How to edit Oracle timekeeper group

I have created a timekeeper group named "First group". I have added one employee under this group.
After few months, I got one more employee working for me. Now I want to add this new (second) employee to the "First group". How can I do it?
I am not able to see any options on editing the group either in the oracle help or from menu's. If there is a way to do this, please guide me the steps.
Thanks for your responses.

in the form used to create the group, go to the block named "Person", press the new record icon (green cross) or ctrl-down, then enter the employee name.

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    user10428717 wrote:
    I am not sure if this is correct area where I am posting my problem, but disperate about the soultion and help.
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    Edited by: user10428717 on Mar 24, 2009 4:28 AM- This forum is fine. Though there is a more appropriate forum for portal related questions here: [Oracle Application Server Portal Forum|].
    - the method to restrict user's access of the top links like Navigator, Builder, etc is not what you described. you can restrict this access by using Access privileges for your users and groups on any such pages or portlets.
    However, I am not sure if you really wanted to block access to Home, Builder or Navigator page from such users. By default, Portal Builder page is visible to all public users (even those who are not logged in). And Navigator page is visible to those who can log in (AUTHENTICATED_USERS). That does not mean that they see all those powerful links or portlets too as a powerful user may see.
    - If you still want to do it, then do the following:
    For Builder page, click the Edit link. Go to Properties, and then Access tab. Here un-check the check-box for Display Page To Public Users.
    Similarly for Navigator, Edit the page, go to Properties/ Access. and see in the Grant Access section. Here revoke View privilege from the AUTHENTICATED_USERS group.

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    Are you referring to the Person List in the TimeKeeper group form ?
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    1. check connectivity to ALL nodes is OK, test ping, test ssh (should be passwordless) ,etc
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  • Here is How to Edit clips of the same loop, which were recorded on seperate tracks, in the same way

