I cannot get "devices" to show on my ipad in itunes

When I access iTunes, there is not a "devices" tab where I can select iPad.

iPad not appearing in iTunes
iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
IOS: Syncing with iTunes
Apple - Support - iPad - Syncing
 Cheers, Tom

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    If you have a lot of programs running in the background that may be causing the slow start or shutdown. To close those running programs, 4 finger upto get to the running programs and to close them, tap one and hold for a second and flip upwards,, it will go off the top of the screen, closing it. Do this with all that you want closed, there will only be the main screen you can't close that will be left.
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    Did you try disabling ActiveX Filtering?
    You have more details in the following link:
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    mtsue wrote:
    but I cannot get a home page on the iPad.
    Not sure what you mean by that. If you mean set a Starting page for Safari, then you can't. Safari will open up on the last page you browsed. If you close all tabs before exiting, it will jsut open to the gray screen. From there you can search using the google search at the top left of the address bar, or simply enter an address in the address bar.
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    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Hi Milos,
    1 - Unfortunately I can't test this, the router is supplied by his ISP and is not one that we have any management capabilities on.
    2 - Any time I access network information in the VM (even just to run "ipconfig /all" at a command line), the network drops temporarily on the host and I loose access to it.
    3 - I've not used this before, I'll check it out.
    It seemed really odd to me that the VM showed the host MAC in the event logs when everything else in the VM shows the one assigned by Hyper-V.
    Do you know if the "Virtual Networking and Wireless network adapters" entry in Ben Armstrong's Virtualization blog still applies in Windows 8.1?  It won't let me post the link to it directly, sorry.
    I've seen it referred to recent posts but it's from 2005.
    It makes sense if it is since symptom #2 sounds like what I am seeing.

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    Sorry about the late reply :(
    # Right click on the tab bar, and a menu will appear.
    # Click on an item to show/hide it.
    See [[Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars]] for more info.

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    I've been searching all morning and have tried everything in every post I can find on the subject and I just cannot get the skin controls to show in my movie
    this is my article
    http://www.backyard-workshop.com/projec ... video.html
    as you can see the skin is there - http://www.backyard-workshop.com/SkinUnderAll.swf
    it's also in with the flash movie here - http://www.backyard-workshop.com/images ... derAll.swf
    I just can't get it to show up! I've tried setting the "CustomURL" for the player to:
    http://www.backyard-workshop.com/SkinUnderAll.swf and
    http://www.backyard-workshop.com/images ... derAll.swf and
    /images/stories/SkinUnderAll.swf and
    images/stories/SkinUnderAll.swf and
    anyone else have some other ideas to try?

    Do you want to change skin color???
    It can be done easily.
    First elaborate your problem so that I may know your issue.

Maybe you are looking for