How to write the select query with complex where condition

Hi all,
Can u help me in writing  following select query.
select * from zu1cd_corr where time_stamp between firstday and lastday .
In the above query time_stamp contains the date and time.
where as firstday and lastday contains the dates.
I need to compare the date in the time_stamp with the firstday and lastday.
But time_stamp contains the time also and it is char of 14 characters length.

If that is the case u can do as advait specified....
if the firstday and secondday are select-options then declare two more variables having 14 character length and then concatenate '000000' to firstday variable and '240000' to last day variable and then write ur query.
CLEAR : lv_firstday,
concatenate firstday '000000' to lv_firstday.
concatenate lastday '240000' to lv_lastday.
ranges : r_Date for zu1cd_corr-time_stamp.
r_date-sign = 'I'.
r_date-option = 'BT'.
r_Date-low = lv_firstday.
r_Date-high = lv_lastday.
append r_date.
select * from zu1cd_corr  into table it_zu1cd_corr where time_stamp in  r_Date.
I hope it helps.

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    CREATE DATA dref TYPE HANDLE itab_type.
    ASSIGN dref->* TO <lt_outtab>.
    *CREATE DATA dref TYPE HANDLE struct_type.
    *ASSIGN dref->* TO <ls_outtab>.
    * Creation of the selection fields
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    ** Creation of the "where" clause
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    *            INTO ls_where
    *            SEPARATED BY space.
    *APPEND ls_where TO lt_where.
    * Creation of the "where" clause
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    * Creation of the "having" clause
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    * THE dynamic select
    SELECT          (lt_sel_list)
           FROM     (p_tabnam)
    *       WHERE    (lt_where).

    Hi Sanket,
    The above given logic of mine works for you, put the code in the If condition and try-
    just like below:
    lt_where = '& = ''&'' '.
    REPLACE '&' WITH p_ebeln INTO lt_where.
    REPLACE '&' WITH field_value INTO lt_where.
    FROM (p_tabnam)
    WHERE (lt_where).

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    >But it gives me the "Mixed spaces and tabs error".
    Mixed spaces and tabs has nothing to do with the syntax of the statement. You used both spaces and the tab in the content - which JSLint doesn't like.  Remove the beginning spaces of each line and use only one or the other.
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    I guess i misunderstood your original question.
    The clause
    AND (VW_CONTRIBUTION.salesOffice = arg_SalesOffice OR VW_CONTRIBUTION.salesOffice IS NOT NULL)
    will cause the where clause to evaluate to FALSE anytime salesOffice IS NULL so the record will be excluded.
    I thought you were asking how to not compare the value if the field contained a NULL.
    Glad you found what you wanted.

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    selection-screen comment 1(20) text_001.
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    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen begin of line.
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    One thing I understood my your issue is you want to perform, execution of query once or fetch the results sets my minimizing the number of times executions of queries. It would be hard for us to check in this way, atleast provide some temporary data and some business rules. Only I can IN, >, < (queries logical conditons on inner query)
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    - ORACLE OCP - 9i/10g

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    SELECT  top 20 creation_time  
            , execution_count 
            , total_worker_time
            , total_elapsed_time 
            , total_elapsed_time / execution_count avg_elapsed_time
            ,SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,
             ((CASE statement_end_offset 
              WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)
              ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END 
                - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS statement_text
    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st
    ORDER BY total_elapsed_time / execution_count DESC;

    Below method will create table when data is inserted from one table to another table. Its useful when you need exactly same datatype as source table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Insert data using SELECT INTO
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    INTO BothellAddresses
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
    DROP TABLE BothellAddresses
    Below method will need table to be created prior to inserting data. Its really useful when table is already created and you want insert data from
    another table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Create Table
    CREATE TABLE BothellAddresses (AddressLine1 NVARCHAR(60), City NVARCHAR(30))
    ---Insert into above table using SELECT
    INSERT INTO BothellAddresses(AddressLine1, City)
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
    DROP TABLE BothellAddresses
    Vishal Patel

  • How to optimize the select query that is executed in a cursor for loop?

