HT3819 iTunes sharing problem

I have iTunes on Windows 8.1 with two user accounts on same computer, I have moved my library moved to shared folder and Home Sharing enabled on both users accounts. One user sees all songs (over 200), second users sees only stuff from Cloud (about 30).  What am I doing wrong?  When I update the Preferences on user 1 a box with a progress bar appears and completes, but not when user 2 does it.

See Make a split library portable. You need to get your library into a portable layout and connect both users to the one set of library files. Reassigning the media folder won't do it.

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    I use iTunes 7.6 on my iMac and macbook and after updating to this latest version of iTunes have not been able to share my iMac iTunes library using my macbook. Every time I tried a message that says "The Shared Library ... is not responding (-3259). and asking me to check the firewall software is configured to allow connection on port 3689" My firewall setting allows incoming connection for iTunes on both computers. What is strange is that my imac can access the library on the macbook. Can anyone help???
    Message was edited by: sainijeff

    Any ideas how to fix this?

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    a friend of mine synced her iPhone with her computer, then came over to my house and my sister somehow changed it to where her laptop is the primary iTunes for her iPhone to sync her music also.
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    Page 8 of the manual:
    " You can connect and sync with only one iPhone at a time. Disconnect
    one before connecting another. You should be logged in to your own computer user
    account before connecting iPhone. "

  • HT3819 Home Sharing problem

    We have 4 iMacs,  2 iPads, 4 iPods, 1 iPhone.  Each family member has a separate Apple ID, and syncs their iPod on their individual Apple PC.  If all 4 of us want to share each other's music, we can't do it, is that correct, since each has our own Apple ID?
    We'd like to be able to share or stream each other's music, but haven't been able to do it. 
    If we read this article correctly, then, it seems that each of us could share the library of only one membe but, even then, only if the remaining members sign in under the other's Apple ID.
    Is this all correct?  Are we understanding this correctly?

    If we read this article correctly, then, it seems that each of us could share the library of only one membe but, even then, only if the remaining members sign in under the other's Apple ID.
    Actually, no. I just tested this by setting up a third computer on the noir household Home Share. From one computer, you can see the iTunes of the other two computers on the Home Share, as per the following screenshot:
    You may, however, run into trouble, if you try to transfer content over the home share that was purchased on an iTunes account with a different Apple ID. So, I'd suggest you decide on a particular account that you'd like to use for getting music and apps and so forth from the Store that you'd intend to transfer to all the family's libraries ... and set up the Home Share using the Apple ID and password for that particular account.

  • HT202213 Home sharing problem: I have never set up home sharing but I feel I understand it.  I recently (last 2 months or so) deauthorized, first time ever, all computers with my iTunes account. I am trying to set up home sharing but get  iTunes says "You

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    "Home Sharing could not be activated because this computer is not authorized for the Apple Id "". Would you like to authorize now?"  I click "authorize" and get the next error " You cannont authorize more than 5 computers.  You have already authorized 5 computers with this Apple ID.  To authorize this computer you must first deauthorize one of the other computers."
    Can someone help or shed more light on my problem?

    Home Sharing is designed to work on your local network not across the internet/cloud.
    Stuff is accessed under the Computers column where your local iTunes library on a local computer would appear.
    Home Sharing would share your iTunes content (i.e. stuff stored in itunes on the computer, not in the cloud) with AppleTV or an iPad etc on the SAME network.
    AppleTV2 will not be able to see itunes content on the work computer over the internet.  It's not designed to.  if the work computer was on the home network it would.
    iCloud is in it's infancy and is not a mature product - iTunes TV Show purchases appear on AppleTV, but currently music does not unless you are subscribed to iTunes Match. I find this rather odd to be honest, along with the inability to buy music on AppleTV2.  Movies purchased in iTunes are not authorised for iCloud viewing currently either.
    Maybe it has something to do with iTunes Match 'getting in the way' - i think they assume you'll use that whereas you really want to be able to access Purchased music from the cloud without subscribing to itunes Match which is overkill for some.

