How to define the memory leak in stability test

Usually, we run our system with 70% CPU load for 72 hours for stability test (on solaris 10), because some plugin of our system is using mtmalloc, and we use prstat to monitor the memory of each plugin. But because of the complex memory usage of our application, we don't know when the application will use the Max memory, and because of the "mtmalloc", the memory showed by "prstat" will not released but continually increased.
So fro the test point of view, there is the risk of memory leak, but actually, there may be no memory leak, so my question is how to define the memory leak in such condition.

kevin wrote:
Thank you for the input and all the info.
isn't java heap the same as memory allocated to the java process in my weblogic
starup script ?The heap is sized by the -Xmx and -Xms parameters you pass on the java
command-line. The permanent generation is separate.
let me also download jprobe and try to run it and see what it gives me.
I'd start by running with -verbose:gc. I'd want to know whether you're
running out of heap or permgen space.
-- Rob
Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
Unfortunately memory leaks are not fun to track down even with tools.
I'd first suggest determining whether you're running out of space in
permanent area (where classes are loaded), or you've exhausted the java
help space.
I'd start by adding -verbose:gc. Look at the gc messages right before
you hit the OutOfMemoryError. If there's plenty of space left, I'd
suspect you're running out of perm space. Search these newsgroups and
the web for MaxPermSize, and you should see plenty of info.
If you're running out of java heap, tools like jprobe and OptimizeIt
helpful. If you can tell me a little more about your application and
how you're testing it, I can offer some more tips.
-- Rob
kevin wrote:
Iam new to JAVA and weblogic. I have an application that runs out ofmemory time
and again.
please let me know how to pin point this problem and moreover, howto interpret
or understand that there is a problem. I have downloaded JPROFILE tool,but it
is very confusing to understand what is goin on in this tool.
If somebody can let me know how to interpret and understand the memoryleak, that
will be great !!!
thank you.

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Thanks.<br /><br />Leaks!  7 leaks, 455252 bytes<br /><br />65036 bytes at: 7B22FF8<br />     4172627C     MemoryPool::GetNonPoolSizePeak cannot be found in any module!<br />     00EDC1CB     K2Internals::K2VectorBase<HolderPtr<IPMUnknown>,K2Allocator<HolderPtr <IPMUnknown> > >::fill_insert cannot be found in any module!<br />     01C9C74F     cannot find address in any module!<br />     01C96DEC     BIBGetVersion cannot be found in any module!<br />     01C96E60     BIBGetVersion cannot be found in any module!<br />     01C979E4     cannot find address in any module!<br />     0131F511     K2Internals::K2VectorBase<HolderPtr<IPMUnknown>,K2Allocator<HolderPtr <IPMUnknown> > >::fill_insert cannot be found in any module!<br />     0131F4C4     K2Internals::K2VectorBase<HolderPtr<IPMUnknown>,K2Allocator<HolderPtr <IPMUnknown> > >::fill_insert cannot be found in any module!<br />     00EDBC7E     K2Internals::K2VectorBase<HolderPtr<IPMUnknown>,K2Allocator<HolderPtr <IPMUnknown> > 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/>     7C817067     RegisterWaitForInputIdle cannot be found in any module!<br />65036 bytes at: 7B52AB8<br />     4172627C     MemoryPool::GetNonPoolSizePeak cannot be found in any module!<br />     00EDC1CB     K2Internals::K2VectorBase<HolderPtr<IPMUnknown>,K2Allocator<HolderPtr <IPMUnknown> > >::fill_insert cannot be found in any module!<br />     01C9C74F     cannot find address in any module!<br />     01C96DEC     BIBGetVersion cannot be found in any module!<br />     02331A7A     cannot find address in any module!<br />     0236E7CD     cannot find address in any module!<br />     43726F6C     cannot find address in any module!<br />65036 bytes at: 7C93D80<br />     4172627C     MemoryPool::GetNonPoolSizePeak cannot be found in any module!<br />     00EDC1CB     K2Internals::K2VectorBase<HolderPtr<IPMUnknown>,K2Allocator<HolderPtr <IPMUnknown> > >::fill_insert cannot be found in any module!<br />     01C9C74F     cannot find address in any module!<br />     02331F36     cannot 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in any module!<br />65036 bytes at: 20B68F88<br />     4172627C     MemoryPool::GetNonPoolSizePeak cannot be found in any module!<br />     00EDC1CB     K2Internals::K2VectorBase<HolderPtr<IPMUnknown>,K2Allocator<HolderPtr <IPMUnknown> > >::fill_insert cannot be found in any module!<br />     01C9C74F     cannot find address in any module!<br />     01CE1C14     cannot find address in any module!<br />     01D2F1A1     cannot find address in any module!<br />     01D6F789     CTGetVersion cannot be found in any module!<br />     07BFB464     cannot find address in any module!<br />     07BFB464     cannot find address in any module!<br />     07BFB464     cannot find address in any module!<br />     07BFB464     cannot find address in any module!<br />     07BFB464     cannot find address in any module!<br />     07BFB464     cannot find address in any module!<br />     07BFB464     cannot find address in any module!<br />     07BFB464     cannot find address in any module!<br 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    - java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=0 (Compiled frame; information may be imprecise)
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    sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.AssertionFailure: Only used on C2 x86
         at sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.Assert.that(
         at sun.jvm.hotspot.code.CodeBlob.getLinkOffset(
         at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.amd64.AMD64Frame.senderForCompiledFrame(
         at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.amd64.AMD64Frame.sender(
         at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.Frame.sender(
         at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.Frame.realSender(
         at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VFrame.sender(
         at sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VFrame.javaSender(

