How to run Pro*C application with Instant Client in Oracle 10g

i am try to run but Pro*C application give error orasql10.dll
i have downlod Instant Client in Oracle 10g from site. i have unzip and maked environmental virable in PC.
but application not run. given error orasql10.dll .......
my problem is thrat i want to run Pro*C application with Instant Client in Oracle 10g .....
oracle say that run but how........

According to this thread, it does not work on Windows:
Does Instant Client for Windows 32 support ProC ?

Similar Messages

  • Help needed in running the RMI application with multiple clients

    I have my RMI application with one server and 6 clients. I keep all the server and client programs in the same directory. When i run the clients, the first 2 clients work properly but when the third or the fourth client starts, it works normally in getting the data and after a while it crashes. If teh third crashes the 4th works and if the 4th crashes the 3rd, 4th and 5th works ...randomly atleast one or 2 clients crash always.
    following is the error message generated for a client named controller:
    [ code ]
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at PostOfficeImpl.isinputAvail(PostOfficeImpl.Java:315)
    at PostOfficeImpl_Skel.dispatch(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.oldDispatch(
    at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
    at sun,rmi.transport.Transport$
    at Method)
    at sun,rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
    at sun,rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(
    at sun,rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$
    at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(
    at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(
    at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
    at PostOfficeImpl_Stub.isinputAvail(Unknown Source)
    at CONTROLLER.main(
    my ser ver program is as follows:
    class PostOfficeServer extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements java.rmi.Remote {
    // Instance of ourselves
    public static String name;
    private static PostOfficeServer rmi;
    // public No-argument constructor
    public PostOfficeServer() throws RemoteException {
    public static void main(String[] args){
    if(System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
         System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
    try {
         new PostOfficeServer();
         PostOffice postOfficeserver = new PostOfficeImpl();
    try {
         getIP ipAdd1 = new getIP();
         String ip1 = ipAdd1.getIP();
         name = "//" + ip1 + "/PostOffice";
    catch (Exception e){
    Naming.rebind(name, postOfficeserver);
    System.out.println("RemoteServer bound");
    System.out.println("initialise Data Structure");
    catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e) {
         System.out.println("Cannot create remote server object");
    catch ( e) {
         System.out.println("Cannot look up server object");
    System.out.println("Server started.");
    System.out.println("Enter <CR> to end.");
    try {
         int serve2end =;
    }catch (IOException ioException) {
    //endoffilePlease advise as this is very urgent