  • Please Help -- Problem w/ ITunes Sharing & Linksys Router on PC

    Hi All I appreciate any feedback.
    1. I'm no novice..I know how to set up sharing...I had it working before...did some stuff with linksys last week, and now nothing works.
    2. I CAN see my other cpu's. I can ping them. I can go to a mapped drive and select a song and play it thru Itunes on my other computer just fine, but the problem is I can't play music thru Itunes sharing. (can't bring up songs, playlists, Podcats, or anything, thru sharing)
    3. Both CPU's have latest Itunes update
    4. I messed around with the multicast filter, as well as windows firewall enabled/disabled on both machines and none of the above are working. (tried port forwarding on the router as well w/ Itunes Port #'s and that didn't work)
    5. It seems like every time I open my cpu on the NON sharing cpu the left side nav has my share folder in hangs..the songs come up, and it disappears right away, giving me No Access to my sharing.
    6. I have no password enabled on Sharing
    7. Linksys wireless router
    8. Both machines are XP SP2
    9. I can open and play a music from the sharing computer by going thru windows explorer and play an mp3 on my wireless this is weird...
    Only problem is sharing won't work...I can't see it in Itunes
    Any tips would be appreciated.

    Disable the AVG temporarily.
    Try a different browswer.

  • ITunes sharing no longer works

    When I try to connect to my shared library I only get a dialog box mentioning "iTunes not accepting connections at this time, try again later." Supposedly this message only occurs when 5 other users have connected to your library in a single day. I've been getting this every day for two weeks.
    Specifics are:
    1. Updated to iTunes 8.1.
    2. Used to work fine- iTunes library on external drive connected to Mac Mini, sharing to local network in house. Same message received on all other computers in house from Mac Mini.
    3. No other users are connected or can connect, I live in the sticks.
    4. File sharing works fine- no problems with network.
    5. Tried turning iTunes sharing off then on.
    6. Shut down and restarted all computers on network.
    7. Checked firewall- set to accept all connections. Tried setting to "specific apps" with iTunes added but still doesn't work.
    8. Trashed iTunes preferences and restarted.
    9. Tried setting a password. Didn't work, so I returned it to normal (no password).
    10. Reinstalled iTunes 8.1.
    11. Turned off iTunes DJ.
    12. Connections to ports 443 and 80 are allowed in Little Snitch. Sharing still doesn't work with Little Snitch turned off.
    I'm out of ideas. Apple Genius's are out of ideas at local store. Am I alone with this problem?

    Bumping this thread, as I still have the same very annoying problem, ever since the 8.1 update.
    I have a MacBook and an iMac, the first wirelessly connected, the second by ethernet, both to a standard Actiontec router. I can see the shared library of another person on the network, but neither of my computers can share with the other, and doesn't even show up in the "Shared" section of the iTunes display.
    Does anyone have any idea about this?

  • Setting up Brand New iPad 2 - iTunes Sharing and Getting Files from old iTunes Account

    Greetings.  I recently purchased an iPad 2 (convert after 20 years of PC use) and have been waiting to set it up until I knew the proper way to proceed.  I have multiple questions and am hoping those of you with more Apple experience can help out a convert .
    I would like to set it up with a new iTunes account so when my wife gets her iPad 2 next year we can share apps and movies we buy on iTunes.  Do you always have to sync your iPad to your PC to get your latest purchases or can you do that via the wireless connection directly on the iPad after the initial set-up?
    That said, if one of us buys an app/movie, will we both have to carry it on our iPads or will they store remotely on iTunes or on our PCs?  I'm just concerned about maxing out the storage space on the iPad.  Do the purchases need to occur on your PC vs. the iPad itself for both to have the app/movie access?
    I've also read about iCloud issues and syncing all calendar/contact/etc. accounts if two iPads are set-up with the same Apple ID.  What's the best way to initially configure the iPads so that you avoid this headache in the future?
    Once I get all this settled and get a new iTunes shared account working, is there any way to get the movies I have in both of our old iTunes accounts into the new shared iTunes account?  Can I simply drop them on a jump drive from one PC and place them into an appropriate folder on the new PC that the iPad sync's to if it does in fact need to sync?
    Again, appreciate all the help and sorry for all of the confusion and multiple thoughts.  I would just like to set this thing up once and for all the right way.
    Thanks again

