I'm wondering what to do here.

I have two albums of the same name and on cover flow even though they are different artists (and have different album pictures) only one of them shows and it in its details it shows the other album's songs. So what should I do to see both albums? Also how do you stop your time/date from reseting?

I edited the album name by making a slight change to it. You'll have to go out and get the artwork as a separate step though.

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          $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
          $.datepicker.formatDate( "dd/mm/yyyy" );
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    You cannot "update" from what you have to any of the applications you mention. It will have to be a straight purchase or subscription at full price.
    Photoshop is a professional level application that makes no apologies for its very long and steep learning curve.
    Lightroom is all about volume, and very light editing.
    The Photoshop Elements forum is at:
    Remember, you are not addressing Adobe here in the user forums.  You are requesting help from volunteers users just like you who give their time free of charge. No one has any obligation to answer your questions.
    I do not know where there is such a comparison table as you seek, but someone else might, or you can google.

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    We are just users like yourself.  If Apple has stated publicly about the problems you mentioned, it will be listed on their website and/or in one of their Knowledge Base Articles.
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    1. This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve the problem. But with the aid of the test results, the solution may take a few minutes, instead of hours or days.
    Don't be put off by the complexity of these instructions. The process is much less complicated than the description. You do harder tasks with the computer all the time.
    2. If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything in the test procedure. Backup is always a must, and when you're having any kind of trouble with the computer, you may be at higher than usual risk of losing data, whether you follow these instructions or not.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    3. Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. As I wrote above, it changes nothing. It doesn't send or receive any data on the network. All it does is to generate a human-readable report on the state of the computer. That report goes nowhere unless you choose to share it. If you prefer, you can act on it yourself without disclosing the contents to me or anyone else.
    You should be wondering whether you can believe me, and whether it's safe to run a program at the behest of a stranger. In general, no, it's not safe and I don't encourage it.
    In this case, however, there are a couple of ways for you to decide whether the program is safe without having to trust me. First, you can read it. Unlike an application that you download and click to run, it's transparent, so anyone with the necessary skill can verify what it does.
    You may not be able to understand the script yourself. But variations of it have been posted on this website thousands of times over a period of years. The site is hosted by Apple, which does not allow it to be used to distribute harmful software. Any one of the millions of registered users could have read the script and raised the alarm if it was harmful. Then I would not be here now and you would not be reading this message.
    Nevertheless, if you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them. Ask for other options.
    4. Here's a summary of what you need to do, if you choose to proceed:
    ☞ Copy a line of text in this window to the Clipboard.
    ☞ Paste into the window of another application.
    ☞ Wait for the test to run. It usually takes a few minutes.
    ☞ Paste the results, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page.
    The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. You don't need to copy a second time. Details follow.
    5. You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken in “normal” mode, under the conditions in which the problem is reproduced. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only test in safe mode, do that.
