HT2480 Microsoft Exchange with Active Synch

and have an IPhone 5 until yesterday, I could delete on my Iphone and it wouldn;t delete on my desktop, but now it deletes everywhere. Is there a way to set it up so it only deletes on the IPhone

That's the way it's supposed to work. Active Sync provides full synchronization between the server and the clients.
Don't know why it wasn't working correctly before. You would have to ask your IT department.

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  • Cannot open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)

    Fresh installation of Exchange Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012.
    Our first test account cannot access their email via Outlook but can access fine through OWA. The following message appears - "Cannot open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize
    your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)" is displayed.
    If I turn off cached Exchange mode, setting the email account to not
    cache does not resolve the issue and i get a new error message - "Cannot open your default e-mail folders. The file (path\profile name).ost is not an Outlook data file (.ost). Very odd since it creates its own .ost file when you run it for the first
    I cleared the appdata local Outlook folder and I tested on a new laptop that has never connected to Outlook, same error message on any system.
    Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access service is running.
    No warning, error or critical messages in the eventlog, it's like the healthiest server alive.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I haven't encountered this issue with previous versions of Exchange.

    So it looks like a lot of people are having this issue and seeing how Exchange 2013 is still new (relatively to the world) there isn't much data around to answer this. I've spend ALOT of time trying to figure this out.
    Here is the answer. :) - No I don't know all but I'm going to try to give you the most reasonable answer to this issue, in a most logical way.
    First thing I did when I was troubleshooting this issue is that I ignored Martina Miskovic's suggestion for Step4 it didn't make sense to me because I was trying to connect
    Outlook not outside the LAN but actually inside. However, Martina's suggestion does fix the issue if it's applied in the correct context.
    This is where the plot thickens (it's stew). She failed to mention that things like SSL (which I configure practically useless - anyone who ever worked in a business environment where the owner pretty much trusts anyone in the company, otherwise they don't
    work there - very good business practice in my eyes btw, can confirm that...) are some sort of fetish with Microsoft lately. Exchange 2013 was no exception.
    In exchange 2003, exchange 2007 and exchange 2010 - you could install it and then go to outlook and set it up. And when outlook manual Microsoft Exchange profile would ask you for server name, you would give it and give the name of the person who you setting
    up - as long as machine is on the domain, not much more is needed. IT JUST WORKS! :) What a concept, if the person already on premises of the business - GIVE HIM ACCESS. I guess that was too logical for Microsoft. Now if you're off premises you can use things
    like OutlookAnywhere - which I might add had their place under that scenario.
    In Exchange 2013, the world changed. Ofcourse Microsoft doesn't feel like telling it in a plain english to people - I'm sure there is an article somewhere but I didn't find it. Exchange 2013 does not support direct configuration of Outlook like all of it's
    previous versions. Did you jaw drop? Mine did when I realized it. So now when you are asked for your server name in manual outlook set up and you give it Exchange2013.yourdomain.local - it says cannot connect to it. This happens because ALL - INTERNAL AND
    EXTERNAL connection are now handled via OutlookAnywhere. You can't even disable that feature and have it function the reasonable way.
    So now the question still remains - how do you configure outlook. Well under server properties there is this nice section called Outlook anywhere. You have a chance to configure it's External and Internal address. This is another thing that should be logical
    but it didn't work that way for me. When I configured the external address different from the internal - it didn't work. So I strongly suggest you get it working with the same internal address first and then ponder how you want to make it work for the outside
    Now that you have this set up you have to go to virtual directories and configure the external and internal address there - this is actually what the Step 4 that Martina was refering to has you do.
    Both external and internal address are now the same and you think you can configure your outlook manually - think again. One of the most lovely features of Outlook Anywhere, and the reason why I had never used it in the past is that it requires a TRUSTED
    See so it's not that exchange 2013 requires a trusted certificate - it's that exchange 2013 lacks the feature that was there since Windows 2000 and Exchange 5.5.
    So it's time for you to install an Active Direction Certificate Authority. Refer to this wonderful article for exact steps -
    Now even after you do that - it won't work because you have to add the base private key certificate, which you can download now from your internal certsrv site, to Default Domain Policy (AND yes some people claim NEVER mess with the Default Domain Policy,
    always make an addition one... it's up to you - I don't see direct harm if you know what you want to accomplish) see this: if you want to know exact steps.
    This is the moment of ZEN! :) Do you feel the excitement? After all it is your first time. Before we get too excited lets first request and then install the certificate to actual Exchange via the gui and assign it to all the services you can (IIS, SMTP and
    there is a 3rd - I forgot, but you get the idea).
    Now go to your client machine where you have the outlook open, browse to your exchange server via https://exchang2013/ in IE and if you don't get any certificate errors - it's good. If you do run on hte client and the server: gpupdate /force This will refresh
    the policy. Don't try to manually install the certificate from Exchange's website on the client. If you wanna do something manually to it to the base certificate from the private key but if you added it to the domain policy you shouldn't have to do it.
    Basically the idea is to make sure you have CA and that CA allows you to browse to exchange and you get no cert error and you can look at the cert and see that's from a domain CA.
    NOW, you can configure your outlook. EASY grasshoppa - not the manual way. WHY? Cause the automatic way will now work. :) Let it discover that exachange and populate it all - and tell you I'm happy! :)
    Open Outlook - BOOM! It works... Was it as good for you as it was for me?
    You may ask, why can't I just configure it by manual - you CAN. It's just a nightmare. Go ahead and open the settings of the account that got auto configed... How do you like that server name? It should read something like [email protected]
    and if you go to advanced and then connection tab - you'll see Outlook Anywhere is checked as well. Look at the settings - there is the name of the server, FQDN I might add. It's there in 2 places and one has that Mtdd-something:Exchange2013.yourdomain.local.
    So what is that GUID in the server name and where does it come from. It's the identity of the user's mailbox so for every user that setting will be different but you can figure it out via the console on the Exchange server itself - if you wish.
    Also a note, if your SSL certs have any trouble - it will just act like outlook can't connect to the exchange server even though it just declines the connection cause the cert/cert authority is not trusted.
    So in short Outlook Anywhere is EVERYWHERE! And it has barely any gui or config and you just supposed to magically know that kind of generic error messages mean what... Server names are now GUIDs of the [email protected] - THAT MAKES PERFECT
    SENSE MICROSOFT! ...and you have to manage certs... and the only place where you gonna find the name of the server is inside the d*** Outlook Anywhere settings in the config tab, un it's own config button - CAN WE PUT THE CONFIG ANY FURTHER!
    Frustrating beyond reason - that should be Exchange's new slogan...
    Hope this will help people in the future and won't get delete because it's bad PR for Microsoft.
    ALSO if you want to pick a fight with me about how SSL is more secure... I don't wanna hear it - go somewhere else...

  • Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook Window. The set fo folders cannot be opened. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profil

    Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook Window. The set fo folders cannot be opened. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)
    OK. This is a new outlook setup on a laptop. The mail account is on a MS Exchange Server 2010. The user can log on to their laptop no problem with their AD login and password. To setup the outlook profile we have checked the name OK. When we click finish
    and try to start outlook we get the above error message. It is driving me pots as I have tried also of things. I have tried to connect without catching the files. The error message then says that the Exchange Server is down, yet we checked the name OK and
    I can log on to the MS Exchange server and see the setup.
    What else is it that I need to look at as I have tried everything. I will add that they one service I see not running is the Exchange RPC service. If I try to start it, it fails saying Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services
    or programs.
    What can I do?

    The major cause of this problem is a corrupted Navigation Pane settings file – profilename.xml, where “profilename” is the name of your Outlook profile. A good sign that the
    file is corrupted is when the size of the file is shown 0 KB. No one knows the precise reason why this takes place, but all versions of Outlook from 2003 to 2013 may get affected.
    Other causes may be when you run Outlook in the compatibility mode, or if you are using a profile generated in an older Outlook version, or if the Outlook data file (.pst or .ost)
    was removed or damaged as the result of faulty uninstallation or reinstallation of MS Outlook.
    Follow the steps given below to resolve this problem
    1. Recover Navigation Pane configuration file
    2. Repair your Outlook PST file using Inbox Repair tool
    3. Create a new Outlook profil and import data from the old PST file
    4. Turn off Compatibility Mode
    5. Start Outlook in Safe Mode
    For more info, you can visit

