Hyperion Basic Queries

I see different tools under Hyperion.Mostly I hear about Hyperion Planning and Hyperion Finance.Are they same as Hyperion Brio.
I am under impression that all the Hyperion(Brio)reporting are converted into OBIEE.Is it so? If yes,are there any conversion tools to make hyperion(Brio) reports in OBIEE or should developers build the reports in OBIEE from scratch.
Thanks in Advance.

BRIO is a reporting tool which was used in earlier versions like 7x and 8x. Now after the acqisition Oracle changed its named from BRIO to Oracle Hyperion Interactive reporting. It still ocntains the .bqy (brio querry) and .oce(open catalog extension files. Some functionality has been changed. Now Enjoy Hyperion Interactive Reporting Studio.
Thanks and Regards

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    1. What are the procedures to delete the Extensions?
    Go to "functional administrator" responsibility. Under personalization Tab click on Import/export. Search for your document and delete the customization.*
    2. After extending a VO, why we have to upload .jpx file and if we don't upload what will happen?
    You need to upload the jpx file because in your jpx file you have Substitute tag which substitute OLD VO with new VO and at runtime framework will check if there is any substitution available then It will substitute the old VO with the new one.*
    3. Can we use EO without altering the table to add WHO columns?
    I think no because when you perform DML operations on EO then framework tries to update the WHO columns and if WHO columns are not present you would get an error message*
    4. Why we have to develpe the OAF pages in webui and VOs in server folders only? is there any specific reason?
    There is no specific reason for this we can create our PG files in server folders as well and it would work fine. This is just a standard given by Oracle.*
    5. Are there any other methods to call the methods in AM apart from using am.invoke("<method name>") from CO?
    You should only use am.invoke .*
    -- Arvind

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    I've some basic queries :
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    Thanks in advance.
    Siddhesh sanghvi

    dynamic selection of approver is not possible you have to clearly define the approving authorities in the workflow assign agent.
    if your system is uni-code activated then you can use any other languages like japanese, chinese, etc.,
    it will open and show the old travel request details.

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    Note that you're getting a fairly dumbed-down view of the whole virus issue so far.  People like to play word games with this topic.  It's important to understand that malware does exist for the Mac, so that you don't let a false sense of security behave in dangerous ways.  Of course, there's been several orders of magnitude less malware released for the Mac in the last 10 years than appears for Windows every day, on average, so you'll probably never see any malware...  but it's still possible.  For the full story on Mac malware, see my Mac Malware Guide.  (Note that my pages contain links to other pages that promote my services, and this should not be taken as an endorsement of my services by Apple.)
    Also, regarding whether the stock 13" MBP has enough memory for you, it is impossible to answer accurately without knowing what you plan on doing with your computer.  If you're a graphic designer, for example, who needs a lot of memory and power, 4 GB may not be enough, and for that matter, a 13" MBP might not be right for you.  What do you plan on doing with it?

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    If you get to Business Analyst than you can go wiht ebs certification
    But dont forget those subjects are different from eachother and need different skills to become senior on those subjects
    Hope it helps

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    Thanks in advance.
    Siddhesh sanghvi

    Please take the time to read the Rules of Engagement.  Please do not ask more than one question at a time.  Before asking a question, do search the forums to see if the answer already has been given or is available in the documentation or help.
    If you still can't find it, please feel free to post the questions again, individually, with more informative subject lines.
    Thank-you for your cooperation and understanding.

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         b. Plan Driven Procurement
         c. Service Procurement.
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    Hi Pawan,
    Pl go through the following links for better understanding
    difference between MM-SUS and SRM-SUS
    SRM 7.0 SUS with ECS
    Supplier Self Service (SRM-SUS)

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    mytext varchar2(39)
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    FRM:40508:Unable to Insert Record
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    and writing following code to insert record and execute query
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  • Basic queries on LMS

    Dear friends,
    Just a few points on which i need your advise:
    1. Period in the hostname
    If a device hostname contains a period (.), then LMS seems to detect it as a domain qualifier and only adds the text before the period into the DCR display name.
    Do you recommend not having "." in the device hostname just as a suggestion?
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    3. When i did a cdp discover, i mentioned only the seed device ip, and in the filters, i included the seed device ip and the other ip's that i wanted to restrict discovery on. My question is should i always include the seed device ip in the snmp target and in the include filters or just the devices that i want to discover in the filter and snmp target list? I got this doubt because i was not able to do a discovery with just the ip addresses of the interested devices. I also had to include the ip of the seed device in the filter list.
    Thanks a lot

