How to run and find ADDM report

Hi Experts,
I try to run addm report. I run code as @?/rdbms/admin/addmrpt.sql in sqlplus.
where can I find this report?
I am new person for this. I need to use this report for performance checking.
We use oracle 10GR4 in window 2003.

The report will be created in the directory from where you launched the sqlplus.
e.g If you current working directory is $ORALCE_HOME/BIN then the awr report will be created in same directory
$ORALCE_HOME/BIN if you don't explicitly mention some other path when the oracle prompt for" Enter value for report_name".
File name defaults to addmrpt_instanceid_startsnap_endsnap.txt
Hope this helps.

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    Hi guys
    I need to set up an SSIS package that will run a standard report and email the results.
    I have sorted out the email side of the job, but need to know if/how I can run BPC reports from SSIS.
    Has anyone done anything similar, or have any tips/pointers?

    Hi Craig,
    I have never done this, but I doubt this is something possible in a standard way, or if it's feasable, could be very difficult to set up.
    In fact, BPC works over Webservices, and it should probably be possible to use an ActiveX task inside our SSIS package and code something in VB there, referencing some API...
    In any case, why don't you use the Offline Distribution Wizard for that? It's doing exactly what you're expecting.
    Kind Regards,

  • How to debug and find the exact constraint violation error

    {122712 14:22:36:ErrorCode -1 with ErrorMessage as ORA-00001: unique constraint (OPS$CMS.PK_TB_ML_EXER_UPLOAD) violated has occured for [SSO16063259009], [CMSCOST_USER] pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer }
    {PROCEDURE pr_process_exer(
    p_voucher_num           tb_xop_order_manager_t.voucher_num%TYPE,
    p_status_type           tb_xop_order_manager_t.status_type%type,
    p_dest                    tb_xop_order_manager_t.dest%type,
    p_reference_key            tb_xop_order_manager_t.reference_key%type,
    p_seq_num                tb_xop_order_manager_t.seq_num%type,
    p_return_code            tb_xop_order_manager_t.return_code%type,
    p_reason_desc           tb_xop_order_manager_t.reason_desc%type,
    p_activity_qty            tb_xop_order_manager_t.activity_qty%type,
    p_leaves_qty            tb_xop_order_manager_t.leaves_qty%type,
    p_exec_price            tb_xop_order_manager_t.exec_price%type,
    p_current_status        tb_xop_order_manager_t.current_status%type,
    p_err_cur          OUT  ref_cursor)
    CURSOR get_order_dtls(v_voucher_num tb_xop_order_manager_t.voucher_num%type)
    SELECT *
    FROM   tb_xop_order_manager_t
    WHERE  voucher_num = v_voucher_num;
    CURSOR get_mail_cd(v_opt_num OPTIONEE.opt_num%TYPE) IS
          SELECT mail_cd, sp_mail_cd
          WHERE opt_num = v_opt_num;
    cursor get_opt_dtls(v_opt_num OPTIONEE.opt_num%TYPE) IS
    SUBSTR(trim(O.name_first) || ' ' || trim(O.name_mi) || ' ' ||
              trim(O.name_last), 1, 35) p_name,
            SUBSTR(O.address1, 1, 35) opt_addr1,
              SUBSTR(O.address2, 1, 35) opt_addr2,
              SUBSTR(O.address3, 1, 35) opt_addr3,
              SUBSTR(O.address4, 1, 35) opt_addr4,
              SUBSTR(O.address5, 1, 35) opt_addr5,
              SUBSTR(O.address6, 1, 35) opt_addr6,
            SUBSTR(trim( || ' ' || trim(O.state) || ' ' ||
            trim( || ' ' || trim(, 1, 35) city_state_zip_country,
            trim( city,
            trim(O.state) state,
            trim( zip,
            trim( country
    from  optionee o
    where o.opt_num = v_opt_num;
    --CQ:PCTUP00210726- Added wire instructions audit for deleted wire info.
    CURSOR c_wire_instruction (
          in_wire_seq_no           TB_XOP_WIRE_INSTRUCTIONS.wire_seq_no%TYPE ) IS
          SELECT ml_brok_acct_num,
           WHERE wire_seq_no = in_wire_seq_no
           SELECT ml_brok_acct_num,
           WHERE wire_seq_no = in_wire_seq_no;
    CURSOR c_order_qty IS
    SELECT order_qty
    FROM tb_xop_order_manager
    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
    v_order_qty     tb_xop_order_manager.order_qty%TYPE;
    v_wire_instruction             c_wire_instruction%ROWTYPE;
    v_order_dtls      get_order_dtls%rowtype;
    v_opt_dtls        get_opt_dtls%rowtype;
    v_settle_dt       tb_ml_exer_upload.settle_dt%type;
    v_cusip_num       corp.cusip_num%type;
    v_err_cd          number(12):=0;
    v_err_msg         varchar2(4000);
    v_compy_nme       tb_fc_Compy.compy_nme%type;
    v_ml_sec_num      tb_fc_compy.ml_sec_num%type;
    v_mail_cd         xop_optionee.mail_cd%type;
    v_count1            PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    v_sum_activity_qty  tb_xop_order_manager_t.activity_qty%TYPE;
    v_transact_no       PLS_INTEGER;
    v_ivr_plan_num      tb_fc_compy.ivr_plan_num%TYPE;
