How to restore a user account

My user account seems to be corrupted. It does not allow me to back up files in Quickbooks. Also, my internal speakers do not work. In order to hear anything, I need to connect headphones or external speakers to my laptop.

If it's only QuickBooks that crashes, it may be something only Intuit can fix. Does it crash with a crash report? Find crash reports by launching Console - it's in your Mac's Utilities folder. Click Show Log List if it is not already shown. Crash reports may be found under Diagnostic and Usage Information. Click the "reveal triangle" to the left of User Diagnostic Reports. Crash reports end in the suffix .crash.
Find the most recent one that appears to be related to QuickBooks. Copy and paste the entire crash report in a reply. Obscure or omit any information that you may consider personal.

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    I am trying to create user accounts via PowerShell instead of the Gui in server 2008 R2 (PowerShell 2.0).
    I know how to create a user account with the following Power Shell command below is one from a dummy domain I created to practice.
    PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-ADUser -SamAccountName "TestOut" -UserPrincipalNa
    me "[email protected]" -GivenName "Test" -Surname "out" -DisplayName "Testou
    t" -Name "Testout" -Enabled $true -Path "CN=users,DC=bwcat,DC=net,DC=int" -Accou
    ntPassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString "Enter Account Password") 
    However when doing day to day tasks where I work normally we have a new hire, they contact IT and ask that a user account is created.   I will ask who they would like to mirror.
    I then would go into the gui pull up the user that they want to mirror right click him and choose copy.  This would create a new user account that I would then fill out.
    I am wondering if its possible to do this same thing via PowerShell, or  if its not an option because it takes more work type up everything than it does to go into the gui and do it.
    Anyway thanks for the help.

    Hi Wilder, hi Mark,
    first of all: The tutorial sources Mark posted - especially the book "Powershell 3 in A month of lunches" - are good to get a baseline start. A really great reference, especially when you try to learn it while still dealing with your daily business.
    On another note, Wilder: While I fully agree that learning things sequentially is usually the best, I too jumped right in instead of learning how to walk first (though it's been some time now. Fewer years than you'd think, but still ...). So I thought I'd
    give you a little aid with that function husk, so you could just stuff interesting bits into an available structure, making use of the fun tools in a useful context (It's fun fiddling around with the commands, but if you have to type in all of them manually
    each time, using the GUI is often just faster. Doing fun things and being efficient with it feels even better though ...). So ... while I
    do agree with yourself, learn it the Correct & Proper Way, I also do
    intend to finish this little explanation about the husk, all the way to the end.
    Everything below this paragraph is part of this.
    function Copy-ADUser
    A brief description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    A detailed description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    .PARAMETER GivenName
    A description of the GivenName parameter.
    .PARAMETER Surname
    A description of the Surname parameter.
    .PARAMETER Template
    A description of the Template parameter.
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Additional information about the function.
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    ) # Create finished Strings
    $JoinedName = $GivenName + "." + $Surname
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName $JoinedName -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    This is again the same function husk I posted earlier. Only this time, I filled a little logic (the pieces that were already posted in this thread). This time, I'll not only go over each part again ... I'll do it by reposting the segments and trying to show
    some examples on how to modify the parts. Thus some of it will be repetitive, but this way all the info is in one spot.
    Segment: Comment Based Help
    A brief description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    A detailed description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    .PARAMETER GivenName
    A description of the GivenName parameter.
    .PARAMETER Surname
    A description of the Surname parameter.
    .PARAMETER Template
    A description of the Template parameter.
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Additional information about the function.
    That's the premier documentation part of a function, that teaches a user what the function does and how to use it. It's what's shown when using the Get-Help cmdlet.
    Comment texts are not restricted to single lines however. For example you could replace ...
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    ... with ...
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Creates a new user named Max Mustermann and copies the group memberships of the already existing user Jonny Normal to this new User
    ... and get an explanation on what the example does when using Get-Help with the
    -Detailed parameter (Explaining examples is always a good idea).
    Segment: Parameter
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    This is the segment that tells Powershell what input your function accepts. Each parameter of Copy-ADUser you set will be available in the next segment as a variable of the same name. You can add additional parameters if you need more information for your
    logic. For example, let's add a parameter that allows you to specify what Organization the new user should belong to:
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    That's how that would look like. You may notice that I didn't add the line with
    "[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] this time. This means you
    may add the Organization parameter when calling Copy-ADUser, but you need not.
    Segment: Logic
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    This is the part of the function that does the actual work. Compared to the first husk I posted, this time there are two commands in it (and some comments). First, I create a new user, using the information passed into
    the parameters -Surname and -GivenName. Then I Copy the group memberships of the user identified by the information given by the
    -Template parameter.
    So, let's modify it!
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Tell the user you are copying Group Memberships
    Write-Host "Copying the group-memberhips of $Template to $GivenName $Surname"
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    Now after adding a few lines, the logic will tell us what it's doing (and do so before it
    is taking action)!
    Hm ... didn't we create a change in the Parameter Segment to add an -Organization parameter? Let's use it!
    # If the -Organization parameter was set, the $Organization variable will be longer than 0. Thus do ...
    if ($Organization.Length -gt 0)
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname in the Organization $Organization"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -Organization $Organization -PassThru
    # If the -Organization parameter was NOT set, the $Organization variable will have a length of 0. Thus the if-condition does not apply, thus we do the else block
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Tell the user you are copying Group Memberships
    Write-Host "Copying the group-memberhips of $Template to $GivenName $Surname"
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    There! Now we first check whether the -Organization parameter was set (it's not mandatory after all, so you can skip it). If it
    was set, do whatever is in the curly braces after if (...). However, if it wasn't set, do whatever is in the curly braces after
    And that concludes my "minor" (and hopefully helpful) tutorial on how to use the function husk I posted :)
    With this, whenever you find another cool command that helps you in the user creation process, you can simply add it, similar to what I did in these examples.
    And if it all didn't make much sense, go through the tutorials in proper order and come back - it'll make much more sense then.
    Cheers and good luck with PowerShell,
    There's no place like

