How to I force quit my Ipad?

I updated the OS and my Ipad hung up. The double button trick won't work. I even tried to plug it back on my computer but now, it won't even recognize it. Please help! It just has the apple logo with the bar under it.

See These Links
iPad not Appearing in iTunes
iPad not appearing in iTunes
Unresponsive iPad
iPad Unable to Update or Restore

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    Option-command-Esc ... brings up a list of aplications that you can force quit.
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    COMMAND-OPTION-ESC will bring up a Task Manager. Select the item and click on the Force Quit button.
    CTRL- or RIGHT-click on the application's Dock icon and select Force Quit from the contextual menu.
    Open Activity Monitor in your Utilities folder. Locate the application in the list, select it, click on the Quit icon in the toolbar. Then click on the Force Quit button.

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    You can force quit any program on iOS by double tapping the home button. This should bring up a swipe-able panel of all of the apps currently running. Simply swipe up on any app you want to close.
    As an aside, all of the apps on this panel are backgrounded to some extent (i.e. waiting for you to come back) and are using some system resources. On older devices you may want to keep an eye on how many are there because it can be a performance drain. I've personally had this issue.

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    I agree - force quit works better when first activating the Finder. If that gives you the rolling ball, trying the Activity Monitor is a good option.
    But the two events I am referring to are clearly different: ok, I used the Blue Apple Force Quit option, but the application would only sort of 'half quit'. There would be an error message: - 600. Also the Activity triangle in the dock would still be there. It would again be listed as an active application in the Blue Apple 'Force Quit' window. Force quitting in this window, would again remove it from that list, but the triangle would remain unchanged.
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    Howdy alexfromtexas,
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities.
    I'm not sure which application you were using to import the Photos from your iPhone, but if you follow the directions below you can force quit any app on your Mac.
    Choose Force Quit from the Apple menu, or press Command-Option-Esc
    (this is similar to pressing Control-Alt-Delete on a PC).
    Select the unresponsive app in the Force Quit window, then click Force Quit.
    Force an app to close on your Mac - Apple Support
    Have a good one,
    Alex H.

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    Choose Force Quit from the Apple menu and relaunch the Finder.

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    1. Press Option, Command, and Escape, select it, and click Relaunch.
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    Choose Force Quit from the Apple menu, select that application, and press the Force Quit button. If that doesn't work, save and close everything you can and use the Activity Monitor in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder to force quit the loginwindow process.

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