    wait_for_more       EXCEPTION;
    exceeds_order_qty   EXCEPTION;
    --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
    v_sub_totfee number;
    v_sub_fixedfee1 number;
    v_sub_fixedfee2 number;
    v_sub_fixedfee3 number;
    v_sub_secfee number;
    v_sub_feenum number;
    --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
    v_fixedfee1 tb_xop_order_manager_t.fixed_fee1%TYPE; --SPIF# 43161- variable to hold fixed fee1
        OPEN c_order_qty;
        FETCH c_order_qty INTO v_order_qty;
        CLOSE c_order_qty;
        IF v_order_qty <> p_activity_qty THEN
            IF p_status_type = 'EO' AND v_order_qty < p_activity_qty THEN
                RAISE exceeds_order_qty;
            ELSIF p_status_type = 'EO' AND v_order_qty > p_activity_qty THEN
                -- Partial Execution
                INSERT INTO tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    ( voucher_num
                    , reference_key
                    , seq_num
                    , return_code
                    , reason_desc
                    , status_type
                    , activity_qty
                    , leaves_qty
                    , exec_price
                    , current_status
                    , waiting
                    ,activ_dt )
                    ( p_voucher_num
                    , p_reference_key
                    , p_seq_num
                    , p_return_code
                    , p_reason_desc
                    , p_status_type
                    , p_activity_qty
                    , p_leaves_qty
                    , p_exec_price
                    , p_current_status
                    , 'Y'
                    ,SYSTIMESTAMP );
                IF p_status_type = 'BE' THEN
                    SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_count1
                    FROM tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                    IF v_count1 > 0 THEN
                        INSERT INTO tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                            ( voucher_num
                            , reference_key
                            , seq_num
                            , return_code
                            , reason_desc
                            , status_type
                            , activity_qty
                            , leaves_qty
                            , exec_price
                            , current_status
                            , waiting
                            ( p_voucher_num
                            , p_reference_key
                            , p_seq_num
                            , p_return_code
                            , p_reason_desc
                            , p_status_type
                            , (-1) * p_activity_qty
                            , p_leaves_qty
                            , p_exec_price
                            , p_current_status
                            , 'Y'
                            ,SYSTIMESTAMP );
                        UPDATE tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                        SET waiting = 'Y'
                        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            END IF;
            SELECT SUM(NVL(activity_qty,0)) INTO v_sum_activity_qty
            FROM tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
            WHERE waiting = 'Y'
            AND voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
            IF v_sum_activity_qty > 0 THEN
                IF v_sum_activity_qty <> v_order_qty THEN
                    RAISE wait_for_more;
                    -- final order in the partial execution; complete the process
                    UPDATE tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    SET waiting = 'N'
                        , process_dt = SYSDATE
                    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
        SET activ_dt = TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ) || '.000'
            , dest = p_dest
            , reference_key = p_reference_key
            , seq_num = p_seq_num
            , return_code = p_return_code
            , reason_desc = p_reason_desc
            , status_type = p_status_type
            , activity_qty = v_order_qty --p_activity_qty
            , leaves_qty = 0 --p_leaves_qty
            , exec_price = p_exec_price
        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
         * SPIF# 43161- Update of current status to PO moved at the end, same as how PROD works.
    IF (p_status_type = 'EO') THEN
        select cusip_num
          into   v_cusip_num
          from   corp;
              SELECT cusip_num
                INTO v_cusip_num
                FROM tb_xop_espp_compy
               WHERE compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER');
       select compy_nme,ml_sec_num, ivr_plan_num
