel;
         java.awt.Label label3;
         java.awt.Scrollbar rBackground;
         java.awt.Scrollbar gBackground;
         java.awt.Scrollbar bBackground;
         java.awt.Label label4;
         java.awt.Label label5;
         java.awt.Label label6;
         java.awt.Label rBackValue;
         java.awt.Label gBackValue;
         java.awt.Label bBackValue;
         java.awt.Label label7;
         java.awt.Scrollbar rForeground;
         java.awt.Scrollbar gForeground;
         java.awt.Scrollbar bForeground;
         java.awt.Label label8;
         java.awt.Label label9;
         java.awt.Label label10;
         java.awt.Label rForeValue;
         java.awt.Label gForeValue;
         java.awt.Label bForeValue;
    private Font constructFont() {
    int l;
    try {
    l = Integer.parseInt(fontSize.getSelectedItem());
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {l = 12;}
    selectedFont = new Font(fontList.getItem(fontList.getSelectedIndex()>=0?fontList.getSelectedIndex():0 ), (isBold.getState()?Font.BOLD:0)+(isItalic.getState()?Font.ITALIC:0), l);
    selectedBackground = new Color(rBackground.getValue(), gBackground.getValue(), bBackground.getValue());
    selectedForeground = new Color(rForeground.getValue(), gForeground.getValue(), bForeground.getValue());
    return (selectedFont);
         public void textValueChanged(java.awt.event.TextEvent event) {
              Object object = event.getSource();
              if (object == exampleText) showFont.setText(exampleText.getText());
         public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) {
              Object object = event.getSource();
              if (object == btnSelect) {
    isSelected = true;
    selectedFont = constructFont();
    } else if (object == btnCancel) {
         selectedFont = null;
    selectedBackground = null;
    selectedForeground = null;
         public void itemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent event) {
              Object object = event.getSource();
              if (object == isBold) showFont.setFont(constructFont());
              else if (object == fontList) showFont.setFont(constructFont());
              else if (object == isItalic) showFont.setFont(constructFont());
              else if (object == fontSize) showFont.setFont(constructFont());
         public void adjustmentValueChanged(java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent event)
              Object object = event.getSource();
    showFont.setBackground(new Color(rBackground.getValue(), gBackground.getValue(), bBackground.getValue()));
    showFont.setForeground(new Color(rForeground.getValue(), gForeground.getValue(), bForeground.getValue()));
    if (object == rBackground) rBackValue.setText(""+rBackground.getValue());
              else if (object == gBackground) gBackValue.setText(""+gBackground.getValue());
              else if (object == bBackground) bBackValue.setText(""+bBackground.getValue());
              else if (object == rForeground) rForeValue.setText(""+rForeground.getValue());
              else if (object == gForeground) gForeValue.setText(""+gForeground.getValue());
              else if (object == bForeground) bForeValue.setText(""+bForeground.getValue());

    Okay, that's better. It would have been nice if the code was formatted, and if there was about 20% of that code. (Your example could have been just one JLabel and nothing else, for example.)
    Anyway, now that you've posted that code, what is your question about it? I see you are calling a "getAvailableFontFamilyNames" method; do you have a question about that? If so, what is the question?

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    Hi all,
    I am working on configure a DMS in order to link EHS and a content server DOCUMENTUM using Kpro.
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    - what is the link between data carrier and content server?
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    Hi Ludovic,
    You define data carriers if you want to save original records in a secure area using the SAP DMS (and not use the knowledge provider). The configuration is done at Data carriers under Document Management > General Data > Define Data Carrier
    The below config scenario is similar to yours. Do browse:
    Content server and data carrier are two different concepts. The below threads will provide you information regarding content server and data carrier respectively
    DMS Content server / Master guide
    Re: Need help in setting up Data carrier
    Pradeepkumar Haragoldavar
    Edited by: Pradeepkumar  Haragoldavar on Jun 10, 2010 11:38 AM

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    Edited by: 792068 on Aug 31, 2010 9:40 PM

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    So when I click on the start button on the lower left, a icon doesn't take up the entire tile for one of the tiles that I created. Here's a screenshot showing you what I mean:

    Hi KnyTonic0,
    If you want to resize the title, you may try to right click on the title and select Resize. (Reference:
    Start screen)
    Further, if you would like to customize the title for Desktop Apps, you may take a look at the following MSDN article:
    How to customize Start screen tiles for desktop apps (Windows Runtime apps)
    Or you may try to ask at the developer side:
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

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    I am able to set value for textbox control using Query String Filer web part.
    But, since the dropdown values are not populated on form load, the value is not set for dropdown control.
    How to load the values in dropdown control on form load and set a value using Query String filter webpart?