    the following is the code for PostOfficeImpl...its a long code but i include it so that I get your help please...
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.*;
    public class PostOfficeImpl extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements PostOffice {
    //Implementations must have an explicit constructor in order to declare the
    //RemoteException exception
    public PostOfficeImpl() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
    public static LinkedListImpl list = new LinkedListImpl();
    public static oListImpl ovarList  = new oListImpl();
    public static iListImpl ivarList =new iListImpl();
    public static lipsList llfirst;
    public static oList opchannel, ofirst, onext;
    public static iList ipchannel, ichan, ifirst;
    public static  String[] variNumber= new String[100];
    public static String[] inoutChan, inChan, outChan,inVAR, invarLIST,outVAR, outvarLIST ;
    public static String[][] driveMat;
    DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
    private static  Boolean All_Vacant;
    private static  Boolean tAll_Vacant;
    public void sendAll_Vacant(Boolean All_Vacant) throws RemoteException {
         tAll_Vacant = All_Vacant;
    public Boolean getAll_Vacant() throws RemoteException{
          return tAll_Vacant;
    public  void initDatastructure() throws RemoteException{
    ifirst = null;
    int i=0, j=0, k=0, ind1=0, ind2=0;
    try{/// initialise list
         drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         String[] variablel = drive.Variablelist();
         String[][] lookupvar = drive.varNameType();
         //tempdrive = drive.driverMat();
         long leng1 = variablel.length;
         int varlistlength = (int) leng1;
         int counter;
         String s1="";
         String s2="";
         String s3 = "";
         String s4 = "";
         String s6 = "";
         int s5=0, c=0;
         while(variablel[k] !=null){
         int i1, j1;
         String  varname, varnumber;
         varnumber = "";
         ind1=0; ind2 = 0;i=0;
    while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of file"))){
         s1 = variablel[i];
         s2 = variablel[i];
         System.out.println("     " + s1+"     "+s2);
    while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of input variable"))){
         s4 = variablel[i];
         if(lookupvar[i1][j1] != null){
              s3 = lookupvar[i1][0];
              break Brkwhile;
    //ifirst.varNum = varnumber;
    s5 = 0;
    s6 = null;
    ifirst= new iList(s3,s4, s5, s6);
    System.out.println(s3+"     "+s4+"     "+s5+"     "+s6);
    i = i + 1;
    System.out.println("input list finished ");
    while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of output variable"))){
         s4 = variablel[i];
         Brkwhile:while(lookupvar[i1][j1] != null){
              s3 = lookupvar[i1][0];
              break Brkwhile;
         s5 = 0;
         s6 = null;
         ofirst= new oList(s3,s4, s5, s6);
         System.out.println(s3+"     "+s4+"     "+s5+"     "+s6);
         llfirst = new lipsList(s1, s2, ivarList, ovarList);
         System.out.println("output list finished ");
         catch (NullPointerException ne){
         catch (Exception d){}
    public int isitOK(reqPacket sndNodetail)
         throws RemoteException{
         String nodnum = sndNodetail.srcNum;
         String varnum = sndNodetail.varNum;
         int status = 0;
         llfirst = list.getFirst();
         try{mainbegin:while (llfirst != null){
              ofirst = ovarList.getFirst();
              while(ofirst != null){
                   status = 1;
                   break mainbegin;
         ofirst =;
         llfirst =;
         catch (NullPointerException nl){}
         return status;
    public int senData(dataPacket sendToRTS)
         throws RemoteException{
    dataPacket datDetail = sendToRTS;
    String nnum, vnum,typename, dval;
    String dtype = "";
    nnum = datDetail.nodeNum;
    vnum = datDetail.varNum;
    typename = datDetail.dataType;
    dval = String.valueOf(datDetail.dataVal);
    String [][] tempdrive, varnametype;
    int status =0;
    System.out.println("data received is from node " nnum " is "+ dval+"var num " +vnum);
    status =0;
    //DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
    String[][] lookupvar = drive.novarType();
    tempdrive = drive.driverMat();
    String varname="";
    int i,j;
    //with the recived var name get the var num
    for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
         if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
                   dtype = lookupvar[i][1];
         }//varname is moved to dtype n used for checking
         for(i=0; i<=tempdrive.length-1; i++){j=0;
         if (tempdrive[i][j] != null){
         if (tempdrive[i][0].equals(vnum)){
              if (tempdrive[i][1].equals(nnum)){
              status = 1;
         }//System.out.println("received data " vnum " "+ nnum +" " + dtype +" "+dval);// after checking status if the status is 1 then set the counter n olist// to no of times the value has to be ditributed
    int Ccount =0;
    //opchannel = llfirst.olist;
         if (status == 1){
              llfirst = list.getFirst();
         mainWhile: while (llfirst != null){
                   ofirst = ovarList.getFirst();
                   while(ofirst != null){
                        ofirst.varVal =dval;
                        //setting the counter for the varname
                        //check driver matrix fr the no of occurances
                   for(i=0; i<=tempdrive.length-1; i++){
                   if (tempdrive[i][j] != null){
                        if (tempdrive[i][0].equals(vnum)){
                        for(j= j+3;j<=tempdrive.length-1;j++){
                        if(tempdrive[i][j] != null){
                        Ccount = Ccount + 1;
    ofirst.counter = Ccount;
    ofirst.varNum = vnum;for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
    for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
         if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
              varname = lookupvar[i][1];
         ofirst.varName = varname;
         break mainWhile;
         ofirst =;
         llfirst =;
         catch(NullPointerException s){}