  • Integration Microsoft Exchange with Portal

    Hi, i need help.
    I try connect MS Exchange 2007 with Portal, found the documentation only MS exchange 2003, but need documentation for MS Exchange 2007.
    Another problem have is that my S.O is Windows 2008 server and no exist documentation. Please can you tell me the links (URL) where find documentation
    My system is:
    MS exchange 2007
    Microsoft Windows 2008 server
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    Please, do not cross post: Integration Microsoft Exchange with Portal
    Have you checked the installation guides available at [SMP|] or the [PAM|] for more information about Windows 2008?

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    looking for directions on how to use microsoft exchange with v10.8.2.  I have directions for v10.6 but its not working.

    I had the same issue with a Thinkpad X200s laptop's built-in MM keys plus an old Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro's MM keys, and found this solution in my bookmarks which is working great for me in Vista 64 + iTunes with both sets of keys:
    It had also worked a year ago on Vista 32 for a Dell M1330. Very easy too -- I just placed the .dll in the Plugins directory and restarted iTunes.

  • Microsoft Exchange Calendar not synching from Phone

    Have a new Droid X (had to replace old one after update crashed it) and it appears to be synched to my work MS Exchange just fine, with one exception. If I enter calendar items on the phone they don't show up on my Outlook at work.  Checked forum, found one solution ,but it was just directions on how to set up corporate synch.  Help, please!  I'm missing appointments......

    Hi Erikcole7,
    To sync your corporate Exchange, you do need to work with yout IT group at your employer. However, I have included a link that provides you with a step-by-step process in getting this completed. 
    Though the device at this link is not the Droid X, I have verified that this device will work in the same way.
    Best regards, 

  • Trouble setting up microsoft exchange with comcast e-mail...

    I have tried several times to set up a Microsoft Exchange on my iPhone4, even called Comcast and obtained the Domain &Mail Server names, as well as other info not asked for in set up. Each time I'm told that the phone was "unable to verify". Can someone please help?

    Hi, I just got an iPhone4 (at last) and had the same problem - I couldnt not set up my Hotmail account as my default e-mail on the phone.  I tried setting it up several times through the Microsoft Exchange option with no luck for the reason detailed by other posters.  I set up my gmail account as the default and lived with it for a few days and then having re-read the posts on here in more depth I managed to fix it.  I deleted my gmal account from the phone, selected 'other accounts' from the menu, typed in my hotmail details and Bingo! All fixed and functional and so easy to do that even this technophobe managed it.

  • Microsoft Exchange Server Active Sync issue

    When I purchased my Droid Incredible I set up my account for my work email.  My job uses Microsoft exchange server so I had no issues getting setup and started. 
    A week later my email stopped syncing.  I deleted the account and set it up again.  That temporarily fixes the problem.  Another week passes and I have the same problem.  I reset my phone and set up the my email account again.  No issues until one week later when it does it again. 
    Unless I can find a solution to this problem I think this phone will have to be returned.  Don't get me wrong, this phone is great but email is the reason I purchased this phone.  There are 52 weeks in a year.  I can't see myself resting my email account every week. 
    Any help would be appreciated!

    I had the same problem when I first purchased the phone back in May. I had about 60,000.00 emails from the past 5 years in my main server at work  that I had not deleted. My IT guy told me that I had to delete my old emails and that the INC works from the main server and I had way over the amount that I should have. I work for a very busy RE firm in NYC and we get about 150 emails a day, which ads up fast. Once I dld as he suggested the phone has not had one problem w/ outlook or syncing again. The Iphone works in the exact same way.  BB's operate from their own server so are not as effected by this as much. The  phone  works great with outlook, and actually quicker and better than my BB. Good luck!!

