How to handle Pension data

I wonder could I get some advise on the best way to handle the following task, bulk import pension data from a legacy system into the HRMS module,
Which tables hold pension information and need to be updated and which form/reports can be used to view the pension info

The module is implemented in Ireland, and its just pensions I need to include, payroll was done previously, those this help, thanks for any feedback

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    Can you be more clear ?
    Usually you load the header data one and then loop at the item data and then load the item data.
    This example should help you.
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    This is too large a topic to discuss in depth here. Here is a link to a tutorial on times and dates, and a search link that references many documents on the subject.
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    Hi Anant,
    This is because the legacy SAP adapter accepted RFC messages with date field empty. In the new version, the same call results in an error. WCF-SAP adapter doesn't allow blank XML nodes.
    You need to use the below custom pipeline component as a workaround.
    Pipeline component for enabling legacy behavior in WCF-SAP adapter.
    Please mark as answer or vote as helpful if my reply does

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    There are a number of different exceptions you can get with dates.
    SELECT To_Date('10132007','DDMMYYYY') FROM dual;
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    String StatusUpdateDate = row.getAttribute("StatusUpdateDate");
    Error(121,50): incompatible types; found: java.lang.Object, required: java.lang.String
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    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Pratap, Thanks for your help
    it was my mistake that previously property it was varchar2, now i have changed as you suggested every thing. still i am getting error. this is my code-
    AM CODE-
    public void xxselection(String Name, String Email,String Product,String Region, DATE StatusUpdateDate)
    DetailVOImpl vo1=getDetailVO1();
    Row detailRow = vo1.createRow();
    detailRow.setAttribute("Name", Name);
    detailRow.setAttribute("Email", Email);
    detailRow.setAttribute("Product", Product);
    detailRow.setAttribute("Region", Region);
    detailRow.setAttribute("StatusUpdateDate", StatusUpdateDate);
    Controller- Process Form Request- Source page
    if (pageContext.getParameter("Detail")!= null)
    String Name=row.getAttribute("Name").toString();
    String Email=row.getAttribute("Email").toString();
    String Product=row.getAttribute("Product").toString();
    String Region=row.getAttribute("Region").toString();
    DATE StatusUpdateDate =(DATE)row.getAttribute("StatusUpdateDate");
    HashMap params =new HashMap();
    params.put(" Name", Name);
    pageContext.putTransactionTransientValue("StatusUpdateDate",StatusUpdateDate); //As you suggested
    true, // retain AM
    another page Controller-Process request-Destination page-
    String Name = pageContext.getParameter("Name");
    String Email = pageContext.getParameter(" Email");
    String Product = pageContext.getParameter("Product");
    String Region = pageContext.getParameter("Region");
    DATE StatusUpdateDate=(DATE)pageContext.getTransactionTransientValue("StatusUpdateDate");
    Timestamp tstmpStatusDate=StatusUpdateDate.timestampValue();
    Serializable[] parameters1 = {Name,Email,Product,Region,tstmpStatusDate};
    am.invokeMethod("xxselection", parameters1);
    Error - getting at while running the application page to page
    No method with signature - No method with signature - xxselection(class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String)
    every thing is getting passed except DATE Attribute, please check the code and update me
    Thanks in Advace-

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    What version of ODM are you using.
    If you are using ODM 10.1, you have the option of either using the java api or the pl/sql api. Each api has a different approach for handling txn data.
    The java api will accept only a single txn format table (case id, name, value). This table can contain a mixture of data that are not of the same metric. You could have quanities, counts, categoricals etc.
    The plsql api has a custom object type for nested numericals or nested categoricals that you use to create a nested table as a column. You can create multiple columns as nested tables in your input table for model build.
    As to data format, that issue is also api dependent. In java,you can specify the mining type in the mining function setting. In pl/sql, the mining type is based on the data type, so data type is very important.
    Thanks, Mark

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    Regards ,
    Kalpana .

    Hi ,
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    you can define byte[] in golobal area, at the end of iview. 
    //@@begin others
    byte b1[];
                      IWDResource r;
           byte b[];
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    Check this Blog for Huge File Processing:
    Night Mare-Processing huge files in SAP XI
    However, you can take a look also to this Blog, about High Volume Messages:
    Step-by-Step Guide in Processing High-Volume Messages Using PI 7.1's Message Packaging
    PI Performance Tuning Best Practice:

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    The expression bpmn:getDataOutput('wm91AInterfaceMainCollection')/ns:Wm91AInterfaceMain[1]/ns:board is empty. An attempt to read or copy data referenced or computed by the XPath expression either had invalid data, according to the XML schema, or did not contain certain optional data. Ensure that the variable or expression result named in the error message is not empty. Enable XML schema validation of related data elements to ensure the run-time data is valid.
    I must be missing something obvious here, but cannot find a way to handle this.  Thanks in advance!

    Dan - Never mind about my request for an example.  I figured it out.  My problem was that the destination variable was a primitive process variable of type Integer, thus not allowing the creation of an XSLT.  Once I created a Complex process data object containing that Integer, I could create an XSLT with an If statement.  Thanks again.

