I need help with random number in GUI

i have home work about the random number with gui. and i hope that you can help me doin this application. and thank you very much
Write an application that generates random numbers. The application consists of one JFrame,
with two text fields (see the figures) and a button. When the user clicks on the button, the
program should generate a random number between the minimum and the maximum numbers
entered in the text fields. The font of the number should be in red, size 100, bold and italic.
Moreover, if the user clicks on the generated number (or around it), the color of the background
should be changed to another random color. The possible colors are red, green blue , black ,cyan
and gray.
�The JFrame size is 40 by 200
�The text fields size is 10
this is a sample how should the programe look like.
Message was edited by:

see java.util.Random

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    // Random generator = new Random();
    // JButton assignChores = new Button("Assign Chores")'
    // JTextArea outputArea = new JTextArea("");
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    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String[] chores = {"Living Room",
    "Dining Room",
    "Boy's Room",
    "Front Bathroom",
    "Back Bathroom",
    "Computer Room",
    "Parent's Room"};
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    int[] numIndex = new int[13];
    String output = "Chores" + "\t" + "Person";
    output += "\n________________________________\n";
    // I feel relatively certain that a while statement should go
    // here but I'm lost as to how I should go about this.
    for (int i = 1; i < numIndex.length; i++) {
    int arrayIndex = generator.nextInt(person.length); // generate a random number based on the number of people
    output += "\n" + chores[numIndex[0]++] // display the chores list in column 1
    + "\t" + person[arrayIndex]; // then randomly display the names in column 2
    output += "\n________________________________\n";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, outputArea,
    "Chores List", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

    Here's even a more elegant twist on the problem.
    import java.util.*;
    class FamilyMember
      private String name;
      private ArrayList chores;
      private final int MAX_CHORES = 3;
      public FamilyMember( String name )
        this( name, null );
      public FamilyMember( String name, Collection chores )
        this.name = name;
        setChores( chores );
      public String getName()
        return( name );
      public Collection getChores()
        return( chores );
      private void initArray()
        if( chores == null )
          chores = new ArrayList();
      public void setChores( Collection newChores )
        if( newChores != null )
          if( newChores.size() <= MAX_CHORES )
            Iterator it = newChores.iterator();
            while( it.hasNext() )
              chores.add( it.next() );
      public boolean addChore( String newChore )
        boolean outBool = false;
        if( chores.size() < MAX_CHORES )
          chores.add( newChore );
          outBool = true;
        return( outBool );
      public void setName( String newName )
        name = newName;
    class Chore
      private String name;
      private boolean assigned;
      public Chore( String name )
        this.name = name;
      public String getName()
        return( name );
      public void setName()
        this.name = name;
      public void setAssigned( boolean newAssigned )
        assigned = newAssigned;
      public boolean isAssigned()
        return( assigned );
    public class ChoreLister
      public static void main(String[] args)
        Chore[] chores = { new Chore( "Living Room" ),
                           new Chore( "Dining Room" ),
                           new Chore( "Kitchen" ),
                           new Chore( "Boy's Room" ),
                           new Chore( "Garbage" ),
                           new Chore( "Backyard" ),
                           new Chore( "Pets" ),
                           new Chore( "Front Bathroom" ),
                           new Chore( "Back Bathroom" ),
                           new Chore( "Laundry" ),
                           new Chore( "Computer Room" ),
                           new Chore( "Parent's Room" ) };
        FamilyMember[] fm = { new FamilyMember( "Mom" ),
                              new FamilyMember( "Dad" ),
                              new FamilyMember( "Son" ),
                              new FamilyMember( "Daughter" ) };
        Random generator = new Random();
        System.out.println( "Chores\tPerson" );
        System.out.println( "________________________________" );
        // Loop through all chores assigning them as we go.
        for( int j = 0; j < chores.length; ++j )
          int arrayIndex = generator.nextInt( fm.length );
          while( !chores[j].isAssigned() )
            while( !fm[arrayIndex].addChore( chores[j].getName() ) )
              arrayIndex = generator.nextInt( fm.length );
            chores[j].setAssigned( true );
          System.out.print( chores[j].getName() + "\t" );
          if( chores[j].getName().length() < 8 )
            System.out.print( "\t" );
          System.out.println( fm[arrayIndex].getName() );
        System.out.println( "________________________________" );

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    TBL_A.EMP_ID in
    order by