    Hi Friends,
    I have executed the code below and clocked the times for every line of the code using DBMS_PROFILER.
       p_file_id              NUMBER                                   := 151;
       v_shipper_ind          ah_item.shipper_ind%TYPE;
       v_sales_reserve_ind    ah_item.special_sales_reserve_ind%TYPE;
       v_location_indicator   ah_item.exe_location_ind%TYPE;
       CURSOR activity_c
          SELECT *
            FROM ah_activity_internal
           WHERE status_id = 30
             AND file_id = p_file_id;
       DBMS_PROFILER.start_profiler ('TEST');
       FOR rec IN activity_c
          SELECT DISTINCT shipper_ind, special_sales_reserve_ind, exe_location_ind
                     INTO v_shipper_ind, v_sales_reserve_ind, v_location_indicator
                     FROM ah_item --464000 rows in this table
                    WHERE item_id_edw IN (
                             SELECT item_id_edw
                               FROM ah_item_xref --700000 rows in this table
                              WHERE item_code_cust = rec.item_code_cust
                                AND facility_num IN (
                                       SELECT facility_code
                                         FROM ah_chain_div_facility --17 rows in this table
                                        WHERE chain_id = ah_internal_data_pkg.get_chain_id (p_file_id)
                                          AND div_id = (SELECT div_id
                                                          FROM ah_div --8 rows in this table
                                                         WHERE division = rec.division)));
       END LOOP;
    END TEST;The SELECT query inside the cursor FOR LOOP took 773 seconds.
    I have tried using BULK COLLECT instead of cursor for loop but it did not help.
    When I took out the select query separately and executed with a sample value then it gave the results in a flash of second.
    All the tables have primary key indexes.
    Any ideas what can be done to make this code perform better?

    As suggested I'd try merging the queries into a single SQL. You could also rewrite your IN clauses as JOINs and see if that helps, e.g.
    SELECT DISTINCT ai.shipper_ind, ai.special_sales_reserve_ind, ai.exe_location_ind
               INTO v_shipper_ind, v_sales_reserve_ind, v_location_indicator
               FROM ah_item ai, ah_item_xref aix, ah_chain_div_facility acdf, ah_div ad
              WHERE ai.item_id_edw = aix.item_id_edw
                AND aix.item_code_cust = rec.item_code_cust
                AND aix.facility_num = acdf.facility_code
                AND acdf.chain_id = ah_internal_data_pkg.get_chain_id (p_file_id)
                AND acdf.div_id = ad.div_id
                AND ad.division = rec.division;ALSO: You are calling ah_internal_data_pkg.get_chain_id (p_file_id) every time. Why not do it outside the loop and just use a variable in the inner query? That will prevent context switching and improve speed.
    Edited by: Dave Hemming on Dec 3, 2008 9:34 AM

  • Select query for rows where condition 1

    Say I have a table, tb1, that has the following entries:
    FName LName
    John Doe
    Jane Doe
    Steve Harper
    Barrak Obama
    George Bush
    Bill Clinton
    I'd like to write a select query that only lists the rows where the count for Code is > 1, i.e not display the last two rows from the above entry. How would I go about writing that select query.

    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules. Temporal data should
    use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    This is minimal polite behavior on SQL forums. 
    >> Say I have a table, tb1, that has the following entries: <<
    Are you this rude or really ignorant and too lazy to read the Netiquette at the start to this forum? Why do you think you do not need a key? No DDL? No constraints? And , why, why do you think that “tb1” is a precise, ISO-11179 conforming table name? 
    Let's make this a table of rude posters rated on a 4-star scale. 
    CREATE TABLE Rude_Posters
    (first_name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, 
     last_name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, 
     PRIMARY KEY (first_name, last_name), 
     rudeness_code VARCHAR (4) NOT NULL
       CHECK (rudeness_code IN ('x', 'xx', 'xxx', 'xxxx'));
    INSERT INTO Rude_Posters
    ('John', 'Doe', 'xxx'), 
    ('Jane', 'Doe', 'xxx'), 
    ('Steve', 'Harper', 'x'), 
    ('Barrack', 'Obama', 'x'), 
    ('George', 'Bush', 'xxxx'), 
    ('Bill', 'Clinton', 'xx');
    >> I'd like to write a SELECT query that only lists the rows where the count for rudeness_code is > 1, i.e not display the last two rows from the above entry. << 
    The rudeness scale is based on stars, so to ask for an integer value is like saying “on a scale from 1 to 10, what is the color of your favorite letter of the alphabet?”
    Next, the number of stars and your narrative do not match. Did you want to say WHERE rudeness_code IN ('xx' 'xxx', 'xxxx')? 
    Please stop programming SQL until you have gotten more education. At this point, you do not know enough to ask a question. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • How to delete the selected rows with a condition in alv

