I can not remove podcast synced to touch....

Once I have listened to podcast and I plug in my touch they do not removed from my touch. What do I need to do? I have tried reinstalling iTunes but that did not resolve the issue. Please help

Try removing the tick mark next *Sync Podcasts* from under this same time. Then hit the Apply button to update the changes on the iPod. Once it has finished, go ahead and reapply it to sync your podcasts back over to it.
Any luck there?

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    Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from the following page (use one of the links under the thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    To install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select anyiTunesentries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

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    You cannot delete from a smart playlist unless you also delete from your iTunes library (or change the criteria of the smart playlist).
    Just delete it from the library and it will delete from the Smart playlist.
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    Julia from Woodridge

    Unfortunately, this sort of trouble has gotten more complicated to deal with ever since Microsoft pulled the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from their Download Center on June 25. First we have to find a copy of the utility.
    Let's try Googling. (Best not to use Bing, I think.) Look for a working download site for at least version 3.0 of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. After downloading the utility installer file (msicuu2.exe), scan the file for malware, just in case. (I use the free version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware to do single-file scans for that.)
    If the file is clean, to install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you've downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Apple Software Update entries and click "Remove".
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try installing iTunes again. Does the install go through properly now?
    (If you do find a clean download site for the correct version of CleanUp, please don't tell me where it is. Without wishing to sound paranoid (although I grant it does sound paranoid), there is a non-zero chance that posting links to download locations for the utility here at Discussions leads to that download location being shut down.)

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    Try holding down the Command key and dragging the file well off the sidebar.
    Hope this helps.

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    Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from the following page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    To install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Bonjour entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another install. Does it go through this time?

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    1. Signed in with my own Apple ID to report the concern.
    2. Signed in with a different Apple ID to report the concern.
    3. Used a Windows PC & Itunes.
    4. Used a Mac & Itunes.
    I really would like this wrong review to be removed, and could also not find an email address to report this issue directly to Itunes/Apple either.
    Thank you for any assistance with this.

    Hello Vijay ,
    I have grant permissions to the user and the report in BI webcatalog and also in BIP under admin tab I have addes the role which the user belongs to and also the shared folder . Still the problem exists.
    My BI presentation servcies security is working . My user security is also working , all that I need is the user should be able to see the report when he clicks on BIP link placed in dashboard.

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    Thanks Old Comm Guy, BD Aquam and Texas Mac Man for youradvice and reply to my question
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        2.  To examine front of zipdrive, I had to remove many screws and several plastic case
             coverings.  Upon doing thatI discovered that, unfortunately, there is no whole in front
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               theiomega zip drive in there.
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    Uponclicking open nothing happened - nothing opened.
    I also went into the "System X" folder>Libraryfolder>Extension folder>IomegaSAM.ket icon and double
    clicked on it and asmall window opened stating "Compiling file List", however nothingopened it just
    continued to compile, so I closed it.
    Within my Mac OS X HD>  Applications>Iomega folder>Iomega Tools.app a smallwindow opened up
    with several options (Erase, Protect, Disk Info and DriveInfo). Clicking on the Drive Info a message says:
    "No Iomega Drives or noIomega Driver found.  Therefore, Ihave gone to Mac, Iomega and other websites
    trying to find a Driver for thebuilt-in Zip Drive in my Mac G-4 OS X 10.4.11, but have not really found anythat work.
    Thanks,     Peterfromcrystallake

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    Hi 8ublessed,
    I will agree with Test Screen Name, there is very less information to figure out the root cause of the issue you are facing. If you want to remove Adobe Reader, please use the cleaner tool - http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/acrobatcleaner.html

  • TS1702 Please I can not remove the viber icon from my iPhone 4s as it is a gray icon and have the word "waiting" under it and if I press long to have the (x) to delete it the (x) will not appear

    Please I can not remove the viber icon from my iPhone 4s as it is a gray icon and have the word "waiting" under it and if I press long to have the (x) to delete it the (x) will not appear

    Will it let you delete it on the phone now? If it still shows waiting, just tap it once on the app itself and it should download the rest  of the way. Do it while your on wifi tho.

  • An app called AYI from Facebook is on my dashboard. I can not remove it. Overtime I open dashboard the app immediately opens safari and goes to the app. I don't have enough time to remove it in the normal manner..

    OS X Yosemite on my iMac 27 inch Processor 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3,
    I have an app in my dashboard called AYI from Facebook.
    I can not remove it, every-time I open dashboard to remove it the app opens safari immediately and I can not delete the widget.
    I can not figure out how to manage this.

    This procedure will reset your Dashboard configuration to the default.
    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Please triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    defaults delete com.apple.dashboard layer-gadgets && killall Dock
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing the key combination command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear below what you entered. You can then quit Terminal. Test.

  • Can not remove second line in Jabber for Tablet device on CUCM

    Hi all,
    The functionality we are trying to achieve is that people will have different DNs for their desk phones and Jabber for iPad devices, but when they make a call from the iPad, the desk phone DN will be shown. I have been testing out the Primary extension feature in the CUCM but it doesn't work properly so far. And now, I added two different DNs to a Jabber for Tablet device and can not remove the second one from 'Modify button items'. It gives the following error :
    Update failed. TypeDbErrors.gen25083
    Any ideas on how to fix this? Any ideas on how to use the primary extension feature?
    Enironment :
    CUCM 8.6.2
    Jabber for iPad 9.3.2 / Jabber for iOS 9.6

    I would delete the device and recreate it or delete the DN and then put it back on the device(s) it does belong on. The only real way to fix this would a TAC case so they can open a defect for you.
    Primary Extension isn't used in any of the alerting/connected display states. The only way to achieve this would be a lot of very complicated translation patterns/partitions/CSSes with calling party transformations on them. For example, if your desk phone DN was 2000 but the tablet DN was 3000, the translation pattern that would need to match for every number you dial would have to transform the calling party to 2XXX.
    If you want an opinion, this is bad design. You don't email a person at a separate address for their desktop vs. their smartphone. CUCM is designed to work the same way: you are calling a user, not the device.
    Please remember to rate helpful responses and identify helpful or correct answers.

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