How to get a selector to react to a changing cell value?

I am trying to overcome the apparent problem of unidirectional selectors in  Xcelsius.  They only input data into a cell but cannot respond to changing data in the cell.
My Xcelsius model is a collection of different screens that display groups of indicators and metrics, fairly standard. 
I currently have two different navigation mechanisms:
(1) An accordion menu that is always visible on the left-hand side and
(2) an executive summary screen that shows an overview of all the metrics and allows the user to click and drill-down to metric-specific screens.
Both of these navigation methods drive visibility by inputing to one main control cell in my Excel model. 
Example: The user selects metric #2 from the executive summary menu, it inserts a "2" in the control cell; then the user selects metric #3 from the accordion menu, and it inserts "3" into the control cell.
The problem is that it seems that all the selector components are <b>unidirectional</b>.  They can only pass data <i>to</i> the spreadsheet, but do not react if that data is changed by another component.  If you go back to my above example, if the user went back to the executive summary, they would see #2 selected and if they tried to click #2, they would not be able to because the list box component does not realize that my accordion menu has changed the selection to #3.
Is there any way to fix this?  I want my UI component to change its displayed selection if another component changes the control cell.<!break>

No problem, glad I could help!
1. Although there are no plans to implement the feature for additional components at this time, it may be included in a future release.
2. Xcelsius components always have a selection made. Either the default selection when the SWF is ran or the value selected by the user. You may be able to work around this using Dynamic Visibility. Or, depending on your application, you can include a blank in your selector range and have that as the default. If the blank is at the end of your selector range, you would not be able to use the Ignore End Blanks feature (which you probably need to use for the dynamic selected item) so it would be necessary to insert it at the beginning of the range.

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    OK !
    Use that maybe good :
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    Hey Param,
    You can use the PeripheralCallType in the TCD table to find dialer calls. Look for calls with:
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    One way with 10g:
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    Charles Williams8 wrote:
    I use a microSD to play mp3s on my LG chocolate (I know... i'll get an iPhone one day!).
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    Hi Charles,
    Do you have an external card reader that accepts microSD media? It might be possible to delete the files this way. They are dirt cheap nowadays - SanDisk makes a 12-in-1 card reader for about $30.
    Just curious - the Chocolate doesn't offer a "Delete" function in its media reader? (I have Verizon myself as well, but that phone never interested me...)
    The "._" files are the resource forks that OS X uses to store additional data, as in a custom icon, for example.
    It's part of how OS X manages files - files have data forks (the actual file) and resource forks (additional data). Assuming that the file has an applicable Windows application to read the file, PCs (in your case, the Chocolate) read the data fork just fine.
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    1-2                   TRALTEST43S1     1            3
    1-2                   TRALTEST43S1     2            3
    3                     TRALTEST43S1     3            3
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    , LEVEL AS n
    , m
        , SLOT
        , (dulo - una) + 1 AS m
          , SLOT
          , CASE WHEN INSTR(wipdatavalue, '-') = 0 THEN wipdatavalue ELSE SUBSTR(wipdatavalue, 1, INSTR(wipdatavalue, '-')-1) END AS una
          , CASE WHEN INSTR(wipdatavalue, '-') = 0 THEN wipdatavalue ELSE SUBSTR(wipdatavalue, INSTR(wipdatavalue, '-') + 1) END AS dulo
        FROM trprinting
        WHERE (containername = :lotID OR SLOT= :lotID) AND WIPDATAVALUE LIKE :wip
    ORDER BY wipdatavalue;And that it results to something like this:
    WIPDATAVALUE          SLOT             N            M
    1-2                   TRALTEST43S1     1            2
    1-2                   TRALTEST43S1     2            2
    3                     TRALTEST43S1     1            1
    4-6                   TRALTEST43S2     1            3
    4-6                   TRALTEST43S2     2            3
    4-6                   TRALTEST43S2     3            3
    7                     TRALTEST43S2     1            1-----
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    I know you guys will be helping out because you are all awesome. Thanks everyone
    Edited by: 1001275 on Apr 19, 2013 8:07 PM
    Edited by: 1001275 on Apr 19, 2013 8:18 PM

