Help needed in running the RMI application with multiple clients

I have my RMI application with one server and 6 clients. I keep all the server and client programs in the same directory. When i run the clients, the first 2 clients work properly but when the third or the fourth client starts, it works normally in getting the data and after a while it crashes. If teh third crashes the 4th works and if the 4th crashes the 3rd, 4th and 5th works ...randomly atleast one or 2 clients crash always.
following is the error message generated for a client named controller:
[ code ]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at PostOfficeImpl.isinputAvail(PostOfficeImpl.Java:315)
at PostOfficeImpl_Skel.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.oldDispatch(
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
at sun,rmi.transport.Transport$
at Method)
at sun,rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
at sun,rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(
at sun,rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
at PostOfficeImpl_Stub.isinputAvail(Unknown Source)
my ser ver program is as follows:
class PostOfficeServer extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements java.rmi.Remote {
// Instance of ourselves
public static String name;
private static PostOfficeServer rmi;
// public No-argument constructor
public PostOfficeServer() throws RemoteException {
public static void main(String[] args){
if(System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
     System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
try {
     new PostOfficeServer();
     PostOffice postOfficeserver = new PostOfficeImpl();
try {
     getIP ipAdd1 = new getIP();
     String ip1 = ipAdd1.getIP();
     name = "//" + ip1 + "/PostOffice";
catch (Exception e){
Naming.rebind(name, postOfficeserver);
System.out.println("RemoteServer bound");
System.out.println("initialise Data Structure");
catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e) {
     System.out.println("Cannot create remote server object");
catch ( e) {
     System.out.println("Cannot look up server object");
System.out.println("Server started.");
System.out.println("Enter <CR> to end.");
try {
     int serve2end =;
}catch (IOException ioException) {
//endoffilePlease advise as this is very urgent