  • You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with your current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your outlook data file (.ost).... OWA works but outlook 2013 does not, exchange server 2013 on Server standard 2012

    I have read a lot of articles and tried a lot of things, but I cannot get outlook to connect to my exchange server. This is a test environment, I have tried making my own certificate and signing it through my own CA to no avail. I have completely disabled
    windows firewall and stopped the service. I can ping between the two just fine by name or IP. I've tried not using cached mode, creating new profiles in outlook etc. I tried setting my CertPrincipalName to my FQDN in exchange powershell.
    I am not an expert with exchange at all, but I feel like this should work with little to no configuration, instead I've wasted days on this. Half of the articles I've read don't seem to have solutions, and the other half have solutions that are not working
    for me.
    I can access OWA and send emails on a client computer through OWA with no problems.
    I am running a test domain on the same network as my current exchange 2003/sbs 2003 active environment, I don't know why this would be an issue, but if it is I cannot figure out why. The only thing I can see holding me back right now is not having a signed
    certificate from digicert etc, and an official internet domain set up, but I don't think either of those things matter in my situation. 
    Any help is greatly appreciated and I'll gladly provide any other information requested to solve this issue, thank you.

    I have a similar setup and also have the same error. Did you find a solution for this?
    In the managed availability - monitoring log I see the following errors:
    EMSMDB.Connect() step of ComplianceOutlookLogonToArchiveRpcCtpProbe/Mailbox Database 0326619395 has failed against BESRVCOTEXCH001 proxying to BESRVCOTEXCH001 for [email protected].
    Latency: 00:01:58.0150000
    Outline: [15] RpcProxy connectivity verification; [117999][FAILED!] EMSMDB.Connect(); 
    Likely root cause: HighLatency
    Error: Error 0x71a (The remote procedure call was cancelled) from ClientAsyncCallState.CheckCompletion: RpcAsyncCompleteCall RPC EEInfo is not enabled or there is no error on this thread.
    Log:     RpcProxy connectivity verification
        Task produced output:
        - TaskStarted = 8/5/2014 7:47:11 AM
        - TaskFinished = 8/5/2014 7:47:11 AM
        - ErrorDetails = 
        - Latency = 00:00:00.0153816
        - RpcProxyUrl = https://besrvcotexch001.hq.corp.cotrain.lan/rpc/[email protected]:6001
        - ResponseStatusCode = OK
        - RequestedRpcProxyAuthenticationTypes = ntlm
        - RespondingHttpServer = BESRVCOTEXCH001
        - RespondingRpcProxyServer = BESRVCOTEXCH001
        - WebHeaderCollection = Persistent-Auth: true
    X-DiagInfo: BESRVCOTEXCH001
    Content-Length: 20
    Content-Type: application/rpc
    Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 05:47:11 GMT
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    RpcProxy connectivity verification completed successfully.
        Mailbox logon verification
            Task produced output:
            - TaskStarted = 8/5/2014 7:47:11 AM
            - TaskFinished = 8/5/2014 7:49:09 AM
            - Exc
    EMSMDB.Connect() step of OutlookRpcCtpProbe/Mailbox Database 0326619395 has failed against BESRVCOTEXCH001 proxying to BESRVCOTEXCH001 for [email protected].
    Latency: 00:01:58.0250000
    Outline: [13] RpcProxy connectivity verification; [118011][FAILED!] EMSMDB.Connect(); 
    Likely root cause: HighLatency
    Error: Error 0x71a (The remote procedure call was cancelled) from ClientAsyncCallState.CheckCompletion: RpcAsyncCompleteCall RPC EEInfo is not enabled or there is no error on this thread.
    Log:     RpcProxy connectivity verification
        Task produced output:
        - TaskStarted = 8/5/2014 7:23:20 AM
        - TaskFinished = 8/5/2014 7:23:20 AM
        - ErrorDetails = 
        - Latency = 00:00:00.0132417
        - RpcProxyUrl = https://besrvcotexch001.hq.corp.cotrain.lan/rpc/[email protected]:6001
        - ResponseStatusCode = OK
        - RequestedRpcProxyAuthenticationTypes = ntlm
        - RespondingHttpServer = BESRVCOTEXCH001
        - RespondingRpcProxyServer = BESRVCOTEXCH001
        - WebHeaderCollection = Persistent-Auth: true
    X-DiagInfo: BESRVCOTEXCH001
    Content-Length: 20
    Content-Type: application/rpc
    Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 05:23:20 GMT
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    RpcProxy connectivity verification completed successfully.
        Mailbox logon verification
            Task produced output:
            - TaskStarted = 8/5/2014 7:23:20 AM
            - TaskFinished = 8/5/2014 7:25:18 AM
            - Exc