       into   v_compy_nme,v_ml_sec_num, v_ivr_plan_num
       from   tb_fc_compy
       where compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER')
       UNION ALL
       select compy_nme, je_ml_security_number, ivr_plan_num
       from tb_xop_espp_compy
       where compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER');
    --   where  ivr_plan_num = replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP');
      open get_order_dtls(p_voucher_num);
      FETCH get_order_dtls INTO v_order_dtls;
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_order_dtls.exer_date + 1));
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_settle_dt + 1));
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_settle_dt + 1));
       FOR c_mail_cd IN get_mail_cd(v_order_dtls.opt_num)
         v_mail_cd := c_mail_cd.mail_cd;
         -- Do we need to get sp_mail_cd and overlay with the sp_mail_cd in order_manager_t???
       END LOOP;
       OPEN get_opt_dtls(v_order_dtls.opt_num);
       FETCH get_opt_dtls INTO v_opt_dtls;
       CLOSE get_opt_dtls;
      v_fixedfee1 := nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0);
       * SPIF# 43161- atleast one handling fee per day of transaction
      v_fixedfee1 := pk_xop_enh_exerupdate.chrg_tranxfixed_fee(v_fixedfee1,
      --Insert into tb_ml_exer_upload
      --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
                                    round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_sub_totfee,v_sub_fixedfee2,v_sub_fixedfee1,
       UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
        SET sec_fee=v_sub_secfee
        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
      --- End CQ # PCTUP00481233
      INSERT INTO tb_ml_exer_upload
                             exer_dt, written_flag, backout_flag, output_line,
                             je_flag, opts_exer,
                             mkt_prc,exer_type, soc_sec,
                             name_first, name_mi,
                             cusip_num, ml_retail_account,multi_curr_handling_fee,
                             ml_sec_num, corp_name,upd_optionee_addr,
                             outbound_flag, -- make it N
                             corp_symbol,taxwire_approve, -- make it not applicaplabe
                             mail_cd, sp_mail_cd,
    -- PG 12/12/05 Changed to populate the je_flag based on dom_chek_distr         'D',
    -- PG 12/16/05 JE should not be generated for international checks.. So 'Y' always
              'Y', --je_flag
              v_order_dtls.opts_exer,0,--total tax will be 0.
              v_order_dtls.opts_exer, --shrs_sold,
              --SPIF# 43161- replaced nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0) with v_fixedfee1
              v_fixedfee1 + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0), --v_order_dtls.fees_amt,
              round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_order_dtls.exer_type,
              LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0'), --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/08/07 for SPIF # 37210
                  v_opt_dtls.city_state_zip_country),1,34), -- COLUMN LENGTH MAX IS 35
    --          nvl(fn_get_sec_num(replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP'),v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
              nvl(fn_get_sec_num(v_ivr_plan_num, v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
              'N', --'N' is for outbound flag.
              v_order_dtls.symbol,'D', --'D' for taxwires disabled
              'S', -- 'S' for source being subsequent sale.
              v_mail_cd,  --need to get mail_Cd??
    IF (NVL(v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no,0) > 0) THEN
       OPEN c_wire_instruction(v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no);
       FETCH c_wire_instruction INTO v_wire_instruction;
       CLOSE c_wire_instruction;
                           (user_id, exer_num, wire_seq_no, ml_brok_acct_num, ssn,
                            plan_num, instr_type, aba_routing_num,
                            swift_routing_code, bank_name, bank_acct_num,
                            name_on_account, bank_addr_1, bank_addr_2, bank_addr_3,
                            city, state, country, zip, bank_ident_num, addtl_info )
                           (USER,v_order_dtls.exer_num, v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no,
                            v_wire_instruction.ml_brok_acct_num, v_wire_instruction.ssn,
                            v_wire_instruction.plan_num, v_wire_instruction.instr_type, v_wire_instruction.aba_routing_num,
                            v_wire_instruction.swift_routing_code, v_wire_instruction.bank_name, v_wire_instruction.bank_acct_num,
                            v_wire_instruction.name_on_account, v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_1, v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_2,
