Hxc_timestore_deposit.create_time_entry creating negative values

I am trying to create time entry through back end using API (hxc_timestore_deposit.create_time_entry) as
l_time_building_block_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
l_tbl_attributes_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info ;
l_return_status varchar2(30);
l_tbl_timecard_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info ; --hxc_block_table_type;
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_time_entry (
p_start_time=> fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2009/09/02 09:00:00'),
p_stop_time=> fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2009/09/02 17:00:00'),
p_resource_id=> 7427, --9389, -- Identifies a person on our DB, REPLACE WITH YOUR IDs
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info,
p_time_building_block_id=> l_time_building_block_id
l_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('TESTING of hxc_timestore_deposit');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('return_status : ' ||l_return_status);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' l_time_building_block_id :- '||l_time_building_block_id);
Above code is creating negative values for time_building_block_id.
Can anyone pls help me.

I have developed one more script to create a time card.
It is also generating negative values.
Can anyone knows the problem
Pls help me regarding the same.
Thanks in advance.
-- Constant declarations
-- This is the appl_id for OTL, do not change
c_otl_appl_id CONSTANT NUMBER (3) := 809;
c_proj_attr1 CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (7) := 'Task_Id';
c_proj_attr2 CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (10) := 'Project_Id';
c_proj_attr3 CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (16) := 'Expenditure_Type';
c_proj_attr4 CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (19) := 'Expenditure_Comment';
v_msg_info                VARCHAR2(20000);
x_status_msg                VARCHAR2(20000);
vx_msg_index_out           NUMBER;
-- Variable declarations
-- declare the PL/SQL Table that will hold the complete timecard (all the BBs)
l_tbl_timecard_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
-- declare the PL/SQL Table that will hold all the attributes
l_tbl_attributes_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
-- declare the PL/SQL Table that will hold the messages returned by the API
l_tbl_messages hxc_self_service_time_deposit.message_table;
-- person ID that this TC belongs to, Replace with your own
l_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE := 2638;--9389;
-- Replace with your own IDs
l_task_id VARCHAR2 (4) := '2011';--HOLIDAY--'221';
-- (l_project_id is NOT the same as task id, they just happen to have the
-- same ID on our database)
l_project_id VARCHAR2 (3) := '803';--'221';
-- Replace with your own values
l_expenditure_type VARCHAR2 (15) := 'Professional';
l_ot_expenditure_type VARCHAR2 (15) := 'Overtime';
l_system_linkage_id VARCHAR2 (15) := 'ST';
l_ot_system_linkage_id VARCHAR2 (15) := 'OT';
-- Will hold TC_ID, returned by the deposit process
l_new_timecard_id NUMBER;
-- Will hold TC ovn, returned by the deposit process
l_new_timecard_ovn NUMBER;
l_message fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
l_start_time DATE := fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2009/09/16 00:00:00');
l_stop_time DATE := fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2009/09/22 23:59:59');
l_tc_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
l_day_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
l_detail_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
l_time_attribute_id hxc_time_attributes.time_attribute_id%TYPE;
-- First initialize your session, this needs to be done for internal reasons so
-- the TimeStore knows who is trying to deposit the information. When you log
-- into SS, the same is done for you by the framework, here however we have to do
-- it manually.
FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(1781,51681,809 );-- This is the appl_id for OTL, do not change
-- First populate the timecard PL/SQL table:
-- Start with the TIMECARD BB
p_start_time=> l_start_time,
p_stop_time=> l_stop_time,
p_resource_id=> l_person_id,
p_comment_text=> 'Created using API: Weekly Project TC',
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_time_building_block_id=> l_tc_bb_id);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' l_tc_bb_id :- '||l_tc_bb_id);
FOR j IN 1..FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg
FND_MSG_PUB.GET( p_msg_index => -1
,p_encoded => 'F'
,p_data => v_msg_info
,p_msg_index_out => vx_msg_index_out);
x_status_msg := x_status_msg || v_msg_info;
     END LOOP;                         
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' 1st API STATUS :- '||x_status_msg);
-- Now we create the DAY BB, 7 in total, and since they are all the same we
-- will loop 7 times
FOR i_day IN 0 .. 6
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_day_bb (
p_day => TRUNC (l_start_time)+ i_day,
p_parent_building_block_id=> l_tc_bb_id, -- returned by create_timecard_bb
p_comment_text=> 'Created using API',
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_time_building_block_id=> l_day_bb_id);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' l_day_bb_id :- '||l_day_bb_id);
v_msg_info := NULL;
x_status_msg := NULL;
vx_msg_index_out := NULL;
FOR j IN 1..FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg
FND_MSG_PUB.GET( p_msg_index => -1
,p_encoded => 'F'
,p_data => v_msg_info
,p_msg_index_out => vx_msg_index_out);
x_status_msg := x_status_msg|| v_msg_info;
     END LOOP;                         
                         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' 2nd API STATUS :- '||x_status_msg);
-- The next call would also work but we choose to use the first one
