How to submit request with default language as 'American English' in other non-english language sessions.

Dear All,
Kindly suggest how to submit request with default language as 'American English' in other language sessions (Ex: Arabic).
R12: 12.1.3
The issue is we created function using 'arabic' text in it, which runs perfect in the english session, but doesnt gets value in the arabic session.
So we decided to make the submit request with default language as 'American English'.
Below is the function. Kindly note that SEGMENT1 is not linked to any valueset.
      FROM (
  --            NVL(SEGMENT5, 'تجاوز') Late_type,
  --             SEGMENT1 NOTES,
WHEN NVL(SEGMENT5,'تجاوز') not in ( 'تجاوز' ,'إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment1 not in ('إجازة غير مدفوعة') THEN 0
--WHEN SEGMENT1  like 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' THEN
--TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
--TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') +1
when segment1 not in('بدل نقدي','إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment4 is null then
TRUNC(to_date(ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,'DD/MM/RRRR'))- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')-1 
when segment1 in('إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment4 is null then
WHEN SEGMENT1 <> 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' and
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  <
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') 
  WHEN SEGMENT1 <> 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' and
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  <=1
WHEN SEGMENT1 like  '%بدل نقدي%' then 0
           -- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  
  WHEN SEGMENT1 like '%إجازة سنوية%' and segment5 in( 'إجازة غير مدفوعة','تجاوز')and
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  >=2
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -1
WHEN SEGMENT1 like '%إجازة حج%' and segment5 in('إجازة غير مدفوعة','تجاوز') and
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  >=2
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
            TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -1
when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')<=1
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND SEGMENT5 NOT IN('تجاوز','إجازة غير مدفوعة') AND
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')>=2
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')+1
when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND SEGMENT5  IN('تجاوز','إجازة غير مدفوعة') AND
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')>=2
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
           EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))  <>
           EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) 
   TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') -
   TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') - 2
        to_char(to_date(SUBSTR(SEGMENT3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY') =
        to_char(to_date(SUBSTR(SEGMENT4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY')
        THEN  0
EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))= 31
     TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
  TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')-1
--------------------------------------------when enddate is NULL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- WHEN segment3 IS NULL THEN round(TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') -
--  TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR'))
WHEN segment3 IS NULL THEN ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
        EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 30) +
         (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
        EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))
-----***********************************when segment1**********************************--------------------------
WHEN SEGMENT1  like '%صادف%' THEN ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
        EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 0) +
         (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
        EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))
    EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) =
    EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))
      ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
        EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 30) +
       (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
        EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))-1
         ELSE 0
         END )EXCD_DAYS
               PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F         PPF,
               PER_PERSON_ANALYSES      T ,
               fnd_id_flex_structures_vl f
             WHERE 1 = 1
           and ppps.PERSON_ID=ppf.person_id(+)
          and   ppps.ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE           BETWEEN  ppf.effective_start_date and nvl(ppf.effective_end_date, to_date('31/12/4712', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
          -- AND C.ID_FLEX_NUM = 50318
           and c.id_flex_num = f.id_flex_num
    AND f.id_flex_code = 'PEA' 
      and f.ID_FLEX_STRUCTURE_NAME =  'XX_Old_Leave_Details'
    AND PPF.person_id = P_PERSON_ID
AND T.DATE_FROM>=( select
TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(xx.global_value, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
ff_globals_f xx
and substr(c.segment1,1,10)>=
           select substr(xx.global_value,1,10)
ff_globals_f xx
    RETURN 0;
Thanks in Advance.

Dear All,
I found the solution for the above function.
In the same function I removed the static arabic values replacing with code values from the value set.
In my scenario there is a value set where some of these values exists, and other we can add there.
Kindly let me know if someone was successful by using the arabic text in the coding and defaulting the language in conc prog as English.
Thanks a lot.

