I can't take advantage of ISP's 10MB broadband

My ISP just upgraded from 1.5MB to 10MB downloads. All I can download is 2MB. I called for a repair man and his PC connected at 10.2MB. When I connected my PC that was in deep storage, it also connected at 10MB. What do I have to do so I can take advantage of the faster download? I'm connected from the cable modem by ethernet to my Mac. It's the same on both of my Macs. Thanks!
MacBook Pro and Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

indeed. it seems several people have reported that they are now getting the correct DL speeds from their ISP. it was odd that the update said it would address comcast issues, but it seems like a bigger problem than just with comcast. as long as it worked. go apple.
ps, of course, they release this less than a month after i stopped having comcast! go figure!

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