CUP - How to handel requests with no auto provisioning

Dear Friends,
We are not using Auto-Provisioning in our CUP component.
We don't know how to handle a situation when although the request was approved at all stages, the provisioning it self (which is executed manually) does not happen (for example, the security manger forgot to do the changes).
How can we detect those differences ?
And if we did detect them, is there a possibility to add some comments to a request that was fully approved.

Hi Yudit,
Not exactly. It is some manual work.
Run these two reports (select specific period):
Role Assigned / Removed
User Processed
Run t-code RSSCD100_PFCG_USER (You find this repot in SUIM).
Use the same period as above.
Export the report to Excel. If many entries, create a function to compare the results orilter the result by Action and compare to CUP reports.
Good luck,

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  • How to submit request with default language as 'American English' in other non-english language sessions.

    Dear All,
    Kindly suggest how to submit request with default language as 'American English' in other language sessions (Ex: Arabic).
    R12: 12.1.3
    The issue is we created function using 'arabic' text in it, which runs perfect in the english session, but doesnt gets value in the arabic session.
    So we decided to make the submit request with default language as 'American English'.
    Below is the function. Kindly note that SEGMENT1 is not linked to any valueset.
        INTO V_DAYS
          FROM (
      --            NVL(SEGMENT5, 'تجاوز') Late_type,
      --             SEGMENT1 NOTES,
      --            ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,
    WHEN NVL(SEGMENT5,'تجاوز') not in ( 'تجاوز' ,'إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment1 not in ('إجازة غير مدفوعة') THEN 0
    --WHEN SEGMENT1  like 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' THEN
    --TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    --TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') +1
    when segment1 not in('بدل نقدي','إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment4 is null then
    TRUNC(to_date(ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,'DD/MM/RRRR'))- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')-1 
    when segment1 in('إجازة غير مدفوعة') and segment4 is null then
    TRUNC(to_date(ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,'DD/MM/RRRR'))- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    WHEN SEGMENT1 <> 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  <
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') 
    THEN 0
      WHEN SEGMENT1 <> 'إجازة غير مدفوعة' and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  <=1
    THEN 0
    WHEN SEGMENT1 like  '%بدل نقدي%' then 0
               -- TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  
      WHEN SEGMENT1 like '%إجازة سنوية%' and segment5 in( 'إجازة غير مدفوعة','تجاوز')and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  >=2
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -1
    WHEN SEGMENT1 like '%إجازة حج%' and segment5 in('إجازة غير مدفوعة','تجاوز') and
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  >=2
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')  -
                TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -1
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')<=1
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND SEGMENT5 NOT IN('تجاوز','إجازة غير مدفوعة') AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')>=2
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')+1
    when SEGMENT1 LIKE '%إجازة غير مدفوعة%' AND SEGMENT5  IN('تجاوز','إجازة غير مدفوعة') AND
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')>=2
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
               EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))  <>
               EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) 
       TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') -
       TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') - 2
            to_char(to_date(SUBSTR(SEGMENT3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY') =
            to_char(to_date(SUBSTR(SEGMENT4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY')
            THEN  0
    EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))= 31
         TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR') -
      TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')-1
    --------------------------------------------when enddate is NULL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- WHEN segment3 IS NULL THEN round(TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR') -
    --  TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/RRRR'))
    WHEN segment3 IS NULL THEN ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 30) +
             (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment2, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))
    -----***********************************when segment1**********************************--------------------------
    WHEN SEGMENT1  like '%صادف%' THEN ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 0) +
             (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) =
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))
          ((EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR'))) * 30) +
           (EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment4, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')) -
            EXTRACT(DAY FROM TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(segment3, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')))-1
             ELSE 0
             END )EXCD_DAYS
                   PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F         PPF,
                    PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE PPPS,
                   PER_PERSON_ANALYSES      T ,
                   fnd_id_flex_structures_vl f
                 WHERE 1 = 1
               AND PPF.PERSON_ID = T.PERSON_ID
               and ppps.PERSON_ID=ppf.person_id(+)
              and   ppps.ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE           BETWEEN  ppf.effective_start_date and nvl(ppf.effective_end_date, to_date('31/12/4712', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
              -- AND C.ID_FLEX_NUM = 50318
               and c.id_flex_num = f.id_flex_num
        AND f.id_flex_code = 'PEA' 
          and f.ID_FLEX_STRUCTURE_NAME =  'XX_Old_Leave_Details'
        AND PPF.person_id = P_PERSON_ID
    AND T.DATE_FROM>=( select
    TO_DATE(to_date(SUBSTR(xx.global_value, 1, 10),'YYYY/MM/DD'), 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    ff_globals_f xx
    and substr(c.segment1,1,10)>=
               select substr(xx.global_value,1,10)
    ff_globals_f xx
      RETURN NVL(V_DAYS, 0);
        RETURN 0;
    Thanks in Advance.