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to filter choice field using Query String Filter web part.
    To filter using query string filter web part, we can set the default value for the choice field in the query string filter web part panel as below, then connect to the list.
    Now it would be filter by the value you have set.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    1. Define Number Ranges for Document Numbers
    T code OD00
    SPRO / IMG -> Cross - Application Component -> Document Management System -> Control Data -> Define Number Ranges for Document Numbers
    2. Define Document Type
    T code DC10
    SPRO / IMG -> Cross - Application Component -> Document Management System -> Control Data -> Define Document Types.
    In this step, you create Document Type for categorize documents according to the organizational procedures.
    Supppose u define ZAD
    Document Type The document type is used to categorize documents according to the organizational procedures. E.g. in company, there exists many departments for which separate document types have been created. For example, ZAD,ZCB,ZCD etc Document type is a three digit alphanumeric field.
    Document Type Description  Description appears in the screen heading when document info record is being processed.
    Use Kpro  Indicator controls that the original files are stored in defined content repository via Knowledge Provider.
    Assignment of Revision Level This indicator shows that a revision level is automatically assigned to a document the first time the document is released with reference to a change number.
    CM Relevance u2018  u2018 u2013 Not Relevant for Configuration Management
    u20181u2019 u2013 Relevant for Configuration Management
    Determines whether Configuration Management controls the object.
    Number Exit   MCDOKZNR  Program that controls number assignment and version numbering for documents.
    Pardeep Malik

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    Thank you if you can advise on how to do this.

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    On the People form, there is an Action - Create Placement that does just what we need. We can select an Ex-contingent worker, create placement, and save. This creates a new Period Of Placement (PDP) record for the contingent worker with a new primary assignment. The result is the contingent worker can have multiple periods of placement to reflect different jobs they have worked on, for example one contract from Jan 10 - April 4, another from May 1 - 20, and a third starting Aug 7 without an end (yet).
    There are several APIs we find in the Integration Repository for 11i dealing with Contingent Workers, Assignments, and changing a Period of Placement, but we can't find any for creating a PDP.
    Thank you if you can advise on how to do this.

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    for all java projects and java applications in eclipse i am giving -Xms and -Xmx to increase heap memory.
    But the same failed when i run ant. it says Out of Memory Error.eventhough i had 1GB ram in system.
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    even if this is not a eclipse forum
    In the package explorer view or navigator view right click on the build file select "Run as / Ant Build ...". On the JRE Tab you can enter the VM Aguments like -Xmx512m
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    When editing the Report Attributes, under Print Attributes, there is a section called Printing.
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    I have Apex and Oracle BI Publisher installed.

    Hi Gage,
    Custom RTF and XSL-FO templates are currently only supported with classic report regions and report queries, but not with interactive reports. So you would need to create a report query based on the SQL statement you used for your interactive report and then associated your template with that report query. Unfortunately you won't be able to use any of your customizations, filters, or column selections this way. We're planing to support report layouts with interactive reports in the future.

  • How to customize a VO which is used 2 pages.