    Sorry, it's still not clear what you want.
    Are you saying that, given this table:
    CREATE TABLE trprinting
      WIPDATAVALUE       VARCHAR2(255)
    , SLOT               VARCHAR2(255)
    INSERT INTO trprinting (wipdatavalue, slot) VALUES ('1-2',  'TRALTEST43S1');
    INSERT INTO trprinting (wipdatavalue, slot) VALUES ('3',    'TRALTEST43S1');
    INSERT INTO trprinting (wipdatavalue, slot) VALUES ('4-6',  'TRALTEST43S2');
    INSERT INTO trprinting (wipdatavalue, slot) VALUES ('7',    'TRALTEST43S2');you want to produce this output:
    WIPDATAVALUE SLOT                     N          M
    1-2          TRALTEST43S1             1          3
    1-2          TRALTEST43S1             2          3
    3            TRALTEST43S1             3          3
    4-6          TRALTEST43S2             1          4
    4-6          TRALTEST43S2             2          4
    4-6          TRALTEST43S2             3          4
    7            TRALTEST43S2             4          4? If so, here's one way:
    WITH     got_numbers     AS
         SELECT     wipdatavalue
         ,     slot
         ,     TO_NUMBER ( SUBSTR ( wipdatavalue
                               , 1
                           , INSTR ( wipdatavalue || '-'
                                ) - 1
                     )          AS low_number
         ,     TO_NUMBER ( SUBSTR ( wipdatavalue
                               , 1 + INSTR ( wipdatavalue
                     )          AS high_number
         FROM     trprinting
    SELECT       wipdatavalue
    ,       slot
    ,       ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  slot
                                 ORDER BY          low_number
                        )                    AS n
    ,       COUNT (*)     OVER ( PARTITION BY  slot )     AS m
    FROM       got_numbers
    CONNECT BY     LEVEL               <= high_number + 1 - low_number
         AND     low_number          = PRIOR low_number
         AND     PRIOR SYS_GUID ()      IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY  low_number
    ,            n
    ;Much of the complexity here is caused by storing 2 numbers in 1 VARCHAR2 column, wipdatavalue. Relational databases work best when there is no more than 1 item in any given column of any given row. This is so basic to datbase design that it is called First Normal Form. Also, numbers belong in NUMBER columns, not VARCHAR2. If you stored your data like that in the fist place, then you wouldn't need the sub-query I called got_numbers, which is about 60% of the code above. (That could be reduced by replacing SUSTR and INSTR with the less efficient REGEGP_SUBSTR.)

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    Hi There,
    In your case, nobody has changed the settings in process chains. However, it appears that someone has changed the Processing mode in the Info package. Since now the infopackage has already run after the change was made, I don't think there is any way to find who has changed the setting in the infopackage.
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    Hemant Khemani

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    Thank you
    Best regards

    pass the input parameter in IS_CHARVALUE in the field SEL_ATTR as the attribute name.
    Output will be displayed in the table ET_PARTNER_VALUES as partner guid's

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    with values
    row 1 : '100'
    row 2 : '101 dalmatiens'
    row 3 : '102'
    row 4 : 'anything'
    i want to get only the rows 1 and 3 which are pure integer so i can sort and compare them like number.

    SQL> with rt as   
      2  (select '100' str from dual union all 
      3  select '101 dalmatiens' from dual union all 
      4  select '102' from dual union all
      5  select '103 #$&''() 456' from dual union all
      6  select 'anything' from dual)
      7  /* End of sample data (rt) */
      8  select str
      9         ,trim(translate(str,'1234567890'||str,'1234567890')) num
    10  from rt
    11  where trim(translate(str,'1234567890'||str,'1234567890')) is not null;
    STR            NUM
    100            100
    101 dalmatiens 101
    102            102
    103 #$&'() 456 103456
    -- Oooooops, I misread and now have corrected it
    SQL> with rt as   
      2  (select '100' str from dual union all 
      3  select '101 dalmatiens' from dual union all 
      4  select '102' from dual union all
      5  select '103 #$&''() 456' from dual union all
      6  select 'anything' from dual)
      7  /* End of sample data (rt) */
      8  select str
      9         ,trim(translate(str,'1234567890'||str,'1234567890')) num
    10  from rt
    11  where trim(translate(str,'1234567890'||str,'1234567890')) = str;
    STR            NUM
    100            100
    102            102Message was edited by:

  • How to get all rows/cols in pivot even if fact values are not available

    If I have a a result set and then pivot on it then only the side/top labels appear for items with fact values. Is there any way to achieve the following :
    Result Set gives the following pivot table
    Area1 Area3
    country 1 100 10
    country 3 200 20
    If there any way to ensure that pivot shows all row and column values and then fills in 0 for the missing facts ?
    Area1 Area2 Area3
    Country1 100 0 10
    Country2 0 0 0
    Country3 200 0 20
    hope this makes sense. Basically I have a static format Excel report that the information is exported to and sometimes at the beginning of the month the daily report does not show all rows.

    outer join your dimensions to the facts so that all the dimensions are there

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    Yes, the best way would be to set your 'Amount' value into the 'Export Value' for each item in the combobox. Then, you can set the calculation for your text field to the following (Be sure to change "ComboBox1" to the name of your combobox):
    var f = this.getField("ComboBox1");
        var a = f.currentValueIndices;
        var s
        if (typeof a == "number") {// a single selection
            s = (f.value);       
    event.value =  s

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