-- since we know the TIMECARD's Id. If you do not know the ID you should
-- use this next call commented out here.
/* hxc_timestore_deposit.create_day_bb (
p_day => TRUNC (l_start_time)
+ i_day,
p_resource_id=> l_person_id,
p_comment_text=> 'Created using API',
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_time_building_block_id=> l_day_bb_id
-- We can attache the DETAIL BB for every DAY BB that represents 'normal'
-- work hours as well here as they are all the same
-- We only need to do this for weekdays though
IF i_day < 5
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb (
p_type=> 'MEASURE',
p_measure=> 8,
p_parent_building_block_id=> l_day_bb_id,
p_comment_text=> 'Created using API: NT',
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info,
p_time_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' l_detail_bb_id :- '||l_detail_bb_id);
v_msg_info := NULL;
x_status_msg := NULL;
vx_msg_index_out := NULL;
FOR j IN 1..FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg
FND_MSG_PUB.GET( p_msg_index => -1
,p_encoded => 'F'
,p_data => v_msg_info
,p_msg_index_out => vx_msg_index_out);
x_status_msg := x_status_msg|| v_msg_info;
     END LOOP;                         
                         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' 3nd API STATUS :- '||x_status_msg);
-- The next call would also work but we choose to use the first one
-- since we know the DAY's Id. If you do not know the ID you should
-- use this next call commented out here. In fact we use it ourselves
-- later to add the overtime.
/* hxc_timestore_deposit.create_time_entry (
p_measure=> 8,
p_day => TRUNC (l_start_time)
+ i_day,
p_resource_id=> l_person_id,
p_comment_text=> 'Created using API: NT',
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info,
p_time_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id
-- We can also attach the attributes to every BB that represent
-- 'normal' work hours
-- Attribute1
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr1,
p_attribute_value=> l_task_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute2
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr2,
p_attribute_value=> l_project_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute3
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr3,
p_attribute_value=> l_expenditure_type,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute4
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr4,
p_attribute_value=> 'Expenditure Comment created by API',
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute5
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr5,
p_attribute_value=> l_system_linkage_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
END IF; -- Only for weekdays
END LOOP; -- End creating normal working days + time
-- And now we add the Overtime to Tuesday and Wednesday
-- We have to use create_time_entry here because we do not have the ID
-- for the Wednesday TBB anymore, using create_time_entry we do not need it
-- Tuesday
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_time_entry (
p_measure=> 1,
p_day => TRUNC (l_start_time)+ 1,
p_resource_id=> l_person_id,
p_comment_text=> 'Created using API: OT',
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info,
p_time_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id
-- Attribute1
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr1,
p_attribute_value=> l_task_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute2
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr2,
p_attribute_value=> l_project_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute3
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr3,
p_attribute_value=> l_ot_expenditure_type,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute4
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr4,
p_attribute_value=> 'Expenditure Comment created by API',
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute5
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr5,
p_attribute_value=> l_ot_system_linkage_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Wednesday
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_time_entry (
p_measure=> 2,
p_day => TRUNC (l_start_time)
+ 2,
p_resource_id=> l_person_id,
p_comment_text=> 'Created using API: OT',
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info,
p_time_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id
-- Attribute1
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr1,
p_attribute_value=> l_task_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute2
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr2,
p_attribute_value=> l_project_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute3
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr3,
p_attribute_value=> l_ot_expenditure_type,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute4
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr4,
p_attribute_value=> 'Expenditure Comment created by API',
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Attribute5
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_id,
p_attribute_name=> c_proj_attr5,
p_attribute_value=> l_ot_system_linkage_id,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info
-- Now we call the deposit process, passing in the PL/SQL tables we just
-- created and populated
hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process (
p_validate=> FALSE,
p_app_blocks=> l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info,
p_messages=> l_tbl_messages,
p_mode=> 'SUBMIT',
p_deposit_process=> 'OTL Deposit Process',
p_timecard_id=> l_new_timecard_id,
p_timecard_ovn=> l_new_timecard_ovn

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    Hi ,
    I know I can place check ON at "with sign" option of the field in case I create the screen by myself.
        Prabhu--> Just Create a new Domain( select "WITH SIGN") and date elemet,And Use Data Element in your report.

