How to eliminate a colored path?

Hello, I am working with Photoshop and Illustrator.  I exported a path from Photoshop into Illustrator.  I then was trying to color the paths in for the letters.  However, when I tried to color in the A, I realized that I wanted the inner part of the 'A' to be tranparent, while the other parts are filled in.  So I can get the whole 'A' filled in, but can't figure out how to eliminate the color for the tranparent part.  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!

Look up Compound Path in online Help.

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    Thanks! This one actually worked for me. Thanks for your help.

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    X-Account-Key: account1
    X-UIDL: 065B31352CC6B3C0789DEA7954395B55
    X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
    X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
    Return-Path: <[email protected]>
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    If your problem is with Mozilla Thunderbird, see this forum for support.
    [] <br />
    or this one <br />

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    You are on the right track. There are multiple solutions but here are 2 that I use the most:
    1- Create a custom workspace with at least the content panel, folder panel, filter panel and preview panel. Enlarge the preview panel by placing the cursor on the border of the panel until you see a move icon to both sides.
    Here is one of my workspaces I use for this purpose:
    But you can create your own including custom background colors etc. For this method be sure to have selected the option to create HQ previews (default setting after install) and let it have a bit time to build all the previews properly.
    In this workspace you either select the files you want to view or just select the first. Then use the arrow keys to navigate through them. If like one use the shortcut (for Mac) Cmd + . (dot) to increase the rating with one star. Cmd + , (comma) decreases your rating with one star, when no star it goes to 'reject files'.
    After one round you can use the filter panel to select only the one star rating and go on with a second round if needed and even more, up to five stars. (their are other shortcuts to use, see under the menu 'label') but for me this is handy because all the keys are close to each other.
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    You can use the same keys (arrow for back and forward and cmd + . for star rating. After you rated one file in full screen the star rating section keeps visible.
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    which gives me
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    If you put your file under public_html folder, you can use this code to access the file:
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    - LSR

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    To get the path where your application has been installed you have to do the following:
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    then you do a litte:
    String path=
    That get you a string like:
    file:/C:/Program Files/Cool_program/what_ever.class
    Then you process the result a little to remove anything you don't want:
    //Might be a little error here but you should find out //quickly if it's the case
    And here you go, you have a nice
    C:/Program Files/Cool_program
    which is the path to your application.

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    Hi AkMat.
    Have you actually opened these files to see what they are yet? The few Apps I've downloaded (not from iTunes) typically come with a few files. The actual app, the instructions/help/TOU and sometimes an uninstall.
    Message was edited by: much wiser now

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