HT201272 missing audiobook !!!!

i cant find an audiobook i downloaded on any of my devices or previous purchases on itunes. but i can see i was charged for it in my billing info. how do i redownload it?

Audiobooks are currently a one-time only download from iTunes - have you not got a backup copy of it on, for example, an external drive ?

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    Hi Mcipperley,
    If it appears that your audio book purchases are missing, you may find the following article helpful:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    - Brenden

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    Audiobooks behave differently than music, since you can't re-download them, they don't appear in some places. But if you access your account purchase history, you should be able to see the purchases.
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    If you are on iOS 8.2 then update to iOS 8.3.
    If that doesn't solve the problem try the standard troubleshooting steps in this order:
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    Try this article:
    If this will not work, I suggest contacting support.

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    You have all the files you need. The en-US is what is inside the final download/extraction.
    In other words if I copy past them, it will replace the older files. Should I do that ?
    That is actually a good question. For the library, copy away. And for the others, it does not appear to matter. But, for example, with styles, the styles you have in your styles folder now were installed by the .exe that installed some Encore and Premeire Pro styles, templates, etc. In the Encore en-US styles, you will see some with .psdloc extensions, rather than .psd extensions. When you copy those, the ones with .psdloc will not work. But they are all (I think) already in the styles folder. Copying over them will not replace the ones that were previously without the .psdloc. I don't really know how all this works. It still looks like this is a mess.
    But put the library where they go, and you will have the content you need.

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    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. 
    You should be able to turn on the menu option: Settings > Main Menu > Music >> Audiobooks On/Off.
    Merry Christmas

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    If you still have it listed in the TV shows part of your iTunes library (where you are getting the 'unable to locate' message) then iTunes will see that and assume that you still have it somewhere and that there is no need to re-download it - try deleting it from there and it should then get the cloud symbol against it in the Purchased link for re-downloading.
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    If films (and similarly for other content) are no longer in the store (or potentially if it's a different version of the film now in the store) then they won't appear in the Purchased link/tab for re-downloading - and not all film studios have agreed to re-downloading, so that might also explain why some are missing. If you think that some of the missing films should appear then you could contact iTunes support and see if they can see why they don't show : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page
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    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer.
    Have you failed to do this?
    You only get one download of audiobooks.
    You can try contacting itunes support and asking for an exception.
    Otherwise, you would have to buy again.

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    Audiobooks are currently a one-time only download from the store, they won't appear in the Purchased tab - do you have a copy of it somwhere e.g. on your computer's iTunes or on a backup of your downloads ?

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