HT5557 Change page colour on iBooks

Is it possible to change the page colour in iBooks? My daughter is dyslexic and reads with an orange overlay it would be much easier if we could just change the screen colour to suit her needs.

Seen the links on the right in "More Like This"?

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    See iBA Tips and Tricks 01 / How to change page background color

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    tap the AA symbol at the top, the one for resizing text.
    It will show a slider for brightness, font size, page colour, and on the bottom "scrolling view" off and on.
    When the scrolling view is "on" (green) the book is read with a vertical slider and scrolling up and down.
    When the scrolling view is "off" (no colour) the pages are changed by swiping left to right or right to left.

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    Unfortunately not, I'd recommend leaving feedback

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    fruhulda wrote:
    If you see any grey"background" if is on the left and that is the comment field.
    Hi fruhulda
    It's not the comment field which is a restrictive description.
    In fact it's the window's background.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 26 septembre 2011 12:08:45
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
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    bigj wrote:
    I want to change the colour of a page in Pages without having to stretch out a floating coloured shape or using a text box to write the text in. I have been stretching shapes and using text boxes for years but surely there is an simpler and more elegant way to do this?
    There are a whole lot more really essential features missing in Pages than this.
    bigj wrote:
    Plus, I want to be able to type several pages of continuous text and not have to split the text up into multiple text boxes. Any help most welcome.
    What is stopping you?

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    Short answer: No - either a shape or some other media - when placed using the Document Setup options, the color shape is placed in the background of all other objects (it becomes the page color) anything placed on the page in the normal Edit Mode will be on top of the background and not hidden.
    See attached images - I placed a shape on part of the document to show the original and added color - if you stretch the shape to cover the page, the entire page will take on the color of the shape:
    Try it.

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    I could not get your links to show me what you were looking for, but I just opened pages and figured out how to change font color.   I am using the most current version of pages for its, so I don't know if this works on older versions.
    If I screw the instructions up, simply open a document in pages, touch the wrench then help, and search for color.  Then look in the style section.
    Anyway.   Highlight the text you want to be in a different color.  Touch the paintbrush looking icon in the tool bar.  The touch style.  Then touch the name of the font. ( or change the font). A color setting will appear.  Pick what you want.

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    I figured it out.
    Select one instance of the hyperlink, and define it as a character style in the styles drawer.
    Then create the preferred style you want to use for hyperlinks and save it to character styles.
    You can select every instance of the original link style, and replace with the preferred style.
    Hopefully I've explained this adequately.

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    I have found that the problem stops being a problem for Me on My Mac if I Save, close and reopen.
    I think if anybody else has this problem, try these time consuming steps but it will save you time and frustration in the long run, I hope.

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    Click calendars at the bottom of the page the click on the i symbol for info and then you can select the colour you'd like.

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    Approach 1:
    Custom Look and Feel - Create your CLAF and change CSS Style.
    Limitation - The main limitation of the Custom Look and Feel functionality is that you can only extend Simple LAF or Base LAF, which do not include all the functionality of the Browser LAF (BLAF) or SWAN.
    Approach 2:
    You can do it programmetically as follows:
    CSSStyle customUnCss = new CSSStyle();
    customUnCss.setProperty("color", "#FF0000");
    OAMessageStyledTextBean sampleBean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("<Id of your messageStyleText will come here>");
    if(sampleBean != null)
    sampleBean.setInlineStyle(customCss); //set custom css style
    You need to provide more details to get more appropriate solution/workaround.

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    Yes it is possible to have differen coloured links..
    You need to look at Pseudo-classes / descendant selectors:
    Descendant selectors:
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles

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    I looked into this before, and at the moment there is little you can do to customize the inputrender tag, short of subclassing it and adding the functionality you require

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    I have this problem with my PDFs too. I'm using a lot of PDFs from the German RPG "The Dark Eye" (Das schwarze Auge) from their the PDF shop "ulisses ebooks".
    However, i recognized that I don't get this random black boxes after a restart of the iPad Air for a long time. But when it starts it's become very frequently.
    To remove the black boxes for a single page i can close the book and reopen it or just mark text from the corrupted page. Zoom in removes the black boxes too, but if you zoom out there are visible again.
    I also recognzied that this must be a problem if the iPads PDF engine and not from iBooks. I got the same random black boxes in a PDF which I viewd in Safari.
    I think that changing the reader will only help if it has its own PDF Engine. Don't know if this possible in iOS.
    Perhaps it's some kind of memory leak of the iOS PDF Engine, after this bug apperas only after some time of ussage.

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