  • Whether our application caused the memory leak

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    Unfortunately there is no 'command' that will show you the location of a memory leak. First I would scrutinizing your code for any obvious 'leaks'. Then, you should obtain some statistics about the usage of your system. One important aspect is how long a HttpSession usually lives. If you have thousands of users that stay online the entire day and never 'time out', and if you have users on the system 24 hours a day, then the sheer number of HttpSessions might be a problem.
    JHeadstart 9.0.x tends to have rather 'heavy' session objects. This can easily be solved by adding some actions to clear up DataObjects and DataObjectSets of previous 'Groups' when entering a new Group. A good place would be between the 'DynamicActionRouter' and the 'ActionRouters'. Just before entering the 'EmployeeActionRouter', you could remove all DataObjects and DataObjectSets that might be left on the Session by actions of the other ActionRouters.
    Also it would be interesting to see if the garbage collector can do its thing when the system is less busy. For instance, if your application has a smaller load during the weekend, what is the memory usage on Sunday at midnight compared to, say, Friday at noon. Has the memory load dropped consistently with the decreased number of online users, or does too much memory stay allocated? If so, then there's more going on than just HttpSession objects.
    If all this does not lead to a solution, I suggest using a profiling tool such as OptimizeIt to investigate the memory usage of the application in detail.
    Kind regards,
    Peter Ebell
    JHeadstart Team

  • How to overcome the Memory leakage issue in crystal report 2008 SP2 setup.

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    The tool will be started once u201CTest_MemoryConsumption.Exeu201D executed. The u201CTest_MemoryConsumption.Exeu201D consumes u201C9768 KBu201D memory before load the crystal report object in memory. It means, 9768 KB is normal memory consumption for run the tool.
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    The memory consumption u201C34980 KBu201D will be continued till the end of the process. The memory consumption will be reduced to u201C34652 KBu201D from u201C34980 KBu201D once report load process completed. It means, u201C328 KBu201D memory only released from the memory consumption. Tool enables the Release command for the crystal report object. But crystal report object does not respond to the command and will not release his memory consumption.
    The memory consumption u201C34652 KBu201D will be stayed in the memory once job ends.  If i again initiate the crystal report object then it crystal report object start to consume the memory from 34652 KB.
    Database objects and crystal report objects are properly used in the tool. The object release commands properly  communicated to crystal report setup. But the u201CCrystal report service pack 2u201D setup unable to respond the commands which has enabled from .Net Tool.  Crystal report objects are properly initiated and disposed in the tool. But the crystal report unable to release from the server.
    The memory consumption will be reduced once the server restarted or kill the application.
    Crystal report 2008 and crystal report 2008 SP2 setup available in the server.
    Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 SP2, Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 SP2 and Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 are available in the server,
    Could you please suggesst how to avoid the memory consumption keep increasing and  how to release the memory consumption  once the crystal object disposed???