    6. If you have more than one user, and the one affected by the problem is not an administrator, then please run the test twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time is an administrator. If you can't log in as an administrator, test as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this section doesn’t apply. Don't log in as root.
    7. The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in the browser window, and you can then copy it. If you try to select the line by dragging across the part you can see, you won't get all of it.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/libexec;clear;cd;p=(Software Hardware Memory Diagnostics Power FireWire Thunderbolt USB Bluetooth SerialATA Extensions Applications Frameworks PrefPane Fonts 1024 85 percent 20480 1 MB/s 25000 ports KiB/s DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES\ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH -86 "` route -n get default|awk '/e:/{print $2}' `" 25 N\\/A down up 102400 25600 recvfrom sendto CFBundleIdentifier 25 25 25 1000 MB 'com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0 com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0 com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud com.adobe.CS4ServiceManager com.adobe.CS5ServiceManager com.adobe.fpsaud com.adobe.SwitchBoard com.adobe.SwitchBoard com.apple.aelwriter com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent com.apple.FolderActions.enabled com.apple.installer.osmessagetracing com.apple.mrt.uiagent com.apple.ReportCrash.Self com.apple.rpmuxd com.apple.SafariNotificationAgent com.apple.usbmuxd com.citrixonline.GoToMeeting.G2MUpdate com.google.keystone.agent com.google.keystone.daemon com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool com.oracle.java.JavaUpdateHelper com.oracle.java.JavaUpdateHelper org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx org.macosforge.xquartz.startx' '879294308 4071182229 461455494 3627668074 1083382502 1274181950 1855907737 2758863019 1848501757 464843899 3694147963 1233118628 2456546649 2806998573 2778718105 2636415542 842973933 2051385900 3301885676 891055588 998894468 695903914 1443423563 4136085286 523110921 2883943871 3873345487' 51 5120 files 4 1000 25 5120 -\\t 'PlistBuddy -c Print' );N5=${#p[@]};p[N5]=` networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder|awk ' NR>1 { sub(/^\([0-9]+\) /,"");n=$0;getline;} $NF=="'${p[26]}')" { sub(/.$/,"",$NF);print n;exit;} ' `;f=('\n%s: %s\n' '\n%s\n\n%s\n' '\nRAM details\n%s\n' %s\ %s '%s\n'"${p[50]}"'%s\n' '%s (UID %s) is using %s %s' '\nContents of %s\n   '"${p[50]}"'mod date: %s\n   '"${p[50]}"'checksum: %s\n%s\n' '\n   ...and %s more line(s)\n' );S0() { echo ' { 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${p[29+j]}stream data";done;A0() { Q=5;v[2]=1;id -G|grep -qw 80;v[1]=$?;((v[1]))||{ Q=7;sudo true;v[2]=$?;((v[2]))||Q=8;};v[3]=`date +%s`;clear >&-;date '+Start time: %T %D%n';};for i in 0 1;do eval ' A'$((1+i))'() { v=` eval "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((3+i))'() { v=` while read i;do [[ "$i" ]]&&eval "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}" \"$i\"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}";done<<<"${v[$4]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((5+i))'() { v=` while read i;do '${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$1]}" "$i";done<<<"${v[$2]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((7+i))'() { v=` eval sudo "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};';done;A9(){ v=$((`date +%s`-v[3]));};B2(){ v[$1]="$v";};for i in 0 1;do eval ' B'$i'() { v=No;((v['$((i+1))']==0))&&v=;};B'$((3+i))'() { v[$2]=`'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}"<<<"${v[$1]}"`;} ';done;B5(){ v[$1]="${v[$1]}"$'\n'"${v[$2]}";};B6() { v=` paste -d: <(printf "${v[$1]}") <(printf "${v[$2]}")|awk -F: ' {printf("'"${f[$3]}"'",$1,$2)} ' `;};B7(){ v=`grep -Fv "${v[$1]}"<<<"$v"|sort`;};C0() { [[ "$v" ]]&&sed -E "$s"<<<"$v";};C1() { [[ "$v" ]]&&printf "${f[$1]}" "${l[$2]}" "$v"|sed -E "$s";};C2() { v=`echo $v`;[[ "$v" != 0 ]]&&C1 0 $1;};C3() { v=`sed -E "${s[63]}"<<<"$v"`&&C1 1 $1;};C4() { echo "Part $((++P)) of $Q done at $((`date +%s`-v[3])) sec">&4;};for i in 1 2 7 8;do for j in 0 2 3;do eval D$i$j'(){ A'$i' $1 $2 $3; C'$j' $4;};';done;done;{ A0;D20 0 $((N1+1)) 2;D10 0 $N1 1;B0;C2 27;B0&&! B1&&C2 28;D12 15 37 25 8;A1 0 $((N1+2)) 3;C0;D13 0 $((N1+3)) 4 3;D23 0 $((N1+4)) 5 4;D13 0 $((N1+9)) 59 $((N3+4));for i in 0 1 2;do D13 0 $((N1+5+i)) 6 $((N3+i));done;D13 0 $((N1+8)) 71 $((N3+3));D13 1 10 7 9;D13 1 11 8 10;B1&&D73 19 53 67 55;D22 2 12 