the following is the code for PostOfficeImpl...its a long code but i include it so that I get your help please...
import java.lang.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.*;
public class PostOfficeImpl extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements PostOffice {
//Implementations must have an explicit constructor in order to declare the
//RemoteException exception
public PostOfficeImpl() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
public static LinkedListImpl list = new LinkedListImpl();
public static oListImpl ovarList  = new oListImpl();
public static iListImpl ivarList =new iListImpl();
public static lipsList llfirst;
public static oList opchannel, ofirst, onext;
public static iList ipchannel, ichan, ifirst;
public static  String[] variNumber= new String[100];
public static String[] inoutChan, inChan, outChan,inVAR, invarLIST,outVAR, outvarLIST ;
public static String[][] driveMat;
DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
private static  Boolean All_Vacant;
private static  Boolean tAll_Vacant;
public void sendAll_Vacant(Boolean All_Vacant) throws RemoteException {
     tAll_Vacant = All_Vacant;
public Boolean getAll_Vacant() throws RemoteException{
      return tAll_Vacant;
public  void initDatastructure() throws RemoteException{
ifirst = null;
int i=0, j=0, k=0, ind1=0, ind2=0;
try{/// initialise list
     drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
     String[] variablel = drive.Variablelist();
     String[][] lookupvar = drive.varNameType();
     //tempdrive = drive.driverMat();
     long leng1 = variablel.length;
     int varlistlength = (int) leng1;
     int counter;
     String s1="";
     String s2="";
     String s3 = "";
     String s4 = "";
     String s6 = "";
     int s5=0, c=0;
     while(variablel[k] !=null){
     int i1, j1;
     String  varname, varnumber;
     varnumber = "";
     ind1=0; ind2 = 0;i=0;
while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of file"))){
     s1 = variablel[i];
     s2 = variablel[i];
     System.out.println("     " + s1+"     "+s2);
while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of input variable"))){
     s4 = variablel[i];
     if(lookupvar[i1][j1] != null){
          s3 = lookupvar[i1][0];
          break Brkwhile;
//ifirst.varNum = varnumber;
s5 = 0;
s6 = null;
ifirst= new iList(s3,s4, s5, s6);
System.out.println(s3+"     "+s4+"     "+s5+"     "+s6);
i = i + 1;
System.out.println("input list finished ");
while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of output variable"))){
     s4 = variablel[i];
     Brkwhile:while(lookupvar[i1][j1] != null){
          s3 = lookupvar[i1][0];
          break Brkwhile;
     s5 = 0;
     s6 = null;
     ofirst= new oList(s3,s4, s5, s6);
     System.out.println(s3+"     "+s4+"     "+s5+"     "+s6);
     llfirst = new lipsList(s1, s2, ivarList, ovarList);
     System.out.println("output list finished ");
     catch (NullPointerException ne){
     catch (Exception d){}
public int isitOK(reqPacket sndNodetail)
     throws RemoteException{
     String nodnum = sndNodetail.srcNum;
     String varnum = sndNodetail.varNum;
     int status = 0;
     llfirst = list.getFirst();
     try{mainbegin:while (llfirst != null){
          ofirst = ovarList.getFirst();
          while(ofirst != null){
               status = 1;
               break mainbegin;
     ofirst =;
     llfirst =;
     catch (NullPointerException nl){}
     return status;
public int senData(dataPacket sendToRTS)
     throws RemoteException{
dataPacket datDetail = sendToRTS;
String nnum, vnum,typename, dval;
String dtype = "";
nnum = datDetail.nodeNum;
vnum = datDetail.varNum;
typename = datDetail.dataType;
dval = String.valueOf(datDetail.dataVal);
String [][] tempdrive, varnametype;
int status =0;
System.out.println("data received is from node " nnum " is "+ dval+"var num " +vnum);
status =0;
//DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
String[][] lookupvar = drive.novarType();
tempdrive = drive.driverMat();
String varname="";
int i,j;
//with the recived var name get the var num
for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
     if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
               dtype = lookupvar[i][1];
     }//varname is moved to dtype n used for checking
     for(i=0; i<=tempdrive.length-1; i++){j=0;
     if (tempdrive[i][j] != null){
     if (tempdrive[i][0].equals(vnum)){
          if (tempdrive[i][1].equals(nnum)){
          status = 1;
     }//System.out.println("received data " vnum " "+ nnum +" " + dtype +" "+dval);// after checking status if the status is 1 then set the counter n olist// to no of times the value has to be ditributed
int Ccount =0;
//opchannel = llfirst.olist;
     if (status == 1){
          llfirst = list.getFirst();
     mainWhile: while (llfirst != null){
               ofirst = ovarList.getFirst();
               while(ofirst != null){
                    ofirst.varVal =dval;
                    //setting the counter for the varname
                    //check driver matrix fr the no of occurances
               for(i=0; i<=tempdrive.length-1; i++){
               if (tempdrive[i][j] != null){
                    if (tempdrive[i][0].equals(vnum)){
                    for(j= j+3;j<=tempdrive.length-1;j++){
                    if(tempdrive[i][j] != null){
                    Ccount = Ccount + 1;
ofirst.counter = Ccount;
ofirst.varNum = vnum;for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
     if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
          varname = lookupvar[i][1];
     ofirst.varName = varname;
     break mainWhile;
     ofirst =;
     llfirst =;
     catch(NullPointerException s){}