    1, you can (re-)download a lot of purchases directly on the iPad without having to connect to your computer - apps and ibooks can be re-downloaded (as long as they remain available), music can be re-downloaded in some countries; tv shows can currently only be re-downloaded in the US. Re-downloading
    2, films are a one-time only download, so you can either download it on your computer's iTunes and sync it to your device(s), or if you download it directly on the iPad you will need to then copy it to your computer's iTunes (connect the iPad and do File > Transfer Purchases) so that you can make a backup and copy it to your other iPods, iPads etc.
    3, I haven't had any problems with iCloud, but then I don't share my account so it's only my account and contacts on my iPad and iPhone.
    4, you can authorise your old accounts on your computer's iTunes (Store > Authorise This Computer) and copy the films onto it : File > Add File To Library - you can't copy or transfer content to a different account (nor can you combine accounts), they will remain tied to the original account
    The iPad's manual has some info about syncing and each of the built-in apps (the iBooks app is covered in the manual though it isn't pre-installed, but you can download it for free from the store) - the manual can be downloaded from here

  • Can't download music - seems to be an iTunes Match problem

    I have iTunes Match activated, which is working fine on my iPad and iPhone.  However I cannot download purchased music onto the iMac. 
    In my household there is a shared iMac and each user has a different login & password.  Only I know my login password.  I have been using iTunes successfully on it for years, and have been using iTunes successfully for about 6 months now.  Auto-download has been disabled for several months now because I don't want everything downloaded automatically.  All has been fine until about a fortnight ago when the iMac stopped downloading newly purchased music whenever I clicked the little iCloud icon.  This is for music that I have successfully purchased and downloaded on my iPhone whilst at work, and now want to listen to at home.  Whenever I click the iCloud icon to download the new song I get an error message telling me that the computer is already associated with an Apple ID, and I have to wait 54 days etc to sign in with a new Apple ID.  However I'm certain no other Apple ID has been used with my account - when I go to the Store menu it is showing my current and correct Apple ID. 
    The most telling proof that my Apple ID is correct on both iMac and iPhone (and iPad as well) is that when I plug the iPhone into the iMac, the new music syncs across EXACTLY as it should - and it can then be played without problems.  Both the phone and the computer are correctly logged in to the same Apple ID, which is the same Apple ID that I use for iTunes Match.  Also when I click Store -> Update iTunes Match there appears to be no Apple ID conflict.
    Obviously this is an iTunes Match problem which I cannot resolve, can someone please provide assistance / advice.
    (iPhone 4 with iOS 6, iMac mid 2010 with Mountain Lion 10.8.2, single Apple ID for iTunes Store, iTunes Match and iCloud).

    you have to convert your videos...
    google videoera ipod converter

  • ITunes Sharing Strategy

    Does anyone have any suggestions for a family needing to share and play iTunes on or via multiple devices?
    Here's the scenario.
    i) 3 users in a house.
    ii) Installed in the house, 2 x Apple TV and a MacMini.
    iii) 2 Users have MacBooks, one of these users has an iPhone, the other an iTouch
    iiii) 3rd user has iTouch.
    Each of the users has an iTunes library and whatever the strategy, they would like to keep the libraries separate.
    The ideal solution would be that the MacMini is a music server but, only if there's no need to switch users as the only access to the MacMini is via the network.
    Is there a way to keep each users's music separate on a single user account? (other than dragging music into libraries!)
    The current problem is extended because there are 7 AirPort Express units driving speakers in different rooms. When another Mac or iTouch/Phone tries to use a remote library, if the remote Mac is set to use multiple speakers, music plays in rooms not required but there's no way for the remote user to control the multiple speaker settings. Is there, maybe, a script that triggers when a remote user logs on and automatically re-sets multiple speakers to computer only?
    Is there a way, if the iTunes account users agree to share, that an iTunes user can enter more than one account name to overcome the sharing problem of 5 registered devices?
    Has anyone written a multiple Mac, iTouch, iPhone and AppleTV iTunes strategy?
    Appreciate any suggestions.
    Regards, Norm

