I can't highlight an ibook (MAC) I bought

Just downloaded a book on Ibooks for Mac. I cannot highlight text.
Highlight is not available neither in the right click menu nor in the main menu where colors appear deactivated (gray)
Are some books non-highlightable? Thanks for your help

It still doesn't work :-(
attached a screen capture of  my Ibooks for Mac
All the different highlight colors are disabled!!

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    Just what are you doing?
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    antdude wrote:
    roaminggnome wrote:
    "how can i open my iBook on my Mac, not just on my iPhone?"
    You cannot.
    Ibooks are only for iphone/ipod touch/ipad
    So, there are no third party readers/emulators in Mac OS X and Windows to read them from iTunes? I don't even own an iOS device. I just redeemed Action Comics' Superman #1 from Starbucks and iTunes.
    This one?
    Where the REQUIREMENTS spell out that an iOS device is needed to read it?

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    Try deleting the app and then reinstalling it. If that fails  Try a Restart. 
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red "slide to power off" slider appears, and then slide the slider. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Step 1
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Enter the name of the crashed application or process in the Filter text field. Select the messages from the time of the last crash, if any. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.
    Step 2
    In the Console window, look under User Diagnostic Reports for crash reports related to the crashed process. The report name starts with the name of the process, and ends with ".crash". Select the most recent report and post the entire contents — again, the text, not a screenshot. In the interest of privacy, I suggest that, before posting, you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.) Please don’t post other kinds of diagnostic report — they're very long and not helpful.

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    I cannot print from my iBook via XP to an HP PSC 1410.
    I can print from my iBook via XP to an HP LaserJet 4L.
    I was able to print from my iBook via XP to an HP882C that was connected
    to the same USB port that the HP PSC 1410 is connected to now.
    I have an iBook G4 running 10.4.3
    I have a PC running XP with an HP LaserJet 4L on a parallel port and an HP PSC 1410 on a USB port.
    I installed the following from http://www.linuxprinting.org/macosx/hpijs/
    I think I correctly followed the instructions at:
    They worked for the LaserJet printer.
    When I attempt to print from the iBook to the 1410 the HP doesn't print at all.
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    I don't need to be able to scan or check ink levels from the iBook.
    I would just like to be able to do color printing.
    What else should I try? Given the symptoms where might I be going wrong?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1 Gig RAM

    I found the answer to this problem on Linux printing provided by Steve Stuart.
    Steve Stuart wrote at: http://www.linuxprinting.org/forums.cgigroup=linuxprinting.macosx.general;articl e=1446
    Hi all,
    I finally figured out what the issue was, Why it fixes it I can not say,
    but it does.
    On the Shared printer on the Windows side, go to the properties of the Printer.
    Go to the Ports tab, and deselect the "Enable bidirectional Support" (do not
    have it checked). Once this is done and you also do not have any firewalls
    setup on the Windows machine (Windows, MCAfee, Norton, ....). You should be
    able to print.
    Finally!!!!! I hope this helps many many people. As I have had many
    people asking for the solution if I found it.
    Steven Stuart

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    Nevermind - I answered my own question, which is I CAN"T READ ANY BOOKS I purchased in iBooks on my MacBook Pro.  If I want to read on my mac I have to use Kindle or Nook.  Which means any book I've already purchased through iBooks has to be read on my iPad.  Kind of a drag because there are times when it's more convenient for me to read while I'm sitting with my Mac.

  • How can I revive my Ibook, it´s black?

    I´m desperate! I am traveling with my Ibook. It is an OSX Panther with a 40 GIG H.D. RAM is 600 MB (or is it MHz..I´m not a techie) I rely on the machine to store images, work with graphic programs, etc., and make CDs.
    I just arrived in Quito, Ecuador.
    Today,I tried to start it from full shut down. I got the opening music and the desktop almost opened, but then it started to show streaks of horizontal lines on the right side of the screen. Then the streaks stopped and the whole screen went to cycling pixels.....lots of rectangular shapes cycling up thru the screen.
    I turned it off with the off/on button and pressed the button again to try starting it. The music came on but the screen stayed black. I turned it off again and on again a few times. Each time I turned it on the music came on but the screen stayed black.
    If anybody has any hints I would be forever in their debt. I do not know what HARD RESET is or how to do it. Likewise with PMU RESET.
    About a year ago, I had a problem with the machine when I was in Buenos Aires. The shop in BA discovered that the Logic Board had quit. This was a weakness for the model I have and the BA shop sent it back to MAC. MAC fixed it under parts warranty and the machine has been fine ever since.
    Thanks for any suggestions, Tim
    ibook   Mac OS X (10.3)   40 GIGs

    Thanks Jakob. yesterday, I pressed down on the left hand rest, as i started the computer, and I got a screen. Not my desktop. just a grey screen with a folder icon in the middle. The icon slowly disappeared and the screen went streaky.
    I purchased the ibook two years ago. I hope they are still replacing the logic boards. I will check out the support sight you recommended.
    I must say, I am very fond of the ibook but RELIABILITY is #1 for me. I can`t afford to have a computer that fails.
    I`ll be looking for a replacement laptop soon. I am fond of Apple but they don`t make sense traveling. There is very little support in S. America.
    ibook   Mac OS X (10.3)   40gig 900mhz