9 11;D12 3 13 10 12;D23 4 19 44 13;B0&&{ D13 5 5 69 1;D13 5 54 30 56;C4;D23 5 14 12 14;C4;};D22 6 36 13 15;D22 20 52 66 54;D22 7 37 14 16;D23 8 15 38 17;D22 9 16 16 18;C4;B1&&{ D82 35 49 61 51;D82 11 17 17 20;for i in 0 1;do D82 28 $((N2+i)) 45 $((N4+i));done;C4;};D22 12 44 54 45;D22 12 39 15 21;D13 40 58 32 57;A1 13 40 18;B2 4;B3 4 0 19;A3 14 6 32 0;B4 0 5 11;C4;A1 17 41 20;B7 5;C3 22;B4 4 6 21;A3 14 7 32 6;B4 0 7 11;B3 4 0 22;A3 14 6 32 0;B4 0 8 11;B5 7 8;B1&&{ A8 18 26 23;B7 7;C3 23;};A2 18 26 23;B7 7;C3 24;D13 4 21 24 26;B4 4 12 26;C4;for i in {0..3};do A1 0 $((N1+10+i)) 72;B7 12;B4 0 0 31;((i))&&{ B2 14;A4 39 57 70 14;B2 15;B6 14 15 4;};C3 $((N3+5+i));done;A1 24 22 29;B7 12;B2 14;A4 39 57 70 0;B2 15;B6 14 15 4;C3 29;C4;B3 4 13 27;A1 24 23 32;B7 13;C3 30;B3 4 0 65;A3 14 6 32 0;B4 0 16 11;A1 26 50 64;B7 16;C3 52;D13 25 37 32 33;A2 23 18 28;B2 16;A2 16 25 33;B7 16;B3 0 0 34;B2 21;A6 47 21&&C0;B1&&{ D73 21 0 32 19;D73 10 42 32 40;D82 29 35 46 39;};D23 14 1 62 42;D12 34 43 53 44;D12 22 20 32 25;D22 0 $((N1+14)) 51 32;D13 4 8 41 6;D12 21 28 35 34;D13 27 29 36 35;A2 27 32 39&&{ B2 19;A2 33 33 40;B2 20;B6 19 20 3;};C2 36;D23 38 55 68 50;D23 33 34 42 37;B1&&D83 35 45 55 46;D23 32 31 43 38;D12 36 47 32 48;D13 10 42 32 41;D13 37 2 48 43;A1 4 3 60;B2 30;A1 4 24 60;B2 31;B6 30 31 4;C3 5;D12 21 56 35 31;D12 21 48 49 49;B3 4 22 57;A1 21 46 56;B7 22;B3 0 0 58;C3 47;D22 4 4 50 0;D12 4 51 32 53;D23 22 9 37 7;A9;C2 2;C4;} 4>&2 2>/dev/null|pbcopy;exit 2>&-
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    8. Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    Click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste by pressing command-V. The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    9. If you see an error message in the Terminal window such as "Syntax error" or "Event not found," enter
    exec bash
    and press return. Then paste the script again.
    10. If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the test will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important. If you don't know the password, or if you prefer not to enter it, press the key combination control-C or just press return  three times at the password prompt. Again, the script will still run.
    If you're not logged in as an administrator, you won't be prompted for a password. The test will still run. It just won't do anything that requires administrator privileges.
    11. The test may take a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. A computer that's abnormally slow may take longer to run the test. While it's running, there will be a series of messages in the Terminal window like this:
    Part 1 of 8 done at … sec
    Part 8 of 8 done at … sec
    The messages won't be spaced equally apart in time, but they give a rough indication of progress. The total number of parts may be different from what's shown here.
    Wait for the final message
    [Process completed]
    to appear. If you don't see it within half an hour or so, the test probably won't complete in a reasonable time. In that case, close the Terminal window and report the last message you saw. No harm will be done.
    12. When the test is complete, quit Terminal. The results will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. They are not shown in the Terminal window. Please don't copy anything from there. All you have to do is start a reply to this comment and then paste by pressing command-V again.
    At the top of the results, there will be a line that begins with the words "Start time." If you don't see that, but instead see a mass of gibberish, you didn't wait for the "Process completed" message to appear in the Terminal window. Please wait for it and try again.
    If any private information, such as your name or email address, appears in the results, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    13. When you post the results, you might see an error message on the web page: "You have included content in your post that is not permitted," or "You are not authorized to post." That's a bug in the forum software. Please post the test results on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    14. This is a public forum, and others may give you advice based on the results of the test. They speak only for themselves, and I don't necessarily agree with them.
    Copyright © 2014 by Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Use Agreement for the Apple Support Communities website ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

