HowTo:Publish Msg to JMS queue deployed in a Weblogic Cluster from a client

Hello All-
I am new to Weblogic and need help from this forum. Forgive me for my ignorance. I am learning.
Below is a brief about the context and the issues that we are facing:
1. We have Oracle Service Bus (OSB) installed on top of Oracle Weblogic Server (ver 10.3). In OSB we have developed a proxy service that listens to a JMS queue for an incoming message
2. The Weblogic environment is a cluster having 2 managed servers listening to different ports and it is front-ended by a Apache Load Balancer.
3. Our requirement is to post an XML message from a Java client to the JMS queue which will then initiate the proxy service deployed. We are using t3 protocol to post the message from the client to the JMS queue
1. To post an XML message from the client, how do we give the address of the JMS queue in the clustered environment to enable failover/loadbalancing if one managed server goes down. I understand from your earlier posts in this forum that directly hitting the JMS queue on a particular managed server will not enable failover/loadbalancing in case one of them goes down
2. Do we need to modify any config file in the Apache Proxy Plugin?
3. Do we need to provide the address of the Apache proxy in the client to send the message?
Kindly clarify and let me know me know if you need any additional information.
Greatly appreciate your help!!!

Hi Dibya,
Please refer to :
Jay SenSharma

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    1. I have created a JMS module: testModule and a JMS queue: testQueue in the weblogic admin console.
    2. Created a business service with the above queue as endpoint.
    3. Created a proxy service which publishes the message to the queue using the business service. I have used Publish activity to publish the message to the business service.
    When i run the proxy service with the request message, then, no error is coming but, in the admin console when i click on JMS module->testModule->testQueue->Monitoring tab, i see nothing. There are no entries in the table so, how can i check if the message is properly published to the queue or not.
    The queue is not listened by any service for consuming the messages.
    Kindly help me in figuring out this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    If the destination was a topic, the behavior would be expected. Messages only stays on a topic and are delivered to consumers if there are consumers or durable subscribers.
    Did you check the server logs and see if there are any exceptions or warnings?
    You can also turn on jms debugging by adding the following to your server startup script.
    The debugging messages wiill show up in the server log.

  • Exploded (hot) deployment  on a Weblogic cluster

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    Is there a workaround available for this ?
    I'm looking for a way to minimize the turnaround time between developing code, and actual seeing the code changes on the screen. The requirement however is that deployments should be possible on a managed instance / cluster (non AdminServer).
    Does Oracle Weblogic support such "hot deployment" capabilities from an IDE like Eclipse ? Does anybody here have such a process in place ? (perhaps using ant / maven2 tooling)

    I  want  to  clarify that the  application has to be  deployed  to  a cluster  of  two managed  servers, amandad_Server_1 (On Windows  server hosting  console) and amandad_Server_2 which is running  in  other Windows  server.
    I deployed  the application  following  your  recdommendations and the  resulta is  as  follows:
    Windows  server (running the  console)
    1  EAR  file  was copied to  ...  \user_projects\domains\amanda_domain\servers\amandad_Server_1\stage
    2.  The application files  extractected  from the EAR files  were  copied to   \user_projects\domains\amanda_domain\servers\amandad_Server_1\tmp
    Windows  Server not  runn ing the  console
    No files  were copied to neither
    ... \user_projects\domains\amanda_domain\servers\amandad_Server_2\stage
    1  Windows  server  not running the console  the  files  were  not  copied....What  might  cause  this behaviour....? how to  fixi it...?
    2. Do I have  to  manaully copy  the  files  to  folders
       ... \user_projects\domains\amanda_domain\servers\amandad_Server_2\tmp