  • "Set of folders can not be opened. you must connect to microsoft exchange with current profile" geeting error while opening shared mailbox in outlook 2007

    Hello Folks,
    I am having exchange sever 2007 SP3. currently facing issue with one shared mailbox. One of the user is not able to open that mailbox from outlook 2010.
    I can able to add that mailbox in the outlook but while opening the outlook it is asking for password. Outlook is not accepting user password for that mailbox. I have removed that user from full access and added that user again.
    Other shared mailbox is working fine with same outlook profile and other user can also able to access that problematic shared mailbox.
    Can anyone tell how to troubleshoot..?
    Thanks, Chinmay.

    How do you open the shared mailbox in Outlook?
    Please remove the shared mailbox from your Outlook totally and follow the following steps to open it:
    1. Open Outlook, click File > Account Settings
    > Account Settings.
    2. Click Change and make sure Use Cached Exchange Mode is checked.
    3. Click More Settings > Advanced tab.
    4. Click Add next to Open these additional mailboxes and type the shared mailbox.
    5. Click Ok > OK. Then the shared mailbox would be listed under the Navigation Pane.
    Alternatively, we can create a new Outlook profile in Outlook and setup the shared mailbox. If it is asking for credentials, we can use the user account who have full access permission to the shared mailbox for authentication.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Microsoft exchange with comcast business

    Can't get email setup. Any one have a comcast business account? Not sure what to put as the server??

    As far as I know, it should automatically setup when you select "Exchange' as the email account type in the iPad
    There's more information available at for setting up your mobile device with Comcast if all else fails.

  • Is it just me or does Exchange with Push enabled drain the battery?

    +*I'm pretty sure that this is obvious to all - I just don't see how everyone is just okay with it.+*
    The iPhone battery is generally very good; even when using MobileMe with Push enabled, etc.
    BUT; once you add a Microsoft Exchange account & leave Push enabled, you could probably watch the battery drain like a sewer right after a heavy rain storm.
    Personally, I keep my Exchange on Fetch every 15 minutes and this provides an enormous difference in battery performance.
    *_Why is everyone just okay with this?_*
    +Just to explain my theory+ - if you watch the background activity using XCODE's Console, it's a pretty dead giveaway. Microsoft Exchange with Push enabled is not really utilizing the true 'push' technology; rather, it's actually checking in and pinging the corporate exchange server every 7-10 seconds. This allows the device to maintain the 'push' image of receiving an email in 'realtime'. But all of this is at the tremendous cost of the battery life. Personally, when I leave my Push on, I need to charge my iPhone 2-3 times daily vs. once every other day with Fetch.
    +Comments, anyone?+

    FireFish wrote:
    +*I'm pretty sure that this is obvious to all - I just don't see how everyone is just okay with it.+*
    The iPhone battery is generally very good; even when using MobileMe with Push enabled, etc.
    BUT; once you add a Microsoft Exchange account & leave Push enabled, you could probably watch the battery drain like a sewer right after a heavy rain storm.
    OK, what you are seeing is a problem with your phone, not a general problem with the iPhone or any specific release. Most of the time my phone gets excellent battery life with Exchange Push enabled. Occasionally (a couple of times a year) I suddenly see a heavy battery drain with Push on. I've seen it with every release of iPhone software since Activesync was added. I've concluded that something is broken when this happens. An IT admin in the forum posted about a year ago that he saw many open connections to phones of users when they were reporting this problem. He rebooted the Exchange server and the problem went away for a while. As most of us don't have that option I've found a couple of ways to fix it on the phone. One or more of them has always worked for me.
    1. Reset Network Settings on the phone and reboot.
    2. Go into Mail,Contacts,Calendar, tap on the Exchange account and turn off all 3 functions. Then reboot, go back and turn them on.
    If these don't fix it what I do is go into Settings again and delete the Exchange account. I then reboot and add it back. I then wait several hours for the account to resync (it's best to do this with a WiFi connection). When all of my email, contacts and calendar entries have reappeared I fully charge the phone and test battery life again. This sequence has always worked for me, but I have seen posts from owners who say it did not work. But most say it works.