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    No need to create service PO with negative quantity!
    If payment not done for your servicePO, you can cancel invoice document and then revoke SES.
    If any other process involved you can do subsequent debit or subsequent credit  for your service PO in t.code:MIRO.
    Biju K

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  • Using decode function without negative values

    Hi friends
    I am using oracle 11g
    I have at doubt regarding the following.
    create table Device(Did char(20),Dname char(20),Datetime char(40),Val char(20));
    insert into Device values('1','ABC','06/13/2012 18:00','400');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 18:05','600');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 18:55','600');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 19:00','-32768');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 19:05','800');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 19:10','600');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 19:15','900');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 19:55','1100');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 20:00','-32768');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 20:05','-32768');
    Like this I am inserting data into table for every 5 minutes Here i need the result like
    Dname 18:00 19:00 20:00
    abc 400 -32768 -32768
    to retrieve this result i am using decode function
    SELECT Dname,
    MAX(DECODE ( rn , 1,val )) h1,
    MAX(DECODE ( rn , 2, val )) h2,
    (SELECT Dname,Datetime,row_number() OVER
    (partition by Dname order by datetime asc) rn FROM Device
    where substr(datetime,15,2)='00' group by Dname.
    According to above data expected result is
    Dname 18:00 19:00 20:00
    abc 400 600(or)800 1100
    This means I dont want to display negative values instead of that values i want to show previous or next value.
    Edited by: 913672 on Jul 2, 2012 3:44 AM

    Are you looking for something like this?
    select * from
    select dname,
           lag(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime) prev_val,
           lead(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime) next_val,
           case when nvl(val,0)<0  and lag(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime) >0 then
             lag(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime)
             lead(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime)
           end gt0_val
    from device
    order by datetime
    where substr(datetime,15,2)='00';Please take a look at the result_column gt0_val.
    Edited by: hm on 02.07.2012 04:06

  • Acquisition of an Asset with Negative value

    Hi Gurus,
    How to do acquisition of an asset with negative value?
    Please tell me the Tcode for doing this transaction.
    Please revert asap.
    Thank You

    The business scenario is.............
    We have to charge some interest on asset last year but we have not charged it.
    Now asset value is zero and if we charge interest on it, it will go to negative.
    That's we are thinking to create new asset with negative value.
    Hope this will help you understand.
    Please revert asap.
    Thank You

  • Service Purchase Order with Negative Value

    Hi Experts,
    is there a method of creating a purchase order of services that can have negative value on it?
    the requirement is that the PO, SES and Invoice of the previously issued PO needs to be adjusted by creating a new Purchase order.
    Please advise.
    Thank you,

    No need to create service PO with negative quantity!
    If payment not done for your servicePO, you can cancel invoice document and then revoke SES.
    If any other process involved you can do subsequent debit or subsequent credit  for your service PO in t.code:MIRO.
    Biju K

  • Credit note for invoice with item with negative value

    is it possible to create credit note for invoice, where in one line is negative value (its non stock item).
    There exists 2 possibilities:
    negative qty and positive price (its possible create only through SDK, not SBO)
    positive price and negative qty
    for example
    itemcode 123
    qty -1
    price 1000
    How to create credit note from this invoice?
    Thanks a lot for hints.

    Hello Petr Verner,
    It's a standard functionality of Business one, that it is impossible to enter a negative amount in an independant credit note or in a credit note based on a invoice with negative amount.
    To solve this issue:
    1.  For the rows with the positive Row Total, create an "independent" Credit Memo (not based on an Invoice).
    2.  For the rows with the negative Row Total, create another Invoice with a positive Row Total opposite to the original negative Row, and reconcile between the two rows manually via Banking => Bank Statements and Reconciliations => Reconciliation.
    Hope the above helps.
    Wilma Wang
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • Stacked bar chart with negative values

    trying to create a stacked bar chart I only get a grey picture. Reason: my data series provides positive and negative values.
    Can anyone tell me a trick how to fix this problem?

    try to add the minumm negative value (but positive) to the parameter for the axis.
    e.g. show value+3000 (assuming -3000 is the minimum value)
    If you don't have a limitation for the negative values, it doesn't work. (or try to calculate first the most negative value in a before header process)
    hope this helps.

  • Print out of Report Region dropping negative values

    I am very new to APEX (< 2 months) and don't have much of a programming background. I have created a report layout using BI publisher and made it available as a shared component in my APEX applicaiton. When I print the the report region, most of the data displays fine on the print out, but any amounts with negative values are suppressed. I can view the negative amounts just fine when they are displayed on the report region itself.
    It took me quite a while to get the style sheets from BI Publisher to work with APEX. I thought the two were supposed to be compatible. Does anyone know how to resolve the issue above or if their are any known compatability issues between BI Publisher and APEX? We are on APEX version and BI Publisher version 11.1.1.

