How to map 0pa_c01 and 0pp_c03

Dear All,
Pls. guide me up for HR-PP mapping.
Scenario : I need to calculate employees per ton and thus need the employee count from HR and finished qty from PP.
Any way to do so.?

You may try with capacity utilization
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    I'm afraid that this is large problem... and it's not related to J2ME.
    The first question is whether you want to use some map provider and its API or you have a bitmap and you want to place a cursor of your position in the map.
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    Enjoy :-)

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    Hi Naveen,
    You can ignore the 0LOGSYS and leave it un-mapped (if you have the situation as follows): As per SAP 0LOGSYS is used if more than one Source System is grouped to one Source System ID. 0SOURCESYSTEM denotes 1:1 mapping of Source System and Source System ID.
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    chk using this in transfer routine
    Type pools used by conversion program
    TYPES: DE_0LOGSYS(000010) TYPE C.
    Conversion rule for InfoObject 0LOGSYS
        Data type       = CHAR
        ABAP type       = C
        ABAP length     = 000010
      CHANGING RESULT TYPE DE_0LOGSYS " InfoObject value
    $$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line        -
      IF RESULT IS INITIAL     and
         IOBJ_NAME = '0LOGSYS'.
    fill source system
    $$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line         -
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    Edited by: AnjunathNaidu on Jan 18, 2012 1:20 PM

    Navasamol ,
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    Thanks & Regards,
    Anjunath Naidu
    Edited by: AnjunathNaidu on Jan 18, 2012 4:05 PM

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    <alias name="PECS_Home_Page1" link="pecs_home_page.htm"> </alias>
    But both of these files are used during the WebHelp generation process and I don't know how the WebHelp generated files handle the Map ID and aliases."

    You need to assign the numbers you find in the pecs_help.h file to topics in your help. You do this in Context Sensitive Help > Map Files > All Map IDs. (From RH7, but I assume the location is similar in RH9.) This creates the entries in the .ali file.
    Peter Grainge suggests a couple of sites to read for a greater understanding here:
    (Although the second  site is based on RH X5, the basic concepts and procedures should be very similar. )

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    When you find the photos you want that were taken in a single location, select them and put them in a Quick Collection (press B)
    Then select the Quick Collection and go to the Map Module with the filmstrip turned on. You will then be able to work ONLY with this set of photos that are taken in one location

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    Hi Sherry,
    I like to add some of my thoughts about that discussion. From my point of view ESA is much more than just another BPM or Enterprise BPM. ESA is adresses six key areas and I think all of them are really needed:
    - <b>People Productivity</b> as the word itself's about portals and productivity.
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    - <b>Service Composition</b> is used for model-driven service composition and services orchestration.
    - <b>Service Enablement</b> is about a Enterprise Services Repository filled with business meaningful Enterprise Services and service patterns for enabled objects. Excactly this is where SAP has years of experiences.
    - <b>Business Process Platform</b> is about service enablement of all application platform objects and engines. This is the place where "BPM" for core business processes resits.
    - <b>Life-Cycle Management</b> has to cover the deployment, configuration, operation and change management for ESA based processes.
    Therefore the term "BPM" is located in serveral layers of an ESA approach. On the level of <u>Business Process Platform</u> BPM is providing the choreography for core business preocesses.
    At <u>Service Enablement</u> BPM needs to compose out of granular services (I would say "atomic" services)
    buiness meaningful services (here we have "molecular" services).
    The third level where BPM could be used is <u>Service Composition</u> because exactly this is the place
    where serveral Enterprise Services could be combined to a process representation.
    To come back to the discussion:
    1. The question should be how to indentify business meaningful services which could represent single process steps. ATP check, Credit card check, ... could be examples. In theory this service could be out-tasked, defined more flexible etc. This means that processes needs to be evaluated for Enterprise Service candidates. Afterwards you can check against SAP's Enterprise Services Repository for already existing Enterprise Services. The evalution for enterprise services candidates will be supported by the metodology mentioned by Kaj and David.
    2. I think domains in this context should be motivated by business and/or functional areas. Depending on the granularity. For example Order Fulfilment Services, Master Data Services, Search Services... These kind of serices can be combined again to services such as "Search of Master Data" (Search Service + Read Master Data Service) etc. or can be used to generate UI to be used in a ESA application.
    Your thoughts?
    Very best regards

  • How to map values between Contract and Purchase Order...

    Hi friends,
                        We are using SRM 5.0 (ECS). I am facing a problem with Purchase Order.
    . I am creating Contract locally through Live Auction. After that I am creating Purchase Order through Live Auction. So in Purchase Order Quantity, Net Price, Gross Price, and Long Text etc. not coming which is defined in Contract.  PO capturing the values from Live Auction, means no relation between the Contract and Purchase Order. After making Contract again I have to changes in the Purchase Order.
                So how to map the values from Contract to PO in SRM?  I want to map between contract and Purchase Order like R/3. At the time of creation of PO ( in R/3 )  we can adopt the Contract so all the relevant values comes from Contract to PO. In SRM how will I do?
    Please suggest me.