  • Exchange 2013 - The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable

    Hi there,
    i have some problems on my new Exchange 2013 Server: Here is the topology:
    1 serveur 2012 in workgroup with the Hyper-V role
    2 VM: DC2012 is the DC of the domain:, Windows 2012
    The other VM is member of the domaine, Windows 2012, Exchange 2013 SP 1 installed.
    So, i have and (another DC: DC2008, name:
    I have some troubles with the SSL and the connexion of Outlook outside the LAN.
    In the LAN on a client, i launch Outlook 2010 and the autodiscver make the rest. The connexion is ok.
    But i have a client not in the LAN, so i configured a SSL. I made a request. First Question:
    In the ECP, Server, Certificate, i have 3 times "Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate" and 3 times "Microsoft Exchange" with differents dates. Why?
    I installed my PKI on the DC2012, and paste the request and download the certificate. I retuned on the exchange server in ECP, Server, Certificate and treat the pending request. In Services i checked IMAP, POP, IIS, SMTP.
    Then, in Server, Server, Mail1, OutlookAnywhere, in url extternal: and Authentification: NTLM.
    In ECP, Servers, Virtual Directories i wrote the same url external and internal: for ECP, OWA, ActiveSync, OAB.
    In my DNS on the DC, i created a CNAME record for et i created a A record for mail. on a client if i make nslookup then the IP is the LAN IP of my exchange server.
    I modified the MX record of my public domain: to point on my Public IP. That works.
    On the client outside of the LAN, i installed the root certificate and the exchange certificate.
    second question:
    Why my client outside of the LAN can't connext with outlook.
    Thanks a lot for your answers and sorry for the long post.

    I resolved my problem!
    here is the solution that solved it:
    actually, i tried to connect Outlook 2010 ti Exchange 2013. I knew that Exchange now connect Outllok via rpc over http(s), BUT, the Autodiscover (in LAN) transform the field server to something like that:
    [email protected] , the xxx correspond to the GUID of the mailbox. So, for my remote user, i launch this command on Exchange 2013:
    Get-Mailbox test | fl name, exchangeguid , it give to me the GUID, then in te field "Server" i fill ([email protected]): [email protected]
    And in advanced parameters, same things i mentioned in previous post. And it works!!!!!
    Thanks to me.

  • Exchange 2013 Issue - Cannot open default email folders. you must connect to microsoft exchange

    Hello all, this is my first post and nightmare to this issue because i believe i made mistake and overlook something. I search over the internet i cant find the best answer or maybe i missed something during the configurations. The exchange was working fine
    not after i change the setting following the method
    Configure External and Internal URL in Exchange 2012. after that, the users outlook experiencing disconnect from exchange. I restore back the previous setting but now I cant add any new user to the any Outlook version or change the server path. it will
    cause the problem which show the message below:
    "Can't open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folder with your offline folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)"
    I restarted the server and check all the Exchange services are running. The Outlook web is running and they able to receive and send out. The existing link to the exchange are still working so I not really sure what setting should i look into. I was thinking
    about restoring back from Window Server Backup but was advise not to do it unless there are ways to look back the previous setting from the backup.
    One of my ex-boss told me could be the Exchange Certificate but wasn't sure.
    I really appreciate someone could advice and help me resolved this issue.
    IT Tech Supports

    Actually all are affected, but i manage to solved it running Virtual test version to trace the issue and finally able to fix it. Thanks for asking.
    IT Technician

  • Iphone 3G - Calendar sync issue via Microsoft Exchange

    I have my iphone sync fine with mail and contacts via Microsoft Exchange with my work PC outlook, but can not get the calendar to sync. I upgraded to Microsoft 2007 and it sync once (possibly after accepting a meeting invite), but then no updates. I have turned calendars off and on and lost all entries. I do get meeting invites though, but they too disappear.
    Any ideas?

    Onicabbit has nailed this one. It has to do with appointments not having an end or start date or having a length of 0 minutes. Track those in outlook (use the category view and make sure you have no filter on which could obscure a few nasty ones), fix the dates and duration (open the meeting or event and add or change one of the dates) and the sync should work.
    Message was edited by: WijnandPeatman

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