    On average, though, Andrew's procedure will update half the rows in the table on every insert (assuming that your inserts occur between two rows at random). If there are a lot of rows in the table or if there are a lot of inserts, this may not scale particularly well. It may also cause problems if you have an optimistic locking mechanism in place to handle multiple users updating the table simultaneously.
    I'd still do something like
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_after( p_prior_precedence IN NUMBER,
                                              p_row              IN <<table name>>%rowtype )
      l_next_precedence NUMBER;
      SELECT MIN(precedence)
        INTO l_next_precedence
        FROM <<table>>
       WHERE precedence > p_prior_precedence;
      p_row.precedence := (p_prior_preceddence + l_next_precedence) / 2;
      INSERT INTO <<table>> VALUES p_row;
    END;This way, you don't have to update any rows when you do an insert. You don't get integer precedence values, but this strikes me as a reasonable trade-off. If you want to re-number things either at query time
    SELECT <<columns>>
           RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY <<something>> ORDER BY precedence) pretty_precedence
      FROM <table name>>or as a nightly job, that would work.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Desperate HELP with Random Numbes in an Array & Do / While

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    import javax.swing.*;
    public class RandomArray{
    public static void main (String [ ] args) {
    JTextArea outputArea = new JTextArea ( );
    int myArray [ ]; //array declaration
    myArray = new int [ 8 ]; //allocating memory
    String output = "Array values at initializatioon ";
    output += "\nIndex\tValues";
    for ( int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i ++)
    output += "\n" + i + "\t" + myArray [ i ];
    output += "\n\nArray values after assigning values within the range of 15 and 25";
    do {( int i = 0; i <myArray.length; i++)
         while     myArray [ i ] = 15 + (int) (Math.random ( ) * 25);
    output += "\n" + i + "\t" + myArray [ i ];}
    outputArea.setText (output);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, outputArea,
    "Array Value before and after",
         System.exit ( 0 );
    The output that I need is in two columns one with the initial array 0-7 and the second should be random numbers 15-25. Please help, please

    here you are :
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class RandomArray
    public static void main (String [ ] args)
         JTextArea outputArea = new JTextArea();
         int       myArray [] = new int[8];
         String output = "Array values at initializatioon ";
         output += "\nIndex\tValues";
         for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i ++)
              output += "\n" + i + "\t" + myArray [ i ];
         output += "\n\nArray values after assigning values within the range of 15 and 25";
         for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
              myArray [ i ] = 15 + (int) (Math.random ( ) * 10);
              output += "\n" + i + "\t" + myArray [ i ];
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, outputArea,
              "Array Value before and after",

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    updates the values of the progress bar when the
    parsing and writing process is finished.
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    whether to start the Progressbar code in a seperate
    thread or the parsing code. As a matter of fact I really
    don't have any idea how to go about this.
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    event dispatch thread. If I start the parsing in a seperate
    thread how do I update the progressbar from the other
    thread? I'm a thread neophyte.
    I need a cigarette.

    In other words do this:
    Inside event Thread:
    handle button action
    start thread
    return from action listener
    Inside worker Thread:
    lock interface
    perform action
    update progress bar
    unlock interface
    return from worker ThreadDoesn't updating the progress bar (and locking/unlocking the interface components) from within the worker thread violate the rule that you shouldn't mess with Swing components outside the event thread? (Do I have that rule right?)
    In any case, is there any way to just post some kind of event to the progress bar to update it from within the worker thread, thereby insuring that the GUI progress bar update is being invoked from the event thread? This would also obviate the need to use a timer to poll for an update, which I think is a waste especially when the monitored progress is at a variable rate, (or for number crunching, is executing on different speed machines).
    Also, doesn't using invokeLater() or invokeAndWait() still block the event dispatching thread? I don't understand how having a chunk of code started in the event thread doesn't block the event thread unless the code's executed in a "sub-thread", which would then make it not in the event thread.
    I'm also looking to have a progress bar updated to monitor a worker thread, but also want to include a "Stop" button, etc. and need the event queue not to be blocked.
    The last thing I can think of is to implement some kind of original event-listener class that listens to events that I define, then register it with the system event queue somehow, then have the worker thread post events to this listener which then calls setValue() in the progress bar to insure that the bar is updated from the event queue and when I want it to be updated. I don't know yet if it's possible to create and register these kinds of classes (I'm guessing it is).

  • Need help with random numbers

    hi i need to generate 2 random numbers from array list . and then take out that two numbers from list.
         String[] plcard = { "AC", "KC", "QC", "JC",
              "10C", "9C", "8C", "7C","6C","5C","4C","3C","2C", "AD", "KD", "QD", "JD",
              "10D", "9D", "8D", "7D","6D","5D","4D","3D","2D", "AS", "KS", "QS", "JS",
              "10S", "9S", "8S", "7S","6S","5S","4S","3S","2S", "AH", "KH", "QH", "JH",
              "10H", "9H", "8H", "7H","6H","5H","4H","3H","2H",};
    this is the list if someone can help me i would appreciate
    thanks in advance

