How to use a BrowseForFolder box in my powershell script?

I have the following script where I want to ask the user to select the folder they want the script to process the instructions from.  I've added a function for Select-Folder as follows:
function Select-Folder($message='Select a folder', $path = 0) {
$object = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application
$folder = $object.BrowseForFolder(0, $message, 0, $path)
if ($folder -ne $null) {
Select-Folder 'Select the folder where the move scripts reside'
$files=Get-ChildItem $folder -Filter "*.txt"
foreach ($file in $files){
$outFileName=[IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file.Name) + "_StartVMs.txt"
Get-Content $file.FullName | foreach{
Add-Content $folder\$outFileName "Start-ClusterResource ""$($_.Split('"')[1])"""
Issue #1:
The .txt files I am creating live in the same location as where this script lives. What I've found is the path I choose in the browseforfolder box that pops up is ignored and the files are converted in the location where the script lives.
Issue #2:
How do I get the Cancel button to work so the script will exit if the user selects Cancel?
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

You're not setting a variable with the output of your function, so you don't have anything to test on. Give this slight modification a try (you'll need to work this back into your script, this is demo stuff only):
function Select-Folder($message='Select a folder', $path = 0) {
$object = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application
$folder = $object.BrowseForFolder(0, $message, 0, $path)
if ($folder -ne $null) {
$folderPath = Select-Folder 'Select the folder where the move scripts reside'
Write-host "The selected folder path is $folderPath"
If ($folderPath) { Write-Host 'I have a folder, so keep processing in here' }
Else { Write-Host 'I do not have a folder path' }
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    Hi Liu,
    Dynamic combo boxes::A combo box is dynamic if it references a document property for which a value set is defined in the configuration (System Administration ® System Configuration ® Content Management ® Global Services ® Property Metadata ® Properties ® Parameter Allowed Values).
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    Refer this thread
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    Always mention your JDev version.
    Check out the ADF Faces Demo : (Hint : Code snippet is available in there itself).

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    1. I'm not sure what you are asking.  Do you want to enter in all of the holidays for the next 10 years?
    2. For this specific date literal example, you can find it in the scripting volume 3.
    Here is the excerpt from the documentation on date literals:
    Date Literals
    The date literal is always of type Date. The following are the  different syntax formats you can use to enter a date.
         DateDeclarator [n o w ]
         DateDeclarator [DateDesignator TimeDesignatoropt]
    DateDeclarator [ DateDesignator TimeDesignatoropt ]
    DateDeclarator: one of
         d D
                Defined by the pattern "EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy"
                Defined by the pattern "MMMM d, yyyy"
                Defined by the pattern "MMM d, yyyy"
                Defined by the pattern "M/d/yy"
                Defined by the pattern "h:mm:ss a z"
                Defined by the pattern "h:mm:ss a z"
                Defined by the pattern "h:mm:ss a"
                Defined by the pattern "h:mm a"
    Example Date Literals:
    D[Dec 13, 1952]
    D[Thu, July 4, 2002]
    D[July 5, 2002]
    D[July 7, 2002]
    D[Thu, July 4, 2002 5:59 PM]
    D[July 5, 2002 5:59 PM]
    D[July 7, 2002 5:59 PM]
    D[7/6/02 5:59 PM]
    D[Thu, July 4, 2002 12:23:59 AM]
    D[July 5, 2002 12:23:59 AM]
    D[July 7, 2002 12:23:59 AM]
    D[7/6/02 12:23:59 AM]
    D[Thu, July 4, 2002 12:23:59 AM CST]
    D[July 5, 2002 12:23:59 AM CST]
    D[July 7, 2002 12:23:59 AM CST]
    D[7/6/02 12:23:59 AM CST]
    Details for the date and time patterns are available in the  documentation of the java.text.DateFormat class. If the string now is used, then  the literal corresponds to the current date in the server's default timezone at  the time the literal is evaluated for the first time.
    Each date literal is a reference to an instance of class  java.util.Date.
    Copyright © 2002-2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights  reserved.
    Anthony Holloway
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    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
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    import mx.core.UIComponent;
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    var c:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
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    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    class getPanel extends Sprite
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    var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();;, 0, 20);
    var c:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
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    import getPanel;
    <mx:Panel id="panel1" height="100" width="100"/>
    <mx:Button id="myButton" label="Click Me" click="getPanel.addChildToPanel();"/>
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    = $activities
    | Where {$_.ID -match
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    You can create a single SR template and add additional activities and skip them as by default. Then create a workflow (or use SCORCH) to unskip the required activities. It much easier than adding new activities 'on-fly'."
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    set-executionpolicy -executionPolicy ByPass
    $a = (get-module|%{$}) -join " "
    if(!$a.Contains("SMLets")){Import-Module SMLets -ErrorVariable err -Force}
    $srClass = Get-SCSMClass System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$
    $srObj = Get-SCSMObject -Class $srClass | Where {$_.ID -eq $srID}
    $wiContainsActivity = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass System.WorkItemContainsActivity
    $activities = Get-SCSMRelatedObject -SMObject $srObj –Relationship $wiContainsActivity
    $reviewAct = $activities | Where {$_.ID -match 'AR'}
    $ACStatusSkipped = Get-SCSMEnumeration ActivityStatusEnum.Skipped
    $ACStatusReRun = Get-SCSMEnumeration ActivityStatusEnum.Rerun$
    If ($reviewAct.Stauts -eq $ACStatusSkipped) { 
      set-SCSMObject $reviewAct -Property Status -Value $ACStatusRerun