    I'm still searching for an iTunes / Apple TV Home Sharing solution but wonder if anyone thinks this idea might work ...
    Here's the hardware situation (ASA = Apple Store Account):
    Apple TV Lounge ASA User 2
    Apple TV Master Bedroom ASA User 2
    Apple TV Pool Room
    MacMini ASA (User4 ?)
    User 2
    MacBook Pro ASA User 2
    Apple iPhone ASA User 2
    User 1
    MacBook Air ASA User 1
    iTouch (Music from iMac in Office) ASA User 1
    (Office iMac) ASA User 1
    User 3
    iTouch ASA User 2
    * ASA = Apple Store Account
    Create a new ASA in the name of thehouse. Set up the MacMini with 4 users, User1, User2, User3 and User4 (thehouse) each using their own ASA. Enable fast user switching and have automatic start-up on all 4 accounts (if possible?). Set-up Home Sharing on the MacMini using User4 ASA (thehouse) Have each user's iTunes music synced from their personal device/s to the MacMini. This should mean that User1, User2, and User3 will each have an iTunes replica of their master much library. User 4, the new thehouse account, will also be used on the Apple TVs in the living room, Master Bedroom and (soon to be installed) Pool Room. Hopefully, the MacMini will, via Home Sharing, make all three iTunes libraries available to all the Apple TVs.
    Anyone think this might work?

  • Need Help...Do I have The mother of all itunes software problems???

    I am in desperate need of help. I have fried three new ipod touches in two days. I Purchased a new 32GB 2d Gen ipod touch on Mon. 11/24. Worked okay till Friday 11/28. When I tried to sync with new additions, a warning came up “the ipod could not be updated, an unknown error occurred (9)” That was followed by a windows vista windows warning “USB device not recognized”
    When I disconnected the touch I found that it could not be started. Tried a forced restore pressing the sleep switch and the home button together. That did not work.
    Brought the touch to my apple store genius bar on Saturday and they too couldn’t get it to work. They switched out the ipod with a new one. Brought the new one home connected it and it received the new ipod touch software download okay. But when it tried to sync the same problem repeated…the two pop up warnings as before and a second dead ipod!
    I then synced my ipod classic with no problems, so it appears the itunes software is okay. I’ve scheduled another appointment with the local apple store genius bar again.
    When I took the new fried touch back to the Apple genius bar, it was switched out again. It was activated (by the initial step ipod touch software download on their computer.
    I brought my laptop with me so we could test the syncing. The syncing proceeded initially for several minutes, and then the dreaded pop up warnings appeared
    “the ipod could not be updated, an unknown error occurred (9)” That was followed by a windows vista warning “USB device not recognized”
    The new replacement ipod touch was also fried.
    The tech gave me yet another new ipod touch. He had never encountered such a problem and advised me delete and reinstall itunes and call the APL CARE 800 support number and go over the problem with one of their techs who have a broad range of experience in dealing with possible PC related issues.
    As my other ipod has no problem syncing from the same laptop (Dell Inspiron 1520 using Vista) I am wondering if the problem might be a corrupted Itunes software problem that affects only the touch and not the ipod classics.
    Has anyone heard of a bad itunes software related problem? I googled this and could find no info. Thanks for your help!

    If you click View, Show Sidebar you will see the other libraries under Shared in the left hand column. Click on the Library you want and you can expand it to select Music, Movies etc. Select whatever items you want and click import if you want to move them to your Library.
    You will have to have all computers authorised with the relevant Apple ID's
    Store  >  Authorise this computer...
    This is separate from the Home Sharing username and password and is to allow playing of DRM Movies, TV shows etc from the other computer.
    If both Computers use the same apple id this step is not required.