    haha, never noticed the .shuffle(List) method!
    maybe java is getting too convenient (just kidding)?
    i never wrote a card game.
    how would the more programmingly gifted of us do this?
    this is my shot at it for what its worth...
    public class Card{
    public Card(int rank, int suit){
    this.rank = rank;
    this.suit = suit;
    int rank (or String i suppose)
    int suit;
    static final club = 1;
    static final spade = 2;
    static final heart = 3;
    static final diamond = 4;
    public class Shuffler{
    public Shuffler(){
    int NumOfDecks = 1;
    Vector ShuffledDeck;
    // num of decks
    for(int i = 0; i < NumOfDecks){
    // 4 suits
    for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
    // 13 ranks
    for(int k = 0; k < 13; k++){
    ShuffledDeck.add(new Card(k, j));
    } // suits
    } // num of decks
    // Done?

  • Need help with integrating chat into Gui

    Hello Guys,
    I'm fairly new to Java and I have a quick question regarding a simple chat program in java. My problem is that I have a simple chat program that runs from its own JFrame etc. Most of you are probably familiar with the code below, i got it from one of my java books. In any case, what I'm attempting to do is integrate this chat pane into a gui that i have created. I attempted to call an instace of the Client class from my gui program so that I can use the textfield and textarea contained in my app, but it will not allow me to do it. Would I need to integrate this code into the code for my Gui class. I have a simple program that contains chat and a game. The code for the Client is listed below.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Client
    extends JPanel {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String name = args[0];
    String host = args[1];
    int port = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
    final Socket s = new Socket(host, port);
    final Client c = new Client(name, s);
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Client : " + name);
    f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { 
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { 
    f.setSize(300, 300);
    f.setLocation(100, 100);
    private String mName;
    private JTextArea mOutputArea;
    private JTextField mInputField;
    private PrintWriter mOut;
    public Client(final String name, Socket s)
    throws IOException {
    mName = name;
    public void shutDown() {
    protected void createUI() {
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    mOutputArea = new JTextArea();
    add(new JScrollPane(mOutputArea), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    mInputField = new JTextField(20);
    JPanel controls = new JPanel();
    add(controls, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    protected void wireNetwork(Socket s) throws IOException {
    mOut = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true);
    final String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    new Listener(s.getInputStream()) {
    public void processLine(String line) {
    mOutputArea.append(line + eol);
    protected void wireEvents() {
    mInputField.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    String line = mInputField.getText();
    if (line.length() == 0) return;
    mOut.println(mName + " : " + line);

    I think the easiest way to do it would be to cut an paste most of that code into your program. Then all you have to do is change some names so that it uses your textfield and textarea.

  • Need Help with Random Events in Actionscript 2

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    Can anyone help me with this problem?  I'm attaching the file of what I have so far.

    My first question would be, when you say "different message appears" each time you hit a bottle.
    What are the messages and do you want them to be random, and where will they appear.
    After looking at your code, the best place I can see to place your message trigger is within the hit test. From there its a somple case of calling a function to display your message.

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    Does anyone have any suggestions or idea what I can do? I've reset the phone several times but it doesn't help.
    Thanks in advance,

    Time to give AT&T a call.

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  • Need help with codings on generating random words

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    private String wordList[] = { "abstraction", "command", "arithmetic", "backslash" };

    You can use the Random class to generate Random number between 0 to the array length and use the generated random number as index in to the Strign array.
    To generate Random number use the following code
    Random r = new Random();
    num = ((r.nextInt() >>> 1) % wordList.length);
    num will have the randomly generated number.

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    I need help with my serial number.  I downloaded soundbooth cs3 to restore my downloaded purchase, but my serial number is not being accepted.  I have 16 more days to resolve this.  I don't need tech support, I just need the software I purchased to work for me.  That's not to much to ask, is it?  Can anyone from adobe help me please?

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    Need help to share Number/Pages file visa Mail option. Cannot do with iPad Air

    Oh, okay. After selecting the format I want to send, it says "creating... ". Then irrespective of the format I choose the message e.g. "creating spreadsheet" disappears, and so does the choice window (where I earlier chose Mail). I am taken back to the Numbers (or Page) where I had started from. Diavonex's note indicated that after "creating ... " stage I should be taken to an option where I can type in email address where I want to  send the  file, if I want to copy it to another address etc. I cannot arrive at that page - no matter whether I am working with Pages or Number, or which format I choose for the file to share !
    I will try to close as you have suggested and try. However, I have switched on and off several times by now, but nothing changed!
    Will look forward to any ideas to solve this !!!
    Thanks much!

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    please i really need help with this and i hope its a stupid thing i'm just overlooking.
    If u need the code, i will gladly post it.
    thanks in advance

    if you're not using a netbeans-specific layout manager, copy the working code
    into notepad, make the changes, then compile and run from the command prompt.
    if all works OK, dump netbeans

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