    1. Yes, as is RFC standard.  The '.' is not valid for a hostname character.  See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc952 (the period can only be used to delimit the domain name portion of a hostname).  Your hostnames must not contain periods.  FQDNs are the combination of the hostname plus the domain name.  These are perfectly valid for DCR display name values.
    2. It is recursive so long as the discovery has not exceeded the configured hop count (if any), and a router boundary has not been reached (unless you have enabled jump router boundaries).
    3. You must included ALL devices you wish to discover (including seeds) in your discovery include filters and in the SNMP credential target section.

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    Q2. Would you recommend self managed or Oracle Managed ?
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    Q4.  I see you can Cloud host from 11gR1 onwards, so what's cloud specific about Release 12c or what makes it different from 11g in regards to Cloud ?
    Q5. Are there other providers of cloud other than Oracle ? I see Amazon appear to be an Oracle Cloud partner but they seem to only offerring a limited range of Oracle databases and middleware ( an no Oracle Applications that I can see ) ?
    many thanks,

    1. What are the procedures to delete the Extensions?
    Go to "functional administrator" responsibility. Under personalization Tab click on Import/export. Search for your document and delete the customization.*
    2. After extending a VO, why we have to upload .jpx file and if we don't upload what will happen?
    You need to upload the jpx file because in your jpx file you have Substitute tag which substitute OLD VO with new VO and at runtime framework will check if there is any substitution available then It will substitute the old VO with the new one.*
    3. Can we use EO without altering the table to add WHO columns?
    I think no because when you perform DML operations on EO then framework tries to update the WHO columns and if WHO columns are not present you would get an error message*
    4. Why we have to develpe the OAF pages in webui and VOs in server folders only? is there any specific reason?
    There is no specific reason for this we can create our PG files in server folders as well and it would work fine. This is just a standard given by Oracle.*
    5. Are there any other methods to call the methods in AM apart from using am.invoke("<method name>") from CO?
    You should only use am.invoke .*
    -- Arvind

  • Some very basic queries about mac os

    what is the diff between
    alias n duplicate
    get info n show inspector

    1. Alias creates a shortcut to an item. Duplicate creates an exact copy.
    2. The Get Info window opens for what's selected at the time the command was issued. Show Inspector changes with the selection.

  • Some basic queries about mac os

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    2) crashes or viruses are frequent ??
    3) any technical issues with os ??
    4) the advantage of windows over mac os ??

    Note that you're getting a fairly dumbed-down view of the whole virus issue so far.  People like to play word games with this topic.  It's important to understand that malware does exist for the Mac, so that you don't let a false sense of security behave in dangerous ways.  Of course, there's been several orders of magnitude less malware released for the Mac in the last 10 years than appears for Windows every day, on average, so you'll probably never see any malware...  but it's still possible.  For the full story on Mac malware, see my Mac Malware Guide.  (Note that my pages contain links to other pages that promote my services, and this should not be taken as an endorsement of my services by Apple.)
    Also, regarding whether the stock 13" MBP has enough memory for you, it is impossible to answer accurately without knowing what you plan on doing with your computer.  If you're a graphic designer, for example, who needs a lot of memory and power, 4 GB may not be enough, and for that matter, a 13" MBP might not be right for you.  What do you plan on doing with it?