    /*use the vnum in the driver matrix and find out the nodes to which this variable
    *has been sent as input , i mean destination nodes..
    *find the node numbers ..knowing the node numbers parse through data structure
    and set the input values to value and status 1./
    llfirst = list.getFirst();
    while(llfirst != null){
         ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
         while(ifirst != null){
              if (ifirst.varNum.equals(vnum)){
              ifirst.varStat = 1;
              ifirst.varVal = dval;
              //     System.out.println("nodenum "+llfirst.nodeNum+" varval     " + ifirst.varVal +"     stat "+ifirst.varStat+" vnum " + ifirst.varNum);;;
         catch (Exception e){};
         return status;
    public int isinputAvail(reqPacket inputReq)
         throws RemoteException{
         String srcnum = inputReq.srcNum;
         String varnum = inputReq.varNum;
         int availstatus =0;
         llfirst = list.getFirst();
         //System.out.println("llfirst.nodeNum     "+ llfirst.nodeNum);
         whileloop:while (llfirst != null){
              ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
              breakloop: while(ifirst != null){
              //System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status outside" + ifirst.varStat);
              if (ifirst.varStat == 1){
                   availstatus = 1;
                   ifirst.varStat = 0;
                   // System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status" + availstatus);
                   break whileloop;
         ifirst =;
         llfirst =;
         //System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status" + availstatus);
         return availstatus;
    public dataPacket senDatatoNode(reqPacket sendFromRTS)
         throws RemoteException {
         String nnum, vnum, dtype, dval;
         //nnum = "";
         //opchannel = llfirst.olist;
         //     ipchannel = llfirst.ilist;
         reqPacket sendfromrts = sendFromRTS;
         nnum = sendfromrts.srcNum;
         vnum = sendfromrts.varNum;
         //     dtype = sendFromRTS.dataType;
         dval = "";
         int ctrchk=0;
         //send data to process node n reduce the counter by 1
         llfirst = list.getFirst();
              mainWhile: while (llfirst != null){
              ofirst = llfirst.olist.getFirst();
         whileofirst: while(ofirst != null){
              dval = ofirst.varVal;
              ofirst.counter = ofirst.counter - 1;
              //     System.out.println(ofirst.counter);
              break whileofirst;
         ofirst =;
    //set the status of respective input channel to 0 as data has been sent
         ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
         if(ctrchk == 0){
         whileifirst: while(ifirst != null){
              //ifirst.varVal = dval;
              ifirst.varStat =0;
              break whileifirst;
         llfirst =;
         catch(NullPointerException s){}
    //find type
         DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         driver.novarType()     ;
         String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
         int i, j;
         String varNum = vnum;
         for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
              if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
              dtype = lookupvar[i][2];
         catch (Exception d){}
         dataPacket retpac = new dataPacket(nnum, vnum, dtype, dval);
         System.out.println("msg sent "+ nnum +"     " + vnum+" "+ dtype+"     "+ dval);
         return retpac;
    public String findnodeName(String nodeNum)
         throws RemoteException{
    String nnum = nodeNum;
    llfirst = list.getFirst();
    while (llfirst != null){
         return llfirst.nodeName;
         llfirst =;
         System.out.println("node Number does not match with the list of node numbers generated..try again");
         return null;
    //find the nodenum given the node name
    public String findnodenum(String nodename)
         throws RemoteException{
         String nodenumber ="";
         String nodname = nodename;
         try{DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         driver.novarType()     ;
         String[][] lookupnode = driver.nodeNumName();
         int i, j;
         for(i=0; i<=lookupnode.length-1; i++){
         for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
              if(lookupnode[i][j] != null){
                   nodenumber = lookupnode[i][2];
         catch (Exception d){}
         return nodenumber;
    public String findvarnum(String variablename)
         throws RemoteException{
         String varnumber = "";
         DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         driver.novarType()     ;
         String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
         int i, j;
         String varname = variablename;
         for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
         for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
              if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
                   varnumber = lookupvar[i][0];
    catch (Exception d){}
    return varnumber;
    public String findvartype(String varname)
         throws RemoteException{
         String vartype = "";
         DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
         int i, j;
         String varName = varname;
         for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
         for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
              if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
                   vartype = lookupvar[i][2];
    catch (Exception d){}
    return vartype;
    public String findtypenum(String vartype){
    String varnum = "";int i;
         DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         String varNum[][] =      driver.novarType()     ;
         String varType = vartype;
         for(i=0; i<=9-1; i++){
              if(varNum[i][0] != null){
                   varnum = varNum[i][1];
    catch (Exception d){}
    return vartype;
    //return input variable list
    public String[] inoutchanlist(String nodenum, String nodenam)
         throws RemoteException{
         DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         String[] varLIST = drive.Variablelist();
         int i=0;int j;
         int arrlength = i;
         inoutChan = new String[arrlength];
         i=0; j=0;
         while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
                   while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of input variable"))){
                        inoutChan[j] = varLIST[i];
              while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of output variable"))){
         inoutChan[j] = varLIST[i];
         break WHILELOOP;
         arrlength =j;
         for(j=0; j<=arrlength-1; j++){
         catch (Exception e){}
         return inoutChan;
    public String[] inchannel(String[] inoutChan) throws RemoteException{
    int count=0;int i=0, j=0;
         System.out.println(count + " " +inoutChan[count]);
         inChan = new String[count];
         inChan[j] =inoutChan[i];
         j=j+1; i=i+1;
    return inChan;
    public String[] outchannel(String[] inoutChan) throws RemoteException{
    int count=0;int i=0, j=0;
         System.out.println(count + " " +inoutChan[count]);
         outChan = new String[count+1];
              outChan[j] =inoutChan[i];
              j=j+1; i=i+1;
         return outChan;
    public String[] invarChan(String nodename, int guardno)throws RemoteException{
    DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
    invarLIST = drive.invarlist();
    int i=0;int j;
         int arrlength = i;
         inVAR = new String[arrlength];
         i=0; j=0;
              WHILELOOP: while(!(invarLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
                   if (invarLIST[i].equals(nodename)){
         System.out.println(invarLIST[i]);inVAR[j]=invarLIST[i]; i=i+1; j=j+1;}
         break WHILELOOP;}
    }catch (Exception d){}
    return inVAR;
    public String[] outvarChan(String nodename, int guardcount)throws RemoteException{
         DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         outvarLIST = drive.outvarlist();
         int i=0;int j;
         int arrlength = i;
         outVAR = new String[arrlength];
         i=0; j=0;
         WHILELOOP: while(!(outvarLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
              if (outvarLIST[i].equals(nodename)){
              while(!(outvarLIST[i].equals("end guard"))){
              System.out.println(outvarLIST[i]);outVAR[j]=outvarLIST[i]; i=i+1; j=j+1;}
              break WHILELOOP;}
    }catch (Exception d){}
    return outVAR;
    private static Boolean start;
    private static Boolean tstart;
    public void sendstart(Boolean start) throws RemoteException {
         tstart = start;
    public Boolean getstart() throws RemoteException{
         return tstart;
    private static Boolean done;
    private static Boolean tdone;
    public void senddone(Boolean done) throws RemoteException {
         tdone = done;
    public Boolean getdone() throws RemoteException{
         return tdone;
    private static Boolean vac_busy1;
    private static Boolean tvac_busy1;
    public void sendvac_busy1(Boolean vac_busy1) throws RemoteException {
         tvac_busy1 = vac_busy1;
    public Boolean getvac_busy1() throws RemoteException{
         return tvac_busy1;
    private static int cus1_rit1;
    private static int tcus1_rit1;
    public void sendcus1_rit1(int cus1_rit1) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_rit1 = cus1_rit1;
    public int getcus1_rit1() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_rit1;
    private static int cus1_rit2;
    private static int tcus1_rit2;
    public void sendcus1_rit2(int cus1_rit2) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_rit2 = cus1_rit2;
    public int getcus1_rit2() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_rit2;
    private static int cus1_rit3;
    private static int tcus1_rit3;
    public void sendcus1_rit3(int cus1_rit3) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_rit3 = cus1_rit3;
    public int getcus1_rit3() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_rit3;
    private static int cus1_it1;
    private static int tcus1_it1;
    public void sendcus1_it1(int cus1_it1) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_it1 = cus1_it1;
    public int getcus1_it1() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_it1;
    private static int cus1_it2;
    private static int tcus1_it2;
    public void sendcus1_it2(int cus1_it2) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_it2 = cus1_it2;
    public int getcus1_it2() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_it2;
    private static int cus1_it3;
    private static int tcus1_it3;
    public void sendcus1_it3(int cus1_it3) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_it3 = cus1_it3;
    public int getcus1_it3() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_it3;
    private static int stkit_11;
    private static int tstkit_11;
    public void sendstkit_11(int stkit_11) throws RemoteException {
         tstkit_11 = stkit_11;
    public int getstkit_11() throws RemoteException{
         return tstkit_11;
    private static int stkit_12;
    private static int tstkit_12;
    public void sendstkit_12(int stkit_12) throws RemoteException {
         tstkit_12 = stkit_12;
    public int getstkit_12() throws RemoteException{
         return tstkit_12;
    private static int stkit_13;
    private static int tstkit_13;
    public void sendstkit_13(int stkit_13) throws RemoteException {
         tstkit_13 = stkit_13;
    public int getstkit_13() throws RemoteException{
         return tstkit_13;
    private static int c1_it1;
    private static int tc1_it1;
    public void sendc1_it1(int c1_it1) throws RemoteException {
         tc1_it1 = c1_it1;
    public int getc1_it1() throws RemoteException{
         return tc1_it1;
    private static int c1_it2;
    private static int tc1_it2;
    public void sendc1_it2(int c1_it2) throws RemoteException {
         tc1_it2 = c1_it2;
    public int getc1_it2() throws RemoteException{
         return tc1_it2;
    private static int c1_it3;
    private static int tc1_it3;
    public void sendc1_it3(int c1_it3) throws RemoteException {
         tc1_it3 = c1_it3;
    public int getc1_it3() throws RemoteException{
         return tc1_it3;

