HT201413 ipod update

I have a new ipod touch software version 2.2.1 which I can't update. It appears "The ipod could not be restored. It has an unknown error (-1)."

Not past 4.2.1.

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    i am having the same problem!!!! it is the exact same thing! did you ever get it fixed?

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    Can anyone out there help?

    Are you connected to the Internet? If yes, try another connection (e.g. take a cable instead of WiFi).
    Next, restart your computer, and open iTunes. Open Task Manager (PC) or Activity Monitor (Mac), and kill/quit the process named "iTunesHelper" (in Windows, it's "iTunesHelper.exe").
    Then shut down the iPod, plug the cable into the pod, then plug the cable in a USB port.
    Then try restoring again.

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    this happened to me yesterday. i spent 30 mins on the phone to a very helpful guy at apple, and we found out that i needed to disable USB 2.0 in Device Manager to run the restore then the updator. I disable the "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller", rebooted then did the restore. Try it

  • The difference between itunes update and ipod update

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    Thanks, Gregg

    Sure, if you have an iPod, then the updater is used to make sure your iPod is running the latest firmware.

  • Won't show up on itunes or on ipod updater("ipod service error")

    Every time i plug my ipod (4g w/ click wheel) it says on itunes software not installed correctly, it shows up as a drive but i can't see it on itunes, i have tried to reinstall itunes more than 5 times and nothing works. Also, when I try to restore my ipod with ipod updater i get an "ipod service error". I am going crazy here trying to figure this out, someone please help me!

    Try this for can't mount iPod:
    You might also want to try putting your iPod in disk mode:
    Sometimes this does the trick (iPod normally needs to be in disk mode in order for it to show up in Disk Management)
    If you're still unable to get your iPod to restore, you can try this:
    Put the iPod into disk mode, according to the article above.
    Connect it to your computer.
    Click Start > Run
    Type compmgmt.msc
    Click on Disk Management (in the left-hand column)
    Let the computer go through its connection process
    Right click on the iPod and click Format
    Set the format to FAT32
    Leave all the other settings on their defaults
    Do Not select the option to Quickformat
    Start the format.
    It's recommended that you still try to restore the iPod after formatting, but it's not always necessary. This should get your iPod back into iTunes.

  • I think the latest ipod updater is broken...I don't recommend using it.

    Hi all,
    I had ipod 30 gig video number 1. It would lock up and couldn't be reset so you had to wait for the battery to die to charge it up to use it again. Then it started skipping tracks. Then one day, post an update attempt of the firmware, the dreaded folder with an exclamation mark came up.
    Well I finally managed to get the updater to try to restore it only to have it come back with 'firmware update failure - disc write error'. I figured it was just that the hardrive was toast.
    So I took it to the Apple care center and got ipod 30 gig video number 2 replacement! Yea!
    Brought it home, plug it in to charge a bit - said do not disconnect for a couple hours so I finally disconnected it. I could see the menus so it was working at this point.
    Firmware update failure - disc write error!!!!!! AGAIN!!!!
    Boom, right back to where I was with the first one. Can only either get 1) the folder of doom (explamation mark folder) or 2) disc mode; do not disconnect to show up.
    Itunes 6.05 (reinstalled several times at this point) wont see it.
    Ipod updater will come back with 'cannot continue because another app is using the the ipod' - except it has given me this message even when the ipod is not connnected!
    I have tried pluggin in ipod with just itunes going, just the updater going, nothing going and starting itunes and nothing going and starting the updater. I have swapped the usb cable. I have stood on my head and whistled a tune.
    Nothing works.
    I have gone thru the 'when your itunes does not see your ipod while windows does page' to no avail. I am not going to reinstall windows on a machine that is working perfectly well. Basically, these issues all started when I downloaded the newest ipod updater.
    I am going to see if I can get an older copy or something but this is downright ridiculous. I have spent basically 3 hours tonight shutdown/restarting and searching for the phone number to call for my 90 days or support call to no avail on the website.
    So, good luck people, you are going to need it!
    ipod video 30 gigs   Windows XP Pro   dual opteron 244, 2 gig ram, 15k scsi drive
      Windows XP Pro   dual opteron 244, 2 gig ram, 15k scsi drive
      Windows XP Pro   dual opteron 244, 2 gig ram, 15k scsi drive
      Windows XP Pro   dual opteron 244, 2 gig ram, 15k scsi drive

    Hey there,
    So I finally got the itunes 6.05 installed on the office machine as well as the ipodupdater 6/28/06.
    I started itunes. I started the updater and it said hook up an ipod to update. I hooked up the ipod and after a bit (1 minute) I was given the option to restore (but not update). I choose restore and after about 2 mins it was restored and progress bar on ipod had moved as well as on the main computer screen. Then it showed the menu briefly (yea!) but then went to do not disconnect mode (boo). Fortunately, after another few minutes I was given the option to name the ipod on the main computer and then after that the ipod went back to its menu screen so I quick unplugged it.
    So now I am back where I was when I took it from the shop the other day. Now to see if I can get songs on it tonight at home.

