How to enable your phone after you forgot you password

I disabled my phone because I can't remember the password. I have completely forgotton. Help?!

You must restore your iPhone with iTunes - with iTunes on the computer used for syncing your iPhone.

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    Hi krazyinlove,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    The steps in this article can help with restoring your iPhone:
    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    Best Regards,

  • HT201413 Great article on how to reset your phone if you forgot your password

    I don't know why this article is buried, but I hope by mentioning forgot password that I am tagging the article for recognition.

    Locked Out, Forgot Lock or Restrictions Passcode, or Need to Restore Your Device: Several Alternative Solutions
    1. iOS- Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    2. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    3. Restoring iPod touch after forgotten passcode
    4. What to Do If You've Forgotten Your iPhone's Passcode
    5. iOS- Understanding passcodes
    6. iTunes 10 for Mac- Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    7. iOS - Unable to update or restore
    Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help
                iPad,iPod,iPod Touch Recovery Mode
    You will need to restore your device as New to remove a Restrictions passcode. Go through the normal process to restore your device, but when you see the options to restore as New or from a backup, be sure to choose New.
    You can restore from a backup if you have one from BEFORE you set the restrictions passcode.
    Also, see iTunes- Restoring iOS software.

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    Hello, bjayaraman. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    I would need some clarification on the exact issue to better assist you.  However, if your iPhone is disabled due to and incorrect passcode see the article below. 
    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    Jason H. 

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    Help ...
    Running 8.0 on 5S

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    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school enviroment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just cancelling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

  • How do I unlock my phone if I forgot the password?

    How do I unlock my phone if I forgot the password?

    Locked Out, Forgot Lock or Restrictions Passcode, or Need to Restore Your Device
    1. iOS- Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    2. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    3. Restoring iPod touch after forgotten passcode
    4. What to Do If You've Forgotten Your iPhone's Passcode
    5. iOS- Understanding passcodes
    6. iTunes 10 for Mac- Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help
    You will need to restore your device as New to remove a Restrictions passcode. Go through the normal process to restore your device, but when you see the options to restore as New or from a backup, be sure to choose New.
    Also, see iTunes- Restoring iOS software.

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    You have to restore the iPad in order to unlock it using these instructions.

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    You have to restore the iPad in order to unlock it using these instructions.

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    The iTunes Store has never officially been available from the Channel Islands, which though a crown dependency are not (as far as the record companies are concerned, and they are the driving force behind these restrictions) part of the UK. The terms of use for the iTunes Store say that access to the UK iTunes Store from outside its country isn't allowed and it's possible that Apple is now enforcing that by technical means.
    Sorry, but you're probably stuck at this point.

  • I know that iCloud backs-up apps and other stuff to your phone incase you want restore from a back-up if you start a New iPhone. My question is if I start a new iPhone (not use the restore from back-up option) and redownload apps like (games, Instagram),

    I know that iCloud backs-up apps and other stuff to your phone incase you want restore from a back-up if you start a New iPhone. My question is if I start a new iPhone (not use the restore from back-up option) and redownload apps like (Games, Instagram), would my pics show up on Instagram and would my Games show it was saved and the acccomplisments will remain from the last place I left out.

    Davin12 wrote:
    I know that iCloud backs-up apps and other stuff to your phone incase you want restore from a back-up if you start a New iPhone. My question is if I start a new iPhone (not use the restore from back-up option) and redownload apps like (Games, Instagram), would my pics show up on Instagram and would my Games show it was saved and the acccomplisments will remain from the last place I left out.
    Icloud or itunes backup, only backs up app data, not the app itself.
    so if you restore as new, then there is no app data on your phone, you start out new...

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    How can i unlock my phone if i forgot the password?

  • How to enable the screen after triggering the error message

    Hi All,
    we have a tcode IW31, in that one field(WBS element -PROID) is not mandatory. so we have written the following code to make it mandatory in a user exit EXIT_SAPLCOIH_010.It's triggering the error message, but it is going into disable mode. Please sugget me how to enable the screen after getting the error message triggering.
    if not caufvd_imp-proid is initial.
      select single * from t350 into wa_t350
              where  auart    = caufvd_imp-auart
                and  imord    = 'X'.
      if sy-subrc is initial.
        pspel = caufvd_imp-proid.
        call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ABPSP_OUTPUT'
                  input  = caufvd_imp-proid
                  output = l_posid.
        concatenate text-t10 l_posid text-t11
                    into l_textline1 separated by space.
        message i208(00) with l_textline1.
      message e208(00) with 'Please maintain WBS element in Location Tab'.

    Instead of error message use status message like
    message s208(00) with 'Please maintain WBS element in Location Tab'.
    Leave to screen sy-synnr.
    This will allow to move to the screen and have in enable mode.
    WIth Regards,
    Edited by: Dwarakanath Sankarayogi on Feb 13, 2009 7:46 AM

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