HT1296 Synching Palm Device

How do you synch an address book from a palm device to an iphone 4?

You would have to sync the Palm device to a supported address book/contact application on the computer. From there, sync that information to the phone. I believe there is a software package that will take the Palm phonebook and from there you have to import it into something like Outlook.

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    Post relates to: Palm Vx

    I suggest you revert to Palm Desktop 4.1.4. 
    In the alternative, there is a utility available from called PalmHotsyncSetup which makes Palm Desktop 6.2 compatible with older Palm devices.  But PD 6.2 was released for Windows Vista and later computers, and there is no reason for you to be using it.
    Good luck!
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

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    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Kim or Mike,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Before you do anything else, make sure that you use the iCal>File>Back up Database... feature.
    In regard to recreating the calendar, if you open the web version of the calendar you can use the "Download" link on the web page to get the calendar on your desktop. Then use iCal to import the download: iCal>File>Import...
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    Kind Regards,

    Silly question but you do have your Java ME VM installed right?
    Having the midp prc installed at the same place as your VM also can be helpful (on internal memory or external memory card).

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    String db = in.readLine();
    String user = in.readLine();
    String pwd = in.readLine();If it works, that's just luck, but it's completely wron.! Why? Read the api doc's of DataOutputStream!

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    Post relates to: Treo 680 (Unlocked GSM)

    Have you checked Palm's Developer Network?
    Post relates to: Palm TX

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    It would help if you stated what Palm device you are using. I had a Tungsten T3 and then an E2 running perfectly well on Snow Leopard before I gave Palm up, using Desktop 4.2.1 rev.d, so you could give that a try: 219_en.html
    or failing that 4.2.1 rev.a 115_en.html
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    I have 12 devices synced to my one copy of Palm desktop.  No arrivals of the HotSync Police yet! 
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

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  • What is the CORRECT way to sync with Palm device?

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    1. open the iSync app
    2. click "Sync Now" in .Mac Sync in the menu bar
    3. press the Hotsync button on my Clie.
    It worked.
    But I just found this support doc:
    which says: "To sync your Palm OS device with iSync, press the HotSync button on the Palm cradle, cable, or the device itself. Both HotSync and iSync should open during the synchronization. Note: You must initiate the sync from the Palm device or the device will be skipped during the iSync sync."
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    Can someone help clarify how this is supposed to work? Is this new in Tiger 10.4.4?

    The correct way to synchronize a Palm device using iSync 2 or later is to first insure that all three options in the General section or your iSync Preferences… dialog are enabled:
    √ Enable syncing on this computer
    √  Show HotSync reminder when syncing Palm OS devices
    √ Show status in menu bar
    The each time your synchronize, you should launch iSync. [Or, alternatively, you should have it launched at login and hidden, so that it is running each time you press your HotSync button.]
    The article is mistaken about the HotSync Manager needing to be launched prior to initiating a synchronization, as that task is accomplished whenever you press the HotSync button on your cable or cradle, or otherwise initiate a synchronization event.
    It is true that you must initiate it from the Palm device, a cable or a cradle. Selecting Sync Now from beneath the Sync Status item in your menu bar will not launch the HotSync process, and your Palm device will be skipped.
    These are substantial changes to iSync, which came with the release of iSync 2 and .Mac Sync under Mac OS X 10.4 about seven months ago, and they are a giant step backward for Palm users.
    For that, and many other reasons - including the instability and lack of reliability with iSync 2 and later, I suggest that you take a look at the Missing Sync for Palm OS from Mark/Space:
    It goes a long way toward addressing the long-term short comings of the iSync Palm Conduit by replacing it with three Mark/Space conduits - Contacts, Events and Tasks - and make synchronization of your Palm device a single-button process once again. It circumvents iSync and deactivates the iSync Palm Conduit and the HotSync Manager, eliminating three troublesome components that are a part of your current configuration. Your SONY Clié PEG-SJ22 is one of the many models supported by this package.

  • Internet Sharing:  Palm Device can't find Internet via USB to Imac G5

    None of the internet-using applications on my Palm Tungsten E handheld can find the internet, via a USB connection from the Palm to my Imac G5 and its high speed internet connection.
    I have 3rd party software (The Missing Sync 5 from Mark/Space) that is supposed to enable a USB-connected Palm device to share an OS X Mac's internet connection. But I'm not getting beyond the Mac and I think either something on the Imac or perhaps my Linksys router is blocking internet communication to and from the Palm device.
    Despite turning off the Mac's firewall and enabling internet sharing in the OS X prefs panes, neither my Palm's web browser nor its mail program can get through to the internet and all I get are communications errors.
    I would greatly appreciate suggestions as to what to try next as I have done just about everything I can think of to try to get this Palm to access the internet via the Mac
    IMAC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   750 Mb RAM