  • Restore a user account backed up by time machine to a replacement macbook?

    I've searched the forum without finding an answer to this situation, so here's my question:
    I setup Time Machine to only backup a teacher's user account on her MacBook because the capacity of the external drive used for her backup was not very large. I excluded all files on the drive, with the exception of her user's home directory. *Her laptop was stolen.*
    I just received a replacement laptop, which is the same model, but it is running 10.6.2. The stolen MacBook was running 10.5.8. During initial setup, I attached the drive and attempted to "Restore from TIme Machine backup," but it would not recognize the time machine backup on the attached drive. I also tried renaming the computer to match the name of the stolen MacBook, and tried restoring using the Migration Assistant, which was also unsuccessful.
    *Is there anyway that I will be able to restore her user account from the Time Machine backup to her new MacBook?* It doesn't matter if reinstalling 10.5 is the answer, or if I need some 3rd-party software. Is there detailed Time Machine documentation that covers this type of scenario? If there is, I haven't been able to find it.
    I also considered allowing the new MacBook to consider the external drive that has the stolen MacBook's backup as its own Time Machine backup (as automatically prompted when plugging the drive into the new MacBook), but I didn't want to futz around and mess things up.
    Thank you in advance for helpful replies!

    Nova wrote:
    I've searched the forum without finding an answer to this situation, so here's my question:
    I setup Time Machine to only backup a teacher's user account on her MacBook because the capacity of the external drive used for her backup was not very large. I excluded all files on the drive, with the exception of her user's home directory. *Her laptop was stolen.*
    I just received a replacement laptop, which is the same model, but it is running 10.6.2. The stolen MacBook was running 10.5.8. During initial setup, I attached the drive and attempted to "Restore from TIme Machine backup," but it would not recognize the time machine backup on the attached drive. I also tried renaming the computer to match the name of the stolen MacBook, and tried restoring using the Migration Assistant, which was also unsuccessful.
    this is because you excluded all the other things from backups. this precludes any kind of automated migration.
    *Is there anyway that I will be able to restore her user account from the Time Machine backup to her new MacBook?*
    yes, it's possible but you'll have to do it manually. First, make sure that there is no account by the same name already exists on the new mac. this is important.
    next, control-click on TM in the dock and select "browse other TM disks". this will let you browse the old TM backups. in the backups select the old home directory in /Users. click on the "gears" action button in the toolbar and select "restore to". choose to restore to the folder /users on your main hard drive. once the restore is complete go to system preferences->accounts and create an account with the same short user name as the name of the home directory you just restored. it will say that a home directory by that name already exists and ask if you want to use it. say "yes".