    dear all,
    i am using the code in object oriented alv.
    WHEN 'DEL'.
    PERFORM delete_rows.
    FORM delete_rows.
    DATA : lv_rows LIKE lvc_s_row.
    data : wa_ROWs like LVC_S_ROW.
    FREE : gt_rows.
    CALL METHOD alv_grid->get_selected_rows
    et_index_rows = gt_rows.
    IF gt_rows[] IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE s000 WITH text-046.
    loop at gt_rows into wa_ROWs .
    if sy-tabix ne 1.
    wa_ROWs-INDEX = wa_ROWs-INDEX - ( sy-tabix - 1 ).
    delete gt_sim INDEX wa_ROWs-INDEX .
    the rows to be deleted from gt_sim not in the alv display.
    all the rows should not be deleted if one of the field in gt_sim eq 'R'.
    how to check this condition

    dear jayanthi,
            ok if i am coding like that as u mentioned ,
              it will exit the loop when first time the field value is 'R'.
      if any of  the selected rows contains  field value 'R'. it shold not delete all the selected rows.
    as u suggested it will not delete after first time the field value is r.
    i am deleting it by tab index so,
    suppose if i am selecting the row without field value R say its tabix is 1.
      the next row with tabix 2 with field value R.
      it deletes the first row and exits , it should not delete the first row also.

  • How to write the select

    i am writting a selection and i want to select from the table HRP1001 only the rows that created this year
    i wrote
    select *
    into itab
    from hrp1001
    where concatenate begda(4) eq sy-datum(4).
    why its not working ?

    Hi Ami,
    concatenate and partial field selection are not part of Open SQL. You could use a pattern:
    concatenate sy-datum(4) '%' into lw_year_pattern.
    select * into itab
             from hrp1001
            where begda like lw_year_pattern.
    or you could use between, probably more efficient:
    lw_date_from = lw_date_to = sy-datum.
    lw_date_from+4(4) = '0101'.
    lw_date_to+4(4) = '1231'.
    select * into itab
             from hrp1001
            where begda between lw_date_from and lw_date_to.
    Good luck,

  • Single SQl Query with different where conditions

    I have a requirement to design a report. Here are the details
    I have Report table layout
    Profit center Gross sales (This Year) Gross Sales (Last Year) % change Year of Year
    The Report has a selection of entering the Start Date.
    I have a single table in oracle which has profit center and Gross Sales Values on daily basis.
    I want to write a single sql query to calculate both Gross Sales current year and Gross Sales Last Year. I can calculate Gross Sales Current Year by putting the where condition for start date = Current Year Date which i pass through report. I want to calculate the Gross Sales Last Year in the Same query by putting the different where condition i.e start date = Last Year date based on the date input.
    I dont know how to put two where conditions in single query for two different columns.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    instead of changing your where clause couldn't you just determine the yearly totals from your table and then use the lag statement to get last years total?
    something like this?
    I just made up 10,000 days worth of sales and called it fake table it is supposed to represent a variant of the table you were describing as your base table.
    with fake_table as
    ( select trunc(sysdate + level) the_day,
    level daily_gross_sales
    from dual
    connect by level < 10001
    select yr, year_gross_sale, lag(year_gross_sale) over (order by yr) prev_year_gross_sale,
    (year_gross_sale - lag(year_gross_sale) over (order by yr))/year_gross_sale * 100 percent_change
    (select distinct yr, year_gross_sale from
    select the_day,
    extract(year from the_day) yr,
    extract(year from add_months(the_day,12)) next_yr,
    sum(daily_gross_sales) over (partition by extract(year from the_day)) year_gross_sale
    from fake_table
    order by yr

  • Query with two where conditions

    SAL > 1000 AND JOB='CLERK';
    How to implement in CMP(Entity bean)
    thank u

    at this point mapping to do this king of query would be on the container specific file. I will tellyou how this is done on a Orion App server. I bet that others are close to the same.
    first you make a finder method in your bean for the enploy name:
    Collection findBigClerk();
    Orion generates a file from the ejb-jar.xml file called orion-ejb-jar.xml. this is where the O/R mapping is changed for the beans.
    each method in a bean has short definition
    <finder-method query="EMP.SAL>1000 and EMP.JOB='CLERK'">
    Assuming that the CMP is mapped to the EMP table when you call findbigClerk it will add the above query to as a WHERE clause.
    Then get the name from the interface.
    Again, this is how I would do this on an Orion App server. Others will be simular until O/R mapping is moved from server-specific to the ejb-jar.xml file
    hope this helps a little

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    Sorry but you have posted to a forum that deals exclusively with questions/issues about customizing and programming Microsoft Project, a planning and scheduling application. I suggest you delete this post and find a more appropriate forum.

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