                            v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_3,, v_wire_instruction.state,,,
                             v_wire_instruction.bank_ident_num, v_wire_instruction.addtl_info);
    END IF;
    /* PG 01/05/06 Call the check conversion only for international checks and wires */
    IF v_order_dtls.dom_chek_distr = 'N' AND v_order_dtls.distribution_method IN ('W', 'D', 'C') THEN
        /* PG 12/20/05 To process subsequent sales with wire or foreign currency distribution */
         v_transact_no := 88;
         pk_xop_citibank_forex.pr_cashconversion_ins_request( v_order_dtls.acct_num
                                                              , LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0') --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/15/07 for SPIF # 37210
                                                              , v_order_dtls.distribution_method
                                                              , v_order_dtls.foreign_currency_code
                                                              , v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no
                                                              , ROUND((v_order_dtls.opts_exer * round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4)),2)
                                                                - ROUND(v_order_dtls.comm_value,2)
                                                                - ROUND(nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0),2)
                                                                - nvl(v_order_dtls.multi_curr_handling_fee,0)
                                                                - nvl(v_order_dtls.backup_withholding,0) -- net proceeds
                                                              , v_order_dtls.multi_curr_handling_fee --handling fee
                    --Modified by Bhaskar/Suresh on 03/02/2006    --, v_order_dtls.login_name
                                                              , CASE v_order_dtls.login_name WHEN 'CLIENT/' THEN v_order_dtls.login_name||'SSO' ELSE v_order_dtls.login_name||'/SSO' END
                                                              , v_transact_no -- transact_no as place holder for exer_type 88
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_1
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_2
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_3
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_4
                                                              , v_order_dtls.upd_optionee_addr
                                                              , v_order_dtls.state
                                                              , v_order_dtls.login_ipaddress
                                                              , v_order_dtls.fcnum
                                                              , v_order_dtls.opt_num
                                                              , v_settle_dt,
                                                              p_exer_num => v_order_dtls.exer_num
    END IF;
    close get_order_dtls;
    END IF;
      * SPIF# 43161- Update to current status into PO is moved to this part, same as PROD.
    UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
    SET exec_dttime = decode(p_status_type,'EO',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),null)
         , exer_date  = TRUNC(SYSDATE)
         , cancel_dttime = decode(p_status_type,'CX',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),'UR',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),null)
         , current_status = 'PO'
         , sum_status = decode(p_status_type,'EO','X','C')
         , sum_stat_dttime = SYSDATE
    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
    /* PG 02/10 handled 'partial fill order' exception */
      when wait_for_more then
          v_err_cd := 0;
          v_err_msg := 'ORA-0000: normal, successful completion';
          pr_xop_log_errors('Partially filled; Waiting for more - Activity qty:' || to_char(v_sum_activity_qty)|| ' pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
      when exceeds_order_qty then
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
          pr_xop_log_errors('Activity quantity exceeded the Order_qty - Activity qty: ' || to_char(p_activity_qty) || ' pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
      when others then
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
          pr_xop_log_errors('ErrorCode '||SQLCODE||' with ErrorMessage as '||SQLERRM||' has occured for '||user||'pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
    END pr_process_exer;
    Hi friends, any1 help me out how to define the ref-cursor in declaration section, and how to find at what situation the constraint error occurred..