    This was indeed a bug. Response from Oracle:
    This issue has been noted by development as a bug and I have file bug 16224878 regarding your issue. The issue explained by development pertains numeric format string which wraps the negative value in angle brackets: < val > , and the report is treating this as a HTML tag and filters it out. It looks like this is happening only for classic report regions, i.e. report queries seems to support this type of numeric format mask.
    A work around would be to turn off printing for the classic report region and to provide a button to a report query for printing, using the same SQL for the report query as is used for the report region. Alternatively you could also use a different format mask.

  • Issue with Negative Value for Total valuated stock 0VALSTCKQTY.

    Hi Experts,
    we loaded the Cube with datasources 2LIS_03_BX, 2LIS_03_BF and 2LIS_03_UM.
    We mapped the quanity field from 2LIS_03_BF in transformation either into Key figures "Quantity issued from valuated stock" (0ISSVALSTCK) or "Quantity received into valuated stock" (0RECVALSTCK ) of the cube.
    For obtaining the Total Valuated stock, we used the Key figure 0VALSTCKQTY. This key figure is having the Inflow and Out flow values as 0RECVALSTCK and 0ISSVALSTCK. When i tried to check the content of 0VALSTCKQTY, the key figure  0VALSTCKQTY is not present in the infoCube content. I understood that the value for this key figure would be calculated at the time of query execution with the formula
    { Last obtained Valuated stock + (Received Valuated Stock u2013 Issued Valuated Stock ) }.
    The issue is the first records in the query is obtained with negative value for the total valuated stock 0VALSTCKQTY even though the values of Received Valuated Stock  and  Issued Valuated Stock are with Zero.  Could any one please help me on how the first record in the query is with a negative value eventhough the inflow and out flow fields of it are with Zero.
    Many Thanks in advance.

    Hi Srini,
    I observed an interresting reason for the stock being with negative in the first record.
    Issue : While executing the BEx report, we have the first record with a negative value.
    Let me explain with an example
    Material  : XYZ
    Plant      : A
    Date of Stock Initialization for data source 2LIS_03_BX -
    >  12th April 2009.
    So on 12 Th April 2009 consider that we have a stock in store with a value of 2640.
    Then we have loaded wih Data source 2LIS_03_BF for all Historic Movement types.
    At the time of query execution we will have the first record with a negative of available stock present on the day of initialization .
    So, as we have initilized the data source 2LIS_03_BX on 12 th April 2009, we have at that time a stock of 2640 in availability.
    Exactly with the same value of 2640, we are having a negative value i.e. -2640.
    and also one more point to be noted is ...as we have initialized the data source 2LIS_03_BX on 12 th APril 2009...it has created a
    opening balance of 2640 on the day of initiailization i.e on 12 th April 2009 in infocube....(which is an extra record...)...so if the previous record of 12,04,2009 is having some value in it..then it will get added to 2640 EA..which will give incorrect stock
    So in the query the records will appear in the below following manner
    Calendar Day     Total stock                                                                Received stock                                          Issued Stock         
    28.12.2005 --->  - 2640 EA
    29.12.2005 --->    2000 EA                                                                       640 EA                                                        0
    10.04.2009 --->      0                                                                                0                                                               2000 EA      
    11.04.2009 -
    >    0                                                                                0                                                                0          
                                 (For making
                                  the earlier record of  initilization to 0  a negative value -2640 EA is created in the first record )
    12.04.2009 (Initializtion day) --->  2640 EA                                                 0                                                                0
    the day before initialization the total stock will be 0 due to the negative effect introduced by the first record and from the day of initialization the records will be the accurate values...  On 12 th april 2009 we can see that a stock of 2640 is brought into the total stock. In fact if there is no negative value i.e. -2640 in the first record then ...the value on 11.04.2009 will be 2640 Ea and this will get summed up with the Opening balance of 2640 EA created by 2LIS_03_BX on the day of intitialization. So on 12 .04. 2009 the total stock will be shown as 5280 EA...so in order to prevent the double value only we observed that the first record is created with the negative of available stock present on the initialization ...to make the record before the day of initialization i.e. 11.04.2009...to be 0...so that from 12 th April 2009 ..will start to see the actual total stock in the query result...
    This is happening only if we use  both the data sources 2LIS_03_BX and 2LIS_03_BF  for loading into BW.....
    If we load alone by 2LIS_03_BF ...then as 2LIS_03_BX is ruled out in the loading...then no negative of available stock will be created ...because there will be bno opening balance created on the day of initialization.....and the opeing balance available will be flowing into consecutive records due to the movement types and 12 th April 2009 will be shown with avaialable total stock of 2640 EA.
    Kindly let us know your opinions on this...

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