  • Drilling/linking queries

    I am pretty new to BO and Crystal, hence may be asking basic queries. But I am starting a new thread after searching through the various forums and doing a few rounds of googling.
    1. Drill/links on graphs. Clicking on the lines/bars inside a graph or on the x-axis of graphs and drilling down into further details.
    2. Filter other graphs on the same page based on the drill of any one graph.
    Lets say, there are 5 graphs on the same page all showing a variety of data.
    Say, Graph 1 shows a time wise trend. Graph 2 shows a country wise distribution and so on.
    If Graph 1 is currently showing data for 3 years (2007, 2008, 2009), and now the user drills on the year 2009, then the Time Wise Trend show drill into 2009 and show data for all the 4 quarters of 2009. At the same time, all the 4 other graphs should automatically get filtered and should show data only for 2009.
    Hence, Graph 2 should show a country wise distribution  but now only for 2009 u2013 its data should automatically get filtered based on the Drill done on the other graph (time trend).
    Similarly, a drill down on the Country wise distribution should drill into various states for a particular country, and simultaneously all the other 4 graphs should get filtered on that country. Hence Graph 1 should show Time Wise Trend but only for the particular country which was drilled in Graph 2(region distribution).
    3. Implementing aggregate awareness like functionality in crystal reports.
    Say, the monthly data is stored in a different table and daily data in a different table.
    Now, whenever a drill happens from Year -> Month -> Date, the Year and Month should come from the Monthly table whereas the Date should come from the daily table.
    4. Implement more than 3 levels of drill downs - say, 6 levels.
    Year -> Quarter -> Month -> Week -> Day -> Hour
    The hourly, daily and weekly data will be stored only for a few days, whereas the monthly data will be aggregated into separate aggregated monthly tables.
    Note that all 4 requirements are to be supported together in each report. These are not separate requirements in different reports.

    Please re-post if this is still an issue or purchase a case and have a dedicated support engineer work with you directly.
    Also post one question per so it's easier to reply and follow.

  • What should be considered a basic question here?

    Hey folks I want some feedback on why type of questions we should consider basic in this forum?  I have noticed in the last several weeks the questions here appear to be easily answered from wiki articles or the new book on the SAP Webclient programming.
    Instead of me however throwing down the moderator axe, I want the community to decide the type of questions that should be locked or moved to a "basic questions" forum.
    Given that the CRM Webclient is now a relatively mature product and the available materials to learn have increased, this should be fair request.
    In order to ensure that you respond I'm going to give my thoughts on what should not be allowed
    - Any topic covered in detail in the CRM wiki page here unless you need a clarification is subject for lock
    Especially questions on how to add a new field, EEWB, AET, or dropdown boxes
    - Any topic asking for definition of terms is subject for a lock(i.e something that can be answered via help.sap.com)
    - If has already been answered before, then I would propose the following:
    1) Post the link in the thread
    2) OP responds whether that solved the issue
    3) Thread is locked from further discussion and awarding (to avoid rward hunting)
    Based on your feedback my goal is to implement the "stricter moderation" post Teched Las Vegas or around October 1st, 2011.  I would expect further changes to moderation style as SCN moves to a new platform and moderator tools are improved.
    Take care,
    CRM Forum Moderator

    Basically queries like "How To xyz" which are already there on the WiKi should be moved to Basic Questions. These are the queries which are being raised by Consultants who are either new TO CRM or new to SDN or both.
    1. How to enhance a Web UI COmponent
    2. How to create a Drop Down
    3. How to create a F4 Help
    4. How to modify the Search Criteria.
    5. How to add a Attribute from AET/EEWB
    6. How to Create a Assignment block for a Z table.
    7. How to default values in Drop Down
    8. How to do dynamic navigation
    9. How to create Navigation Links for Navigation between 2 Components
    10.How to get business Partner ID from sy-uname
    11. How to Value node.
    12. How to create a BOL
    13. How to create a Pop Up View
    14. How to get values from Pop up view to the calling View.
    I guess these are few basic queries which are being asked N number of times and has been answered twice as many a times.
    Reading material and Tutorials are also sought by New CRM consultants which ideally should not be the case.
    Harshit Kumar

  • Preconfigured queries supplied by SAP

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to use a couple of queries supplied via BI Content.  When I execute them, the select options show data specific to my environment so I know the extracts worked.  However, no data is returned even if I run the query wide open.  I see that Static Filters are included in the query.  I would like to try removing them to see if that makes a difference.  In BEx Query Designer, I see how static filters are applied to various characteristics and default values but the 2 fields in question aren't even included in the display or select options.  How are these filters being applied?  In particular, I'm looking at query Sales Orders and Sales Revenue Values by Sales Representative, query 0SD_C03_Q02.
    Any insight would be appreciated.

    Welcome to the forum.
    For all your questions you will get the answer if you search the forum.  In the initial stage, just go through this forum for all your basic queries. 
    In fact, this is the place where you can only post your real time issues and not an interview questions. 
    Again, please dont post such questions here.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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