    Whiteout conditions here in the northeast, it's a Blizzard!
    Hopefully this helps someone because I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out.
    This is for people who want to precisely loop (or edit in other ways) multiple clips in the exact same way, but that are on seperate tracks playing concurrently in Multi-track view, so for instance looping 3 different tracks recorded simultaneously from a drum machine and keeping the same exact placement of each track relative to each other when trying to get the loop right (or any other type of edit)
    It's all about how you switch between Edit view and Multi-track view, and you CAN'T group your clips before going to edit view, although this is counter-intuitive.
    The basic jist is simple, "Selections" in the timeline, transfer from Multi-Track to Edit View and Back to Multi-Track...but you most follow a certain procedure, here is the procedure:
    In Multi-Track view:
    1) Switch the timeline to "Samples"
    2) Make a "Selection"  of the part you want to Loop and zoom all the way in to the start and end points to get the loop as precise as possible, if it's not perfect don't worry just get it as good as possible in Multi-track View, then in Edit View you can find the Zero-Crossing points.
    3) Make sure the clips you want to edit are NOT GROUPED AT THIS POINT
    Here is the part that got me - AFTER making your Selection in Multi-Track view - you have to go to Edit view in a certain way, so that you don't de-select your selection:
    WARNING: Do NOT Double-Click the clip/file you want to Edit!!!  Do not double left-click anywhere in MultiTrack View or you will de-select your selection.
    note: You have to edit the files one at a time in Edit View, but if you go there using the correct procedure, you can transfer your selection you made in Multi-Track view.
    4) Decide which clip is the hardest to one to loop (usually it's an instrument sample rather then a drum loop but you never know)
    5) Instead of double-clicking a clip to Edit it, HOLD CONTROL AND LEFT CLICK THE CLIP YOU WANT TO EDIT ONE TIME, this will select the clip without de-selecting your TIMELINE SELECTION.
    6) Now that the clip you want to edit is selected, You want to go to Edit View USING ONE ROUTE ONLY --> Simply click "Edit View"
    ^Make sure you Timeline selection is still in place and hasn't moved do to user error (e.g. accidentally clicking the timeline or shift-clicking and moving the selection by accident <--- which I do by accident when attempting to control+click)
    7) If you followed the instructions exactly, You are now in Edit View with the selected clip along with the timeline selection you selected in Multi-Track view, showing it's exact timeline location at the bottom which is relative to the Multi-Track view
    8) If you are having trouble looping without artifacts, To find the zero crossing points either go to edit > zero crossings or use shift+h or j for left edge, shift+K or L for right edge of the loop.
    9) if you must adjust it manually to fine tune then make sure you shift click the file as not to de-select the entire timeline selection.
    10) Once you have a perfect loop, zoom all the way in to the start and end points, and take note of exactly where the start and end points of the loop are located within the timeline.
    11) Go back to Multi-track view
    12  To trim the clips to to the exact timeline selection: Hold control+left_click each clip that needs adjusting one-time, then right click > group clips
    13) BEING CAREFUL NOT TO DESELECT YOUR TIMELINE SELECTION, select your grouped clips by HOLDING CONTROL and clicking on any of the clips
    14) Point to the start or end one of the clips, when you see the icon showing arrows going either way, right click and drag your clips to roughly match up with the timeline selection, then zoom in further and adjust the clip start and end points to match up exactly with the timeline selection start and endpoints.
    15) Verify that your loop is looping correctly, in some tricky instances you may have to find different zero crossing points on the initial file you edited in edit view by repeating the above procedure, but this is unusual, although it just happened to me.
    16) If everything went correctly, now all your clips on seperate tracks are looped in the exact same way, if you want to destructively edit each file down to it's loop size, you can keep your timeline selection and control+click a file then click "Edit" (the one in the toolbar of course), one by one destructively editing each file.
    17) to extend the loop either set as a loop under "loop properties" and then just drag each file the number of times you want it to loop, or do it my way and right click the clip > duplicate and set the number of times to duplicate and whether to have them back to back or spaced, this is the quickest method for me.
    Addendum: IF you have 2 files selected and click "Edit" to go to Edit view, it will give you the file of the clip you selected first, not 2nd. You must then go back to MT view, de-select the clip you selected first, then de-select the clip you want to edit, then RE-select the clip you want to edit.
    -Also, you don't HAVE to group the files as I did in step 12, you can drag the edges of the clips to the timeline selection one by one, I just find it easier to group them after you have set the loop on one of the files in Edit View.
    -Remember, you can't select the files one by one and have the timeline selection transfer to Edit View IF you group the files prior to going into Edit View.
    GOT ALL THAT?  I sure as hell don't know if I do ...
    All this could be easily avoided if Audition would simply let you edit multiple files simultaneously in Edit View relative to their position on the Multi-Track timeline.
    I'd also like to know why when you do a full zoom in, neither the selection or the clips will snap to the ruler points, only to just before and after the ruler points on the timeline.
    And also (and this may be my fault) I don't understand why when the tempo of my session is 89.8bpm, the timeline under the tracks says "90bpm" why does it round it off..?
    Isn't that inexact and couldn't that present problems with syncing loops?  idk I could be wrong I can't get my head around these issues because of lack of knowledge on the subject, if someone could shed some light that would be great.

    correction needs to be made to step #14, I typed:
    14) Point to the start or end one of the clips, when you see the icon showing arrows going either way, right click and drag your clips to roughly match up with the timeline selection, then zoom in further and adjust the clip start and end points to match up exactly with the timeline selection start and endpoints.
    Here is the correction, THE CORRECTED PARTS ARE CAPITALIZED:
    14) Point to the start or end OF one of the clips, when you see the icon showing arrows going either way, LEFT-CLICK and drag your clips to roughly match up with the timeline selection, then zoom in further and adjust the clip start and end points to match up exactly with the timeline selection's start and end points.
    Another Correction:
    Originally read:
    Addendum: IF you have 2 files selected and click "Edit" to go to Edit view, it will give you the file of the clip you selected first, not 2nd. You must then go back to MT view, de-select the clip you selected first, then de-select the clip you want to edit, then RE-select the clip you want to edit.
    Here is the the correction, CORRECTED PARTS ARE CAPITALIZED:
    Addendum: IF you have 2 files selected and click "Edit" to go to Edit view, it will give you the file of the clip you selected first, not 2nd. IF YOU WANT TO EDIT THE 2ND FILE YOU SELECTED IN MULTI-TRACK VIEW, You must go back to Multi-track view, de-select the clip you selected first, then de-select the clip you want to edit, then RE-select the clip you want to edit, THEN CLICK "EDIT" TO GO TO EDIT VIEW.