/*use the vnum in the driver matrix and find out the nodes to which this variable
*has been sent as input , i mean destination nodes..
*find the node numbers ..knowing the node numbers parse through data structure
and set the input values to value and status 1./
llfirst = list.getFirst();
while(llfirst != null){
     ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
     while(ifirst != null){
          if (ifirst.varNum.equals(vnum)){
          ifirst.varStat = 1;
          ifirst.varVal = dval;
          //     System.out.println("nodenum "+llfirst.nodeNum+" varval     " + ifirst.varVal +"     stat "+ifirst.varStat+" vnum " + ifirst.varNum);;;
     catch (Exception e){};
     return status;
public int isinputAvail(reqPacket inputReq)
     throws RemoteException{
     String srcnum = inputReq.srcNum;
     String varnum = inputReq.varNum;
     int availstatus =0;
     llfirst = list.getFirst();
     //System.out.println("llfirst.nodeNum     "+ llfirst.nodeNum);
     whileloop:while (llfirst != null){
          ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
          breakloop: while(ifirst != null){
          //System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status outside" + ifirst.varStat);
          if (ifirst.varStat == 1){
               availstatus = 1;
               ifirst.varStat = 0;
               // System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status" + availstatus);
               break whileloop;
     ifirst =;
     llfirst =;
     //System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status" + availstatus);
     return availstatus;
public dataPacket senDatatoNode(reqPacket sendFromRTS)
     throws RemoteException {
     String nnum, vnum, dtype, dval;
     //nnum = "";
     //opchannel = llfirst.olist;
     //     ipchannel = llfirst.ilist;
     reqPacket sendfromrts = sendFromRTS;
     nnum = sendfromrts.srcNum;
     vnum = sendfromrts.varNum;
     //     dtype = sendFromRTS.dataType;
     dval = "";
     int ctrchk=0;
     //send data to process node n reduce the counter by 1
     llfirst = list.getFirst();
          mainWhile: while (llfirst != null){
          ofirst = llfirst.olist.getFirst();
     whileofirst: while(ofirst != null){
          dval = ofirst.varVal;
          ofirst.counter = ofirst.counter - 1;
          //     System.out.println(ofirst.counter);
          break whileofirst;
     ofirst =;
//set the status of respective input channel to 0 as data has been sent
     ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
     if(ctrchk == 0){
     whileifirst: while(ifirst != null){
          //ifirst.varVal = dval;
          ifirst.varStat =0;
          break whileifirst;
     llfirst =;
     catch(NullPointerException s){}
//find type
     DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
     driver.novarType()     ;
     String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
     int i, j;
     String varNum = vnum;
     for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
          if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
          dtype = lookupvar[i][2];
     catch (Exception d){}
     dataPacket retpac = new dataPacket(nnum, vnum, dtype, dval);
     System.out.println("msg sent "+ nnum +"     " + vnum+" "+ dtype+"     "+ dval);
     return retpac;
public String findnodeName(String nodeNum)
     throws RemoteException{
String nnum = nodeNum;
llfirst = list.getFirst();
while (llfirst != null){
     return llfirst.nodeName;
     llfirst =;
     System.out.println("node Number does not match with the list of node numbers generated..try again");
     return null;
//find the nodenum given the node name
public String findnodenum(String nodename)
     throws RemoteException{
     String nodenumber ="";
     String nodname = nodename;
     try{DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
     driver.novarType()     ;
     String[][] lookupnode = driver.nodeNumName();
     int i, j;
     for(i=0; i<=lookupnode.length-1; i++){
     for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
          if(lookupnode[i][j] != null){
               nodenumber = lookupnode[i][2];
     catch (Exception d){}
     return nodenumber;
public String findvarnum(String variablename)
     throws RemoteException{
     String varnumber = "";
     DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
     driver.novarType()     ;
     String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
     int i, j;
     String varname = variablename;
     for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
     for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
          if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
               varnumber = lookupvar[i][0];
catch (Exception d){}
return varnumber;
public String findvartype(String varname)
     throws RemoteException{
     String vartype = "";
     DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
     String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
     int i, j;
     String varName = varname;
     for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
     for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
          if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
               vartype = lookupvar[i][2];
catch (Exception d){}
return vartype;
public String findtypenum(String vartype){
String varnum = "";int i;
     DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
     String varNum[][] =      driver.novarType()     ;
     String varType = vartype;
     for(i=0; i<=9-1; i++){
          if(varNum[i][0] != null){
               varnum = varNum[i][1];
catch (Exception d){}
return vartype;
//return input variable list