  • Lack of vison or lack of time - on iTunes sharing

    It has come to my attention that there are some serious gaps in Apple's apparent vision for iTunes, but is it just because they just haven't had time to implement it yet?
    In this context any iTunes that is 'sharing' its Library is a SERVER and any other iTunes or TV that accesses this shared music Library is a CLIENT.
    There is currently no way to satisfactorily share music across a network (to other Macs, PCs). Yes you can share, but it is seriously deficient. Let me explain.
    If you 'Share' a library, other client devices cannot use the 'Sort' tag data you may have meticulously added to the main Library on the server. Neither other Macs, PCs nor even an TV (when streaming, don't know about when sync'd) can make use of this data. Sorting reverts to the old iTunes method, e.g. Sort Artist tag is ignored and the artists will be sorted alphabetically by the Artist tag (excluding 'The' 'A' etc).
    Since this applies to all devices using iTunes sharing protocol (Roku Soundbridge also suffers) it occurs to me that this is a deficiency in the sharing protocol itself rather than the individual client devices.
    It is also quite apparent that an iTunes client cannot use any Album Artwork that exists within the iTunes server Library. Is this again a lack of functionality in the sharing protocol? In this case I think not as an TV quite happily gets the Album Artwork from an iTunes server that is streaming the music (and also via AirTunes which is seriously cool:-).
    So there are several problems that need fixing. Whether or not the problem is with the sharing protocol or just the client devices, iTunes sharing MUST be enhanced to include Album Artwork and the use of Sort data for ALL Apple's client devices.
    Then there is the different problem of sharing the music data directly, i.e. not via iTunes 'sharing'. It is relatively simple to share the music and Album Artwork files across a network, but there are problems with this approach. Most notably that any music added via iTunes on one machine never becomes available on any other iTunes sharing this music data. They have to be manually forced to 'Add to Library' in order to pick up any new additions. You can choose to limit where to re-scan, but that requires knowledge of where the importing iTunes has actually added the files so re-scanning the entire music folder may be required.
    OK, so it's not impossible, but having done this, any Album Artwork (i.e. iTunes downloaded) that was added by that first iTunes also fails to appear on any other iTunes, even after the new music has been 'Added to Library', so this has to be added manually at every other iTunes that shares this music. But how is this additional artwork stored? Is iTunes clever enough to see that the file already exists (in the shared Album Artwork folder) and so simply link the tracks to that, or does it download and store all over again and link to that. In the latter case that means every copy of iTunes sharing over this network will actually have its own copy of all the Album Artwork, even though they share the same main folder location. So 5 machines with iTunes sharing the same music, but 5 copies of all the Album Artwork:-(
    Currently I get around this by simply copying the Library file from the machine on which iTunes imported the new music to the other machines and so they then get all the new music AND the associated Album Artwork. But, this takes careful preparation at each machine to ensure that the Library can be freely copied in this way (and actually work) and also it means that every machine has to use the same playlists because the Library file gets copied each time.
    All in all, it's a mess.
    Seems to me we should drop the whole idea of sharing the actual music (and Album Artwork) files and be able to rely entirely on iTunes in-built sharing protocol. But for this to be acceptable, the following needs to be addressed.
    What we need is for iTunes sharing protocol clients to have access to (and make use of) ALL the data that exists on the server, in particular the Sort tags and Album Artwork.
    Also, there needs to be the ability for different clients to be able to setup and maintain their own playlists, based on music in the server's shared Library. This is currently not allowed in iTunes, but why not? In a household with all the legitimate music stored centrally, why should individual users not be allowed to do this? iTunes can no longer share a Library outside its own local network, so I see no reason why this should not be allowed.
    iTunes has such huge potential, it's frustrating for it not to be realised.
    I guess I'm just sounding off here and not really looking for answers, although if I'm wrong about any of the above and it's already possible, chip in and let the rest of us know. Otherwise, we just have to wait for Apple to get its iTunes act together - but keep breathing in the meantime.

    Hi cdeakin,
    Welcome to the forum.
    I am sorry to hear of all the problems you've had with this. If you could send in your details we'll be able to look into this further for you.
    Please click on my username, and you'll be able to get our "Contact us" link.
    BTCare Community Manager
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post. If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • ITunes sharing stops working 1 hr after startup. Reboot reqd to fix. Help!

