How to edit Itunes music?

For my job as a dancer I buy Itunes music, and than I need to edit it. Before I did this in Quicktime Pro, and than exported it to an mp3 file. Somehow it's not possible anymore to do so. Help!

martafl wrote:
For my job as a dancer I buy Itunes music, and than I need to edit it. Before I did this in Quicktime Pro, and than exported it to an mp3 file. Somehow it's not possible anymore to do so
It is still possible.
What happens?

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    Maybe here:
    How to sync music to your iPod when your library is bigger than your iPod storage space
    Also, go to the Music pane for the iPod in iTunes and check the boxes so only the selected songs sync.
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    Princessofmusic wrote:
    Okay thanks but what about if I'm trying to do a music lyric video is that illegal or legal?
    Princess of Music,
    If you obtained the music from a CD or an online download store, then you may use it for personal non-commercial purposes.
    If you are using the music (or the movie that uses the music) for other purposes, you must obtain proper licensing.

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    Ok if you active library file is in the iTubes folder in c:\...My Music, you should have the location of your iTunes Music folder pointing at the folder with you music file on the EHD.
    Look in Edit>>Preferences>>Advanced>>General.
    (This just confirms things are as you say).
    First you need to be sure all your music files are in the iTunes Music folder that you are using on the EHD. Consolidate if they are not.
    I assume that the iTunes Music folder in c:\...My Music\iTunes will be empty if you moved all your files to the EHD.
    You need to install iTunes on your new computer, but don't add any new music.
    Copy the iTunes folder from your c: drive into a convenient place on your EHD.
    Now go to your new PC and, with iTunes closed, drag the iTunes folder out of Music to the desktop.
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    Vista file folder permissions help 2b571e9d1033.mspx ions-in-windows-vista/
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    Delete the empty iTunes Music folder in c:\...Music iTunes and replace it with the iTunes Music folder from the EHD. If this folder is not called iTunes Music, rename it. Also check the permissions are OK.
    With any luck you should now be able to start iTunes and have your library intact.

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    Sorry, I wasn't responding to you, just the original poster. I didn't look at the date on that posting and didn't realize that you'd added a post that wasn't quite the same problem. In future, you'll find you get better answers if you start your own thread. You're issue really is a bit more complicated.
    If iTunes currently recognizes all the music on both internal and the external drives, it should work. You have to make sure that both drives (old and new) are mounted. Make sure you have both "Keep iTunes music organized" (you probably already do) and "Copy files to iTunes..." (you probably don't) checked.
    If not all of the music is currently in your iTunes library, perform the procedure with the music that is a part of the library and add the other stuff afterwards.
    Best of luck.

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    Sorry, I wasn't responding to you, just the original poster. I didn't look at the date on that posting and didn't realize that you'd added a post that wasn't quite the same problem. In future, you'll find you get better answers if you start your own thread. You're issue really is a bit more complicated.
    If iTunes currently recognizes all the music on both internal and the external drives, it should work. You have to make sure that both drives (old and new) are mounted. Make sure you have both "Keep iTunes music organized" (you probably already do) and "Copy files to iTunes..." (you probably don't) checked.
    If not all of the music is currently in your iTunes library, perform the procedure with the music that is a part of the library and add the other stuff afterwards.
    Best of luck.

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    Before we can help you, you must tell us how you are backing up your data.

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    Hi Jim
    I've recently upgraded to a macbook Pro and I copied all data, profiles etc across from my old macbook. I have also created a second account in my mackbook Pro. I am able to play my iTunes music from the external HD in the 'old' account, but not in the 'new' account, despite trying what you've said above. On the external HD, there are two folders: iTunes music and iTunes media. I have tried selecting each of these, but both times, I get this message: "An iTunes library file could not be found in the folder "iTunes Media". Please choose a different folder." ... Please can you help?
    Many thanks in advance!

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    You need to convert the music into one of the formats supported by Elements:
    Here's an article showing how to convert unprotected music in iTunes to WAV - (methods 1 & 2 don't require the product they would like you to buy).
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    Try to use instructions for consolidating library from here, see if that helps. At some point I have noticed, especially with huge library it gets hard for itunes to keep information about different locations, unless you have external drive plugged permanently.

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    You can't.
    But if you have a Mac, you can make ringtones in GarageBand.

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    Yes there is, and Apple themselves tells you how.
    ( ps. Apple, - please let it be a choice the next time, in preference.. )
    Apples - support answer.
    - I have some steps for you to try that should take care of this issue. Please try these steps below:
    1. Quit iTunes.
    2. Open your iTunes folder (usually found in the Music folder in your Home folder).
    3. Double click the iTunes Music folder.
    4. Inside you should find a folder called Downloads.
    5. In this folder you will see a file "list.plist". Drag this file to your desktop.
    6. Restart iTunes and hopefully iTunes will not ask for your password.
    Please let me know if this works or not. Thank you for being an iTunes Store customer, and have a great day!
    *iTunes Store Customer Support*
      Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    John Hammer1 is partially right. There are three locations for startup items
    (In theory, the first should be reserved exclusively for items bundled with Mac OS X.)
    However, startup items have been deprecated since Tiger. Apple advises that only software which requires Panther compatibility should use them. The correct mechanism in Tiger and later is launchd. Therefore, if you don't find anything in the StartupItems folders, what you need to look for is a .plist file corresponding to your programme, which could be in
    (See "Creating Launch Daemons and Agents" in "Daemons and Services Programming Guide" in Apple's Developer library.)

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    Exactly as described in the tech note you were reading when you posted your question.

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