    Dear All,
    I found the solution for the above function.
    In the same function I removed the static arabic values replacing with code values from the value set.
    In my scenario there is a value set where some of these values exists, and other we can add there.
    Kindly let me know if someone was successful by using the arabic text in the coding and defaulting the language in conc prog as English.
    Thanks a lot.

  • CUP 5.3 SP8 - Requests with several roles that have different approvers

    Here is a simplified version of a scenario we are testing in CUP:
    A Request to add 2 roles to a user is created.
    Role 1 has Role Approver1 only
    Role 2 has Role Approver 2 only
    When Role Approver1 logs into CUP to approve Role 1, he still sees Role 2 listed in the screen, even though he does not have authority to approve it. Same thing happens for for Role Approver2. My issue is - I thought CUP would only show the role that that Role Approver needed to approve. I didn't think it would should all roles that require approval.
    I feel I have the stage configured correctly. Role Approvers can only approve at the Role Level; When Role Approver1 approves his Role, everything works great and CUP returns a message saying something along the lines of "Role Approved;  Request pending approval from other approvers." - just like we want it to.
    Again, my concern is that when an Approver sees the screen that shows the role they need to review, it also shows all other roles that need to be reviewed. This may become confusing to role approvers; they might think they are approving all roles when really they are only approving the one in which they are the approver.
    Any info or ideas on how I could solve my issue? Let me know if I need to clarify further.
    Jes Behrens

    Thank you for your input Sudip.
    However, I'm not clarifying my issue well enough.
    I fully realize the workflow process we have setup. My issue is with the screens themselves, the screens that Role Approvers see when they login to CUP to approve a role. For example, tf a Request has 5 Roles in it with 5 different Role Approvers (1 Role Approver per Role), when they login to CUP, they should only see the one role in which they can Approve. In our case, the CUP screen shows all 5, even though they are only actually approving one of those 5. It is very confusing for Role Approvers. To them, it looks like they are Approving all 5 roles, when in reality, they are not and cannot.
    Does this need to be submitted as an enhancement or is this functionality available in configuration?
    Jes Behrens

  • How to hide request with no results in Dashboard?

    Hi Experts,
    I have a dashboard with 3 requests in one section. The 3 requests are very similar to each other but need to be separated due to the way the metrics are calculated and the location of the datasource.
    DepartmentName Sales Month
    GroupName Sales Month
    TeamName Sales Month
    There is no hierarchy and all three don't relate to each other.
    The issue I am having is that if the first request (lets call it Department Request) doesn't have any data for that particular month, it still displays the column heading.
    How can hide the request or the column headings if there is no data for that request?

    --Report Dropdown
    --here is a detailed explanation from David using Guided navigation
    --So, essentially, when you 1st report returns no data then you can hide that section, to itself.
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    This won't work for my requirements because the user doesn't want to select the reports. They want to input the para maters and look at the requests that have the data. If a request doesn't return data, then they want it blank.
    This dashboard will grown in terms of requests so the user doesn't want to select each report that they might need. Also, users will not know which request might or might not have data.

  • GRC 5.3 CUP auto provisioning of Mitigation Assignment in RAR

    Is there any other workflow that needs to be triggered for the auto provisioning of the Mitigation control id assignment to the userid in RAR system from CUP,  upon request completion?
    I created a request that after the final stage of sox approver, got auto provisioned roles assigned to the user id in the SAP system , but it also stated that auto provisioning failed and got re-routed to the detour path of the security admin as I configured in case of auto provisioning failure. When I look at the error log, it states:
    User Provisioning failed for System(s) : XYZ. Error Message : User type TE is unknown
       Role: ROLEA assigned to user: TESTER1 in System(s): XYZ.
    1). So, even though the approved role is being assigned to the user in the backend system, some other stuff is failing at auto provisioning. And I thought it might be the mitigation control assignment to the userid in RAR. I have the mitigation fields/objects active. But how do I ensure the auto-assignment of mitigation control ids also gets assigned on the same request upon sox approval?
    2). The other question is where is the value of the 'controller' stored when configuring a stage for workflow approver determinator in the sox approver stage? Where is this value picked up from? We don't want to use the RAR mitigation approvers or monitors, we want to use a custom approver id from CUP and then the control id to be assigned upon approval automatically to the userid in RAR via CUP request completion during auto provisioning. Is this possible? The only thing failing for us is trying to determine how to create the custom approver determinator for SOX approver in CUP since it asks for 'attribute' value for workflow type 'Compliant User Provisioning' which doesn't make sense for this.
    And then the above error even though the user role assignment is auto provisioning already but still giving the error as I listed above and re-routing to detour path instead of completing the request. Is it due to auto provisioning failure of mitigation control assignment in RAR?
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Alley1 on Sep 20, 2011 1:15 AM