  • How to configure PL/SQL Developer with instant client

    Hi buddies!
    I want to install PL/SQL Developer. I should be installing instant client? I need to install PL/SQL Developer in my pc which is going to access the database from the server.
    Please enlighten me.
    Thank You.
    Edited by: user645399 on May 12, 2010 4:26 PM

    user645399 wrote:
    These are the steps I followed.
    <snipped>I do not see a problem with these steps at all. It is correct. Step 7 is redundant (due to where you placed the tnsnames.ora file) - it's only really needed when you place the file in some other directory where +%ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin+ no longer applies.
    Note that the client itself, needs to load the InstantClient OCI DLL - and this DLL uses the environment settings and the rest to "do its thing".
    If the client loads some other Oracle client DLL, then the bets are off that InstantClient will be used, never mind will work.
    Only a single copy of a DLL can exist in memory. Thus if some other s/w is using some other OCI DLL, then that DLL is already loaded and will be re-used by all other client s/w. None will be able to use the InstantClient DLL itself.
    So make sure that no Oracle client driver is loaded at all. Then ensure that when client s/w requests to load the OCI DLL, it is loaded from the InstantClient directory.
    As far as I recall, the Win32 LoadLibrary() kernel call is made by the application - if the DLL is not yet in memory, the current directory (in the virtual machine for that Windows process) is used. If the DLL does not exist there, the %PATH% variable is used to find and load the DLL. The DLL usage counter is then set to 1. As more processes request the DLL, it is incremented. When a process terminates, the usage count is decremented. When it reaches 0, its unloaded from memory.
    Bottom line to all this is that only a single DLL module (irrespective of the number and versions of physical DLL files on disk) can reside in kernel space, and you need to make sure that the correct physical DLL file is loaded by the kernel.

