I do not arrive has to reset the pram of my Emac

Restart holding down command-option-p-r does no go for me on my emac 700
The only way I found : remove the battery
Any idea ?

Go Here:
On the left hand side of the page is an emac link or just scroll down to about three quarters down on the page and look for a link called "emac.pdf" NOT "eMacatigraphics.pdf". Download the PDF and search in the document for PMU or PRAM it has instructions for reseting the PMU (PRAM). Basically there is a little button next to the battery under the access door (where the RAM and stuff is) to reset everything. Just follow the directions precisely and you should be fine.
Hope that helps.
eMac 1Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    Ok, first thing, why are you doing anything with WAMP or XAMPP when you're running a Mac? MAMP should be what you want unless you're not explaining part of what you are trying to do.
    2nd thing, I haven't used MAMP in a while, but there are two possibilities for not seeing what you want to see once you have MAMP turned on. One possibility is that you already have "Web Sharing" turned on in your Sharing Preference Pane. If that is the case, port 80 will already be taken and you'll be seeing the default Apache install (files are stored at /Library/WebServer/Documents/). This would push MAMP to either not turn on it's web serving capabilities, or to push it to another port. The other possibility is that MAMP defaults to another port anyway. So instead of localhost, you might have to type in localhost:8080 or something similar. I believe the control panel that gets installed can take you to the currently MAMP-served page, and it can also help you change which port your serving on.
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    Hi Ralph - likely you're right. The section below, taken from their site, looked like it may offer some hope:
    Unlock what is rightfully yours
    BatChmod can also give you back access to locked files, folders or disks. If something is locked, it can unlock it. If you no longer have permissions to files or folders, change the permissions back.
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