  • How to restore a user's calendar agenda

    How to restore a user's Calendar agenda
    When you delete users from LDAP and then re-add them to a Calendar node, they
    will be assigned new nscalxitemid's.
    However, if you have not run any of the tools for removing these
    "orphan" entries, the old
    nscalxitemid's should
    still exist in the Calendar database.
    To restore a user's agenda from the Calendar database, use the following steps:
    <LI>Use ldapsearch to
    locate the user entries for the user who you are trying to restore.
    Depending on what version of Directory Server you have, the
    ldapsearch command line
    utility will be in one of the following locations:
    (Directory Server 3.x): <I>
    (Directory Server 4.x): <I>
    To search for the user with the UserID "bbunny," the syntax for
    ldapsearch would be as follows:
    ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -w <I>password</I>
    -b uid=bbunny | more (All on one line)
    It is also possible to dump the output of this command into a file, as in the
    following example:
    ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -w <I>password</I>
    -b uid=bbunny > bbunny.txt (All on one line)
    The LDAP entry for a Calendar user would appear something as follows (<B>Note:
    </B> The Calendar attribute, nscalxitemid
    is in <B>bold</B>, and the ID number
    is in <B>red</B>):
    dn: uid=bbunny,
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: person
    objectclass: organizationalPerson
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    objectclass: nsLicenseUser
    objectclass: mailRecipient
    objectclass: nsCalUser
    givenname: Bugs
    sn: Bunny
    cn: Bugs Bunny
    uid: bbunny
    nslicensedfor: mail
    nslicensedfor: calendar
    mail: [email protected]
    multilinedescription: I'm da wabbit!
    maildeliveryoption: mailbox
    <B>nscalxitemid: 10000:</B><B>00257</B>
    nscalflags: 0
    nscallanguageid: 0
    nscalsysopcanwritepassword: 0
    nscalpasswordrequired: 1
    nscaldefaultnotereminder: 0:0
    nscaldefaultreminder: 0:10
    nscaldefaulttaskreminder: 0:0
    nscaldisplayprefs: 4:480:1080:1:30:190:2
    nscalrefreshprefs: 1:60
    nscalnotifmechanism: 1
    nscaltimezone: 0
    In the line <B>nscalxitemid: 10000:</B><B>00257</B>
    , "<B>10000</B>" is the node number and
    "<B>00257</B>" is the
    calID number.
    The number you will need to change is the
    calID number,
    <LI>From the /unison/bin
    directory for Calendar, run
    or ctxdirdiff (whichever
    is available) to find the Calendar agenda that is missing an LDAP entry.
    The syntax for these utilities will be as follows:
    unidsdiff -n 10000
    ctxdirdiff -n 10000
    These utilities should list any entries that don't have a matching directory
    entry, usually in the following format:
    nscalxItemid="10000:<B>00256</B>" (S="Bunny",G="Bugs")
    The ID number in <B>red</B> is the ID that you will
    use to replace the ID number in the LDAP entry.
    <LI>Use one of the following two options to update the LDAP entry:
    <LI>Edit the file from the ldapsearch
    output by changing the
    nscalxitemid in this
    file to the correct <B>ID</B> from the
    output (from step 2 above).
    <LI>Delete the user from LDAP.
    <LI>Use ldapmodify to
    re-add the user from the file you edited.
    (ldapmodify is located
    in the same directory as ldapsearch
    For example,
    ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w <I>password</I> -a -f <I>filename</I>
    <LI>Edit the file from the ldapsearch
    output using update statements that
    will update the LDAP entry without having to delete it.
    For example, you can edit the output in step 1 above so that the file contains
    only the following lines with the correct
    dn: uid=bbunny,
    changetype: modify
    replace: nscalxitemid
    nscaxitemid: 10000:00256
    <LI>Use ldapmodify to
    update the entry in the file, as follows:
    ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w <I>password</I> -f <I>filename</I>
    After performing the above steps, you can use
    ldapsearch to locate
    the entry and verify that it was changed. The user should now be
    able to log into the Calendar Client and see her previous agenda entries.