    956684 wrote:
    Friends plz help me out to debug and find the exact position of the constraint violation..thank you for the help..There isn't a way to trace it unless you have caught the exception raised.
    As a way to start the debug, you will have to monitor
    1. All DML's against the Table on which you have constraint. More specifically, the DML's that act on the column you have constraint on.
    2. Use Exception Handling, to log the Error and the data that causes the constraint to fail.
    3. Do not forget to monitor the Triggers, if they are used, that would write some data into the column you have constraint on.
    Another way to trace is:
    select *
      from user_source
    where lower(text) like '%your_table_name%';
    order by type, name, line;Look at the lines, exclude that are in Declaration or in SELECT statements and target the DML's.
    Looking at the un-formatted code you posted, this statement looks like a culprit.
    INSERT INTO tb_ml_exer_upload
    exer_dt, written_flag, backout_flag, output_line,
    je_flag, opts_exer,
    mkt_prc,exer_type, soc_sec,
    name_first, name_mi,
    cusip_num, ml_retail_account,multi_curr_handling_fee,
    ml_sec_num, corp_name,upd_optionee_addr,
    outbound_flag, -- make it N
    corp_symbol,taxwire_approve, -- make it not applicaplabe
    mail_cd, sp_mail_cd,
    -- PG 12/12/05 Changed to populate the je_flag based on dom_chek_distr 'D',
    -- PG 12/16/05 JE should not be generated for international checks.. So 'Y' always
    'Y', --je_flag
    v_order_dtls.opts_exer,0,--total tax will be 0.
    v_order_dtls.opts_exer, --shrs_sold,
    --SPIF# 43161- replaced nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0) with v_fixedfee1
    v_fixedfee1 + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0), --v_order_dtls.fees_amt,
    round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_order_dtls.exer_type,
    LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0'), --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/08/07 for SPIF # 37210
    v_opt_dtls.city_state_zip_country),1,34), -- COLUMN LENGTH MAX IS 35
    -- nvl(fn_get_sec_num(replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP'),v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
    nvl(fn_get_sec_num(v_ivr_plan_num, v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
    'N', --'N' is for outbound flag.
    v_order_dtls.symbol,'D', --'D' for taxwires disabled
    'S', -- 'S' for source being subsequent sale.
    v_mail_cd, --need to get mail_Cd??
    user,v_order_dtls.acct_num_othr);What is the Table structure of tb_ml_exer_upload and what columns do you have constraints on?
    Which column of the table tb_ml_exer_upload is your Primary Key (because constraint name mentions pk_tb_ml_exer_upload)?
    Edited by: Purvesh K on Jan 4, 2013 12:57 PM

