I can't edit the page, because somebody else is logged in

I recently had to purcahse a new contribute package and link it up to the same website that we update. However, the original person who used the existing contribute has now moved overseas, and it says at the top:
'You cant edit this page because XXXX is currently editing it. Please contact XXXX for assistance.
can anyone please advise on how to deal with this sittuation.

I had the same sort of problem but there was never anyone else entitled to edit the site - all that happened is that I upgraded from Contribute 3.11 to Contribute CS4 and since that time I cannot edit a previously edited page as the draft cannot be saved due to a lock file problem.
I have deleted the one and only .LCK file from my site - but it was for a different page anyway and of course made no difference.
I was administrator.  I am still administrator.
I suspect a silly conflict between residual Contribute 3.11 files and new CS4 files but of course the documentation assumes that everything is hunky dory and doesn't help much.
Any thoughts appreciated - any directories that I can just delete to start again without impacting my content?
Best Regards

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    Stacy ...
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    | | | |
    | o |
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    13" MacBook Air (mid-2013), 1.7GHz dual-core Intel i7, 512GB flash storage; 4MB L3 Cache; 8GB of onboard storage 1600Mhz DDR3

    Thanks for the update. You might also consider using iTunes and Internet Radio:
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