    How to restore a user's Calendar agenda
    When you delete users from LDAP and then re-add them to a Calendar node, they
    will be assigned new nscalxitemid's.
    However, if you have not run any of the tools for removing these
    "orphan" entries, the old
    nscalxitemid's should
    still exist in the Calendar database.
    To restore a user's agenda from the Calendar database, use the following steps:
    <LI>Use ldapsearch to
    locate the user entries for the user who you are trying to restore.
    Depending on what version of Directory Server you have, the
    ldapsearch command line
    utility will be in one of the following locations:
    (Directory Server 3.x): <I>
    (Directory Server 4.x): <I>
    To search for the user with the UserID "bbunny," the syntax for
    ldapsearch would be as follows:
    ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -w <I>password</I>
    -b uid=bbunny | more (All on one line)
    It is also possible to dump the output of this command into a file, as in the
    following example:
    ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -w <I>password</I>
    -b uid=bbunny > bbunny.txt (All on one line)
    The LDAP entry for a Calendar user would appear something as follows (<B>Note:
    </B> The Calendar attribute, nscalxitemid
    is in <B>bold</B>, and the ID number
    is in <B>red</B>):
    dn: uid=bbunny,
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: person
    objectclass: organizationalPerson
    objectclass: inetOrgPerson
    objectclass: nsLicenseUser
    objectclass: mailRecipient
    objectclass: nsCalUser
    givenname: Bugs
    sn: Bunny
    cn: Bugs Bunny
    uid: bbunny
    nslicensedfor: mail
    nslicensedfor: calendar
    mail: [email protected]
    multilinedescription: I'm da wabbit!
    maildeliveryoption: mailbox
    <B>nscalxitemid: 10000:</B><B>00257</B>
    nscalflags: 0
    nscallanguageid: 0
    nscalsysopcanwritepassword: 0
    nscalpasswordrequired: 1
    nscaldefaultnotereminder: 0:0
    nscaldefaultreminder: 0:10
    nscaldefaulttaskreminder: 0:0
    nscaldisplayprefs: 4:480:1080:1:30:190:2
    nscalrefreshprefs: 1:60
    nscalnotifmechanism: 1
    nscaltimezone: 0
    In the line <B>nscalxitemid: 10000:</B><B>00257</B>
    , "<B>10000</B>" is the node number and
    "<B>00257</B>" is the
    calID number.
    The number you will need to change is the
    calID number,
    <LI>From the /unison/bin
    directory for Calendar, run
    or ctxdirdiff (whichever
    is available) to find the Calendar agenda that is missing an LDAP entry.
    The syntax for these utilities will be as follows:
    unidsdiff -n 10000
    ctxdirdiff -n 10000
    These utilities should list any entries that don't have a matching directory
    entry, usually in the following format:
    nscalxItemid="10000:<B>00256</B>" (S="Bunny",G="Bugs")
    The ID number in <B>red</B> is the ID that you will
    use to replace the ID number in the LDAP entry.
    <LI>Use one of the following two options to update the LDAP entry:
    <LI>Edit the file from the ldapsearch
    output by changing the
    nscalxitemid in this
    file to the correct <B>ID</B> from the
    output (from step 2 above).
    <LI>Delete the user from LDAP.
    <LI>Use ldapmodify to
    re-add the user from the file you edited.
    (ldapmodify is located
    in the same directory as ldapsearch
    For example,
    ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w <I>password</I> -a -f <I>filename</I>
    <LI>Edit the file from the ldapsearch
    output using update statements that
    will update the LDAP entry without having to delete it.
    For example, you can edit the output in step 1 above so that the file contains
    only the following lines with the correct
    dn: uid=bbunny,
    changetype: modify
    replace: nscalxitemid
    nscaxitemid: 10000:00256
    <LI>Use ldapmodify to
    update the entry in the file, as follows:
    ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w <I>password</I> -f <I>filename</I>
    After performing the above steps, you can use
    ldapsearch to locate
    the entry and verify that it was changed. The user should now be
    able to log into the Calendar Client and see her previous agenda entries.