  • I am using os x 10.4.11 on a 2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo.  I don't believe I can install lion on this system but was wondering what is the highest version I can use?

    I am using os x 10.4.11 on a 2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo.  I don't believe I can install lion on this system but was wondering what is the highest version I can use?

    Here are the requirements for Lion:
    In order to install Lion you have to have Snow Leopard and then update to 10.6.8:
    Personally I suggest that you stop at Snow Leopard.  It still is the most efficient OS that Apple has devised and it still works great.  Go to the Lions only if there are feature that you really need.  There may be a price to pay in slower performance though.

  • Hi there i just am in the process of ordering creative cloud and i went to press the confirm button with all my details in and then a message came up saying ' Payment System Unavailable' Just wondering what i do?

    Hi there i just am in the process of ordering creative cloud and i went to press the confirm button with all my details in and then a message came up saying ' Payment System Unavailable' Just wondering what i do?

    I am encountering the same problem and I can not find the answers.I don't know what to do anymore.I am in Japan and i tried to call the numbers provided and it is in japanese.I can't understand..I hope someone here would help us.

  • Just wondering what these console processes are

    Hello all. I am new here so I hope this question is in the right spot. I was looking through the console earlier and found a few things I have not seen before and was wondering what they are.
    Sandboxd  com.apple.qtkits deny process-fork
    It has happened three times today one happened twice in 2 minutes and the happened earlier in the day.

    Check my post for a workaround to remove the sandbox messages:
    It is post #20 in the thread. For some reason I can't link directly to the post and I'm always brought to the first page of the thread. You want page 2 (assuming you view 15 posts per page) and then scroll down to post number 20.
    Hope it helps.

  • My friend gave me his iphone 4s and the phone is asking me to activate it under my friends apple id and password. my friend and i were wondering what would happen when we activate the iphone 4s? we don't know if its just going to unlock it or somethinels

    my friend gave me his iphone 4s and the phone is asking me to activate it under my friends apple id and password. my friend and i were wondering what would happen when we activate the iphone 4s? we don't know if it ist going to unlock it so we can use it or if it is going to activate his phone again into the iphone 4s

    No it's not stealing. They have an allowance that you can share with so many computers/devices. You'll have to authorize her computer to play/use anything bought on your acct. You can do this under the Store menu at top when iTunes is open on her computer.
    As far as getting it all on her computer....I think but I am not sure (because I don't use the feature) but I think if you turn on Home Sharing in iTunes it may copy the music to her computer. I don't know maybe it just streams it. If nothing else you can sign into your acct on her computer and download it all to her computer from the cloud. Not sure exactly how to go about that, I haven't had to do that yet. I wonder if once you authorize her computer and then set it up for automatic downloads (under Edit>Preferences>Store) if everything would download. Sorry I'm not much help on that.

  • I was wondering what student plan included Premier and After Effects

    Hi, I was wondering what student plan included Premier and After Effects? It seems not to say anywhere...

    The Cloud has three plans:
    Full (all apps including Premiere and AE)
    Single App
    Photography Plan
    The Full Cloud includes the software listed here
    Explore Adobe desktop apps | Adobe Creative Cloud
    So you can either subscribe (at student rate instead of full rate) to 2 x Single App plans (Pr + AE) or a full Cloud plan and get all apps

  • HT201250 I use Time Machine to back up my entire computer with my external hard drive. I am getting a brand new iMac this month and was wondering what is the process of using this back up to restore my new computer exactly how my old computer was?

    I use Time Machine to back up my entire computer with my external hard drive. I am getting a brand new iMac this month and was wondering what is the process of using this back up to restore my new computer exactly how my old computer was? I want to make sure I will still have various important files on my new computer, like my songs in iTunes, my photos in iPhoto, etc, etc. Thanks so much in advance!

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    When you turn on the new iMac for the first time, Setup Assistant will ask you to restore a backup, so connect the external disk and follow steps to restore all your files to your new iMac. Your new Mac will have the same settings and programs as your old computer.
    In other cases, I would recommend to restore the whole backup without using Migration Assistant or Setup Assistant, but a Late 2012 iMac uses a special OS X build, so the OS X version that you're using on your old Mac won't work on the new one. For more information, see > http://pondini.org/OSX/Home.html

  • I have a powerbook G-4 15 inch, It wont boot up and the display only works on the first try. it gets to the apple screen and freezes, when i try to restart theres no display. Help please, whats the issue here?

