I am new to datawarehousing & SAP BI

I have no experience in data warehousing. My current job has a SAP Business Information warehouse implemented. I have a power user role and am supposed to work with BEx query designer and write new queries and reports. Can somebody guide me from where to start reading  .. ie first datawarehousing concepts & then SAP BI reporting??? Also the suggested books & references to read...
Thanks in advance.

Please go through the docs and the links..
Hope ths would help you.

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    This [wiki|http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/XI/XIlibrariesfor+development] link should help get you started.  I have a very useful PDF too that describes some of the steps but unfortunately I don't have the link where I got it from.
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    Hi Satish,
    you can't add a column to a system matrix using UIAPI - the only way is to add a userdefined field
    And check this thread..
    New column in Standard Report
    Hope it helps,
    Vasu Natari.
    Edited by: vasu natari on Jul 22, 2009 7:38 AM

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    Try this. Execute the following in a SQL window started by a userid that has been granted the USER ADMIN system privilege:
    You can use a date instead of FOREVER --- '2016-12-31 23:59'.
    Good luck,

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    For add-on's you can use transaction SAINT.
    I am sure this has been answered many times before.

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    It depend on how you design your layout.
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    Thanks and Regards,

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    Hi Pallavi,
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    Than you must take all the values from the internal table into the different variables and than print them.
    In program:
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
      VAR1 = WA_TAB-FIELD1.
    * read all the lines and fill the VAR variables
    In SAPScript:
    /P &VAR1&
    /P &VAR2&
    /P &VAR3&
    /P &VAR4&
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    Hi Ramya,
    This can be done in SAP menu instead of User Menu, provided all your users are using SAP menu. If a folder is created in User menu it would be visible only to the user. If it is created in SAP menu and if all the users are using the SAP menu then the folder would be visible to all...
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    Please check these
    User exit/ Business Add-in              Description
    User exit
    IWO10026                                User check on setting status 'Do not perform'
    IWO10027                                User exit: Generate user-defined settlement rule
    IWOC0001                                Create PM/SM notification: Determine reference object
    IWOC0002                                PM/SM notification: Check whether status change is allowed
    IWOC0003                                PM/SM authorization check of ref. object and planner group
    IWOC0004                                Change single-level list editing PM/QM/SM ALV settings
    Business Add-in
    IQS_MASS_CHANGE                         BadI for Mass Changes to Notifications
    IQS0_STATUS_MAINTAIN                    Control of Changeability of User Status
    NOTIF_AUTHORITY_01                      Additional Authorization Checks for the Notification
    WOC_FL_DETERMINE                        Determine Date for Determining Installation Loc. Equi.
    IWOC_OBJECTINFO_CHNG                    Changes to Data of Object Info Screen
    IWOC_LIST_TUNING                        Performance Tuning for Lists in PM/CS
    IWO1_SUBSCREEN_0170                     Display Additional Data on Object Screen 0170 PhysicalSample

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    Hi Subhram
    Firstly you need to check if connections to the specified servers are allowed through your network. Check if access is permitted on those group servers from your network.Check your VPN settings.
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    Just thought of sharing this info on SDN...
    A new book on SAP BW Performance Tuning is available...
    Shreekant W Shiralkar & Bharat Patel have authored a book on SAP BW Performance Tuning. The book is based on their real life experiences on improving the system performance using various features/techniques/ideas.
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    Follow the SAP training materials on BW Data Warehousing, BW Reporting and BW Modeling. There are several books that can help you a lot when getting started. check this link
    After you have a solid BW knowledge, start to review the help.sap.com site.
    Hope this helps,

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