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    Following is a package where the request is submitted and the layout is added.
    Also check iin the other way by adding the layout first n then giving the request.
    PROCEDURE try_proc
    errbuf OUT VARCHAR2,
    retcode OUT NUMBER
    l_mode BOOLEAN;
    l_request_id NUMBER;
    xml_layout BOOLEAN;
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    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,
    'Concurrent MODE Option is Success'
    END IF;
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    l_request_id :=
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    program => 'shortname',
    sub_request => FALSE
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,
    'Request_Id 1 is :' || l_request_id
    xml_layout :=
    fnd_request.add_layout (template_appl_name => 'SQLAP',
    template_code => 'CAPINEF01',
    template_language => 'en',
    template_territory => 'US',
    output_format => 'PDF'
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
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    || SUBSTR (SQLCODE, 1, 20)
    || ':'
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    Hi David,
       OK, I investigated the new format and treatment. It appears that the first entry in the property list file that matches the file being opened wins. The Finder may still honor the new format; when I moved my old Panther file into Tiger it seemed to work. However, in other ways, the Finder doesn't recognize the old format, which is the format of the FileMaker entries you posted.
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    % cp ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Library/Preferences/
    I change all GIF files to be opened by GraphicConverter instead of Preview, which is an old setting in the old format.
    % plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/
    % diff --text ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Library/Preferences/
    <      <dict>
    <         <key>LSHandlerContentType</key>
    <         <string>com.compuserve.gif</string>
    <         <key>LSHandlerRoleAll</key>
    <         <string>com.lemkesoft.graphicconverter</string>
    <      </dict>
    Then I change all the GIF files to be opened by Preview again.
    % plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/
    % cp ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Library/Preferences/
    % diff --text ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Library/Preferences/
    <       <dict>
    <          <key>LSHandlerContentType</key>
    <          <string>com.compuserve.gif</string>
    <          <key>LSHandlerRoleAll</key>
    <          <string></string>
    <       </dict>
    % diff --text ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Library/Preferences/
    <          <string></string>
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       Note that this means that it matters where you put your entries in the property list file if you edit it.
       There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. Those
       who understand binary numbers and those who don't.

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    WD 2002FEAX - Media Projects (D:)
    WD 1002FAEX - Pagefile, Media Cache (E:)
    WD 1002FAEX - Previews, Exports (F:)
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    Hi Yudit,
    Not exactly. It is some manual work.
    Run these two reports (select specific period):
    Role Assigned / Removed
    User Processed
    Run t-code RSSCD100_PFCG_USER (You find this repot in SUIM).
    Use the same period as above.
    Export the report to Excel. If many entries, create a function to compare the results orilter the result by Action and compare to CUP reports.
    Good luck,

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    Do you have a U.S. iTunes account or another English speaking store account? You have to have a credi card register to a valid address in that country's store to purchase from it.
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    thanks in advance

    Hi Sitaram,
    The selection for material number is programmed with a select-option called MS_MATNR. Although you can see only MS_MATNR-low you should still fill an internal table with the same linetype as MS_MATNR and then use SUBMIT rmmbest with MS_MATNR = <your internal table>.
         zlt_matnr_range TYPE RANGE OF matnr,
         zls_matnr_line    LIKE LINE of zlt_matnr_range.
    zls_matnr_line-sigm  = 'I'.
    zls_matnr_line-option = 'EQ'.
    zls_matnr_line-low = wa_matnr-low.
    APPEND zls_matnr_line to zlt_matnr_range.
    SUBMIT rmmmbest WITH ms_matnr = zls_matnr_range.

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    Make sure that the correct encoding is selected.
    *Firefox > Web Developer > Character Encoding
    *View > Character Encoding

  • [LR2 - SOLUTION] Using Lightroom in englsih with a non-english keyboard layout

    Hi,<br /><br />Many of us, non native english speaking LR users, are using LT in<br />english on a system having a non-US keyboard layout. The conseqeunce of<br />this is that we can't reach a lot of keyboard shortcuts because LR<br />doesn't offer any interface for configuring them.<br /><br />However, there's a workaround. I'll explain here what I did for the<br />french language but you can apply this to your own language.<br /><br />For the non english languages, the keyboard shortcuts are defined in<br />C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom<br />2\Resources\<language>\TranslatedStrings.txt. If you are using LR in<br />english, this file is not used and there's no similar file in C:\Program<br />Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2\Resources\en.<br /><br />But you can create one containing only the shortcuts that you need.<br /><br />I have created  a new TranslatedStrings.txt file containing only the<br />keyboard shortcuts defined for the french version. I did this by copying<br />only the lines containing the following sequences:<br /><br />....Key=...<br />....KeyShifted=...<br />...AgPanel/LeftPanelShortcut...<br />...AgPanel/RightPanelShortcut...<br />...MenuShortcut/DecreaseRating=<br />...MenuShortcut/IncreaseRating=<br /><br />(french users can find this file here:<br /> .<br /><br />Copy this file to "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom<br />2\Resources\en" and relaunch Lightroom.<br /><br />Now you have the same keyboard shortcuts as when using LR in french.<br />Interestingly enough, if you hit ctrl + < , the LR keyboard shortcut<br />panel is displayed and it shows your new shortcuts.<br /><br />Again, you can do the same for your own language by copying the<br />specified strings from the relevant folder.<br /><br />Hope this helps.<br /><br />-- <br />Patrick Philippot<br />MainSoft Consulting Services<br />

    Yes… I would at a minimum contact Apple sales or AppleCare regarding this. You have two options though. You can ask for a new one, given they can't simply swap out a keybaord you need to exchange the whole thing.
    Otherwise, you can use it as a bargaining chip and say ask for a free external International English keyboard and a discount on your next Apple Store purchase… for instance.
    Regardless, be polite yet firm with them as you did not get what you ordered.

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