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    i don't even like this iOS 5.0.1 crap!

  • Downloaded new iTunes/iPod updater, iTunes now crashes during iPod updating

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    I fixed this for my Nano by using the iPod Updater Restore to revert the firmware to version 1.0 and removing iTunes 6.0.2 through Control Panel. I didn't delete the leftover directories. I then reinstalled iTunes version
    The Nano is now happily recopying all my music. Should be done by midnight.
    Good luck.

  • IPod Updater Won't Work. Please Help!!!!!!!

    i tried opening up the iPod updater 2006-03-23 but when it does open up it says. 'iPod Universal Updater has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.' and then the choices Debug, Send Error Report And Don't Send.
    What Should I Do:
    P.S. It Said The Same message Error For iPod Updater 2005-10-12
    So can You Please help.
    many thanks In Advance

    The iPod updater is now contained in iTunes version 7 or later. Why not use that?
    Maybe Apple are not hosting the older standalone updaters any longer.

  • How do I move from the 3/23 to the 6/28 iPod updater?

    I have an iPod that I got a couple weeks ago, which came with the 3/23 1.1.1 iPod software. I now see that there is a 1.1.2 version available, but the instructions on the web for moving to the new iPod updater are not very specific. Here are the instructions from the web page and my questions with it:
    To install and open the iPod Updater:
    1. Open iPodsetup.exe on the iPod + iTunes CD or from the web download at
    When I open ipodsetup.exe from the CD, it asks for a language (the title bar says that this is the 3/23 updater), runs for a while, then asks me if I want to completely remove the application. The directions say nothing about uninstaling the previous version. Is this what I need to do?
    2. Connect your iPod to your computer. If you are using USB, make sure iPod is connected to a high-power USB port on your computer. Be aware that USB keyboards and non-powered USB hubs generally do not have high-power USB ports.
    Do I need to have the new updater installed before I do this? What about iTunes - can it be running during this or must it be shut down? Remember, iTunes will start as soon as I plug in the iPod.
    3. Run iPod Updater 2006-06-28.exe from Start\All Programs\iPod\iPod Updater 2006-06-28.
    There won't be such a thing if I have done nothing but uninstall the 3/23 updater. Nothing here says to run the program that was downloaded from the Web. Am I supposed to run this downloaded program now?
    4. When iPod Updater opens, click Update or Restore.
    So, what is the exact procedure for Windows XP here?

    I would have posted this earlier, but someone was hijacking the secure login site ("*" was domain for their security certificate), so I couldn't login. Anyway, I got the updater installed properly, but as I suspected, there were a few gotchas that I evidently successfully navigated. Here's what I did (and again, this is on Windows XP):
    1. Downloaded the updater program.
    2. Shut down iTunes.
    3. Double-clicked on the downloaded program. It asked me for the language, then did a bunch of stuff.
    4. At the end of the install, it told me I needed to reboot, so I did.
    5. After reboot, I logged in again, and I got a popup saying that it needed to install some more stuff. I forget if I had to click on anything or not, but I let it go.
    6. WARNING! I never got a confirmation that it was finished - I just let it go for about 5 minutes and made sure there was no disk activity (i.e. my system was completely finished booting).
    7. I plugged in my iPod. After about 30 seconds of disk activity, I got a popup saying that my iPod was at 1.1.1 and needed to be updated. WARNING! This was not the same as the popup that it shows where you have a choice of update or restore - it was a different popup. In any case, I clicked the only button there was (I think it was labeled "OK").
    8. After another 30 seconds or so, I got the window that it shows in the instructions, which told me that my iPod was at 1.1.1, and giving me a choice for either update or restore. I cicked on "update."
    9. My iPod screen turned on, but showed the Apple logo. Then the iPod disconected itself from the USB (I got the two tones (high, then low) that mean something was unplugged from my laptop's USB port). WARNING! Don't touch anything while this is going on!
    10. After about 30 seconds, the iPod connected itself again (I got the two tones (low, then high) that mean something was plugged into the USB port). After a while, the Apple logo was showing on the iPod screen, but with a progress bar on the bottom. I waited until it was finished.
    11. The window came back on my laptop saying that my iPod was at 1.1.2, and the "update" buton was greyed out.
    12. At this point, I don't remember if I unplugged my iPod and plugged it back in or not (I know I would not have if the "Do not disconnect" screen was showing. In any case, after this the iPod was showing the "Do not disconnect" screen, but iTunes was not coming up. I started iTunes manually, and it did not see the iPod.
    13. WARNING! I had to run the "Safely eject hardware" wizard to disconnect the iPod (that made the "Do not disconnect" screen disappear, and then I rebooted my laptop again. This is a safe way to recover from the situation where you can't get the "Do not disconnect" screen to go away.
    14. After rebooting again, the iPod and iTunes worked fine.
    So, despite what the directions say, you do NOT need your original CD. Also, you must be patient. I think these problems being reported here are because people are getting impatient, or think the update is done when it isn't. *Once you start actually updating the iPod, you must wait until the window comes up saying that your iPod is at the new software level, and then you will probably need to reboot again.*
    Sorry for the length of this post, but I think it's important for many people to see exactly what to expect.

