How to find an error?

Since Snow (or so) opening a toast.image with Toast 8, this calls DVD-Player (5.2, 5.2.0), the system hangs totally. Possibly iDvD 7/8 is involved.
What to do?
______ best regards, Karl

Sounds like Toast 8 is not compatible with Snow Leopard. Since Toast is up to 10 by now, I suspect that the solution is to upgrade... but you'd really need to contact [Roxio|] about that.
Thomas Reed

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    ok, so it showed me a few things... THANKS, but none of which were exactly a problem:
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    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE    Production
    TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
      empno  NUMBER(4),
    ename VARCHAR2(15),
    job  VARCHAR2(10),
    deptno NUMBER(2)
       v_empno    NUMBER (4);
       v_ename    VARCHAR2 (15);
       v_job      VARCHAR2 (10);
       v_deptno   NUMBER (2);
       INSERT INTO temp_emp
                   (empno, ename, job, deptno
            VALUES (1234, 'ABC', 'CLERK', 1000
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   SQLCODE
                                || DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace
                                || SQLERRM
    /finally I want column name in the error message .
    P Prakash

    Oracle does not provide the column information in the error message and I don't know of any way to do so outside of developing something convoluted. For example:
      2     te_row temp_emp%ROWTYPE;
      3  BEGIN
      5     te_row.empno  := 1234;
      6     te_row.ename  := 'ABC';
      7     te_row.job    := 'CLERK';
      8     te_row.deptno := 1000;
    10     INSERT INTO temp_emp
    11          VALUES te_row;
    12  END;
    13  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: number precision too large
    ORA-06512: at line 8Also, that EXCEPTION block has a bug in it (no RAISE or RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR).
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    Thanks & Regards,

    Do you know how the data to be inserted is queried in the pocedure? Is there a cursor or an '' statement?
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    Transaction ST11:
    TRACE SOAP RUNTIME - trace records                                                                               
    E CONTEXT 20090518061404.5255720 : CL_SOAP_CONTEXT ->SET_FAULT   
    SOAP runtime fault handling                                                                               
    E SOAP_RUNTIME 20090518061404.5256990 : CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_CLIENT   
    ->EXEC_PROCESSING Exception handling in SOAP runtime                                                                               
    E CONTEXT 20090518061404.5255620 : CL_SOAP_CONTEXT ->SET_FAULT set
    fault loop detected                                                                               
    E SOAP_RUNTIME 20090518061404.5256920 : CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_CLIENT                                   
    Transaction SM21:
    SOAP Runtime Protocol: SOAP Fault exception occurred in program CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_ROOT==========CP in include CL_SOAP_RU NTIME_ROOT==========CM004 at position 80
    SOAP Runtime Protocol: Exception message: Severe processing error; SOAP fault handling required
    How can I find what's wrong????
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    Any ideas?

    Hello Mr. Bauer,
    Will you please elaborate on your solution to fix this issue?
    We are facing this issue too.
    Thanks in advance.

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    Thanks for any help.
    Go to Solution.

    Checking expressions at edit time to make sure that they will evaluate correctly at run time is a tricky process.  For instance, what if you are dynamically creating an array at run time, and then iterating through that array.  Unless you give that array good default values (which may be difficult if it is an array of custom types), your expressions will not be correct at edit time, and could be flagged as errors.
    However, this is a request that we have heard quite a bit, and NI is investigating ways to allow customers to validate their expressions before running a sequence.
    In the meantime, one of the TestStand developers created a tool that does what Doug was describing: iterates through every property object in a file and if it is an expression, tries to evaluate it.  This tool is written as a sequence file in TestStand 4.1.  Please note that since it uses recursion to iterate through each property object, and since recursion with sequences can be rather slow, the performance of this tool may be improved by duplicating its functionality with a code module (rather than sequence steps).
    Message Edited by Josh W. on 03-30-2009 02:20 PM
    Josh W.
    Certified TestStand Architect
    Formerly blue
    CheckExpressions41.seq ‏13 KB

  • SAP Error code- How to find possible errors

    Please advise is there any way to identify the possible errors in data or in config using error codes displayed by the sap system. Any such procedure to trace the possible mistakes. please guide me.

    dear friend,
    one of the approaches as follows ( technical , not functional): on your error screen goto System-Status, double click on Program (screen)
    and in this ABAP editor you could try to find out the place with that particular error code/number.
    then to analyse the code (why this message is called).
    to use this method you need to be able understand abap.
    just in case, all messages exist in standard table T100, so you can search there by text error or message number.
    from functional point of view you could try to find out the place in config (spro) where you can customize that particular message , say , error, or warning, or just skip. But this doesn't work always! Some of system messages are not configurable.
    depends on module and etc..
    good luck!

  • How to find the error table

    If an error occured in the program while running, in which table  this error  is stored and how to get the message no.

    Doubleclick the error message and you get the message id and message number, then use transaction SE91 (or look in table T100T).

  • How to find this error?

    for example:
    $connection = oci_connect("apps", "apps","prod");
    $query = "select u.user_id id,u.user_name name
    from fnd_user u";
    $statement = oci_parse ($connection, $query);
    oci_execute ($statement);
    while ($row = oci_fetch_array ($statement, OCI_BOTH)) {
    echo $row[0]." and ".$row['ID']." is the same<br>";
    echo $row[1]." and ".$row['NAME']." is the same<br>";
    when I run above example :
    occur below error:
    szAppName : Apache.exe szAppVer : szModName : OraClient8.Dll
    szModVer : offset : 00049eee

    This may help you...

  • How to find trace file error in form

    hai all,
    i have big problem in my form in apps i open the form one error is ocuured,
    i got the trace file and check the error,
    PARSE ERROR #82:len=2903 dep=0 uid=173 oct=3 lid=173 tim=4265689973879 err=904 this is the trace file error meassage,
    how to find this error in form and also this is occured one select statement,how to find this select statement where can be used in form,
    i have one button ,when ever i press the button this error is ocuured,i check this button pl/sql procedure code but in this code not using that sql statement,
    if any one know to find the sql statement through trace file.
    plz give the replay as soon as possible.

    The newest SQL Developer can converts the trace to readable format too, I'm not shure if you see the sql statement related to the error then.
    It seems you get ORA-00904 which says you use an invalid coumn in a dml statement.
    Normally such error should pop up in message - do you overwrite the message handling or use exception handling in you form which block this message?
    Easiest way to find this is to compile the form against the target database.
    If this does not give an error, you should check, if you use dynamic sql statements which are wrong.
    If you call database routines from your form, than this could be the errro cause too.

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    Ganges Leaves

    do you see anything in the AFW message monitoring
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

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