  • Call an Application Module deployed as EJB into JServer from a client

    Hi all,
    I've successfully deployed a BC4J Application Module as EJB Session Bean into Oracle8i 8.1.6.
    The deployment descriptor (file LoginModule.dd) starts with the foolowing lines:
    Session Bean ricercalista.server.ejb.LoginModuleServerEJB
    BeanHomeName = "/test/omero/ejb/ricercalista.LoginModule";
    HomeInterfaceClassName = ricercalista.common.ejb.LoginModuleHome;
    RemoteInterfaceClassName = ricercalista.common.ejb.RemoteLoginModule;
    The client code that calls the EJB is:
    import oracle.jbo.*;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import oracle.jbo.JboContext;
    import ricercalista.common.*;
    import ricercalista.common.ejb.*;
    import ricercalista.UserProfile;
    public class ProvaEJBLogin {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    final String AMDefName = "ricercalista.LoginModule";
    final String Username = "omero";
    final String Password = "omero";
    final String DBUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:omero/omero@localhost:1521:OMERO";
    try {
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable(10);
    env.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.PLATFORM_ORACLE8I);
    env.put(JboContext.HOST_NAME, "");
    env.put(JboContext.CONNECTION_PORT, "2481");
    env.put(JboContext.ORACLE_SID, "OMERO");
    env.put(JboContext.APPLICATION_PATH, "test/omero/ejb");
    env.put(JboContext.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, Username);
    env.put(JboContext.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, Password);
    Context ic = new InitialContext(env);
    LoginModuleHome home = (LoginModuleHome) ic.lookup(AMDefName);
    LoginModule myejb = (LoginModule) home.create();
    myejb.getTransaction().connect(DBUrl, Username, Password);
    myejb.setUser("turronic", "chris");
    System.out.println((String) myejb.getCognome());
    System.out.println((String) myejb.getNome());
    UserProfile up = myejb.getUserProfile();
    for (int i = 0; i < up.size(); i++) {
    System.out.println("dominio = " + up.getCodeDomain(i) + " grado = " + up.getInterestDegree(i));
    catch (NamingException ne) {
    System.out.println("Unable to find application " + AMDefName);
    catch (ApplicationModuleCreateException e) {
    System.out.println("Unable to create application module " + AMDefName);
    When I run this client, I find the following error:
    "D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\java1.2\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -classpath "D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\myclasses;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\jdbc\lib\oracle8.1.6\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\jndi.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\aurora_client.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\vbjorb.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\vbjapp.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\jswdk-1.0.1\lib\servlet.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\samples\borland\samples\bdk\Test.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\samples\borland\samples\bdk\Jelly.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\samples\borland\samples\bdk\Juggler.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\samples\borland\samples\bdk\Misc.jar;D:\Program Files \Oracle\JDeveloper\samples\borland\samples\bdk\Molecule.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\samples\borland\samples\bdk\Buttons.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\classgen.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\jboejb.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\aurora_client.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\vbjorb.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\vbjapp.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\vbjtools.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\vbj30ssl.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\sqlj\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\aurora_client.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\vbjorb.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\aurora\lib\vbjapp.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\jndi.jar;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\lib\;D:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper\java1.2\jre\lib\rt.jar" ricercalista.ProvaEJBLogin
    Diagnostics: Silencing all diagnostic output (use -Djbo.debugoutput=console to see it)
    Unable to find application ricercalista.LoginModule
    [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ricercalista.common.ejb.LoginModuleHomeHelper]javax.naming.NamingException: Unknown reasons
    void oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba.aurora.AuroraApplicationModuleHome.initRemoteHome()
    void oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba.aurora.AuroraApplicationModuleHome.<init>(oracle.jbo.JboContext, java.lang.String)
    oracle.jbo.common.JboHome oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba.aurora.AuroraInitialContext.createJboHome(java.lang.String)
    java.lang.Object oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContext.lookup(java.lang.String)
    java.lang.Object javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(java.lang.String)
    void ricercalista.ProvaEJBLogin.main(java.lang.String[])
    What's wrong in my code? Are the Context Properties set correctly? The test on this Application Module works fine. So what's the problem?
    I need your help!

    I've added libraries LoginModuleEJBClient.jar and EJBGenerated.jar to the client project.
    The error isn't the same, but the following:
    Diagnostics: Silencing all diagnostic output (use -Djbo.debugoutput=console to see it)
    Unable to find application ricercalista.LoginModule
    javax.naming.NamingException. Root exception is java.lang.ClassCastException
    void oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba.aurora.AuroraApplicationModuleHome.initRemoteHome()
    void oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba.aurora.AuroraApplicationModuleHome.<init>(oracle.jbo.JboContext, java.lang.String)
    oracle.jbo.common.JboHome oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba.aurora.AuroraInitialContext.createJboHome(java.lang.String)
    java.lang.Object oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContext.lookup(java.lang.String)
    java.lang.Object javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(java.lang.String)
    void client.LoginClient.<init>()
    void client.LoginClient.main(java.lang.String[])
    Why is there a ClassCastException?
    Tnx in advance for your help.