  • When I want to get an app, an error message comes up saying I need 3.0 software update.  How do I get my ipod updated in itunes, when itunes says my ipod is already updated?

    When I want to get an app, an error message comes up saying I need 3.0 software update.  How do I get my ipod updated in itunes, when itunes says my ipod is already updated?
    OR if I cannot update to software 3.0, how can I find apps that will work just for my ipod touch?

    It sounds like you have a 1G iPod Touch, in which case you can only upgrade to iOS version 3.1.  Here is a link to purchase the update.

  • Is it possible to Uninstall the latest ipod update?

    I, like others on this board, made the mistake of trusting Apple to produce software that does no harm. Windows XP has a facility where you can go back to a restore point. Does anyone know of a Unix command that will do something similar? I was using my ipod as a hard drive and was booting from it. I was running 10.2.8. Recently, my primary user account became unusable, but I had another admin account that I was able to boot from. Since I used the ipod updater, my ipod (has 4 buttons) will not mount. I have tried it with 2 different G4 imacs and an old ibook(G3). System profiler sees it as a firewire device, but Disk Utility cannot see it. I did recently back it up, but I think everyone would really appreciate it, if Apple issued a bug fix. Go to the Apple store, and they will tell you to just buy a new one......
    ipod Mac OS X (10.2.x)

    I fixed my ipod by hitting it. Not hard, but hard enough to move the platters. You do not have resort to reformatting, opening the case and shaking it, or sending it in for repair. Just hit it. If it's not working and out of warranty, you have nothing to lose....

  • Video freezes when playing after ipod updating

    My 60GB ipod video freezes up after a few minutes of playing video. It was operating fine until I installed the latest IPOD updater software "2006-01-10". I have tried reseting the ipod, but it makes no difference. When the freeze occurs, I found that returning back to the main menu is the only way to get the video to return to playing. Otherwise, I tried fast forward and it sometimes plays, but without sound.
    This is a new IPOD, so I can return it today for a full refund from the apple store.
    Any ideas?

    My 60GB ipod video freezes up after a few minutes of
    playing video.
    The only way to fix it is to go back to the previous updater. You'll lose everything on your iPod but you can sync again afterwards.
    1) Uninstall the 1.1 updater from your computer.
    2) Install the 1.0 updater onto your computer. It's on the CD that came with your iPod.
    3) Plug in your iPod.
    4) Run the 1.0 updater.
    5) Select 'restore'.
    6) Follow instructions.
    7) Resync with iTunes.
    Good luck.

  • I cant access itunes storesMicrosoft Windows Vista Home Basic Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 6002) Hewlett-Packard Compaq Presario CQ61 Notebook PC iTunes QuickTime not available FairPlay 1.14.34 Apple Application Support 2.1.7 iPod Updater Libra

    i cant access to itunes store
    here is dignostic report
    Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 6002)
    Hewlett-Packard Compaq Presario CQ61 Notebook PC
    QuickTime not available
    FairPlay 1.14.34
    Apple Application Support 2.1.7
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 0025AE8C032360A0
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2012-03-27 13:06:24.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is not supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    Intel Corporation, Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
    Intel Corporation, Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    **** Network Connectivity Tests ****
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name:          {23DDA231-A7E0-409A-AB19-CEDE8ACE6359}
    Description:          speedinfo
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          No
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 1970
    Lease Expires:          Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 1970
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name:          {948D9871-ADAF-4632-8D0C-538770929B52}
    Description:          Atheros AR5007 802.11b/g WiFi Adapter
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 1970
    Lease Expires:          Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 1970
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name:          {4D499748-069C-4E58-A116-DF748DA3912C}
    Description:          Realtek RTL8102E/8103E Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0)
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:          No
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:          Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 1970
    Lease Expires:          Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 1970
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection:          speedinfo
    Connected:          Yes
    Online:                    Yes
    Using Modem:          Yes
    Using LAN:          No
    Using Proxy:          No
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is NOT enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Basic connection to the store failed.
    The network connection timed out.
    Connection attempt to Gracenote server was successful.
    The network connection timed out.
    iTunes has never successfully accessed the iTunes Store.

    i cant access to itunes store
    Can you walk us through what happens when you try to connect to the Store, please?

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