  • Can see Windows PCs from Mac, but can't see (and access) Mac from PCs

    Yesterday, I ran into a strange problem which I'm not able to figure out.
    I share an office with some engineers, who have their computer environment (server, network), all running Windows (XP and Vista on the PCs, Windows 2003 for the server).
    Within that environment, I have 2 PCs (both XP) and an iBook G4 (Leopard 10.5.4.). I have also a printer (Epson Laser), which is connected to the office network, and an Airport Extreme Base Station.
    Until last week, I could connect from my PCs to my iBook (wirelessly), and from the iBook I could connect to my PCs, the server, and via the server print on my printer (again, all wirelessly).
    Over the weekend, I took out the Airport Extreme Base Station (to help with an issue at home - see my thread over at Printing), and yesterday I brought it back to the office and installed it again.
    And since I re-installed the Base Station, this is the problem:
    1. from PCs, I can't see the iBook (can't attach a PC drive letter - eg. I:\), and therefore can't access it
    2. from the iBook, I can't print to my printer - furthermore, when I select the Printing preference and click "Add Printer", no printers whatsoever show up (the list stays blank), whereas before the engineers' printer (some Minolta Bizhub with Bonjour) would show up as well
    3. I can, however, access the Windows server from my iBook
    Any ideas what's going on? I tried to solve this, but gave up quickly (no way I can possibly figure this out), plus I have this issue at home (can't print wirelessly to a printer attached via USB to a Time Capsule - I can, however, print to the same printer if I attach it to the previously used Airport Express!) - 2 problems and mounting headaches!
    I am thinking about re-installing the whole system (take off all data, do a complete wipe and start afresh…), but don't like to spend a whole day doing this…
    Again, thanks for any advice!

    You only need one computer to configure the Base Station - and since you can easily do this from your PC, you really don't need to be able to do it from your Mac as well. I suggest you stop worrying about this, leave your Base Station running with the current firmware version, and use your PC if you ever need to make a configuration change.
    Note that NO Base Station software needs to be installed on the Mac, for the Mac to be able to connect wirelessly to the Base Station. If your Mac is currently unable to establish a wireless connection to the Base Station, you have a different problem - and one that won't be solved by installing the Airport Admin Utility or downgrading firmware on the Base Station. Incidentally - what type of wireless security are you using on the Base Station - WEP or WPA? A base station configured to use WPA security will only be accessible by a Mac running at least MacOS 10.3.

  • How can I connect 10.4 Mac to Windows Small Business Server 2003?

    I have seen some other discussions touching on this topic and have tried the various solutions but am getting nowhere. I can't connect my iBook, which is running Tiger, to our office's server, a Windows Small Business Server 2003. I am the only Mac user and as a Mac devotee actually spent my own hard cash for the iBook. (I work for a non-profit with low funds.) Previously, when our office had a different server and I had Panther, I could access the server. Then it was purely an academic exercise, since I had no need to access the shared files. Now I have a project that requires this, and I am stumped. Our part-time IT consultant is also stumped. We have tried a lot of the suggestions from other posts, to no avail. I suggested to the IT guy that there could be a problem regarding the encryption of my password, and I think he tried that. We have tried various versions of the domain name. The server comes up in the list when I follow the "go--connect to server--browse" path, but we come up empty. We've gotten error message -36, a message that we are trying to connect an alias to something that can't be found, and a message that we don't have enough information to go any further (something like that). I am writing from my eMac at home, so I can't reconstruct the situation right now. I have found in my extensive internet search that Thursby has something called ADmitMac that is pretty expensive software ($119 for one person) that I could install on the iBook and could help me access the Windows Small Business Server 2003 without doing anything else to the server. Does anyone know if that would that work? Any suggestions would be so appreciated!
    eMac and iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I have specific errors listed below:
    Actually, I have been encountering similar problems.  I have an end user who wants to connect to an SBS 2003 server, and can not connect/use RWW because the Active X will not work, cannot use the VPN in PPTP mode because Windows 8 disallows the connection
    ("Error 942: The connection could not be established because the authentication method used by your connection profile is not permitted for use by an access policy configured on the RAS/VPN server."), and cannot use an L2TP VPN connection because it requires
    a certificate "Error 766: A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSEC require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer certificate.".  I attempted to utilize the SBS Connection Tool downloaded
    from RWW, but it fails with a proxy error ("Unable to execute custom script (Configure proxy settings for IE). Required file could be missing." - likely due to the PPTP tunnel it tries to use). I went so far as to install the Enterprise CA on the server, installed
    the Hotfix
    (KB922706) so that the website could be accessed from Vista and above, and installed the requested certificate.  The VPN fails to connect after
    it times out and fails to negotiate a connection.  This last one is "Error 789: L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer
    encountered a processing error during the initial negotiations with the remote computer."
    I have screenshots to share if anyone cares to see.  I really just get the feeling that Microsoft is trying to kill SBS 2003 by ingoring it into oblivion. 
    The VPN works fine with Windows 7 clients by the way.

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