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    ID State Initiated Released Locked
    US Initiated X
    Arg Released X X
    Ger Released X X
    Ita Locked X X X
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    If someone has a solution on it please do send me the code snippet.

    Javascript is the only solution for something like this.
    I presume you are using struts indexed properties?
    Remember that this list is not static, but dynamic. So I cannot send a
    fixed no. into my javascript function to iterateTrue, but once your JSP is generated you know exactly how many controls you have generated using the varStatus of a iterate tag, or just looking at the size() of the list being iterated on. You can use that to generate the javascript function/call.
    Also you can use javascript without knowing exactly how many are there. You can actually discover the fields on the page.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to use a check box in ALV

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    <b>But kindly let me know how to <b>link</b> the <b>check box</b> and the <b>push button</b> which is above the list for further processing.</b>
    Possibly a sample code will help a lot.
    Thanks in advance.
    Rajesh Kumar.

    TO create a check box, take one field in your internal table as:
    Now, pass the LAYOUT by filling up the LAYOUT strucutre.
    This will provide you the BOX field in the GRID and Checkbox in the LIST.
    When you select the  checkbox the field value will set to 'X' in the table.
    Naimesh Patel

  • How to use the check box?

    How is the check box to be used? If I have 10,000 songs in my itunes library and have 1,000 of them checked, how can I place all 1,000 checked songs into a new playlist that I have created just for them. They are not located together in my library so I can't just hold down the SHIFT key and highlight them all for movement. Also, I would rather not have to hold down the CONTROL key and then search through 10,000 songs for the 1,000 I have checked. So what is the secret to accomplishing this?
    Can you sort your library by whether a songs is checked or not? If I could sort them all together as a group, then I could use the SHIFT key to highlight and move them all.
    Am I missing something here? How can you select and sort songs by whether they are checked or not in your library?
    Thanks so much for any help you can provide.

    If only the 1,000 songs you want are currently checked, create a Smart Playlist to collect them.
    How to Create a Smart Playlist
    - File=>New Smart Playlist
    - Playlist is 'whatever playlist you want to use'
    - Match only checked songs
    Note: There is no way to select the Main Library. If you're working with the Library as a base, you'll need un-check the 'Match the following rule' and check 'Limit to' and put a high enough number to capture all the songs.
    Several ways to creatively manage the issue.
    You may wish to create a Static Playlist once you are done, and drag those songs into it for more permanence.
    Post back if you have more questions.

  • How to use one Combo Box to control Two spreadsheet/charts in Web Analysis

    In Web Analysis panel, I have one data grid and one chart (two different data sources). I would like to have one combo box, e.g. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, in the selection (drop-down). When I select Q1, I would like to show Jan, Feb, Mar, Q1 ( ICHILDREN(Q1)) in my chart, and also only Q1 in my data grid.
    Any suggestions?

    I believe you can do this. For example you want to have a Chart and Graph linked to a drop down for products. When you select a product, the two POV's will change on the reports.
    Look at Panels in WA. I create a report with three panels. Make the first panel top aligned, the second top aligned and the third stretched. This should make the report "stretchy". Then add your dropdown to one panel and your reports to the other two panels.
    Finally link the reports to dropdown using the re-linking technique mentioned in the previous post.
    Hope this helps.
    Brian Chow

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    Dear all,
    I am working on a report that will show 2 drop down boxes. These should be used as a date range.
    This works fine if I use 2 variables as a date range on 0CALYEAR. However I dont want the user to fill in the dates but selecting the dates with 2 drop down boxes.
    I cannot manage to get this to work. I saw some comments about user exits in the forum but I cannot figure it out if there is an easier way.
    Could you give me an idea of what to do?
    Thanks a lot,

    If you want the user to select the date directly rather than entering, you need not to have a dropdown menu in WAD. Directly go to the query which you have selected for the object in WAD, there create a variable with calendar. Put it mandatory, so that the user selection of the date will be mandatory. The variable will be automatically be available when you execute the template inn the browser.
    Assign points if this helps u.

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