  • How to ceate simple SCM application for Hardware shopee in oracle 10g forms

    Hi all,
    I want to create a simple SCM application for hardware shopee.
    I want to know all idea behind it, want to clear all concepts,required tables, etc

    Will that be a web-application like or ebay? in this case, i would re-think the idea of using forms. Or is it an application which will be used "in-house" in a company over the intranet?
    Anyway, before deciding the tool to implemnet something, wouldn't it be better to get the requirements right (functionaltity, data-objects)?

  • Pro*C with instant Client

    Hello, I'm creating a Pro*C application using Oracle 10g Database. But when I run the application on a different machine with no oracle installed but only 10g instant client. the application wont work. it ask for such dll orasql10.dll, which is not even present in instant client.

    Maybe duplicate thread.
    how run Pro*C application with Instant Client 10g

  • Can't find example oci makefile with instant client

    A couple of references indicate that Instant Client comes with an example make file. Where is it?
    I've installed all the instant client rpm files, including the 'developer' file. But I can't find the example makefile. The 'developer' rpm file is described on the download web page as follows:
    *Instant Client Package - SDK: Additional header files and an EXAMPLE MAKEFILE for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client
    So far I can't find the example makefile. I see the header files and some shared library (.so) files but no example makefile.
    Anybody know how to find the example makefile?
    Anybody have any pointers on how to make OCI programs on an instant client system? My programs already run on another system. The other system has a full blown Oracle development environment instead of instant client.
    I am trying to make the programs on a RedHat enterprise linux 4 system (actually a clone of RHEL4 called centos4).

    Never mind. Don't bother. I think I found it.
    I forgot that it's not called "Makefile", "makefile", or anything that you might ordinarily think to look for. It's called instead.

  • How to run a FXML application on a server?

    I would like to learn how to run a FXML application as applet directly on a server with no download for the client part.
    My question:
    1) Is it possible?
    2) Is there someone so kind to give me some basic steps I have to follow to accomplish this?
    A working example of the whole process would be very appreciated.
    Thanks very much.

    I'm not sure the question really makes sense.
    FXML is a markup language for laying out the user interface in a JavaFX application. So "FXML application" doesn't really make sense; you have JavaFX applications whose layout may or may not be managed by FXML. What you can do with those applications doesn't depend on whether FXML is used. In any event, JavaFX applications are inherently client-side applications; they have a user interface and expect user interaction. It wouldn't make sense to run these on a server.
    So it's not really clear to me what you mean.

  • How to run the VC application which is deployed

    Hi  All,
    I am new to the VC. I created one model, and i have added some data service and view. and i compiled and deployed. I am not able to find , how to run that deployed application.
    Can any body tell me how to run the deployed VC application.

    Hi Vijay,
    go after you have deployed to Deploy on the right side of the VC. There you have to see "see source code" and "Run name of your application". Put your mouse at run and the application will start.
    Another way ist to put the Button "Deploy Model " (it is the picture with the running man) in the 2second menu line. If you do this, the modell will start automatically, if it has no errors.

  • How to run a remote application (Non Java) from a Java program

    Could you please tell me how to run a remote application (Non-Java) from a Java program without using RMI. Please tell me know the procedure and classes to be used.

    what do you mean remote application.In the other pc or in your pc just apart from you application?
    If the application is in your pc,the method which the upper has mentioned is
    a good one!
    But if the application you want to run is not in your computer,the method can't do. And you can use socket with which you can build an application listening some port in the pc which contains the application you want to run .When you want to run that application ,send the Start_Command to the listening application.Then listening application will run the application with the help of the method the upper mentioned.

  • How to run an "Automator" application at regular time intervals

    I would like to find out how to run an "Automator" application at regular time intervals, say at every 5 minutes.
    Is there any program, AppleScript or any method to do this?
    I would very much appreciate a help.

    save your workflow as an ical plugin, this will automatically insert the workflow into ical,and create a workflow category for it, then just set to repeat every 5 minutes, or save as an APP and use a program called CRONIX (freeware) to run the schedule.