  • Help , how to auto create user account

    Hi, guys,
    i wanna to know how to auto create user account after use the suppliers' api to create supplier.
    i didn't find out how to auto create user account by use ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_contact procedure.
    how to auto create the user account ?
    if you know ,tell me ,pls
    best Regards !
    Edited by: wanjin on 2013-4-15 下午11:50

    Hi Gareth,
    I wanna create an Oracle E-business Suite use account ,but how to use fnd_user_pkg.createuser procedure to relation the AP suppliers , not employee suppliers.
    the result like N:Purchasing Super User -->supplier-->Contact Directory --> create user
    then use "Create User Account for this Contact" to create user account

  • File permissions - how to edit a user account

    file permissions - how to edit a user account that is creating files with permissions that are not wanted anymore.
    i understand how to reset permissions on files or folders, but i do not understand how to reset the permissions a user is "creating".
    ie, each time this user creates a file, the file needs to be manually edited for its permissions. so i need to edit the user's settings, but i can't find where to do that.
    this is a home office setup. we have two users with admin privileges. our imac is acting as a server of sorts - it holds common files that need to be edited by both users. the other user is typically working on shared files from a macbook over wifi.
    osx 10.6.8
    any help is greatly appreciated - thanks up front!

    Király wrote:
    Changing the umask does not produce reliable results. Many apps, including Apple's own Finder, will override any custom umask setting and apply the OS X standard set of read and write for the creator, and read only for group and others. This is true even in Snow Leopard
    I cannot argue with you, because I've never tried or tested it myself. However, this KB article
    states the opposite:
    "In Mac OS X v10.5.3 and later, you can create the file /etc/launchd-user.conf with the contents "umask nnn". […]
    This will set the user's umask for all applications they launch, such as Finder, TextEdit, or Final Cut Pro, and control the permissions set on new files created by any of these applications."

  • How to best restore lost User Accounts after server crash?

    Our late 2005 G5 froze sometime overnight in the middle of a Time Machine backup.  We had to do a hard reboot the next morning.
    When OS X Server 10.5.8 came back up, none of our users could log in including our administrator accounts.  Unable to log in as root, we used the utility on the installation disc to reset the root password.  We were able to log in as root to see that our data and server disks still were intact and navigable.  However, we could not see any user accounts defined.  We then were able to log in as Server Administrator.  Same thing.
    We are unfamiliar with restoring anything from Time Machine backups other than user files.  Is there a way to restore user accounts from Time Machine and how? 
    More info: we tried restoring some system files and the library folder but no luck.  Not sure how to go about restoring Keychain if that got corrupted...We had about 10 accounts defined before the crash. 

    I believe the easiest approach would be:
    - Install the same OS on the new servers
    - Install OS pre-req software and packages for your EBS instance
    - Restore from cold backup (if the crash happened directly after this backup and you haven't lost any data)
    - Restore from hot backup (if the crash happened after your cold backup and you have data that wasn't part of the cold backup)
    I assume that no changes to the hostname, domainname, IP Address, port numbers, directory structure, ..etc is taking place in this restore.

  • How to restore a user home account to a new hard drive

    I had a hard drive go out and before it did, I have a copy of my user directory on a firewire drive. I got a new hd and am ready to move the back up over to the new drive.
    Is there any steps I should follow to do such? Will a simple copy of the total user account over to the new drive work ok if I create the exact name of the backup home directory to the new drive and say "replace"? I want to make sure my mail, docs and music directories are correct. I have the apps backed up but can reinstall them if need be and not to mes with the libraries.