public String[] inoutchanlist(String nodenum, String nodenam)
     throws RemoteException{
     DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
     String[] varLIST = drive.Variablelist();
     int i=0;int j;
     int arrlength = i;
     inoutChan = new String[arrlength];
     i=0; j=0;
     while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
               while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of input variable"))){
                    inoutChan[j] = varLIST[i];
          while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of output variable"))){
     inoutChan[j] = varLIST[i];
     break WHILELOOP;
     arrlength =j;
     for(j=0; j<=arrlength-1; j++){
     catch (Exception e){}
     return inoutChan;
public String[] inchannel(String[] inoutChan) throws RemoteException{
int count=0;int i=0, j=0;
     System.out.println(count + " " +inoutChan[count]);
     inChan = new String[count];
     inChan[j] =inoutChan[i];
     j=j+1; i=i+1;
return inChan;
public String[] outchannel(String[] inoutChan) throws RemoteException{
int count=0;int i=0, j=0;
     System.out.println(count + " " +inoutChan[count]);
     outChan = new String[count+1];
          outChan[j] =inoutChan[i];
          j=j+1; i=i+1;
     return outChan;
public String[] invarChan(String nodename, int guardno)throws RemoteException{
DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
invarLIST = drive.invarlist();
int i=0;int j;
     int arrlength = i;
     inVAR = new String[arrlength];
     i=0; j=0;
          WHILELOOP: while(!(invarLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
               if (invarLIST[i].equals(nodename)){
     System.out.println(invarLIST[i]);inVAR[j]=invarLIST[i]; i=i+1; j=j+1;}
     break WHILELOOP;}
}catch (Exception d){}
return inVAR;
public String[] outvarChan(String nodename, int guardcount)throws RemoteException{
     DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
     outvarLIST = drive.outvarlist();
     int i=0;int j;
     int arrlength = i;
     outVAR = new String[arrlength];
     i=0; j=0;
     WHILELOOP: while(!(outvarLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
          if (outvarLIST[i].equals(nodename)){
          while(!(outvarLIST[i].equals("end guard"))){
          System.out.println(outvarLIST[i]);outVAR[j]=outvarLIST[i]; i=i+1; j=j+1;}
          break WHILELOOP;}
}catch (Exception d){}
return outVAR;
private static Boolean start;
private static Boolean tstart;
public void sendstart(Boolean start) throws RemoteException {
     tstart = start;
public Boolean getstart() throws RemoteException{
     return tstart;
private static Boolean done;
private static Boolean tdone;
public void senddone(Boolean done) throws RemoteException {
     tdone = done;
public Boolean getdone() throws RemoteException{
     return tdone;
private static Boolean vac_busy1;
private static Boolean tvac_busy1;
public void sendvac_busy1(Boolean vac_busy1) throws RemoteException {
     tvac_busy1 = vac_busy1;
public Boolean getvac_busy1() throws RemoteException{
     return tvac_busy1;
private static int cus1_rit1;
private static int tcus1_rit1;
public void sendcus1_rit1(int cus1_rit1) throws RemoteException {
     tcus1_rit1 = cus1_rit1;
public int getcus1_rit1() throws RemoteException{
     return tcus1_rit1;
private static int cus1_rit2;
private static int tcus1_rit2;
public void sendcus1_rit2(int cus1_rit2) throws RemoteException {
     tcus1_rit2 = cus1_rit2;
public int getcus1_rit2() throws RemoteException{
     return tcus1_rit2;
private static int cus1_rit3;
private static int tcus1_rit3;
public void sendcus1_rit3(int cus1_rit3) throws RemoteException {
     tcus1_rit3 = cus1_rit3;
public int getcus1_rit3() throws RemoteException{
     return tcus1_rit3;
private static int cus1_it1;
private static int tcus1_it1;
public void sendcus1_it1(int cus1_it1) throws RemoteException {
     tcus1_it1 = cus1_it1;
public int getcus1_it1() throws RemoteException{
     return tcus1_it1;
private static int cus1_it2;
private static int tcus1_it2;
public void sendcus1_it2(int cus1_it2) throws RemoteException {
     tcus1_it2 = cus1_it2;
public int getcus1_it2() throws RemoteException{
     return tcus1_it2;
private static int cus1_it3;
private static int tcus1_it3;
public void sendcus1_it3(int cus1_it3) throws RemoteException {
     tcus1_it3 = cus1_it3;
public int getcus1_it3() throws RemoteException{
     return tcus1_it3;
private static int stkit_11;
private static int tstkit_11;
public void sendstkit_11(int stkit_11) throws RemoteException {
     tstkit_11 = stkit_11;
public int getstkit_11() throws RemoteException{
     return tstkit_11;
private static int stkit_12;
private static int tstkit_12;
public void sendstkit_12(int stkit_12) throws RemoteException {
     tstkit_12 = stkit_12;
public int getstkit_12() throws RemoteException{
     return tstkit_12;
private static int stkit_13;
private static int tstkit_13;
public void sendstkit_13(int stkit_13) throws RemoteException {
     tstkit_13 = stkit_13;
public int getstkit_13() throws RemoteException{
     return tstkit_13;
private static int c1_it1;
private static int tc1_it1;
public void sendc1_it1(int c1_it1) throws RemoteException {
     tc1_it1 = c1_it1;
public int getc1_it1() throws RemoteException{
     return tc1_it1;
private static int c1_it2;
private static int tc1_it2;
public void sendc1_it2(int c1_it2) throws RemoteException {
     tc1_it2 = c1_it2;
public int getc1_it2() throws RemoteException{
     return tc1_it2;
private static int c1_it3;
private static int tc1_it3;
public void sendc1_it3(int c1_it3) throws RemoteException {
     tc1_it3 = c1_it3;
public int getc1_it3() throws RemoteException{
     return tc1_it3;