  • How to handle blank dates

    In my cfform, the user can select a starting and ending date
    to search, a text field to search, or both the dates and text field
    to search. Here is what I have :
    <td align="center" colspan="2">
    <font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
    <b>From Date:</b></font>
    <input type="text" size=11 name="fromDate_value"
    <img src="calendar.gif" width="25" height="25" border="0"
    alt="Click here to Date Stamp"></a>
    <font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
    <b>To Date:</b></font>
    <input type="text" size=11 name="toDate_value"
    <img src="calendar.gif" width="25" height="25" border="0"
    alt="Click here to Date Stamp"></a>
    <td colspan="2"> 
    <td colspan="2" align="center">
    <img height="3" src="../images/rule_navyH4W760Solid.gif"
    width="759" border="0">
    <td colspan="2"> 
    <td align="center" colspan="2">
    <font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
    <b>Pick Request
    Number: </b></font>
    <select name="search_type">
    <option value="Contains">Contains</option>
    <option value="Begins With">Begins With</option>
    <option value="Ends With">Ends With</option>
    <option value="Is">Is</option>
    <option value="Is Not">Is Not</option>
    <option value="Before">Before</option>
    <option value="After">After</option>
    <input type="text" name="prNumber" required="yes"
    message="Request Number Must Be Entered for Search">
    In my action page, I build the query based on the search
    criteria. Here is what I have so far :
    <cfquery name="getPRNum" datasource="docuTrack">
    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.psFileInventory
    <cfif form.search_type is "Contains" and form.prNumber is
    not "">
    Where dbo.psFileInventory.prNumber like '%#form.prNumber#%'
    <cfelseif form.search_type is "Begins With" and
    form.prNumber is not "">
    Where dbo.psFileInventory.prNumber like '#form.prNumber#%'
    <cfelseif form.search_type is "Ends With" and
    form.prNumber is not "">
    Where dbo.psFileInventory.prNumber like '%#form.prNumber#'
    <cfelseif form.search_type is "Is" and form.prNumber is
    not "">
    Where dbo.psFileInventory.prNumber = '#form.prNumber#'
    <cfelseif form.search_type is "Is Not" and form.prNumber
    is not "">
    Where dbo.psFileInventory.prNumber <>
    <cfelseif form.search_type is "Before" and form.prNumber
    is not "">
    Where dbo.psFileInventory.prNumber <= '#form.prNumber#'
    <cfelseif form.search_type is "After" and form.prNumber
    is not "">
    Where dbo.psFileInventory.prNumber >= '#form.prNumber#'
    <cfif form.fromDate_value is not " " and form.prNumber is
    not " ">
    And fileDate between #CreateODBCDate(form.fromDate_value)#
    and #CreateODBCDate(form.toDate_value)#
    <cfelseif form.fromDate_value is not " " and
    form.prNumber is " ">
    Where fileDate between #CreateODBCDate(form.fromDate_value)#
    and #CreateODBCDate(form.toDate_value)#
    order by prNumber
    I basically see to see what was select so that I can use the
    like, not like, etc..Then I check to see if there is a date value
    so that I can know whether to use AND in the select statement.
    If both the field and dates are selected, then it would be
    select where xxxx and date.......
    If the field is selected only, then it would be select where
    If the date is selected only, then it would be select where
    date xxxxxx
    The problem is when I check for date is " " in the cfif
    statement, keep getting error about null values. So I check for
    date is null or date is not null, but that still does not work. It
    works find when I check for both the field and date as not " ",
    then I can use AND, but when I try to check for any other
    combinataion, I get the NULL error.
    How can I fix this ?

    trojnfn wrote:
    > Thanks for the reply.
    > Does this function work like isDefined ?
    > To check for the existence of a date so that I can build
    my query, I would
    > have :
    > <cfif isDate(start_date) and field is not " ">
    > And date between .xxxxxx
    > <cfelse>
    > <cfif isDate(start_date) and field is " ">
    > where date between xxxxx
    > </cfquery>
    > Is this how it works ?
    now that's a bit of convoluted logic there...
    how about:
    <cfif isdate(yourdate)>
    <cfif yourfield is " ">
    you can add a <cfelse> in the outer cfif if you need to
    have a separate
    condition for yourdate NTO being a date
    another thing i noticed: what's up with " "? i mean, why a
    space between
    the quotes? you know that a blank form field does NOT have a
    space as
    value, right? so if you are checking that a user has entered
    in a field or not, and you are using <cfif somefiled is "
    ">, if a user
    did not fill in that field your cfif will return FALSE; if
    you used
    <cfif somefield is ""> it would have returned TRUE.
    i suggest instead of checking for a blank value of a filed,
    check the
    length of that value instead: <cfif len(trim(somefield))
    is 0>
    Azadi Saryev

  • How to handle Multiple date formats for the same date field in SQL*Loader

    Dear All,
    I got a requirement where I need to get data from a text file and insert the same into oracle table.
    I am using SQL*Loader to populate the data from the text file into my table.
    The file has one field where I am expecting date date data in multiple formats, like dd/mon/yyyy, yyyy/dd/mon, yyyy/mon/dd, ,mm/dd/yyyy, mon/dd/yyyy.
    While using SQL*Loader, I can see Loading is failing for records where we have formats like yyyy/dd/mon, yyyy/mon/dd, mon/dd/yyyy.
    Is there any way in SQL*Loader where we can mention all these date formats so that this date data should go smoothly into the underlying date column in the table.
    Appreciate your response on this.
    Madhu K.

    The point being made was, are you sure that you can uniquely identify a date format from the value you receieve? Are you sure that the data stored is only of a particular limited set of formats?
    e.g. if you had a value of '07/08/03' how do you know what format that is?
    It could be...
    7th August 2003 (thus assuming it's DD/MM/RR format)
    8th July 2003 (thus assuming it's MM/DD/RR format)
    3rd August 2007 (thus assuming it's RR/MM/DD format)
    8th March 2007 (thus assuming it's RR/DD/MM format)
    or even more obscurely...
    3rd July 2008 (MM/RR/DD)
    7th March 2008 (DD/RR/MM)
    Do you have any information to tell you what formats are valid that would allow you to be specific and know what date format is meant?
    This is a classic example of why dates should be stored on the database using DATE datatype and not VARCHAR2. It can lead to corruption of data, especially if the date can be entered in any format a user wishes.

Maybe you are looking for

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