    Hello Adrian - thank you for your suggestions. The USB-connected PALM does NOT show up in The Imac's "Network Ports" - - and the only thing I could add, as a port, that was not already there, was something called "6 to 4" -whatever that is.
    The Palm is supposed to be able to get its internet page requests out onto my router and DSL line via the Mac's ethernet port when: A) this Palm is connected to the Mac via USB and B) when the Internet sharing feature is enabled in a software app called - The Missing Sync, which it is, and when C) Internet Sharing is turned on in the Mac 'Sharing' pref. All these conditions are true, but sadly none of the internet apps on the Palm can find the internet .
    I suspect a DNS issue - even though my router of course knows the DNS addresses of my ISP.
    I should think that the PALM and the host Mac would have the same IP address - namely the one assigned via DHCP by my router when the Mac boots up.
    Very frustrating....
    I know nothing about Palms but I'll give it a
    You say "Despite turning off the Mac's firewall and
    enabling internet sharing in the OS X prefs panes",
    are you seeing a USB option in the window? If so
    select it.
    If not try going to System Preferences>Network>Show:
    Network Port Configurations. (This with the Palm
    plugged in via USB).
    Is it in that window? If it is tick it and go back to
    internet sharing and select it in that window. (It
    should have now appeared).
    If it's not in System Preferences>Network>Show:
    Network Port Configurations; select 'New', and click
    'Port'. Does it appear in the drop-down list there?
    If it does, select it, name it and click OK. (Note:
    USB isn't a 'normal' option here but maybe your
    Missing Sync will have added it..?)
    That will take you back to the main Network Port
    Config window where you tick it if it isn't already.
    Then go back to Sharing>Internet to see if is
    available there. If is is, tick it.
    If it isn't, don't know. Sorry.
    Have fun!

  • Upgrading from previous palm device

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    Come on Palm step up and get this problem solved for us.
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)

    (1) I think HotSync is not going to not work with 64-bit Vista via USB any time soon. Are you sure your laptop does not have Bluetooth built in? It's a fairly common feature these days. If not, you can add it on. You might want to check with the manufacturer regarding compatible or internally-installed accessories.
    (2) Beaming between a 650 and 755 should work, as far as I know. Can you beam to other Palm devices?
    (3) If the speaker is broken, try to exchange your unit under warranty.
    (4) Support Link for 755p specifically on Telus:
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

  • Programming for Palm devices.

    Two simple question this time.
    1. What do I need to start developing applications for Palm devices?
    2. Does anybody know any good references for beginners in this matter.
    Kind regards and thanks in advance,

    I've successfully got a java app running using the J2ME... I think there was a Palm-specific version I downloaded. Basically, it comes with a Palm micro VM, that takes up about 300K on your Palm. Then your java classes are packaged using a special utilitiy into PDB files, which you can directly run on the Palm.
    This works pretty well, as long as you stick to the basic libraries that come with the J2ME. If you try to do anything fancy, the overhead from linking in all the external Java classes (taken care of for you, mostly, by the PDB packager) becomes a little extreme.. try doing XML processing, for instance, and you'll end up with a 500K program...

  • Palm devices and Apple computers

    I was thinking about getting a palm T5 and I was wondering how well palm devices work with macs. Does the iCal sync ok and everything else (i know there is a palm desktop version for mac but i do not want to use that, i like ical to much) so does iCal sync fine and how about other apps, can they sync with my palm, Mail? Address book? etc....
    Thank you,

    Thanks, Wade. I didn't know that.
    I've actually already installed the Palm Desktop software, so does this mean I'm good to go?
    I realize this sounds pretty clueless, but I must confess that's how I am when it comes to this new phone/pda. I've also never used iSync before. In fact, until you mentioned it, I didn't even know it was installed.
    I just opened iSync for the first time and tried to sync up with my Treo via bluetooth, and it found the device (very cool!) but was unable to sync. I got a message saying "iSync can not connect to this device."
    When I tried to pair the device using the bluetooth setup assistant, it found the device, but all the boxes were grayed out and it said that "there were no supported services found on your mobile pphone."
    Any idea what I'm doing wrong.

  • Can two Palm devices use the same Hot Sync ID?

    Can two Palm devices share the same Hot Sync ID using the same desktop? I presently owe a Treo 700p with a lot of purchased software. I'm considering buying a Palm TX handheld and would like to use both devices using the same Hot Sync ID. Is this possible and should there be any synchronization issues if they are syncing to the same desktop?
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Sprint)
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Sprint)

    You will be assured of unpredictable device behavior, random crashes, spontaneous resets, and other delights described in one of the boxes in the Read This First flyer if you sync two very different device models (phone vs. PDA, different screen sizes, etc.) to the same Hotsync ID on the same computer.
    This can be done but you will have to treat each sync as an Upgrade, rename the Backup folder, and reinstall third-party applications, reset your preferences, basically the entire process involving multiple syncs every time you sync. I don't think the headache involved is worth it.
    Suggest you decide which third-party apps you want on your second device and get an additional licence and registration from the developers.
    Post relates to: Palm TX

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