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    for(var i =0; i < document.form1.cap.value; i++)
    msg.document.write("<INPUT type=text name=tbAlphaNumeric>");
    msg.document.write('<input type="button" name="Button2" value="Steal" onClick="javascript:window.opener.WinShow();">');
    function WinShow() {
    msg=open("","DisplayWindow","toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no, scrollbars=yes");
    msg.document.write("<CENTER><h1><B>Display of second page text elements!</B></h1></CENTER>");
    msg.document.write('<BODY><form name="form3">');
    for(var j =0; j < document.form1.cap.value; j++)
    <form name="form1">
    <INPUT type= "text" name=cap>
    <input type="button" name="Button1" value="Push me" onClick="WinOpen()">

  • Help needed to find the schema/application data size

    Would i request you to help me to measure schema size/(APEX)application data size.
    I've 3 applications running on same schema and now i want to move one application to new server, new schema,
    Now i need to know how much space is required for this application to host on the new server, so i should find the application size and application data size in the current server, your hep is appreciated. thanks in advance.

    Would i request you to help me to measure schema size/(APEX)application data size.
    I've 3 applications running on same schema and now i want to move one application to new server, new schema,
    Now i need to know how much space is required for this application to host on the new server, so i should find the application size and application data size in the current server, your hep is appreciated. thanks in advance.

  • Help needed to run a JMS application on WSAD

    Hello everybody,
    I�m trying to execute a JMS application which calls a QueueConnectionFactory and a Queue by JNDI lookup.
    I had configured these queues & Connection Factory at the server configuration for the JMS Server & these are being displayed while the server is starting up that these names had been binded.until here it�s ok.
    But the problem comes when I try to us my JMS program with configurations as websphere 5.1 application client.\
    The error is being displayed as : Exception occurred while the JNDI NamingManager was processing a javax.naming.Reference object.
    [Root exception is java.lang.Exception: De-reference of JMS provider's Reference failed - check provider is on classpath]
    WSCL0100E: Exception received: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    If any body can check this out please help.
    best regards,
    Raju Cherukuri.

    I am facing the same issue. Also regarding the resolution posted in this thread, to add the MQ jars in the classpath, do I still have to do if I am using the embedded JMS and not MQ.
    Cosmo can you pls explain what are the steps to do, for whatever you've suggested.

  • HT2105 Continually get a message saying "We are experiencing technical difficulties, please try later" when trying to set up allowances. Not very helpful. Any ideas. I am running the latest itunes with Windows 7 Professional.

    Continually get a message saying "We are experiencing technical difficulties, please try later" when trying to set up allowances. Not very helpful. Any ideas. I am running the latest itunes with Windows 7 Professional.

    Not a solution yet, but received the following from one of the tech people I've been e-mailing back & forth with.
    "I'm sorry that you have been unable to submit your podcast. The podcast submission form is currently offline. When trying to submit the podcast you will receive this message "We are Currently Experienced Technical Difficulties". Once the issue has been resolved, I would be glad to inform you.
    Apple is currently working toward a resolution for the issue you have reported. You will receive an email after the matter has been investigated and further information is available."
    Who knows, maybe the problem isn't with my feed after all.