    I am working in Resource Management in Project Accounting.
    I have a requirement to add 2 addtional fileds (Project Manager and Skill 1)to a Requirement search table results. So i customized the VO query to add those 2 fields and i was able to do it successfully.
    But after then i came to know the same VO has been used in Resource Search Page also. so the resource serach is not working because of the customized VO for the requirement search.
    Please suggest an approach to achieve this without impacting the other.
    Original VO Query:
    select rowid
    ,null      select_checkbox
    ,resource_name                    person
    ,resource_id                    resource_id
    ,person_id person_id
    ,to_char(optional_competence_match + mandatory_competence_match) || '/' ||
    to_char(optional_competence_count + mandatory_competence_count) competence_match
    ,optional_competence_match + mandatory_competence_match competence_match_number
    ,to_char(optional_competence_match) || '/' ||
    to_char(optional_competence_count)     optional_competence_match     
    ,optional_competence_match optional_comp_match_number
    ,to_char(availability) || decode(to_char(availability), NULL, NULL, '%') availability
    ,availability availability_number
    ,resource_job_level job_level
    ,resource_organization_name organization
    ,DECODE(city, '', country_code, city || ', ' || region || ', ' || country_code) location
    ,'OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_ASSIGN_RESOURCE_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paPersonId='||to_char(person_id) assign_button
    ,'OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_OPEN_ASMT_DETAILS_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paAssignmentId='||to_char(assignment_id) reference_number
    ,project_id project_id
    ,project_name||'('||project_number||')'          project_name_number
    ,assignment_name                         assignment_name
    ,assignment_id                         assignment_id
    ,assignment_start_date                    start_date
    ,assignment_end_date                    end_date
    ,PA_CANDIDATE_UTILS.Get_Active_Candidates_Number(assignment_id) candidate_number
    ,assignment_number      assignment_number
    ,decode(candidate_in_req_flag,'Y','Y','N') candidate_in_req_flag
    ,mandatory_competence_match mandatory_competence_match
    ,mandatory_competence_count mandatory_competence_count
    ,candidate_score candidate_score
    ,to_char(potential_availability) || decode(to_char(potential_availability), NULL, NULL, '%') potential_availability
    ,potential_availability potential_availability_num
    ,resource_email resource_email
    ,resource_manager resource_manager
    from pa_search_results_temp
    Customized VO Query:
    (select psrt.rowid row_id
    ,psrt.select_checkbox select_checkbox
    ,psrt.person person
    ,psrt.resource_id resource_id
    ,psrt.person_id person_id
    ,psrt.competence_match competence_match
    ,psrt.competence_match_number competence_match_number
    ,psrt.optional_competence_match optional_competence_match
    ,psrt.optional_comp_match_number optional_comp_match_number
    ,psrt.availability availability
    ,psrt.availability_number availability_number
    ,psrt.job_level job_level
    ,psrt.organization organization
    ,psrt.location location
    ,psrt.assign_button assign_button
    ,psrt.reference_number reference_number
    ,psrt.project_id project_id
    ,psrt.project_name_number project_name_number
    ,psrt.assignment_name assignment_name
    ,psrt.assignment_id assignment_id
    ,psrt.start_date start_date
    ,psrt.end_date end_date
    ,psrt.candidate_number candidate_number
    ,psrt.assignment_number assignment_number
    ,psrt.candidate_in_req_flag candidate_in_req_flag
    ,psrt.mandatory_competence_match mandatory_competence_match
    ,psrt.mandatory_competence_count mandatory_competence_count
    ,psrt.candidate_score candidate_score
    ,psrt.potential_availability potential_availability
    ,psrt.potential_availability_num potential_availability_num
    ,psrt.resource_email resource_email
    ,psrt.resource_manager resource_manager
    ,*papf.full_name Project_Manager* -- added for customization
    ,*ppa.attribute10 SkillOne* -- added for customization
    from (select rowid
    ,null select_checkbox
    ,resource_name person
    ,resource_id resource_id
    ,person_id person_id
    ,to_char(optional_competence_match + mandatory_competence_match) || '/' ||
    to_char(optional_competence_count + mandatory_competence_count) competence_match
    ,optional_competence_match + mandatory_competence_match competence_match_number
    ,to_char(optional_competence_match) || '/' ||
    to_char(optional_competence_count) optional_competence_match
    ,optional_competence_match optional_comp_match_number
    ,to_char(availability) || decode(to_char(availability), NULL, NULL, '%') availability
    ,availability availability_number
    ,resource_job_level job_level
    ,resource_organization_name organization
    ,DECODE(city, '', country_code, city || ', ' || region || ', ' || country_code) location
    ,'OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_ASSIGN_RESOURCE_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paPersonId='||to_char(person_id) assign_button
    ,'OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_OPEN_ASMT_DETAILS_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paAssignmentId='||to_char(assignment_id) reference_number
    ,project_id project_id
    ,project_name||'('||project_number||')' project_name_number
    ,assignment_name assignment_name
    ,assignment_id assignment_id
    ,assignment_start_date start_date
    ,assignment_end_date end_date
    ,APPS.PA_CANDIDATE_UTILS.Get_Active_Candidates_Number(assignment_id) candidate_number
    ,assignment_number assignment_number
    ,decode(candidate_in_req_flag,'Y','Y','N') candidate_in_req_flag
    ,mandatory_competence_match mandatory_competence_match
    ,mandatory_competence_count mandatory_competence_count
    ,candidate_score candidate_score
    ,to_char(potential_availability) || decode(to_char(potential_availability), NULL, NULL, '%') potential_availability
    ,potential_availability potential_availability_num
    ,resource_email resource_email
    ,resource_manager resource_manager
    from apps.pa_search_results_temp) psrt
    ,apps.per_all_people_f papf
    ,apps.pa_project_assignments ppa
    psrt.project_id = ppa.project_id
    and ppa.project_id = ppp.project_id
    and ppa.assignment_number = psrt.assignment_number
    and ppp.person_id = papf.person_id
    and trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and NVL(papf.effective_end_date,trunc(sysdate))
    and ppp.project_role_type = 'PROJECT MANAGER'
    and trunc(sysdate) between ppp.start_date_active and NVL(ppp.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate)) );

    you can't just use TransactionVOImpl aa = new TransactionVOImpl(); to create a new VO. VO creation is handled by application modules. You search an existing application module for the right VO and then use it. Where do you want the code to execute? The answer to that defines how aou get the application module.
    ApplicationModule am = ....
    ViewObject vo = am.findViewObject("YOUR_VO_NAME");

