HT4623 Software updates and FaceTime troubles

I am having trouble with facetime. I am receiving a message telling me to turn facetime on under settings, but when I go to facetime to turn it on, the screen is blank. I also have received a message saying it can't verify my email address. I attempted creating a new account but get a message that I already have an account using that email address. I thought maybe I need to perform a software update, but when I go to "settings", "general" I do not have a menu selection for "software update". Any ideas out there?

Updating from the iphone itself is ONLY available in iphone currently running ios 5 or later.
Read the rest of the article you linked from and it will tell you how to update via itunes

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    My phone doesn't seem to be receiving software updates and doesn't give me the option in the settings menu.

    Updating from the iphone itself is ONLY available in iphone currently running ios 5 or later.
    Read the rest of the article you linked from and it will tell you how to update via itunes

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    The iPad is telling you to connect your iPad to iTunes on your computer so do it. You may have to restore the device.
    Restoring iOS Software.
    You may need this as well.
    Unable to update or restore iPad.

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    If you are really on iOS 5 then look in Settings > General > Software update.
    If you are using iOS 4 (or earlier) there is no Software Update in Settings. That feature was first added in iOS 5.
    To update you will have to connect your iPad to iTunes on a computer (preferably the one you sync with and backup to).
    See here:

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    Since the issue is specific to your original user account, you can proceed in two ways. One is to log into your new account, make a list of the preference files (plists) located in /username/Library/Preferences/, including any in the ByHost subfolder, log back into the original account, move everything on that other account's list from the original account's Preferences folder into a newly created folder on the Desktop, log out and back in, and see if the problem goes away. If so, you can copy the ones in the Desktop folder (one at time) back into /Preferences/, restart, and see if the problem returns. If so, you've identified the corrupt/conflicting one. Continue with all of them until isolating the bad ones. That'll save you the trouble of resetting preferences.
    The second way is much more detailed and I'll not burden you with the steps unless the above doesn't fix the issue.

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    Well I am having the same issue and I had not had to worry about getting a "licensed charger."  The poster who responded offered not real insite and was rude to boot.  I am also looking for the fix on this .  My iphone will not even charge now on any charger.  What the heck.  I am not trying to treaten anyone either when I say I am frustrated with my iphone which in my case I have only had for a few months.  I have already sent one in to be replaced and this is my second one.  I have had troubles since the update GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR .

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    Note, before updating any software, read carefully my FAQ* to avoid surprises:
    There a download manager built-in to Safari. Just download your updates from
    And open the Downloads window to manage your download.
    Given the size of the updates, you may want to consider gettin an airport card for your iMac, and occasionally taking it in to a WiFi hotspot mentioned on to download your updates. Package it carefully in the original packaging it came in, or get an iLugger bag to carry it. Or you can put the update on a flash drive and bring it to your iMac if you also have a notebook computer. Some stores also let you bring your own blank CD to burn the update as well. Check with the stores in your area. Dialup has a lot of problems when software downloads get over 10 MB getting a reliable copy of the download because of errors on the line.
    * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • HT5381 i did a software update and now mail wont open at all mail app is coming up with an error "You can't use this version of Mail with this version of Mac OS X".  Can I uninstall the update?