  • Issue Undeploying and Deployment Application in Weblogic Cluster

    We have a production environment wich has one cluster with 40 servers in it. The problems lies when we select one application to undeploy. Weblogic response in administration console says that the undeploy is finished, but when I try to deploy another version of the application it only affect one of the 40 servers of the cluster, the other 39 servers are still with the old version of the application in memory.
    If I restart all the servers it works and all the 40 server get the new version of the application.
    Now we want to do continuous deployment and scripting all the deploy process and we don't want to restart all the 40 servers every deploy.
    Is there any limit of servers in a cluster? I'm saying this because it didin't occur in the stage environment with one cluster with 5  managed servers.
    Do I need any specific node manager configuration to undeploy this 40 managed servers?
    I look in the internet and didin't find any issues related to this.

    Looks like the undeploy command did not clean up the stage directories of the managed server properly.
    There is no limit on the number of managed servers in a cluster or in a domain. But again you need to plan the number based on the hardware and memory settings.
    We have two hexalogics, the problem here is not hardware.
    Do I need any specific node manager configuration to undeploy this 40 managed servers?
    What exactly you mean by undeploying managed server ?  You want to remove them or  bring them down ?
    Sorry about that, I want to know what should I do to undeploy the application properly in the 40 managed servers(not bringing them down). I've heard something about staging mode but i've already tried to put ---nostage paramenter and the result was the same.
    Do you have any clue why weblogic is not cleaning the stage directories? Is there any way to force it without restarting all the servers?
    Thank you very much,

  • Publish to JMS Queue Exception

    Have a web service based proxy. In a stage in the request pipeline,
    Am using a publish action to publish to a JMS queue using a Business Service.
    The Business Service is of type "Any SOAP Service" and transport is JMS.
    To test the error scenario, Have provided an incorrect queue name in the Business Service configuration.
    During testing from the test console, I do see a connection exception in the log.
    But the flow of control continues to the next action and stage in the request pipeline and then the response pipeline.
    My expectation was that , The Error Handler would be invoked.
    Is this the correct behaviour? Is there any configuration that needs to be done? Or should I be using a service callout instead?
    Edited by: user10219846 on Jun 17, 2009 10:32 AM

    Yes, you can use Service Callout action and you will see exception raised. However, you can't use Service Callout for one-way operations (like simple message enqueuing) and that could be problem sometimes. Fortunately, you can still use Publish action to get your exception. Just use Routing Options with QoS set to "exactly once" in Request Action.
    This behaviour is well documented. You can read this:

  • Unable to insert messages in JMS QUEUE

    Hi All,
    I am facing an issue while inserting messages in JMS queue.
    The JMS Queue is on another weblogic server and now i created a bpel process which has a jms adapter to insert messages inthe jms queue.I am deploying the Bpel in my server which does not have this particular JMS queue.
    I am unable to insert the messages into the JMS queue present on another weblogic server. where as i am able to insert messages if the queue is present on my server.
    Can you please let me know if its possible to put messages into a queue on remote server from local server.
    Thanks in advance.

    Most probably it seems like an issue of security. Please try to establish cross domain trust between these two Weblogic server domains. For more information refer to

  • Authentication problem w MDB on WL8.1 and JMS Queue on WL6.1

              I'm having problems with a MessageDrivenBean that is deployed on a Weblogic 8.1
              server. It listens to a JMS Queue on a Weblogic 6.1 server.
              I'm getting the following error message upon deployment:
              [java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system denied in realm wl_realm
              I've made sure that both servers are installed with the user "system" and a password
              of "password".
              This worked fine for two WL6.1 servers.
              Here's my ejb-jar.xml:
              <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC
              '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN'
                          <description>Transaction attributes for 'WebResponseJMSBean' methods</description>
              Here's my weblogic-ejb-jar.xml:
              <?xml version="1.0"?>
              <!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC
              '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN'
              Can anyone give me any suggestions?
              Thanks in advance,