    I've searched high and low and can't find anything describing a similar issue - perhaps I'm using the wrong search terms and someone can point out my stupidity or simply help me to troubleshoot (thanks in advance!):
    The problem:
    I have two Macs, a G5 mini and a G5 iMac, both fully patched up on Tiger. The mini works completely flawlessly but the iMac exhibits odd behaviour when sharing music;
    Basically I cannot connect to the iMac's iTunes shared library after the iMac has been running for about an hour.
    If I reboot the iMac, I am again able to access the share for an hour at which point the share seems to drop (ie music stops playing on receiving device) and I cannot reconnect or see the share.
    Restarting iTunes makes no difference - I must reboot the iMac to get the share working again.
    Furthermore, if I turn on the iMac and don't access the share until 30 mins later, then the share will vanish after 30 mins of use. i.e. still a total of 1 hour after the iMac was started up.
    I have disabled the energy saving/sleep modes and scanned the console logs to see if anything obvious was crashing but I can't seem to find anything (I am a novice at Mac troubleshooting though!)
    I hope this makes sense - any input appreciated!

    Windows 8
    Itunes 11
    ATV 3
    Verizon Router MI424WR
    I have done these things in order to get Home Sharing to work
    First solution was to turn off IPv6
    Second was to turn off IGMP Proxy in the routers advnced setting
    Third was to swicth my network type to "Broadband" in the advanced wireless options within the router
    All of those solutions worked individually for a period of time until either itunes or the ATV was updated.

  • HT5922 Volume control Itunes Shared Library from Macbook air played through iPad

    Hi everyone,
    I am using iPad Air to airplay through use of iTunes shared library from Macbook, to Play to my Apple TV using the Remote App from apple on the iPad.
    I noticed that the swipe up control screen volume control does not affect the volume on my speakers of the Denon which is perfectly connected with apple tv. The only thing which controls the volume is the Denon volume control.
    The iTunes  volume control on the Macbook also do not work with Apple TV when airplaying
    I assume this is because of the Denon Reciever, but would like to hear if others who are connecting directly without a multimedia amplifier and speakers are also unable to raise volume using itunes control or not?
    Thans in advance for any feedback given.

    Timerift wrote:
    When I try to play a song though it just starts skipping to the next song and then the next one.  Unless there was a song local on the machine it just keeps skipping to the next and to the next.
    I think this may be a clue to the problem. When you purchased the MBA did you restore any of your personal data from a prior backup? In particular, did you restore any prior data in the Music folder?
    Or, did you simply launch iTunes and enable iTunes Match?

  • ITunes Sharing Drops out with Xserve G5

    Hello All,
    I have an Xserve G5 running 10.4.11, and clients running 10.4.9. We're running iTunes 7.5 everywhere. The server sits on a university network, but does dole out IP adresses for a subnet existing in a computer lab. So, I am using the server to do some iTunes sharing, which are listening assignments for a class. To my knowledge, this is the only way to share the same iTunes playlist with the university and my computer lab's networks.
    Problem is, iTunes doesn't show up in Macs that are booted up after the Xserve has already launched iTunes. Any computer that was launched before the Xserve iTunes launched can quit and relaunch iTunes, always finding the share. But reboot the client, and the shared iTunes cannot be found.
    Interestingly, say the Xserve iTunes is showing up fine everywhere. If, on a client, I open the local iTunes preferences and turn OFF sharing (both looking for share and sharing local with others) and then turn it back on again - the Xserve iTunes disappears from EVERY client.
    Did I miss a setting somewhere? It's very buggy, and random. There may be other things that make the Xserve iTunes disappear, but this is the only method I've found to make it happen while I'm watching.
    We have a few clients sharing iTunes on the university network, it is always rock solid. So there is something about the server that is making this happen. Anybody have any thoughts on this? I really appreciate all ideas.

    To add, just tried sharing iTunes with Network Beacon, to no avail. Then I get two iTunes shared, but both behave in the same way.

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