HT4718 My trackpad fails to activate when 'clicked'. Any ideas?

New Lion install and trackpad moves arrow ok.  When 'click' selected, it feels nornal but fails to activate commands.

iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation

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    Forget everything I wrote about bluetooth device interference having anything to do with this issue. I was obviously headed down a rabbit trail with this suggestion.
    What I've since determined (that is working for me) is to focus in on the small round bumpers on the backside of the trackpad. I suspect that over time these probably loosen and become more sensitive or even stuck. This might explain the auto-selecting in the erratic behavior of the trackpad.
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    Only if you have serious computer repair skills would I advise attempting to adjust the sensitivy of the bumper switch:
    As for myself, I'll be purchasing a new trackpad tomorrow morning. I love this device, but it seems that once the bumpers begin to wear out, they do so quite abruptly, and your best course is to get a replacement before pulling out any hair you still have left.
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    Try reindexing spotlight: Spotlight: How to re-index folders or volumes - Apple Support
    If you still have problems, open Console app, select All Messages, then search for mds in the search field. Then search for mdworker. See if there are any messages indicating it is having problems with certain files.
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    FWIW, my problem downloading previously purchased music from iCloud appears to be resolved.  To clarify my issue, and also to differentiate it from similar issues:
    My error code was not 3131; “(3131)” appears at the end of the error message that was popping up when I tried to access purchased music.  An Express Lane tech verified that I was receiving error 3259 (although this didn’t appear on-screen).
    I have two machines but only one Apple ID, have not yet installed Lion, and purchased all of my music by individual song (no albums).
    What I did:
    Boot in Safe Mode
    Ran Disk Utility
    Installed latest version of iTunes (10.4)
    Re-booted in Safe Mode (which disables anti-virus software and other utilities such as Little Snitch)
    Turned off Firewall temporarily
    Launched iTunes
    When I launched iTunes in Safe Mode, my Purchased items did show up and I was able to download several songs.  I rebooted in normal mode, turned Firewall back on and re-enabled Sophos Anti-Virus, Little Snitch, and the adware/malware programs I usually run; I’m still able to see and download my Purchased music (as well as apps and books).
    I don’t know what really “fixed” the problem, but the Express Lane tech suggested that firewalls, web accelerators, ad filters or virus protection software might be involved.  Express Lane wasn’t very “Express;” it took a week and a half and several complaints to get things moving.

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    Any idea what would cause this? When it happed to the second drive, I just thought it was a fluke... but now a third, brand new drive? Something about the computer must be causing it.

    innergalactic wrote:
    The first two were WD and the third was Seagate - all in their own enclosures. They MIGHT have been plugged into the same FW800
    So we're talking different vendors, different enclosures -- but likely the same bus, possibly even the same port, and different hosts (Mac Pro and MacBook).
    Very difficult to say at this point, because two different computers are actually involved and you're not sure how and which is involved. The problem does sound like a hardware issue -- but, if it is, is it the FW controller on the MBP or on the MP? I can't tell.
    Your pic shows DU can't fix the drive, but can it re-format the drive? (If the drive is FW/USB hybrid, try USB if FW doesn't work.) If yes, the error might be hardware or software; if no, the problem is likely hardware.
    Although it's difficult, you must keep track of what drive is connected to what machine and on which port, otherwise you'll only fix this by being lucky. Also, check if you have on either Mac software which might interfere with disk writing. Of course, I assume you always eject the ext'l drives properly before you disconnect them physically.

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    Can’t connect to the server you’re looking for
    Network Diagnostics has determined that your Internet connection appears to be working and can connect to the Internet, but can’t connect to the server you are looking for. There may be something wrong with the server you are trying to reach.
    Wait a few minutes and then try again.
    If you continue to have problems, contact your Internet service provider.
    Is that the problem do you think?

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    If it fails when you try double clicking to open an application it may be that your Double Click Speed is set to high.

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