How to generate an automatic index of a longer text in pages?

I write my master and need help with the generation of an index with pages.

There is no tool to generate an index in Pages '08 or '09 !
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 26 juin 2011 21:33:43
iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8
Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

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    The link I posted redirect to the 5th post of this conversion where David Allan give some links towards his blog.
    Here is a copy of his message:
    David Allan wrote:
    Interface accelerator;
    Groovy version - Getting Groovy with ODI
    Extending the interface accelerator example (auto mapping extensions);
    More interface accelerator options around auto mapping;
    Interface Builder (explicit interface definition driven from a file);

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    I've been poking around a bit more. Here's the deal.
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    Hope that helps. Please post back if you find otherwise.
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    the tabs were move to above the navigation bar, where the menu bar was. They hardly look like tabs there, but you may have turned off the tabs bars. View (Alt>V) > Toolbars > Tabs Bar
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    <p>There is a lot more beyond those first 10 steps listed, if you want to make Firefox more functional.</p>
    <p><small>Please mark "Solved" one answer that will best help others with a similar problem -- hope this was it.</small></p>

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    Hit Ctrl+0 (That's a zero, by the way). I'm not sure if it will work, but hey, that's the first thing I would try.

  • How to find the exact word in a long text?

    I have long text containing the system status of the equipment.
    I need to find the exact word from the list of the statuses. I have tried to use the FIND keyword but it does not work for all the cases.
              FIND 'REL' IN <status_list> IGNORING CASE.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
              " do something
    If the status list contains the word 'RELR', the sy-subrc is set to 0 (which may be because it searches the list based on a pattern) but I want to get the exact match.
    Can anybody suggest me on this.

    siemens.a.k wrote:
    > Dear Kiran, Vasuki,
    > The data type of status list is char with length 40.
    > The status list:
    > Case 1: list -  REL  MANC NMAT PRC  SETC
    > FIND 'REL ' IN <status_list> IGNORING CASE
    > the sy-subrc is set to 0
    > Case2: list - CRTD MSCP NMAT PRC  RELR SETC
    > FIND 'REL ' IN <status_list> IGNORING CASE
    > the sy-subrc is still set to 0 even though the list does not contain the word 'REL'
    > I have also tried using
    > if <status_list> CS 'REL'
    > and
    > if <status_list> CS 'REL '
    > Please do let me know if I am anyway unclear about issue...:)
    > Regards
    > s@k
    This is becacuse when you check
    > Case2: list - CRTD MSCP NMAT PRC  RELR SETC
    It is having RELR so that is the reason you are getting subrc = 0.
    >Ok try CS it should work perfectly.
    It seems... CS also not the correct answer
    (It will count RELR)  below thread sachin is correct ...Do that way ....
    Edited by: saslove sap on Jan 25, 2010 6:58 AM

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    While running the page all 240 characters are appearing for these two fields and we are forced to scroll the page horizontally.
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    Is there any way we can wrap the data in next lines so that we need not scroll?
    Please help.

    You may want to play around with the "Visual length" of other fields if you have them. Maybe by shortening other fields, you can prevent having to scroll for your 240 character length field.

Maybe you are looking for