  • How to run custom BSP application in UI frame work.

    Can you please tell me how to run custom BSP application in UI frame work.
    I have copied CRM_UI_FRAME application into ZCRM_UI_FRAME. Now if i am trying to test this particular application but in URL of IE i am able to see that its always calling CRM_UI_FRAME application.
    Can any body help me out in this?

    You will find that and some other interesting stuff here
    The documents name is How-to Guide Framework Enhancements
    Edited by: rollo on Aug 8, 2008 8:20 AM

  • How to Run a SCSI Scanner with Firewire In OS X?

    Does anyone know how to run a SCSI scanner with Firewire in Mavericks?
    I have unsuccessfully tried the RATOC FR1SX SCSI-to-Firewire converter. The Ratoc is recognized as a Firewire device in the System Profiler (see pic below). However, the VueScan scanning software does not recognize the scanner.  I know the scanner works because I have been using it in an old HP PC. As such I  installled Windows 7 64 bit via Boot Camp to see if I could use the scanner, but had no luck.
    I have an iMac 21.5-inch, Mid 2010.

    The Mac scanner driver is not seeing it as a native SCSI device assuming VueScan supports the model of scanner you have. (You did not list the scanner model.)
    Other than getting a modern non-SCSI scanner, a possible option would be to get a Thunderbolt PCI expansion chassis and a 'real' SCSI interface card. There is no guarantee this will work though as SCSI has been discontinued in the Mac world for years and years. If you then want to look at a SCSI card for use with the expansion chassis then look at the following.
    Hmm, just looked the AttoTech SCSI cards have been discontinued as well, as I said SCSI is ancient history in the Mac world.

  • How to run s60 synbian application in 6300 ?

    how to run an application already runing automatically in nokia 6600 on nokia 6300, when transfered through blutooth or the memory card the particular application does not runs in nokia 6300
    how to run that particular application in nokia 6300..?

    11-Oct-200702:15 AM
    kamalkkl2002 wrote:
    how to run an application already runing automatically in nokia 6600 on nokia 6300, when transfered through blutooth or the memory card the particular application does not runs in nokia 6300
    how to run that particular application in nokia 6300..?
    No way.
    Try to google to see if you found that kind of java applications for 6300.

  • How does premiere pro CC work with nvidia GT 630M (2GB) vega???!

    how does premiere pro CC work with nvidia GT 630M (2GB) vega????!

    That will work. I would just not expect major performance with a heavier load on playback.

  • Cannot get ODBC to work with Instant Client

    I am having problems getting ODBC working with instant client. This is what I have done so far:
    1. I installed Instant Client from this page:
    The file I downloaded was:
    2. Next, I installed SQL*Plus with this file:
    Now I have SQL*Plus working with instant client.
    3. After that I downloaded for ODBC.
    4. I unzipped the odbc zip file into the Instant Client folder and ran odbc_install.exe. Now I have 'Oracle in instantclient 10_2' showing up in the drivers tab of ODBC Data Source Administrator.
    5. Now, if I try to add add a DSN and choose 'Oracle in instantclient 10_2' as the data source, I get an error "ODBC Administrator has stopped working" (
    I can add DSNs using any other data source without problems. The aforementioned error comes up only when I use 'Oracle in instantclient 10_2' as the data source.
    Can someone please let me know how to resolve this?
    I am running Windows Vista Business edition 32-bit.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ubaidullah Nubar.
    Edited by: unubar on Dec 17, 2012 9:42 PM

    Two dimensions of compatibility/requirements:
    Vertically - This is your application, APIs, .Net, operating system etc. that may define requirements on Oracle Client version, and vice versa.
    Horisontally - "on the wire" or connectivity wise - Oracle certifies client - server interoperability at least two releases or major versions back/apart, so yes, 10.2 is/was* supported. See MOS interoperability matrix for your specific case.
    (*was since 10.2 Database is out of support or even Extended support by now. Perhaps it is time to upgrade the server side also ;-))

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