    Hi Karell,
       Here is response to your questions:
    I can use the following CAD in an AE workflow: web service to fetch role approvers. I question this as it is merely a RE workflow service : No. As far as I know the web service is only for RE/ERM.
    Can the Risk Analysis be initiated in stage x automatically once stage (x-1) was completed. So no person involved, it is mandatory however, in my opinion there should be no extra person involved to actually press the button "Risk Analysis" : No. There is no way to automate the risk analysis part. Someone will have to click on the button to check for SoD violations. You can configure to run automatic risk analysis when the request is submitted but this is not 100% perfect. If someone adds or removes role during approval phase, it will invalidate the risk analysis which was run during request submission.
    Can somehow the Risk Owners defined in the RAR componed be asked to approve/reject risk that came out of the Risk Analysis described in my previous point. They should only be contacted when there is a risk indicated. : This is possible by following Babak's workflow.

  • SP12: Auto-provisioning failed for role with action "keep"

    If you want to keep an exisiting role for a user in CUP. It wasn't possible to change the validity of the role. Therefor you have to set parameter 145 value to 1 in database table VIRSA_AE_ERMCONFIG and refresh cache in CUP(solution with SP11).
    But know we have problemes with the auto-provisioning.
    We can enter the other validity of the role and after that the request provisioning failed. In our workflow the request rerouted to the admin because of escape-route settings. All other new roles in the request are assigned well to the user in the backend system.
    Any ideas?
    Many thanks,

    we actually have the same Problem, that changes to the role validity with action "keep" are not provisioned to the SAP system.
    If it is only possible to change the validity with the action "add" it is not possible to limit the validity of a previously unlimited role. Because as you said another role with the new validity dates is simply added to the existing roles.
    The only workaround would be to delete the old role and add a new one with new validity dates. But in my opinion this workaround is not acceptable for the users.
    Best Regards

  • Handling Auto-provisioning failure Manually?

    Hi all,
    WE are going with auto-provisioning for ECC and EP systems.
    I am looking for some suggestions,incase auto-provisioning failed due to some reason.
    I tweaked the connector settings in Portal that will throw some error. Then I configured the escape route for 'Auto Provisioning Failure'. The request goes thro' the escape route to the GRC Admin to fix the auto-provisioning issue. But this is delaying our access provisioning process. I am looking for ways to approve and close the request in case of errors.
    Is there a way to let the user provision manually and document the reasons in the comments and close the request?
    I should just approve and close the request without triggering auto-provision incase of errors.
    Can this be done?
    Thanks in advance..

    Hi Siri,
    There are two modes in CUP for provisioning manual and auto however it is not possible for  approvers to switch between these two. This configuration is applicable only all the requests.
    If you have auto provisioning off then in all the request approvers will get "Create User or Assign Role" buttons by which they have to do the manual provisioning.
    The error in auto provisioning is not a usual thing which happen in production environment  and when this happen this should be corrected immediately. If this take some time you can create system level  auto provisioning setting where you can disable the auto provisioning for one system which is causing issue in your environment and provisioning in other system will be working automatically.

  • How do you turn off the auto select behavior when working with shape layers?

    How do you turn off the auto select behavior when working with shape layers?
    I am using either of the path selection tools to select only some of the paths on the layer. I have the proper layer targeted. I have the selection too auto select option turned off.
    If another layer has a path in that area, that layer becomes auto targeted and I get the wrong path. Turning off the layer is the only way to avoid this but then I have to  turn on the layer back on between making my selection and transforming to use the other layer as guide. Is there any way to stop this auto select? Locking the other layer does not stop the auto select, just prevents editing.

    As far as i know the move tool options don't have any effect on the path selection tools.
    You might try clicking on one of the path points or on the path itself with one of path selection tools and if you want to select multiple points
    you can shift click with the Direct Selection Tool or Alt click to select the entire path.
    more path shortcuts: l tml

  • How to send a packaging request with a multiline description

    If I try to send a package request with this metadata description:
    <dc:description xmlns:dc="">First Line
    Second Line</dc:description>
    Notice there is a carriage return between "First Line" and "Second Line".
    Then, the server will return a E_ADEPT_DISTRIBUTOR_AUTH error.
    If I remove the carriage return the packaging is done well.
    I would like to know how to send the multiline description or if it is not posible.
    Thanks in advance.

    It's not the faxformat in ITCPO.
    What I figured out by comparing my program with another program (printout of balance sheets) is that this other program is able to fax or to print but not at the same execution. When you execute the balance sheet program in order to fax, the sapscript formular is created with the printer POSTSCPT (driver: POST) and code page 1117. When you execute it for printouts another printer can be choosen and the code page is 1110.
    Could this be the problem of not beeing able to fax an existing spool (sapscript) request? Or is there a way to convert the OTFDATA from code page 1110 to 1117?

