HT2954 Trouble with email on multiple devices, help!

I have mail setup on my Imac, Ipad and Iphone and sometimes an email will show up on one of the devices and not another.  Other times,  it will show up on all three, however it shows that it has already been read and I chance missing seeing it in a timely manner. Any ideas why this is happening? I also was just reading one, and went to read it later and it disappeared, very frustratiing!

Is it POP or IMAP accounts we're talking about?
Not much to go on, but it sounds like maybe POP & some devices are set to remove it from the Server after downloading, & others set to leave it, then it sounds like Syncing may be involved if IMAP with the disappearing, the device not getting it resetting the Server or other devices.

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    Hello Stromfam01
    To make a call over FaceTime, you would need two separate Apple ID.  So the best way to handle that is to have the one Apple ID you and your husband share for just purchases. Then create your own Apple ID for just iCloud information so you and your husband can communicate with FaceTime and other services that Apple provides. Check out the article below for more information about how to manage the Apple ID’s.
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    For the ones that give you an option, select the option you want (keep on the Mac or Delete). For the ones that are simply warning you, click on Delete from Mac.
    They will all come back when you sign back on, since all you did was change your existing Apple ID to a new email address. It's the same iCloud account, just with a different name.
    It's the only way to get your updated ID signed onto iCloud.

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    Hi again my friend and thank you for your reply.
    I already opened a thread but non is replying.
    If you have time please check it.
    Thank you

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    As I understand from a quick search, the ComCast email is POP3, that is not multidevice email. And just because your wife also has an iCloud account does not mean that the email from ComCast on an iOS device is going to jump over to the iCloud account in the same iOS Mail app.
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    IMAP is the mail protocol that allows you to delete a message one place and have it delete everywhere else. iCloud uses IMAP, so it should be working. If the messages never delete, then something may be incorrect in the settings. The easiest thing to do with iCloud is to logout of the account on every device, and then login again. (Another common problem with iCloud email is people often have two Apple IDs, and thus may have two iCloud email accounts. If you get confused about which one you're using, you may think you've deleted email when you actually haven't.)
    If the iCloud messages do ultimately delete across all devices, then it could be that some devices aren't set to "Push" but are instead set to "Fetch" the newest info from the server. Fetch can be set to as long as an hour between check-ins.
    The same holds true for Windstream if she's using an IMAP account there, too. If it's a POP account, then deleting a message one place will never delete it anywhere else—that's the way POP works.

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    TamIPhone4 wrote:
    I am using cox email, Outlook on the laptop, and IMAP on the IPhone, the problem is that I did not see the Delete from Server option like many of you suggested.
    The default for IMAP is that it does NOT delete the email from the server when it pushes the email to a device.  Only if you tell a device to tell the server to delete the email, will it actually delete from the server.

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    Just to be clear here, when you say that " I should note that I am using one test machine (iMac) for all three of the Mac reviews, but each individual is logging on with their ID for the network and the email program (entourage). " you mean that you have created 3 different users on your mac machine and configured entourage for each of them. If not then please explain this.
    Have you tried using any of these:
    a) 2-3 Mac partitions for the different users
    b) 2-3 different mac machines for the same
    c) maybe 2-3 Mac Virtual machines on a Mac main machine
    If it is possible can you please try that scenario on any of the above mentioned combinations and let us know the results. This will help us a lot in narrowing down the issue.

  • Email on multiple devices

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    Is this because verizon is pop3 email only, not imap?
    I tried a chat session with a support tech here and was told to contact apple.
    thanks for the help in advance.

    mritter wrote:
    I access my email from more than one computer, an ipad and droid razr.  I would like when I delete the email from one device it is delted everywhere and not have to delted the same email on every deivice.
    Also, I would like to see my folders on my verizon email on my ipad and phone, I'd like it to work like my gmail accounts.
    Is this because verizon is pop3 email only, not imap?
    I tried a chat session with a support tech here and was told to contact apple.
    thanks for the help in advance.
    Yes. The functionality you are looking for requires IMAP, which Verizon does not offer. They have stated that it is Not Likely they will implement IMAP in the future.
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    "All knowledge is worth having."

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    Closes is to have all your devices leave the email on the server rather then pull it all,  but then you have to monitor space to make sure its not all lost.  Perhaps have a email client on your main PC pull all copies but leave them for say 30 days before deleting.  You would also have to cc yourself on sent mail.

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    Not a flaw, but a function of what type of mail account you have. Doing what you want requires an IMAP or Exchange account. Not possible with a POP account, & it sounds like you have a POP account.
    That's the way POP accounts work.

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    If you want to keep the same addresses, you will need to contact the providers for each and see if they offer an IMAP service.
    It's a fairly simply concept, IMAP accounts do exactly what you want, POP accounts don't. Whether or not all your providers offer an IMAP account is another matter.

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    My mail account on my iPhone is configured as a POP account.  Messages are set to never remove from server.
    This same mail account is configured as POP account on my iPad.  Messages are set to never remove from server.
    This account on my MBP is set as POP, and again, remove from server is disabled.
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