    I left it running over night, it was running perfectly, in the morning the screen was black. i tried to restart it and got no display but i can hear the machine running. so i put away for several months, plug it in, charge the battery, it boots, i have a display, it loads the desktop and freezes. when i try to restart it theres no display. the last time i tried, i started it, i got to the apple screen and nothing. whats the issue here? please help.

    Will it boot OK in Safe Mode? See What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? (Mac OS X)
    http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107392 Takes a while to run, but it usually "fixes" problems.
    Safe Boot takes longer than normal startup
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck
     Cheers, Tom

  • What is happening here? In FF ok, IE not

    what is happening here? I have a div that is lining up
    horizontally 300px to the right in IE and is pushing out page not
    seeming to abide by the wrapper div it's in. I have tried it with a
    clear and without on the div itself. It is the object that is just
    below the navigation buttons - different navigation -lines up to
    the right in IE
    an example of where the object should be placed is on the
    home page.

    ...it looks like your a victim of IE double margin bug. See
    And... what I always say:
    "write it for FireFox then hack it for IE."
    Use the right
    Validate your Markup
    Validate your CSS
    Why you want to
    use tables for layout

  • What's happening here: iCloud Photos preparing photos for 'Photos' app?

    This morning I came back from a weekend trip to Prague, where I took a number of photos with my iPhone 6. On my Mac I fired up iCloud Photos to see if everything was imported properly. That was about an hour ago. Since then I am presented with this screen, saying something like:
    "Welcome to Photos app. 
    With Photos app you may save your whole iCloud Photo Library ...
    Preparing photos ... This may take a few minutes.
    ... will be continued when you leave iCloud.com."
    However, with Yosemite 10.10.2 I don't have the new Photos app for Mac on my iMac!
    Now what is happening here?

    I even liked Apples error messages , because most of them were so helpful ... But now the smart guys at Apple seem to be following a more obfuscating strategy, at least sometimes.
      I suspect the maintenance work on iCloud Photo Library this weekend has been in preparation for the big life event today - then all will be revealed:   http://www.apple.com/live/

  • I'm buying a new Macbook Pro this week and am wondering what is the best way to copy over the software I have from my existing Macbook Pro to the new one? eg. Photoshop and Office etc. I no longer have the CDs.

    I'm buying a new Macbook Pro this week and am wondering what is the best way to copy over the software I have from my existing Macbook Pro to the new one? eg. Photoshop and Office etc. I no longer have the CDs.

    Ya know what I'm on a brand new MBP just about 24 hours old and you know whats been working amazingly for me. I have a 27inch iMac as well and i've just connected it to my network and been dragging files and apps across the network onto my new MBP. Its really working fast and its flawless. You could always do that option, Just go into sharing options and turn them on for both Macs. Then just click and drag. Of course they have to both be on the same network for this to be possible.
    Look at my network.
    Shared is what your looking at.  I click on there see all my computers files and then drag the ones i want form its folder to my MBP folders.  Hope that helps if your looking for a very simple way on a wireless network.

Maybe you are looking for

  • After Time Machine Recovery Safari can access internet but Chrome not?!

    a) Full System Recovery via Time Machine from a MBA Full Backup to a new MBPro b) After recovery I am able to access via Safari (and AppStore!) to any web site but any other application is not able to.. Chrome, Temps, Dropbox App whatever are saying

  • Cannot Move iTunes Library To External HD

    Hey Guys, It just comes up with that one or more things are in use. I haven't got my iTunes open and nothing is using any of the songs, or anything. I have also restarted my machine several times, any ideas? Thanks.


    what are the numbers in front of the song names?

  • 5122 External Clock Questions

    I am working on a project that requires the ext. clock (100Ms/s on a 5122) and a signal hand-off.  Signal 1 is 32MHz, and Signal 2 is 32MHz +- 100,000Hz.  If I am feeding in Signal 1, what is the minimum and maximum times I have to kill signal 1 and

  • JCA Support in WLS 7.0... is WLI required?

              I've been digging into the documentation of the Administration guide and documentation           about WLI. WLI makes it sound like it is required to use JCA Resource adapters.           I can't find any topics in the administration guide f