  • I have a Maxtor 3200 which has stopped communicating with my iMac for no reason can you help i'am running the latest system

    I have a Maxtor 3200 which has stopped communicating with my iMac for no reason can you help i'am running the latest system

    I have never seen this before.  Try using these installers
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)

  • Changes made to .css file in adf application, Does need to run the page again

    Hi Gurus,
    Please explain me, Changes made to .css file in running adf application, Does need to run the page or just refreshing page from browser will pickup the changes for oracle ADF 11g R2.
    Warm Regards,
    Md Jahangir Pasha

    you have to set CHECK_FILE_MODIFICATION parameter value to "true" on web.xml file.

  • Running 3.6.6. Have blue bar below the menu bar that says "Downloading the latest applications" with a progress twirly, never ends.

    Running 3.6.6. Tried 4 Beta, window was too large for monitor, couldn't resize, uninstalled. Now I have this blue bar below the menu bar in 3.6.6 that says "Downloading the latest applications" with a progress twirly, never ends. Removed 3.6.6 & reinstalled. Same problem.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I tried 4 beta, then went back to 3.6.6

    That problem can be caused by the MSN® Toolbar (Tools > Add-ons > Plugins)
    See [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

  • Help needed to run JSTL 1.1 in Tomcat 6.0.16

    Hi All,Help needed to run JSTL 1.1 in Tomcat 6.0.16. I am trying to run the example given in The example tries to connect to MySQL database from JSP using JSTL and JNDI Datasource.I am running the example using Eclipse 3.4.2 using Sysdeo plugin to start and stop Tomcat server from Eclipse IDE.
    My web.xml file has <web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
    and test.jsp has proper taglib directives
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    I have placed the jstl.jar and standard.jarof the under E:\Deepa\workspace\DBTest\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib directory also placedcontext.xml file under E:\Deepa\workspace\DBTest\WebContent\META-INF and the content of context.xml is as below
    <Context path="/DBTest" docBase="DBTest"
    debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
    <Resource name="jdbc/TestDB" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
    maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
    username="deepa" password="mysql" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    Now while running the example, Eclipse creates one DBTest.xml file under C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\conf\Catalina\localhost
    which has the following line:
    <Context path="/DBTest" reloadable="true" docBase="E:\Deepa\workspace\DBTest" workDir="E:\Deepa\workspace\DBTest\work" />
    I am getting the following error when running http://localhost/DBTest/WebContent/test.jsp
    in Browser:
    <HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application
    In the Tomcat Server console, I am getting the following error:
    INFO: Server startup in 7295 ms
    May 20, 2009 6:36:48 AM org.apache.jasper.compiler.TldLocationsCache processWebDotXml
    WARNING: Internal Error: File /WEB-INF/web.xml not found
    May 20, 2009 6:36:48 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
    SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application
    what is the problem with my code?
    When running the same example, by creating a local server in Eclipse(creating new Server connection pointing to same Tomcat 6.0 installation) it runs fine without any error.

    Hi evnafets,
    Wow, very helpful information, great insight into working of Eclipse. Thanks a lot.
    I have one more question. I have a context.xml file under {color:#0000ff}E:\Deepa\workspace\DBTest\WebContent\META-INF{color} folder and that has the Resource element to connect to MySQL database:
    {code{color:#000000}}{color}<Context path="/DBTest" docBase="DBTest" debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
    <Resource name="jdbc/TestDB" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="deepa" password="mysql" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    {color:#0000ff}</Context>{color}As usual when running application in local Tomcat server of Eclipse, this data source works fine. But when I run the application on Tomcat, by starting Sysdeo plugin from Eclipse, the DBTest.xml file created in C:\Tomcat 6.0\conf\Catalina\localhost has the context entry as<Context path="/DBTest" reloadable="true" docBase="E:\Deepa\workspace\DBTest\WebContent" workDir="E:\Deepa\workspace\DBTest\work">
    </Context>The<Resource> element I have specified in the context.xml of \WebContent\META-INF folder is not taken into account by Tomcat and it gives the following error:May 21, 2009 5:20:04 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
    SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unable to get connection, DataSource invalid: "org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException_: Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null'"
    _at org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.sql.QueryTagSupport.getConnection(
    at org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.sql.QueryTagSupport.doStartTag(
    at org.apache.jsp.test_jsp._jspx_meth_sql_005fquery_005f0(
    at org.apache.jsp.test_jsp._jspService(
    at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
    So to overcome this error I had to place the <Resource> element in DBTest.xml under C:\Tomcat 6.0\conf\Catalina\localhost {color:#000000}and then it works fine. {color}{color:#ff0000}*Why is the context.xml file in META-INF not considered by Tomcat server using Sysdeo Plugin?*
    Edited by: Deepa76 on May 26, 2009 9:32 PM