  • Extending the beta!  How to compose and post defect reports.

    There is no such thing as bug-free software, and LR is no exception to that. Even more, v1.0 releases, even those with long beta programs, can be more brittle than expected. We've already seen a few things that look like real defects which could be addressed in a future release. This is normal and expected, and now a team at Adobe will be dedicated to maintaining the LR release into the future.
    This posting is sort of asking the question "how can we help", with a fair bit of opinionated ranting of my own on the subject. Take my comments with a grain of salt, of course, but I'm not sure I say anything that hasn't already been said a million times before.
    Firstly, is there a place where bug reports should be posted that Adobe will see? Is there a document that describes how Adobe would prefer such reports to come in, perhaps with suggestions for supplemental material they'd like to see passed along with the defect report? Not only does this provide a place where Adobe can track raw bug reports, it can make perturbed users feel better, since they've been able to do something specific and active.
    Full disclosure: I am a software developer by trade, and I maintain shipped releases of code for a living. I know how I like to see problem reports and it drives me *crazy* when a we get a vague report formatted with no punctuation, in all lower-case, containing no specific details. Usually these come with bizarre screen-shots embedded into a Microsoft Word file. Not helpful.
    It drives me crazy because I know there is a bug in there somewhere, it just isn't necessarily the bug seen by the end-user or understood at first blush by the developer. I call this the "real bug", and it can be hard to suss out, sometimes.
    I assume that the following basics are /probably/ helpful when reporting defects against LR v1.0:
    - System details. At least the exact platform version and release. Possibly with a short run-down on CPU speed, amount of RAM. Mac users should probably be sure to clarify what CPU they are running.
    - Clear steps to reproduce, if possible. Describe the problem exactly as you see it, being sure to use the language and nomenclature that the application uses. Capitalize app-specific controls exactly as you see them in the app, to make it clear what you are doing.
    Try to reduce the problem to the barest set of operations.
    - For things like "hangs" and "crashes", I'm guessing that most supported platforms have a way of capturing these details. I cannot and will not speak for Adobe. But! if I was looking at a crash or hang, I'd want any and all crash logs (OS X) or Dr. Watson (Win32) that were related to the former and the sample output (OS X) or Process Explorer dump (Win32) for the latter.
    Details on how and where to post defect reports would be nice. Sounds like a FAQ item, at the least!
    Finally, here are some things that drive me crazier and I feel are *not* helpful:
    - Defect reports that intersperse observed behaviour with guesses about what the problem really is. No one knows better the potential places where symptoms could stem from except those people maintaining that codebase. I'm a smart guy and code for a living. I would never presume to know the precise inner-workings of Lightroom without access to the source and probably a run at it in a development environment.
    - Arguing for how terrible or disastrous a particular "bug" is, and how it needs to be addressed as critical for immediate correction. Everyone, including me, finds their own bugs most critical. The problem is that software maintenance requires putting everything into perspective, evaluating each defect on its own merit, as well as how risky a fix for the defect might be. This last part cannot be minimized. Changing code incurs risk. The idea is to carefully shepherd a new release into each new version while maintaining integrity and stability. No matter how bad a bug is, introducing a fix that simply

    I agree with how you think bugs should be reported. For now, I'd suggest posting them here, in detail. Some of us can relay them to the appropriate places, at least until we hear from Adobe personnel about an official location or method for the average end user.
    Lee Jay

  • How to schedule and e-mail reports in OIM 10g

    Could you please let me know how to schedule and e-mail OOTB reports in OIM 10g.
    When I click on reports tab and try to run a report, I see the report displayed on the screen and has an option to export to CSV format.
    I could not find a place where I can specify the scheduling interval or the set of e-mail recipients.
    Looking forward to hearing from you,
    Many thanks in advance

    You can write your own schedule task to do the same. You can use the existing Stored procedures which are used by OOTB reports to get the desired report.
    You can also make use of API:

  • How to  write and what are reports for Income Statement by Region (SD/AR)?

    Hi all,
    I am anticipating  to write some abap reports, I am new to abap..Here is one of them..Anyone can help  me with writing a Report , how to do  'Income Statement by Region (SD/AR)'
    But since I am new to abap , if you wish to reply, please use a little more detail and simple explanation, step by step so I can understand what is the idea, how it can be acheived...what kind of report should be used , techniques, tables etc...:)
    Appreciate your help!

    I agree with how you think bugs should be reported. For now, I'd suggest posting them here, in detail. Some of us can relay them to the appropriate places, at least until we hear from Adobe personnel about an official location or method for the average end user.
    Lee Jay

  • How to run and use LCRE

    Dear all,
    I downloaded and installed the trial LiveCycle ES3 Server of Jboss from below link.
    After installation, I don't know how to make the configuration or how to run LCRE, which is the executive one?
    I just want to use LCRE to extend the PDF form. Thanks.

    What is your usecase ? Do you want to Reader Extend PDF files so that users can fill forms using Adobe Reader ?
    Is the number of users who would receive Reader Extended documents more than 500?
    And do you reader extend large volume of documents?
    If the answer is yes to any of the above questions then LC RE is the right product to use
    Steps to import Reader Extension Credential : -7f22.html and then follow the instructions that Sharad mentioned in another post

  • How to run and compile a java servlet on Tomcat?