    When you create PO and a contract from a Live Auciton, they will not be mapped.
    While creating a PO (BBP_POC - Process Purchase Order); in the PO line item assign the contract and item reference. Only then they will be linked.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to map journal fields and whats is the better  process type

    /Journal/JournalSuspenseCostCentre     NULL
    /Journal/JournalBalancingCentre     Lookup from Organisation ID
    /Journal/JournalMultiCompany     u2018Nu2019
    /Journal/JournalBatchNumber     NULL
    /Journal/JournalNumTransactions     Total number of /Journal/JournalLine transactions
    /Journal/JournalBaseDRTotal     Sum of /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineBaseValue u2013 Debit Values only
    /Journal/JournalBaseCRTotal     Sum of /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineBaseValue u2013 Credit Values only
    How to map journal fields and whats is the better  process type idoc/proxies?please let me know
    Journal Line
    Multiple journal lines per header:
    Schema Element     Data
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineCostCentre     Bank account control Cost Centre
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineAccount     Bank account control Account Code
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineMoneyTotal     Transaction Line Amount
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineVolume     NULL
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineDescription     Payee Name
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineChequeBookReference     NULL
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineMatchField     Cheque Number
    NB Contra accounting entries should be posted to:
    Schema Element     Data
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineCostCentre     Bank account control Cost Centre
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineAccount     Bank account control Account Code
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineMoneyTotal     Transaction Line Amount * -1
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineDescription     Payee Name
    /Journal/JournalLine/JournalLineMatchField     Cheque Number
    /Journal/JournalPeriod     Current General Ledger Period
    /Journal/JournalYear     Current General Ledger Year

    It looks you are new to PI,
    you have to develop scenario end to end, by creating source data type and target data type(if you have XSD's not required),then use Graphical mapping (message mapping) to map source and target structures.
    Search in sdn for one end to end scenario you will understand easily

  • How comples return types and parameters are mapped

    Hi all!
    I want to know how complex return types and parameters in a java interface gets mapped to wsdl? for example how would the wsdl for the following interface shall look like:
    interface ComplexReturns{
       java.util.Date getLuckyDate(java.util.Date DoB);
       myPack.MyClass getMyClass();

    - In your application module, make a public method that returns an arry, for example an arry of strings[]
        public String[] returnTwoVals(){
            String[] returnvals = {"1","2"};
            return returnvals;
        }- expose this method in the application module
    - in the user interface drag/drop the returnTwoVals method on a page and choose to create a button.
    - double click the button to generate the binding code
        public String commandButton_action() {
            BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
            OperationBinding operationBinding =
            Object result = operationBinding.execute();
            if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            return null;
        }- you can access the values in the arry by adding this code after the Object result =...
       String[] vals = (String[])result;
       System.out.println(vals[0] + " - " + vals[1]);

  • My requirement is to update 3 valuesets daily based on data coming to my staging table. What is the API used for this and how to map any API to our staging table? I am totally new to oracle and apps. Please help. Thanks!

    My requirement is to update 3 valuesets daily based on data coming to my staging table. What is the API used for this and how to map any API to our staging table? I am totally new to oracle and apps. Please help. Thanks!

    You could use FND_FLEX_LOADER_APIS.UP_VALUE_SET_VALUE to upload them from staging table (I suppose you mean value set values...).
    You can find a sample scripts if you google around.
    What do you mean "how to map any API to our staging table" ?
    You should do at least the following mapping (which column(s) in the staging table will provide these information):
    - the 3 value sets name which you're going to update/upload (I suppose these are existing value sets or which have been already created)
    - the value set values and  description
    Try to start with something and if there is any issues the community could then help... but for the time being with the description of the problem you have provided, that's the best I can do...

  • How to create the maps externally and import in to PI

    Hello Gurus,
    Please let me know how to create the maps externally and import into PI

    Hope these links could help you understand XSLT, JAVA nad ABAP mappings.

  • MY phone is using large amounts of data, when i then go to system services, it s my mapping services thats causing it. what are mapping services and how do i swithch them off. i really need help.

    MY phone is using large amounts of data, when i then go to system services, it s my mapping services thats causing it. what are mapping services and how do i swithch them off. i really need help.

    I Have the same problem, I switched off location services, maps in data, whatever else maps could be involved in nd then just last nite it chewed 100mb... I'm also on vodacom so I'm seeing a pattern here somehow. Siri was switched on however so I switched it off now nd will see what happens. but I'm gonna go into both apple and vodacom this afternoon because this must be sorted out its a serious issue we have on our hands and some uproar needs to be made against those responsible!

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