  • Welcome to the new Oracle User Group Community

    Welcome to the new Oracle User Group Community. Whether you landed here via the redirect from the previous community site - - or navigated here directly, welcome. This new platform brings new community features to enhance the way you connect with user group peers and with Oracle, as well as make it easier for you to find information through a more intuitive interface. We invite you to provide your feedback on the new site. Log in using your OTN Forum credentials and join the discussion here. If you do not yet have OTN Forum log in credentials, navigate to, click on the "Register" link in the upper right corner of the page and create your account.
    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Hi Kashif,
    Glad you like the new Community. Communication among user group leaders works a little differently on this site than on the previous site. Rather than having communication focus around e-mail distribution lists, communication now is focused within the site itself. The intent is that this will provide users the one place to come for information, rather than having to sort through lots of e-mail threads. That doesn't mean that e-mail is completely out of the picture though. Users can opt-in to receive e-mail notifications when an individual piece of content is changed, or when content is posted to a space. Look for the "Receive email notifications" link under "Actions" to start receiving notices. To stop receiving notices, go back to the same content/space and click "Stop email notifications".
    Your Relationship Manager will be talking with you and the other leaders in your region over the next few days and weeks regarding how you and your group of leaders want to communicate.
    Best regards,
    Oracle User Group Team

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    Assuming an agent is running on the servers you want to monitor,
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    When in the agent home page select 'Add Database'and press [Go]
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    When done, press [Ok] to return to the agent home page.

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    Edited by: user10439074 on Oct 30, 2008 4:03 AM

    Read the documentation (I have given following links assuming you are running a 32 bit architecture)
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    Client installations:
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    I understand that you want to hide list view group headers, based on your description, I can suggest as follow:
    Add this code to a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) in the list view. Adding a CEWP in a SharePoint 2010 list view will unfortunately remove the list view selector.
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    function HideHeaders()
    var elements = getElementsByClassName(document, "td", "ms-gb");
    var elem;
    for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
    elem = elements[i];
    elem.childNodes[3].style.display = "none";
    elements = getElementsByClassName(document, "td", "ms-gb2");
    for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
    elem = elements[i];
    elem.childNodes[3].style.display = "none";
    elements = getElementsByClassName(document, "tr", "ms-viewheadertr");
    for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
    elem = elements[i]; = "none";
    Written by Jonathan Snook,
    Add-ons by Robert Nyman,
    function getElementsByClassName(oElm, strTagName, strClassName){
    var arrElements = (strTagName == "*" && oElm.all)? oElm.all : oElm.getElementsByTagName(strTagName);
    var arrReturnElements = new Array();
    strClassName = strClassName.replace(/\-/g, "\\-");
    var oRegExp = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + strClassName + "(\\s|$)");
    var oElement;
    for(var i=0; i<arrElements.length; i++){
    oElement = arrElements[i];
    return (arrReturnElements)
    More information:
    If you have any questions, please reply me.
    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

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    Steps to begin from basic level.

    You mean to say you installed Workflow Builder on your laptop? See that Oracle Workflow has a Client Side (WF Builder), a backend Server side and middle application side.
    Assuming you successfully installed the client side then you must have a group of programs called Oracle OUIHome and there one called Application Development. There you should be able to find Workflow builder.
    Useful notes for WF Builder:
    How To Download and Install the Latest Oracle Workflow Builder (Client Tool) and XML Gateway Message Designer for E-Business (Doc ID 261028.1)
    which leads to <internal URL removed>

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    user8722581 wrote:
    Hi ,
    Given link is good and I can understand the architecture that it will be 3 tier--DB server-Application Server and Web Browser where Developer will access forms.
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