    Boot the machine with your install disk, select your language, and, when the menu bar pops up, select Utilities/Disk Utility, select the new HD, select erase and format/partition (as desired) Mac OS Extended and install OS 9 drivers if the machine supports OS 9 booting (not shown in your configuration information), under security options select zero out data. Once the drive is formatted, install Tiger. After the machine restarts, go through the welcome dialogs and use the same name, shortname, and password you used originally. After that finishes, simply mount the FWHD and you should be able to just drag and drop everything from the backed up users folder to the new one. Don't drag the users folder, just the subfolders.
    Once you've successfully restored everything, then use something like Carbon Copy Cloner, SuperDuper!, etc. to make a bootable backup onto the FWHD. That way, you can always reverse the procedure whenever the HD goes south again.

  • How can I delete user account picture in Windows 8?

    I have set my account picture, but now want to delete the pic and back to the default.
    How can I do it?

    The userpic, the image tiles used for your account picture, is located, in different resolutions, in the following folder: C:\Users\Public\AccountPictures\%UserAccountSecurityIdentifier%
    where %UserAccountSecurityIdentifier% is a placeholder for the Security IDentifier (SID) assigned by the operating system or domain controller to your user account.
    Here is how it looks like:
    NOTE: If your are using multiple account for login to your computer, like local Security Account Manager (SAM) account (standard account created and stored on your local PC in NTFS), your Microsoft Account (the one using internet account name provided
    by Microsoft such as [email protected],
    [email protected]), or an Active Directory account, please open root C:\Users\Public\AccountPictures\ folder and browse to the folder with the name of the SID assigned to your user account for which you want to change the user picture.
    To find out what SID refers to what user account name used on your PC, proceed with the following:
    Start the elevated command prompt by pressing WindowsKey+Q and typing
    cmd, then hitting Enter.
    At the command prompt type: wmic useraccount get name,sid and press
    This will return a table with all user accounts registered on this computer (that is those who had once logged onto this PC) and their corresponding SIDs.
    Now lookup this registry key:
    And locate the subkey (named correspondingly to the desired SID), then remove REG_SZ values that contain paths to the userpic images to remove traces of userpics.
    WARNING: Please create new system restore point before making this registry change!
    Hope this helps.
    Well this is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given...

  • Restore deleted user account

    How do I restore a deleted admin user account?

    Did you save the data? Recreate it, using the same username and password. If you saved the date, mount the disk image and put the saved things in the new folders.

  • How to set up user account in Windows 7/Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1?

    At the present time I have only the Windows XP Professional SP3 32 bit operating system which works from a User Account with Adminstrative Privileges when it comes to using Premiere Elements.
    I have read that in Windows 7, the default user account is one with standard rights. My first question is, when using Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 in general in a Windows 7 32 or 64 bit environment, do you have to elevate the user account to one with adminstrative rights and, if so, how?
    My second question is, is there anything in the Windows 7 user account setup that would specifically target the Premiere Elements Project Archiver/Archiver "Trimmed" as well as Copy options to abort with the message "no user privileges to perform this operation"? The rest of the program performs OK. Supposedly inadequate hard drive space is not a factor.
    Thanks for any insights into these two questions.

    Just an update to the question that I presented when I started this thread.
    You really never did say what type of a User Account you are using in your Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 on Windows 7? But based on the information provided by several users, User Account with Administrative Rights seems to be the way to go since all of them were using it and had systems that were running well. I would have expected that based on the Premiere Elements Windows XP requirements. I have yet to have someone come forward to say that they are using Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 on Windows 7 with a User Account with Standard Rights and the program is running well. Will you be that one?
    Besides me switching from Windows XP to Windows 7 in the near future, what motivated this line of questioning was the report that I had seen of a user with Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1on Windows 7 who was reporting "permission" error messages when trying to archive a project with the Project Archiver (Archiver "Trimmed" and Copy options). Further questioning brought out that the problem extended to the AutoSave feature as well. The user claimed to be saving to an external hard drive (formatted NTFS) with about 800 MB free space. And still further questioning brought out that the error message included a free space and/or permissions error. Yes, there were extremely large file sizes involved here (way over 4 GB)
    The story had a happy ending where the remedies were:
    1. User Account with Administrative Rights
    and the major
    2. Formatting the thought to be NTFS external hard drive from FAT32 to NTFS.