  • Error while running the vsm application

    I am trying to deploy the virtual shopping mall application. But during the server start up the below error is thrown.
    Warning: Error creating table: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection.
    I searched the forum for this exception and came to know that this is due to some configuration error. I have tried all option but with no success.
    I am deploying this application in the OC4J bundled with the Oracle9ias infrastructure. Is this fine? Do I need to install the Oracle9i database for this application. I am able to successfully run the petstore application in this set up.
    I am able to connect to the database through SQL Plus as well as from the standalone code.
    Any thoughts on this would be of great help.
    You can also mail me at [email protected]

    Below is the entry in the data-sources.xml
    I am able to connect to this database with the above username and password from SQL Plus.
    Also is the data source class mentioned above correct.
    For petstore the datasource class is specified as com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource instead of oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource and everything is working fine.

  • Running the same application in different database table- giving error:

    Hi All,
    I m new to JSF, spring and Hibernate web application. I have done a web project using JSF, Hibernate and Spring. We have to maintain the Data records which is stored in mysql db. Now there are different table is there such as example Employee Details and Company Details. So we created two seperate application o tomacat, For both Application we use same functionality except the JSP FILE Name and table name (Which is changed according to Application).
    In the employee.hbm.xml
    I changed the table name according to application. Two table (Company Details & Employee Details)...
    Now while running the application on the tomcat server, only one application is running at a time. if we start running the Employee Application, then Company Application is giving the below error,
    Error in Log:
    The resourse is already in used/busy.
    Interesting thing is only one Application is running at a time and other is in stop status.
    Could you please help us, how to overcome the error,
    Is it not possible to run both the application on different browsers.
    In logs the below error is showing:
    java.lang.Exception: Socket bind failed: [730048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
    Could you please give some idea to sort out the below issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, I've changed the DynamicJDBCBindingFilter Class in this way:
    method doFiletr
    String usrName = request.getParameter(USERNAME_PARAM);
    String pswd = request.getParameter(PASSWORD_PARAM);
    String URL = request.getParameter(URL_PARAM);
    session.setAttribute(Configuration.DB_USERNAME_PROPERTY, usrName);
    session.setAttribute(Configuration.DB_PASSWORD_PROPERTY, pswd);
    This is for retrieve the JDBC URL from the login page
    Then i've modified the DynamicJDBCEnvInfoProvider to accept this new parameter
    ((Hashtable) connEnvironment).put(Configuration.DB_CONNECT_STRING_PROPERTY,mJDBCURL);
    Finally i modifed the DynamicJDBCSessionCookieFactory
    tho put this new parameter in DynamicJDBCEnvInfoProvider class
    EnvInfoProvider provider = new DynamicJDBCEnvInfoProvider(
    But when I test the application it doesn't works.
    With the correct parameter the login fails.
    I'm not using a DB on my local machine, but one on another machine which has not the Dept table.
    thanks for help