  • How to issue checks for payments done using f-53

    Hello ,
    Iam unable to print a check created manually,can some one  please explain me how to  you print it....what i did was:
    i paid using f-53 and then  created check lots and in fbz5 i entered all the details required but still i get the error :

    Hi Vins,
    Below mentioned is the full cycle for payment using cheque printing which we had are using in our project.
    Expense Booking: T-code- FB60 This will result in following financial entries.
    Dr Expense account
        Cr Vendor
         Cr TDS
    (ii) Make payment to vendor through Bank: T-code-F-53
    Dr Vendor
    Dr TDS authority
         Cr Bank
    (iii) Use FBZ5 for cheque printing. It is possible that  there are more than one cheque lots in the system. please choose the relevant cheque lot before printing.
    Hope I had been able to help you out. Pls assign points.

  • How to configure systems for ABAP Proxy use

    Can somebody please point me to the documentation regarding the configuration settings for the use of ABAP proxies, on both the XI and client sides? I have performed readiness checks as specified by SAP, the ABAP Proxy tests all pass, yet when I write a program with a proxy, the message does not appear in the integration engine monitor.
    I think I have missed something in configuration settings, but don't know for sure. hence the request.
    Kind Regards,

    Please follow the below configuration steps for ABAP proxy:
    ABAP Proxy configuration:

  • How to Debugg workflow for Article Creation using MM41 In IS Retails System

    Existing system they are using business BUS1001006,Event Created for triggering workflow when you create article using transaction code MM41.
    I could see one more business object named ZBUS100106 for triggering workflow when you Create an article.
    I just want to debugg the workflow to add some additional validations to trigger workflow when i can create article using transaction code MM41.
    Let me know how to debugg the workflow.
    Thanks in Advance.

    ZBUS100106 is nothing but Custom Business Object of BUS100106 creating by extending BUS100106.
    You can debug Business Object code thru putting breakpoint in Code and executing the Business Object thru SWO1.
    For your requirement you could possibly use SWB_COND Tcode so as to limit workflow lanches.
    Refer [this|].

  • How to skip authorisation for infotype when using dynamic selection ?

    Hi folks,
    I have a problem here.
    When im using dynamic selection screen, i cannot skip authorisation for subtypes of an infotype. Eg. if my record for 0185 have records that do not have authorisation for the subtypes. Dynamic selection will filter away this record and will not get me into the Get Peras as id i use to run has authorisation configured. IT will skip out of Get Peras.
    However, if im not using dynamic selection screen, i will use the normal pnpce fields, i will be able to get the record, as i do my authorisation check using function module in the get peras, and i did not declare 0185 in the infotypes.
    May i know if there is any solution to this problem as dynamic selection screen is a standard...

    however i cannot skip authorisation for the whole pernr as i need the authorisations for the processing reports.
    Currently the case is like this..
    i have a authorisations for infotype 0185. i have 2 subtypes records such as ZA and ZB. the user does not have authorisation to read ZB but has authorisation to read ZA.
    However, when use dynamic selection, it will skip out the pernr.
    If the pernr 0185 records has only ZA subtype but no ZB subtype, it will not skip this pernr when using dynamic selection.
    Anymore idea how to overcome this?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Custom screen using BBP_CUF_BADI

    Hi, I am trying to call a custom screen using implementation of BADI, BBP_CUF_BADI. I have written the following code in the implementation of the PUT_DATA method. EV_REPID = 'Z_SCREEN'. EV_DYNNR = '8888'. The screen is not displayed. Also if you cou

  • Using CUPS to set page limits on Leopard with shared printers

    Hello all, I'm attempting to share a printer (HP LaserJet 5200) connected via USB with a lab of iMacs. All machines are running Leopard. The version of cups is 1.3.8. I have configured the printer on the "server" machine using the web interface. I ha

  • Folders on NAS/Fileserver disappear for some time in Finder

    Hi there, from time to time in Finder, being connected via afp to an external system, folders disappear for a while or until network drive is remounted. There is no data loss, one or also more folders just get invisible for a while... I could not fig

  • Tcode for copying and pasting cofiles and data.

    Hi,      i doing transport manually means going in se09 in qa and released and copied  and pasted the cofiles and data request numbers from qa to prod then i imported the request number. but is it possible for doing copying and pasting  cofiles and d

  • The solution

    Oracle Support had the solution. I had to add "&p_arg_names=_<column_name>_cond&p_arg_values=%3D" for every column in the URL. Frode