              We are facing a similar issue, between MDB's and JMS Queues on 2 separated WebLogic
              8.1 domains. What I will test next week are:
              1. In the domain where my MDB's are deployed, configure Foreign JMS Servers/Connection
              Factories/Queues, for which passwords can be specified (not possible in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml)
              2. If No.1 does not work, I will add CredentialGenerated="false" in <SecurityConfiguration>
              in config.xml in both domains
              3. If No. 2 still does not work, I will specify run-as principal and security-role
              in my MDB DD files, and specify CredentialMapping via the WebLogic admin console.
              Maybe you can try the same?
              Eric Ma
              "B Liu" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >I'm having problems with a MessageDrivenBean that is deployed on a Weblogic
              >server. It listens to a JMS Queue on a Weblogic 6.1 server.
              >I'm getting the following error message upon deployment:
              >[java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system denied in
              >realm wl_realm
              >I've made sure that both servers are installed with the user "system"
              >and a password
              >of "password".
              >This worked fine for two WL6.1 servers.
              >Here's my ejb-jar.xml:
              ><!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC
              >'-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN'
              >    <enterprise-beans>
              >        <message-driven>
              >            <ejb-name>WebResponseJMSBean</ejb-name>
              >            <ejb-class>com.ditech.webresponse.jms.WebResponseJMSBean</ejb-class>
              >            <transaction-type>Container</transaction-type>
              >            <message-driven-destination>
              >                <destination-type>javax.jms.Queue</destination-type>
              >            </message-driven-destination>
              >        </message-driven>
              >    </enterprise-beans>
              >    <assembly-descriptor>
              >        <container-transaction>
              >            <description>Transaction attributes for 'WebResponseJMSBean'
              >            <method>
              >                <ejb-name>WebResponseJMSBean</ejb-name>
              >                <method-name>*</method-name>
              >            </method>
              >            <trans-attribute>NotSupported</trans-attribute>
              >        </container-transaction>
              >    </assembly-descriptor>
              >Here's my weblogic-ejb-jar.xml:
              ><?xml version="1.0"?>
              ><!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC
              >'-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN'
              >    <weblogic-enterprise-bean>
              >        <ejb-name>WebResponseJMSBean</ejb-name>
              >        <message-driven-descriptor>
              >            <destination-jndi-name>com.ditech.jms.CowResponseQueue</destination-jndi-name>
              >            <provider-url>t3://localhost:7003</provider-url>
              >            <connection-factory-jndi-name>com.ptp.jms.AppOnlineConnectionFactory</connection-factory-jndi-name>
              >        </message-driven-descriptor>
              >        <jndi-name>ejb/WebResponseJMSBean</jndi-name>
              >    </weblogic-enterprise-bean>
              >Can anyone give me any suggestions?
              >Thanks in advance,

  • Getting events into WLI from  External JMS Queue

    I can't figure out how to get an event into WLI from an external JMS queue.
    I can send an XML message to an external queue but can't figure out how to get
    a message from an external queue into WLI. I have created the MDB using the generator
    program provided and have deployed. How does this MDB now send these messages
    into WLI?
    I have also posted this same question in weblogic.interest.jms newsgroup.
    -- Bill

    Hi Bill.
    Actually this is really simple. Here are the steps:
    Connect your MDB to the external JMS queue by modifying the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
    The MDB onMessage(Message m) method will receive a message from the external JMS
    queue. It will then use JNDI to bind to the EventQueue of WLI and submit the event
    as XML into that queue.
    Obvously the onMessage() operation must be transacted using container managed
    transactions so the scope will spawn both de-queuing from the external JMS queue
    and enqueing into the WLI Evnet Queue.
    "Bill Ozeroff" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I can't figure out how to get an event into WLI from an external JMS
    I can send an XML message to an external queue but can't figure out how
    to get
    a message from an external queue into WLI. I have created the MDB using
    the generator
    program provided and have deployed. How does this MDB now send these
    into WLI?
    I have also posted this same question in weblogic.interest.jms newsgroup.
    -- Bill

  • Reading Message from Foreign JMS Queue in SOA Suite 11g.

    I am trying to read a JMS message that has been put into a JMS Queue on a remote weblogic Server.
    The steps that I know is that I need to create a foreign JMS Server and then probably use JMS Adapter to subscribe to the message that is lying in the remote queue.
    Has anybody been able to achieve this kind of scenario working for a remote JMS queue? Also, is this supported by JMS Adapter in SOA11g?
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Varun Maheshwari

    Hi Atheek1,
    Thanks for your reply.
    The confusion that is pondering me is that do I need to create a Foreign JMS Server or should I create a JMS adapter and override the properties.
    I have tried the steps for creating a Foreign Server from the below link
    Unable to access remote JMS Queue through JMS Adapter
    But I am not able to find the Foreign Server created and any connection factories and Destinations related to foreign Server in my JMS Destination while configuring JMS Adapter.
    I am not sure how to do step2 as entailed by you.
    Could you please explain me in little detail on how to do this or redirect me to some blog or forum which will be really helpful.

  • How to send to Weblogic 9.1 JMS queue from EJB running in Glassfish?