  • Core dump when running the Proc Application

    I have client that has decided to upgrade from Oracle 10g to Oracle11g version. Presently the client code is compiled with Oracle version We have tuxedo version as 9.0 patch02. When running the ProC application, I am getting the core dump. The stack trace for dump is as follows :-
    core 'core' of 7784: bp_Customer -C dom=KenanFX -g 5 -i 225 -u dsesun10 -U /users/denver/pc
    ffffffff6e8d9bbc kill (2, ffffffff7ffe002c, 1, ffffffff7de3b9a0, ffffffff7ffe0028, ffffffff7e10b5a0) + 8
    ffffffff7d27b1f4 skgesigCrash (ffffffff7ffe09a8, ffffffff7e10a070, 1a0c00, ffffffff7dfdbc40, d60a7c, 1) + 34
    ffffffff7d27b81c skgesig_sigactionHandler (ffffffff7d6fb9a0, ffffffff7ffe1800, ffffffff7ffe0990, ffffffff7e10b578, ffffffff7ffe0998, ffffffff7ffe09a8) + dc
    ffffffff6e8d62e0 __sighndlr (b, ffffffff7ffe1800, ffffffff7ffe1520, ffffffff7d27b740, 0, a) + c
    ffffffff6e8c9e44 call_user_handler (ffffffff75f00200, ffffffff75f00200, ffffffff7ffe1520, 8, 0, 0) + 3e0
    ffffffff6e8ca03c sigacthandler (0, ffffffff7ffe1800, ffffffff7ffe1520, ffffffff75f00200, 0, ffffffff6ea3c000) + 54
    --- called from signal handler with signal 0 (SIGEXIT) ---
    ffffffff7c24bb24 sqlrlc (ffffffff7e0f9fc0, 0, 60, c0, 4, 8) + 4
    ffffffff7c253594 sqlbrl (ffffffff7e0f9fc0, 1004bc630, 1004bc658, 1004bc5d0, ffffffff7ffe1b30, 2) + 114
    ffffffff7c2745ec sqlhvdsc (1004bc5c0, ffffffff7e0f9fc0, 8, ffffffff7fff27a0, 0, 1d676b0) + ac
    ffffffff7c274e68 sqlshv (c, 0, e, 0, f, 1c) + 128
    ffffffff7c25bd8c sqlsel (ffffffff7fff27a0, 1002d0850, 1002d0d80, 1, ffffffff7e0f9fc0, ffffffff7dd09d70) + 38c
    ffffffff7c24ed18 sqlcmex (1, ffffffff7ffe1e80, 0, c, 1002d0850, 0) + 278
    ffffffff7c24f724 sqlcxt (0, ffffffff74fd3800, ffffffff7fff27a0, ffffffff74e5d3e4, 16400, 0) + 44
    ffffffff74c65aec selectCMF_XIDDB (788, 16450, 2, ffffffff74fbb978, ffffffff7fff4344, ffffffff7971de60) + f14
    ffffffff79f5743c bp_AccountFind (0, 0, 1002b6118, 1002b6118, 1002b6118, 1002b6118) + 137c
    000000010001748c commonServiceWrapper (30, 0, 558, 1, 100140428, ffffffff6fa08560) + cac
    000000010001d1a4 I_AccountFind (100188220, 12336c, 2e60, 100186b80, ffffffff7fffa440, ffffffff6fa08560) + ec
    ffffffff7f25ea34 _tmsvcdsp (100186b80, 0, 1001f7b60, 800, 100186b80, 1400) + 11ac
    ffffffff7f28241c _tmrunserver (2bb4, 0, 100186b80, 10017c480, 10017d5a0, 0) + 11ac
    ffffffff7f25d47c _tmstartserver (1, 2c00, 100144c90, 800, 10017ebe0, 1001444e0) + 1ac
    0000000100014e4c main (1b, ffffffff7fffab18, ffffffff7fffabf8, ffffffff6e84b8e0, ffffffff75b05200, ffffffff75f00200) + 14
    0000000100014d9c _start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 17c
    Can you please help what is causing problem in the applications. Thanks in advanced.

    This forum is about C programming in general, and about using Oracle Studio C in particular.
    Your question seems to be about a database application that now crashes when run on an updated version of Oracle database.
    You mention "Proc" and ProC". If you are referring to the Pro*C compiler, that would also be a database question, since the Pro*C compiler is not related to Oracle Studio or Oracle Studio C.
    You are more likely to find a helpful answer in a database programming forum. Start here:

  • How to run the rmi security manager

    how to run the rmi security manager

    You need to make a special class, where you give all permissions or socket permissions, then in promt you just call this class with following:
    java then package name, then Class name. All is the name og permission class.
    Good luck!

Maybe you are looking for

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