HT201263 my iPhone5 still couldn't activate. Even try like apple activation troubleshoot

My iPhone5 still couldn't activate.
Even I try like apple activation troubleshoot.
Same message as activation server is temporarily unavaiable.
Whaht is wrong APPLE?

Howdy syafiqahmad,
If your iMessage and FaceTime still hasn't activated by now, I would recommend you use this specific section of the following article as long as you verify you've done all the other troubleshooting from it for this issue:
If you get an error when trying to activate iMessage or FaceTime 
If you're using an iPhone, contact your carrier to make sure that you can receive SMS messages.
Contact Apple Support.
Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
Take care,

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    There are four possible causes of the activation error:
    The activation server is unavailable. Rare, but it happens. Usually fixed within minutes.
    Your antivirus or firewall (or your router's firewall) is blocking access to the domain on ports 80 and 443.
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    The previous owner/user should have done this.
    What to do before selling or giving away your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Find My iPhone Activation Lock: Removing a device from a previous owner’s account
    Buying or Selling a Used iPhone or iPad Running iOS 7? Read This First! this-first/
     Cheers, Tom

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    After then, connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes. Click Recovery iPhone and then follow the prompts it tells you to do.

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    1. First thing to try is a reboot of your iPad. Press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously ignoring the red slider until the Apple logo appears. Let go of the buttons and let the iPad restart. See if that fixes your problem.
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    This is the iPod touch forum. I requested your post be moved to the iPhone forum

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    Followed these instructions. All attempts failed.
    Image on this page shows that the phone number needs to be checked also.  Mine is grayed out so I cannot check it.
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    Iphone 5
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    Easiest thing I found was to manually expand any open window you're dealing with; including a webpage. To do this look at the bottom right hand corner of the window pane itself. Just below the Up and Down scrolling arrows is a corner with 3 diagonal lines. Grab that and drag in the direction (up, down, right, left, diagonal) that resizes the window to meet your needs. Once you've done this the size will be remembered when you open the window in the future. I've learned Apple doesn't like "full screen" mode. Just as well since filling the screen with an open application hides anything else you have open. And the Dock doesn't highlight or display the open Apps. Hint: I've learned to use the F3 key a lot. That way I can see everything that I've opened and change applications.

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    best Regards,
    Amr Elhattab
    [email protected]

    So, if I understand this correctly, you are running this installation in local zone and trying to use J2SE from the global zone, right?
    This hang might have something to do with zones. Based on limited truss snippet it is hard to tell where exactly it hangs, though. One possibility is that in fact J2SE verification went through fine but the next screen is the one which asks for default server configuration, including port numbers. Before that screen is shown, installer will try to find out whether the default port numbers are free or not, so it is possible it actually hangs there.
    To see if the port verification is an issue, please try running:
    ./sjsas_pe-8_2-solaris-i586.bin -console -noportcheck
    With this option, any port verification done by installer will be skipped, so if the hang was there installation should now go through. Note that this will create your default domain using default set of port numbers, so there is a chance you'll need to change port values prior to starting the server if any of those ports are in fact in use.
    Also, if installer hangs in port verification, this might point to network configuration issues, so if you also run into problems during the server startup you might need to further deal with networking. In any case, try installing as above and see if you can get further.

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