  • How to set up user account and share folders

    We are a family of four sharing our first iMac. I would like to set up one account for my wife and I and one account for my kids on which I plan to enable Parental Controls.
    I have struggled with setting up my kids user account. After setting up a Standard account for the kids - I noticed none of our music or files were visible in the kids accounts. I spent 20 min on the phone with Apple and the tech was clueless. He had me copying my music folder all over the computer until I had about 6 copies of the same folder. I did figure out how to move the music library to SHARED folder and redirect iTunes source folder to the same shared folder.
    My problem now - when I copy my documents to the SHARED folder my kids can see the files and open them, but they can not save them. How do I give the kids account read write privileges?
    Should I set up a GROUP account instead?
    I need the best way to have two or three users who can access all data on the same iMac, while giving me the ability to enable Parental Controls on the accounts.

    Do this:
    Here's how to set it up by using ACLs:
    1. Create a new folder in /Users/Shared. Call it "Sharefolder".
    2. Log in to an Admin account, open Terminal and paste in all of this at the same time:
    chmod -R +a "everyone allow delete,chown,list,search,add_file,\
    addsubdirectory,delete_child,file_inherit,directoryinherit" \
    That will automatically make everything copied or created to the sharefolder writable by all users. Note: After setting this up, if you have existing files that you want to move to the sharefolder, hold down the option key when dragging them in. That will make new copies of them in the sharefolder. Dragging existing files in (i.e. simply moving them there) won't cause the ACL to inherit properly and they won't be writable by all users. Files that are copied or +newly created+ in the sharefolder shouldn't have this problem.
    Make sure you keep good backups. One user accidentally deleting a shared file will affect everybody else who uses it.

  • How do I remove user account with UID=0 (except of root)

    Macbook Pro 13; I have Parallels software and did not realize I needed to upgrade to version 10 before upgrading to OS X Yosemite.  I get an error stating Parallels 10 cannot be installed because there is a user account other than root that has UID=0.  I checked UIDs in Terminal Utilities and there is one other username with UID=0  How do I remove username peggy?
    MacBook-Pro:~ pmcvicar$ dscl . -list /Users UniqueID
    _amavisd                83
    _appleevents            55
    _appowner               87
    _appserver              79
    _ard                    67
    _assetcache             235
    _astris                 245
    _atsserver              97
    _avbdeviced             229
    _calendar               93
    _ces                    32
    _clamav                 82
    _coreaudiod             202
    _coremediaiod           236
    _cvmsroot               212
    _cvs                    72
    _cyrus                  77
    _devdocs                59
    _devicemgr              220
    _displaypolicyd         244
    _distnote               241
    _dovecot                214
    _dovenull               227
    _dpaudio                215
    _eppc                   71
    _ftp                    98
    _geod                   56
    _iconservices           240
    _installassistant       25
    _installer              96
    _jabber                 84
    _kadmin_admin           218
    _kadmin_changepw        219
    _krb_anonymous          234
    _krb_changepw           232
    _krb_kadmin             231
    _krb_kerberos           233
    _krb_krbtgt             230
    _krbfast                246
    _krbtgt                 217
    _launchservicesd        239
    _lda                    211
    _locationd              205
    _lp                     26
    _mailman                78
    _mcxalr                 54
    _mdnsresponder          65
    _mysql                  74
    _netbios                222
    _netstatistics          228
    _networkd               24
    _nsurlsessiond          242
    _nsurlstoraged          243
    _pcastagent             55
    _pcastlibrary           225
    _pcastserver            56
    _postfix                27
    _postgres               216
    _qtss                   76
    _sandbox                60
    _screensaver            203
    _scsd                   31
    _securityagent          92
    _serialnumberd          58
    _softwareupdate         200
    _spotlight              89
    _sshd                   75
    _svn                    73
    _taskgated              13
    _teamsserver            94
    _timezone               210
    _tokend                 91
    _trustevaluationagent   208
    _unknown                99
    _update_sharing         95
    _usbmuxd                213
    _uucp                   4
    _warmd                  224
    _webauthserver          221
    _windowserver           88
    _www                    70
    _xcsbuildagent          237
    _xcscredserver          238
    _xgridagent             86
    _xgridcontroller        85
    daemon                  1
    deputydebi              504
    Guest                   201
    nobody                  -2
    peggy                   0
    pmcvicar                501
    root                    0
    MacBook-Pro:~ pmcvicar$