    Hi, I am very new to servlets in Tomact.
    I went to the java tutorial and from the address below I copy an example (SimpleServlet).I try to run and compile it in Tomcat, But I don't know how can I do that. I appreciate if somebody tell me the command line for compiling and running this example and the necassary steps. (My Tomcat is installed perfactly).

    I have the similar question.
    Instead of going thru sun's tutorial, I tried onjava's ("").
    I could see the jsp page, but when I tried to add a servlet, I got an error "Page not found". I followed exactly the same way they describe. The only thing I noticed was the resulting page on the tutorial had the URL of ".../servlet/...".
    Is this "servlet" directory something we are supposed to create our own? If so, under what directory? Or do we need to set up anything in order for the servlet to be referenced that way?
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to run and control live cams on applets

    i want to now how can we run and control live images form a camera on to a aaplet.what technologyi used for this project . u can check the url as a demo.plz can anyone guide to start and which technologies to use,

    start with this:

  • How to debugg and find wrong statements and correct in Oracle PL/SQL

    Hi friends,
    Any1 can guide me, how to debug oracle PL/SQL package, and have to fix bugs or changing the requirement by using toad, sometimes i resolve the problem, and i take backup in notepad, after sometime if i use the same notepad contents, the something changed, i dont no how to keep the "IF loop" correctly, Sometimes while editing, the loop nevigation changes, so that i am getting more confusions. I dont no how to correct the packages already written, and how to solve problems, i use anonymous for seeing output. Dont no how to identify and fix the bug or requirement changes,. I am not sure where the code need changes. How to test properly for fixing the bugs, and how to change the logic, any1 help me out from this,... kindly give me good solution.. thnak you in advance

    you seem a little confused with your previous posts:
    956684 wrote:
    Hi, Friends,
    I have 4+ years experience in oracle plsql developer,
    956684 wrote:I am newly changed the technology into oracle PL/SQL developer,In one (3-Sep-2012) you said you have 4+ years experienced in PL/SQL developer, in the other (17-Nov-2012) you said you are new to PL/SQL developer.
    The kind of question you are posting shows that you have little experience and you have been thrown in a sort of "training on the job" which is a bit scary to my opinion.
    Other users have already posted their opinion. Oracle documentation, available online is a good source of information. I've learnt a lot reading it.
    But what is really important it try to work in a rational way:
    a) understand business , business requirement and data model.
    b) organize your job in a "safe" way. Version control is mandatory!! You cannot avoid it.
    c) Be clean and organized in your coding. Spaghetti coding doesn't lead you anywhere. And never miss documenting your code.
    d) Whenever you have a question constantly check Oracle documentations, Oracle forums, internet. Having web access is a great advantage of our days, you have all you need on your fingertips.
    If I can give you my humble opinion, learning is a slow path. You don't become expert in one day. It's a matter of learning and experiencing day by day.
    One last thing. Writing message like this:
    Any1 can guide me, how to debug oracle PL/SQL package, and have to fix bugs or changing the requirement by using toad, sometimes i resolve the problem, and i take backup in notepad, after sometime if i use the same notepad contents, the something changed, i dont no how to keep the "IF loop" correctly, Sometimes while editing, the loop nevigation changes, so that i am getting more confusions. I dont no how to correct the packages already written, and how to solve problems, i use anonymous for seeing output. Dont no how to identify and fix the bug or requirement changes,. I am not sure where the code need changes. How to test properly for fixing the bugs, and how to change the logic, any1 help me out from this,... kindly give me good solution.. thnak you in advanceis not nice. Your message looks confusing, a single paragraph, approximate English.
    Being clean and organized in your job is shown also in your messages. If you post your message in a clear and well written (and formatted) way you will have more chances to get an answer.

  • How to Run and Compile by using J2SE?