    !! WARNING !!
    about the September 2012
    "Security Update 2012-004"
    If you've got "" in a folder OTHER THAN the root "Applications" folder,
    Because *IF* you use OSX's integrated Software Update app from the Apple menu to do the "004" updating, and *IF* your is NOT in the Applications folder, then buddy, you've got some sitdown fixit time ahead of ya and/or some internet tie-up time downloading the "004" update file itself.
    Been through it all, already.  In fact, just got done getting my Mail back up & running. And I tried everything short of attempting to unpacking my "Mail.pkg" receipt file using... whatever... even Pacifist couldn't get it out. So that fixit "Plan D" died quick. And I'm not savvy enough to use Terminal commands to do "Plan E," so that SUDO stuff was my brick wall.
    So I compressed my entire "Mail" subdirectory that contain all my emails, for safekeeping during the required surgery, or whatever would work, leaving the original Mail directory where it was. In case something bad happened in all my fixit whatevers, the one thing I *didn't* want to cross paths with was a hosed Library -> Mail folder. Then I'd be pssd. But I can wipe out that ZIP now 'cause all's well now. After 6 hrs of downloading thru a mobile broadband hotspot running at only 14KB/sec speed due to my having gone over my T-Mobile hotspot plan's bandwidth amount (throttled-down after reaching the limit, tho not cut off completely. Kinda nice, but it's a huge speed drop).
    I tried moving the two versions around, compressing them & then trashing the original so they wouldn't be recognized, blabla, even booted my Mac in Safe Mode & reinstalled the "MacOSX 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) Update Combo.dmg" update file, which in the past has fixed many problems. But after restarting, not this one.
    Like a dummy who ignored knowing better, I had my in a folder other than the Applications folder, with only an alias to that being in the Applications folder. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. The updater don't see that as nuthin special or useful.
    So if you've got, like I've got, "old" icons for (v4.5) in your Finder toolbar & in your Dock that all point to " v4.5" in whatever folder you've got that in, other than in the Applications folder (where Apple apparently REQUIRES that it be located, and ONLY there, at least for OSX updating purposes), then after you download & autorun that "004" updater using Software Update, NONE of your pre-existing Mail icons will work. And MOST aggravatingly, **NOR** will your brand-new " v4.6" work that came out of the "004" updating installation.  So basically, your's... all of 'em.... are hosed. But only if you run the "004" update without your " v4.5" being located in your Applications folder and ONLY in your Applications folder. And duplicates of, scattered around your HDD??  Always a problem with many Apple apps.... The Apple software engineers apparently like 'em to be in the Applications folder, and in ONLY there, and ONLY the latest version, and ONLY 1 single copy of each on your entire HDD. They just don't seem to stress that enough, it appears. Kind of an oversight for them to not emphasize that, IMO...
    My recommendation for this particular September 2012 "004" update:
    If you run Software Update, and if you see the "Security Update 2012-004" listed as available for download, UNCHECKMARK IT.  DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT USING SOFTWARE UPDATE !  Instead, download the actual update file itself.
    Same thing, only a different way of doing it. Most importantly, you'll be skipping the auto-installation that Software Update performs.
    AND you'll have that update file on your HDD for future fixits, should a nasty "unfixable" problem come up.
    First, #1. Do a filename search for "Mail" (Option-Command-Spacebar). Scroll down to where the "Apps" are located in the list under the "Kind" column heading. First, find your that's v4.5. Get that bugger into your Applications folder if it's not already there. Next, Trash all other "" apps you see in that same list that you may have elsewhere on your HDD.
    #2. Go here:
    And download the actual "004" DMG update file: "SecUpd2012-004.dmg"
    And of course, it's a biggie.... 270MB... so watching grass grow may be involved here if you've got a slow connection (go to a MacDonalds & do it, like I shoulda done).
    3. After downloading, I'd recommend closing down all apps, emptying the Trash, and restarting.
    Then, after restarting, run Disk Utility's "Repair Disk Permissions."
    Then, doublecheck that the version 4.5 is in your Applications folder.
    THEN fire up & install "SecUpd2012-004.dmg."
    After the reboot, your version 4.5 in the Applications folder will have become version 4.6 in the Applications folder, and all will be well again.
    And you can dump that zipped-up "Username -> Library -> Mail" folder then, too.
    Happy Mac'in!
    Kevin Kendall
    Macbook 7,1
    (Apple's very last all-white Macbook model)
    2.4GHz - 256GB Crucial SSD - 8GB Crucial RAM
    OS 10.6.8 Build 10K549 + Win 7 Ultimate thru VMWare Fusion v5.0.1

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    Start up in Safe Mode.
    Repair Disk    Section: "Try Disk Utility"

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    I just installed the latest software update and now I can't open Mail 4.5. This is a Mini 2,1 using OSX 10.6.8.

    Try re-installing the big 10.6.8 Combo...
    Repair Permissions afterwords, reboot.

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    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:    MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:    MacBookPro5,3
      Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:    2.66 GHz
      Number Of Processors:    1
      Total Number Of Cores:    2
      L2 Cache:    3 MB
      Memory:    4 GB
      Bus Speed:    1.07 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:    MBP53.00AC.B03
      SMC Version (system):    1.48f2
      Serial Number (system):    W89421D764B
      Hardware UUID:    7BB966CD-37F8-5BAC-A3F0-4291C12873E3
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
      State:    Enabled
    System was working fine. I ran software updates and got these three updates:
    Safari 5.1.5
    Apple Software Installer Update 1.0
    iTunes 10.6.1
    Now when I attempt to launch software, many applications crash. All crashes have the following error:
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting .framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
      Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon
      Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting .framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting: unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any help.

    OK, well I solved my own problem by replacing this file with one from a recent TimeMachine backup. Looks like the update must have damaged this file ... strange.

  • HT4634 I just did a software update and my mail box will no longer open. Can anyone help me?

    I just did a software update and my mailbox will no longer open. Can anyone help me?

    Try opening mail, highlight your mailbox, under mailbox menu click rebuild mailbox.
    Hope this helps.

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    The seller should have given you the original disk so that you can reinstall as needed. But it likely was a single-user license (which really means single computer) so you can only have a copy on one computer at a time. If the seller didn't give you the disk he is probably still using the software on his new Mac. Your best option to get any of the iWork apps to use in OS X 10.6.6 or later is through the Mac App Store. You can then install them on any Mac you have that has access to the Mac App Store using your Apple ID.

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