I can't send i folder from mac to iPhone 5s why?

how can i send folder via bluetooth? from my macbook pro to iPhone 5s?

I'm only trying to sync 350 songs. When I click "sync" the process will start but it won't end in my iTunes. My iPhone's sync symbol dissapears and the sync symbol in iTunes in my PC is still there. The sync process that consits of 5-7 steps won't finish the last step and keeps "downloading Safari secure browsing data" (I don't know if this translation is correct, I'm Spanish and iTunes is set up in Spanish too)
I've tried turning off Wi-Fi because some people got rid of this problem this way supposedly, but it didn't work at all

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    iOS: How to transfer or sync content to your computer - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1296 > Wi-Fi syncing
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    No, sorry. false alarm.
    I just received a message, sent by Apple Mail 2.1.2 from OS 10.4.11, through POP, to an email-forwarding address, to my imap-gmail, and received from there (by IMAP) with Mail 2.1.2, too.
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    You might want to start with reading the iPhone user guide. Basic processes like synching are covered: http://manuals.info.apple.com/MANUALS/1000/MA1565/en_US/iphone_user_guide.pdf
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    @ Laurent P.
    Some things to try.
    Reset Sync History. To do this on a Mac, open iSync in your Applications folder. Once open, click the iSync menu and choose Preferences. Small window opens with a Reset Sync History button. Does not delete any data, just don't expect your next sync to be super quick.
    Also, under the Info tab in iTunes, choose the Advanced option of replacing everything on the iPhone with what is on the computer. If it works, be sure to uncheck that setting. I think it is a one time check only thing, but be sure.
    I just noticed you said MobileMe...if you use MobileMe to sync your stuff, flip Contacts Off then back On. If that doesn't work, delete the MobileMe account on the iPhone and re-add it.
    Otherwise, try a hard reset (both buttons for about 10 sec. ignore slide to power off), and reset network settings.
    Also, does the Mac contacts show up in MobileMe? If they don't, go to System Preferences > MobileMe > Sync tab and check your settings. Perform a sync too. Under the Advanced button you can Reset Sync Data and choose to replace MobileMe stuff with stuff on your computer or vice versa.
    Message was edited by: TonyElTigre
    I am a former .Mac user. I have both @mac and @me. No issues here after 2.0.2.
    Message was edited by: TonyElTigre

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    I've had the same problem. Updated my address book before I synced my phone for the first time. Then I had a hand full not sync to the phone. When I noticed, and updated the contact info on my phone, the next time I synced it erased from the phone. Haven't found much out yet. Hopefully it will fix in the next iPhone update.

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    Your songs might be taking up too much room in your iPod.
    Open iTunes, right-click on a song. Make sure the song is no bigger than 4 MB and it's a MPEG file.
    Also, in iTunes, click "Edit" and then go down to "Preferences". Click the 'Advanced" tab and then the "Importing" tab. Make sure your songs are encoded using AAC Encoder and a high quality setting of 128 kpbs.
    If your song information is different from what I just told you then this is the reason why your songs won't fit in your iPod and there's not enough room.

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    My notification center settings for Maps IS set up correctly on my iPhone.  I have it set to "Alert" style with ALL other settings (Badge App Icon, Sounds, Show in NC, and Show in Lock Screen) turned ON.  But I don't get a notification???

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