    Hi Don..
    My case is different one. I hope, the problem with Run time Installation setup file (Crystal report 2008 Serivce Pack2 installer) which we installed in the server.
    Let me explain with Live scenario which our client faced in crystal report 2008 Service pack2 Installer.
    Our client is using a application to help to print their reports. The application is developed with Windows service.
    Windows service keep on running in the server. Windows service executes the client 's crystal reports( Labels Report, Stock  report) which designed for clients need and the reports will be printed from printer. 
    10 Same type report (Label Report) will be printed in 1 minute. Reports are not printing during non business hours. But the windows service keep on running.  Memory cosumption of application will be 160 MB in business hours.
    For Example, On Monday the application memory consumption starts with 160 MB. The Memory consumption will be reached 165 MB  in peak business hours. Then the memory will be ended in163 MB in the End of Monday. It means, The memory consumption will be in 163 MB during the non business hours. Reports will not be printed in non business hours.
    On Tuesday, the application memory consumption starts with 163 MB and it will be reached 168 MB during the peak hours. The Memory consumption will be ended in 165 MB in the end of Tuesday.  The same process contiues till friday. End of friday, the memory consumption of the application will be ended with 170 MB.
    Application Memory Consumption slowly increasing in the server. In 5 days, Memory consumption reached Threshold value (170 MB) of the server. Application gets hanged up once the memory consumption reached 170 MB. We got the error messages as "Attempted to read write protected memory " / "Not Enough memory for process".  If we restart server / If we restart the service then memory consumption of application get reduced to 160 MB.
    From the above scenario, We came know that the either the problem with Application object or the problem crystal report object. In the application, We have checked dispose methods of application objects completly. I am sure that  application objects are properly disposed in the application. I hope the problem not with application objects. The problem with Crystal report objects.
    Application properly communicates the dispose methods to crystal report objects. Crystal report objects are not released from
    the memory.
    Crystal report 2008 Serive Pack 2 setup installed in the server. 
    As you said, If Crystal report runtime is not released from memory then memory consumption keep increase???  In service oriented architecture application, how to unload the crystal report runtime??
    Do you any fix for this kind of issue??
    Willl Crystal report 2008 service pack 3 help on this issue??

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    2006-11-13 00:00:00.0
    How to define the date format in control file for sqlldr. "yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss" or "yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.FF1" does not work

    SQL> desc t
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    TS                                                 TIMESTAMP(6)
    SQL> !cat t.ctl
    load data
    into table t
    (ts timestamp "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF1")
    SQL> !cat t.dat
    2006-11-13 00:00:00.0
    SQL> !sqlldr userid=scott/tiger control=t.ctl data=t.dat log=t.log
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Fri Sep 7 11:19:28 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Commit point reached - logical record count 1
    SQL> select * from t;
    13-NOV-06 AMBest regards

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    Pick a representative file.
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    Message was edited by:
    Frank Nimphius

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    Hi Ariel,
    Numbers 3 does not show margins in normal (edit) view. Some help with layout:
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    Print View workarounds
    Use a layout guide:
    Layout Guide for Numbers
    If you previously had Numbers 2.3 (Numbers '09) it now lives in a folder called iWork '09 inside your Applications folder. It works just as well as it used to, and has a proper Print View.

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    Hi ,
    Kindly follow the link , this will be helpful for your issue :

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    I dont know how to define the Market Sales Kefigure, in order to get the following result. Any hint is more than welcome.
    Prd_ID = Product ID
    PS  =  Product Sales
    M_ID = Market ID
    MS  = Market Sales
    MS%  = Market Share ( formula in BEX PS/MS)
    Products A00001 and A00002 compete in the same market. So the individual marketshares should be calculated against the market MRK1(200), e.g. 40/200 and 30/200.
    The totals now, of the A00001 and A00002 products(3040) should be compared against <b>the same market</b> MRK1(200),</b> and <b>not against</b> the MRK1MRK1(200+200).
    Vasso Siagri<b></b><b></b><b></b>

    thank you for your answer, but I am afraid this is not giving the desired results.
    What I want----
    >What am getting
    A00001;10;MRK1;100;10%  ---> 10;MRK1;200;5%
    A00002;20;MRK1;100;20%  ---> 20;MRK1;200;10%
    SBTOT;30;MRK1;100;30%   ---> 30;MRK1;200;15%
    B00001;40;MRK2;200;20%  ---> 40;MRK2;400;10%
    B00002;30;MRK2;200;15%  ---> 30;MRK2;400;7,5%
    SBTOT;70;MRK2;200;35%   ---> 70;MRK2;400;17,5%
    GTOTL;100;MRKX;300;33,3% ---> 1000;MRKX;600;16,7%
    Neither resticted KF restricted on Market ID is working for many markets; it is working only if you analyze one market id.
    Any idea? bw idea? What actually I need is aggregation of unique records in terms on market id.

  • How to get the memory address of an array (pointer in C)?

    I am writing an application that exchanges data with a PXI device via DMA.  Basically I will provide it a memory address and a direction, and it transfers the data.  I would like to give it the memory location of an array in LabVIEW, but I do not know how to get the memory location without doing a DLL call to C code that returns the pointer.  Is there an easy way to do this in LabVIEW?  Any help is much appreciated.

    A similar question was asked recently regarding strings. You cannot pass pointers in LabVIEW as you do in C. You can pass an array to a DLL, but that means you would need to write a wrapper DLL. Be sure to read the section in the LabVIEW Help on calling code from text-based languages and also take a look at the "Call DLL" example that ships with LabVIEW  - it contains many examples of how to deal with various datatypes.

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    Use iTunes on your computer to store items that you want to save but are not needed on the iPad. Learn to sync and also learn how to do file transfers. Delete unneeded items from the iPad.
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    This can be done in SAP Customization / SPRO
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    Also check :
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