    I hope this is the correct forum.
    I need to send a message to a jms queue on a remote weblogic 9.1 server. To this end I believe I will have to:
    1) Install one or more weblogic client libraries/jar files on my glassfish application server. The weblogic server expects communication in the "t3" protocol, which I believe tunnels iiop, jms etc. inside their own proprietary protocol
    2) Define the jms queue in my glassfish application server with a queue connection factory that creates the queue using classes from the weblogic jars?
    3) Otherwise code the EJB methods sending messages as I would code and send messages to any jms queue
    It's the first two steps that have me baffled. The more I dig in glassfish administrator's manual, the more confused I become.
    Anybody have any idea if/how this can be accomplished?
    Some reference to where I may find information as to how to accomplish this?
    Thank you,

    I suggest you try, either a GlassFish forum (, or perhaps the GenericJMSRA project .This forum is primarily about the Sun JMS provider, Java MQ or Open MQ -- or the JMS Specification.
    -- Ed Bratt

  • Queue up messages in a JMS queue during DB outages.

    I am currently using a MessageDriven EJB that pops messages of a JMS queue and
    then grabs a connection from a weblogic dbpool and process it. However if the
    database is down, the EJB still pops off messages and then throws exceptions when
    trying to get the connection from the pool and the exception is logged and the
    message lost.
    How can i architect the application so that when the db is down the messages are
    queued up in the JMS queue, so that when the DB comes back online they can be

    The $ is not a valid character for an element NAME per W3C standards. In short you can only use letters, numbers and the underscore ( _ )..
    You need to correct this message / data and reprocess the message.
    Setup an Error Queue so these messages get thrown some where that will not cause issues in your system. Then use error handling in something like AIA to report back to your support staff that a bad message was encountered, needs to be fixed and reprocessed.
    You will see that if you do a google search for how to escape a dollar sign in xpath, there are no good results....
    Hope that helps!

  • Creating XML string to be pushed into a JMS queue

    Hello All
    I am trying to pass the following XML string into a sender obj, however, I am not sure how it is supposed to be done, with the right escape sequencing.
    Please guide me.

    Login User should have the Admin privilege, Otherwise it is not possible to post data manually into the JMS Queue.
    Log into weblogic Console > click on JMS Module > <select the JMSModule where the Queue resides : e.g SOAJMSModule> >Select the Queue > Monitoring > Check the Box > click on "Show Message" > New > Post the data in "Body" section.
    Or, you can create another BS in OSB, pointing to that JMS Queue(using Input.xsd) . then execute the BS using your Input.xml

  • Post XML event to a JMS queue on another server

    Hi All,
    How do post an XML event to a JMS queue that is registered on another server
    from the studio?.
    This functionality supposed to be available in WLI 2.0 as an enhancement
    from WLPI 1.2.1.
    Any ideas?
    - Jagdish

    Sorry, I am on vacation and trying to have some time to myself. If the
    Topic or Queue is on another server in a cluster then you use the JNDI name,
    however, if it not available via JNDI then you need to write some code to
    connect to the remote machine and do it that way.
    "Jagdish" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Hi Tony,
    Can one of you guys reply to this please?
    - Jagdish
    "Jagdish" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3b6ac305$[email protected]..
    Hi All,
    How do post an XML event to a JMS queue that is registered on anotherserver
    from the studio?.
    This functionality supposed to be available in WLI 2.0 as an enhancement
    from WLPI 1.2.1.
    Any ideas?
    - Jagdish

  • Need to publish message from database to a JMS Queue using Java

    I need to publish messages to a Websphere JMS Queue whenever any changes happen on a particular column of a table in oracle 11g. For that I have written a trigger on that particular table which in turn will invoke one java procedure. I have written the java procedure using a standalone java class and uploaded the java class as a schema object. While executing the procedure it is throwing error as it is not able to instantiate some of the java classes. I don't know how to provide the reference of different jar files while executing the java class. Can anyone help me on this.

    Welcome to the forum!
    I have written the java procedure using a standalone java class and uploaded the java class as a schema object. While executing the procedure it is throwing error as it is not able to instantiate some of the java classes. I don't know how to provide the reference of different jar files while executing the java class.
    Clarify your statement. First you say 'standalone java class' but then you talk about instantiating java 'classes' and referencing 'different jar files'. If you are executing your Java class inside Oracle then any Java classes that your java class is referencing also have to be loaded into Oracle or it won't be able to reference or execute them.
    How do you plan to ' publish messages to a Websphere JMS Queue '? Where is this queue you are talking about?
    Why are you using a Java procedure and class instead of PL/SQL?
    What is your 4 digit Oracle version (result of SELECT * FROM V$VERSION)?

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