  • How to reconcile AR down payment Request with AR Invoice?

    Dear All,
    SAP B1 2007A SP01 PL07 version.
    I have created one AR down payment Request with total amount 1000.00, and then post incoming payment to paid the AR down payment Request, and the AR downpayment request then closed.
    Then, I add one AR Invoice with amount 1000.00.
    After that, I want to add incoming payment , then I select both (AR downpayment request & AR invoice), but cannot add the incoming payment because the total amount is zero (1000.00 - 1000.00=0.00).
    How can I solve this problem?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hi Kerstin,
    Thank you for you reply.
    I did test your solution, but its only work for SAP 8.8. But now i'm working in SAP 2007A version. For 2007A version, downpayment request cannot be drawn to invoice.
    Anyway, i find out one way. If I add the payment together with another invoice, thats mean the total payment is not zero, then its work. The solution is, make sure the total payment is not zero then it should be ok.
    Thanks to everybody for your fast reply. Thank you so much and really appreciate your help.

  • Help.I want to learn about how to assign a custom request  with manager .

    When i submit a custom single request.I got this problem.
    No concurrent manager is defined to process this request, so it cannot be processed.
    Contact your system administrator to define a concurrent manager to process this request or to verify that existing concurrent managers have the correct specialization rules.
    Then, I check the request with request id in application manager.I found there is no manager with my program.So I think i need to assign it.But i don't know how to do it.
    So.please help me.waiting for reply...

    Check Note: 342932.1 - No Concurrent Manager is Defined to Process This Request on Shutdown of Managers

  • How to create a transport request with query and only with its structure.

    HI guru,
                how to create a transport request with query and only with its structure.transport request should not  include any other query items like ( variables, conditions...etc)
    thanks in advance.

    Goto RSA1 and then Transport Connection -> In SAP Transports select Object Types-> Query Elements -> Then select Query->Give Technical name of the query and then select for transfer. In the right side you can choose the components which you wanted to transport.

  • How is it possible that a target has two deltas requests with the exact sam

    How is it possible that a target has two deltas requests with the exact same records?

    Hi Mohammed,
    There are couple of reason behind it.
    main reason is
    take one scenario we have DSO as source and cube as target.
    Now DSO contains only 1 request, which i have loaded to cube by using delta.
    after that i have deleted DSO content by using right click on it and delete data.
    (hope u know that it will not delete request from target automatically)
    now once again i have loaded same request from datasource to DSO
    and then loaded delta again from DSO to cube.
    In this case for 1 single request in DSO you can see 2 request in cube with same data.

  • I downloaded music from itunes.  2 of the 14 songs on the album are defective.  The sound is distorted.  I attempted 2nd down load.  Had same problem.  How do I request refund or credit with itunes?

    How do I request refund or credit with itunes?

    Try the 'report a problem' link from your purchase history : log into your account on your computer's iTunes via the Store > View Account menu option and you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it ; click on that and you should see a list of your purchases ; find those songs and use the 'Report a Problem' link and fill in details about the problem (iTunes support should reply within, I think, about 24 hours).
    If the 'report a problem' link doesn't work (it's been taking some people to this site on a browser instead of showing a form in iTunes) then you can try contacting iTunes support via this page : click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page.

  • How to make 8MP photos with Superior Auto in Xperia Z1?

    Hi all
    I bought the Xperia Z1 mainly for the camera, but I am not satisfied with the results. In articles like the one linked here, it states that "Sony has wisely set the Z1 to take 8-megapixel oversampled photos by default".
    Though,in superior auto my Z1 takes photos with 5248 x 3936 = 21 MP!  Could that be a reason for the poor image quality and how could I in that case change this setting without going to manual mode (there I already changed it).
    Thanks in advance for your support!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi again
    I have now first tried clearing the data/cache, but no change. The I repaired the phone (loosing all settings done), but it is still the same. The pictures made with "Superior auto" are of 21MP and around 7MB big.
    I also found a colleague that got her phone at the same time and for her it is the same, i.e. the pictures made with "Superior Auto" are of 21MP and around 7MB big. She had though thought that this is how it was supposed to be.
    So the question remains. Do I need to send the phone for "repair" or is this acutally the way it should be?
    Are there no other users on this forum that could clarify this?
    The way I do it:
    1. Start the carmera app.
    2. Choose "Superior auto" if not already done
    3. Take the picture
    4. Open the picture with "Albums"
    5. "Options" -> "Details"
    6. States"Width: 5248" and "Height: 3936" (i.e. 21MP)
    Is this correct or not?
    Thankful for any answers!

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