    BobM53, That would be needed regardless of what front end my users log in with, in my case I was looking for them to access the DIT via the DSCC/DCC, which is not possible.  Regardless, thank you for your reply, it is reassuring to know I am headed in the right direction.
    I am now looking towards installing something else like Apache Directory Studio, or some other GUI for users to manage the directory. 
    I will most likely create one or more ACI's to build groups, adding members to those groups as needed; each group being allowed to perform functions such as create users, lockout users, add/modify hosts, etc.
    I will most likely follow the steps outlined in:
    Directory Server Groups, Roles, and CoS - 11g Release 1 (
    Slightly OT, does anyone have a suitable and similar proven method to "lockdown" root accounts, and who has root access?
    Thank you

  • How to copy a user account from one Mac to another

    If I have a main user (admin) account on one Mac, and want to copy its Home Folder over to another Mac that already has user accounts on it, what is the best way to do it?
    For example, if I boot the source Mac in Target Disk Mode then connect it to the other Mac, can I just drag and drop from its Users folder into the Users folder on the other Mac? And would that then appear in SysPref/Accounts, complete with names and passwords etc, or is it not that simple?
    (Actually, I just checked by launching Migration Assistant, and it seems to indicate I can use it to copy User Accounts from a different Mac - is this all I need? How would I connect the two Macs for this to work?)

    Slightly confusing, that article - it talks about using Migration Assistant in Lion or Mountain Lion, but in my case both computers have used Snow Leopard. Does it still apply?
    (One other observation - don't you find it confusing the way Apple defines "Target Disk Mode"? It's pretty much always the case that a computer booted in this way becomes the Source computer, while the Target computer is the one it's connected to!!)

  • How to avoid the user accounts to appear in the disk boot while installing Yosemite?

    Hi, there is an issue when I encrypt the disk in Yosemite, when I make a clean installation, I first format partition with encryption, install system and restart computer, in the first boot the system ask only for disk password then continue creating user account, when I finish the configuration and restart the computer, the first boot screen ask me for disk password or user password, this is wrong, I want that the system ask me first the disk password and then the users accounts passwords to start the session as it was in Mavericks, so I try different ways to do this.
    1. In clean Installation is not working, every time that create a user it appears in the first boot screen, in which the system must ask only for disk password.
    2. In upgrade Installation with a computer already encrypted, it appears to works properly but if you create a new user it appears in the first boot screen.
    3. I test this by doing a clean installation without encryption, create a user and make an image of this partition, then I copy the dwg image to an external disk, then start computer with an USB with Yosemite, using disk utility I erase the partition and format it with encryption, then restore the dwg image in this partition, it looks that works properly, but if I create a New User then the new user appears in the first boot screen when only must ask for disk password.
    Can someone help me with this issue please?
    If there is someone of Mac can you tell me if this is going to be corrected in this version? or we must wait for the next OS X version.
    Thank You.

    Hi, there is an issue when I encrypt the disk in Yosemite, when I make a clean installation, I first format partition with encryption, install system and restart computer, in the first boot the system ask only for disk password then continue creating user account, when I finish the configuration and restart the computer, the first boot screen ask me for disk password or user password, this is wrong, I want that the system ask me first the disk password and then the users accounts passwords to start the session as it was in Mavericks, so I try different ways to do this.
    1. In clean Installation is not working, every time that create a user it appears in the first boot screen, in which the system must ask only for disk password.
    2. In upgrade Installation with a computer already encrypted, it appears to works properly but if you create a new user it appears in the first boot screen.
    3. I test this by doing a clean installation without encryption, create a user and make an image of this partition, then I copy the dwg image to an external disk, then start computer with an USB with Yosemite, using disk utility I erase the partition and format it with encryption, then restore the dwg image in this partition, it looks that works properly, but if I create a New User then the new user appears in the first boot screen when only must ask for disk password.
    Can someone help me with this issue please?
    If there is someone of Mac can you tell me if this is going to be corrected in this version? or we must wait for the next OS X version.
    Thank You.

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