    Title says it all. Any patch file? or any command in command prompt to run or compile.

    Hey u will have to download j2se in order to run and compile java can download the latest version of j2se1.4 from this site it sels the url is .then u install it using the default settings and det the system path to C:\jdk<version-number>\bin thats the place where java.exe and javac.exe lies .To compile type javac <file_name>.java and to execute java <file_name> and yet if u have neprobs mail me at [email protected]

  • How to run and control any program by java

    hi everyone ,
    I wonder that how to execute and control some menus or how to use some property of any program by java, not for the whole program, it's just only a few features of program.
    Is there any idea?
    if it's impossible to do with java , how can I do it? which way?
    thanks a lot..

    No. Applications have to be specifically built to be able to be controlled by other programs; for example office applications allow you to communicate with them through a special protocol. To be able to communicate you need to know the protocol and write specific code for specific tasks.
    The software world is not as simple as they show in movies, where hackers just press two buttons and take control over entire buildings and applications.

  • How to run and display oracle application standard reports in portal

    We have portal with oracle applications framework. We want to provide the users the ability to run certain standard oracle applications reports in Portal?
    Is there a way to do it?
    thanks -

    Hi Sri,
    Here you can learn about integrating Oracle Reports with OracleAS Portal: Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web.

  • How to run the same SSRS report multiple times, each time with a different parameter value?

    I have an SSRS report that produces a list of invoices for a single supplier (so supplier is a parameter specified at runtime). The report is based on a stored procedure in SQL. I would like to make things easier and instead of going through all suppliers
    one by one, I want to have a single action, which produces separate reports, per supplier, for all suppliers that have an outstanding invoice (so not all suppliers on the system as a whole but all suppliers that are within the result set of the stored procedure).
    I assume this would mean first executing the stored procedure to find all suppliers that have invoices at the time. And then running the report multiple times, once for each supplier, where the supplier value is used as the parameter every time. ideally
    this would open separate webpages with a single report per page. (I am creating a button in another software, which is simply launching iexplore.exe and passing a
    fixed SSRS report URL).
    What would be required? I have SQL 2012 and I am building this in Report Builder 3.0.
    Thank you!
    P.S. What about still running ONE report, but every supplier starting on a new page? Is that more realistic? So supplier will not be a parameter any more, but just something that creates a new page on the report?

    about still running ONE report, but every supplier starting on a new page? Is that more realistic? So supplier will not be a parameter any more, but just something that creates a new page on the report?
    Yes thats a much better option. Its very easy to generate such a report in SSRS. You dont need a parameter
    in that case but just needs to add Supplier as a grouping field in the tablix. Then add other columns and groups if required. Select option set page break after each instance of the group for first grouping (ie based on supplier field). Then report will render
    with one page per supplier. On exporting to excel also each supplier data goes to a different tab
    Here's a similar requirement I did for one of my projects
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Vote This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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  • How to run two or more reports in parallel?

    I have created three report programs. After the first report is processed, I prepare a selection parameter based on the result  and call the other two programs simultaneously by using the SUBMIT command.
    As the other two programs are completely independent, I want the these to run in parallel and return the result set.
    Can anybody suggest how do I achieve this?

    Dear Radhika,
    To add to the problem, after the first program is processed and I get the result, I prepare a selection parameter table. This
    table I pass to the other two programs as shown:
    Program 2:
      SUBMIT <program_name> AND RETURN
              USER sy-uname
              WITH SELECTION-TABLE lt_params_1.
    Program 3:
      SUBMIT <program_name> AND RETURN
              USER sy-uname
              WITH SELECTION-TABLE lt_params_2.
    As suggested by you, I have checked for the job options. I found that i need to call the function modules in the order as
    1. JOB_OPEN
    3. JOB_CLOSE
    The question is how do i pass the selection parameter table in the FM JOB_SUBMIT? I can see there is a report parameter but how do I pass the table to it
    Can you please suggest.
    Edited by: siemens.a.k on Feb 4, 2010 4:03 PM

Maybe you are looking for

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