I need idea to create search text in list

Hi Experts,
I am have one HasMap, which contain ID as key and name as value.
In that Map i need to find out name which starts with 's' character.
Example: 00001, Satya Sunil
00002, Munna Prasad.--------- This is input in HashMap. Just i gave 2 rows for example.
If i need to search starts with 's' in Map, How to write a code with less time complexcity (with out using any for loop, because i have thousands recodes in MAP).
Or tell any idea to do this and where to store to get fast the names other than using MAP.

the good things about maps is that they use constant time in order to get a particular value for a key..
The only way i can think of to get all of the entries beginning with an "s" would be to use a loop which you said you dont want to do.
Another suggestion would be to change the way you store things in the map..
rather than store the names as separate entries in the map, have a map that stores an ArrayList relating to each character in the alphabet, and within each arrayList you would store the list of names.. let me show some example code incase I am being unclear..
HashMap< Character, ArrayList< String > > map = new HashMap< Character, ArrayList< String >> ();
// initialize all of the arrayLists like so.
char[] alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray();
for( char letter: alphabet )
    ArrayList< String > dataList = new ArrayList< String >();
    map.put( (Character)letter , dataList );
/* Now that all of the lists that will contain the information in the map have been initialized, you can add names like this..
private void addName( String name )
    // Determine the first letter of the name
    Character startingLetter = (Character)name.charAt( 0 );
    // get the arrayList in the map that is storing all of the names begging with that letter
    ArrayList< String > list = map.get( startingLetter );
   //put the name in the list.
   list.add( name );
/* Now when you want to retrieve all of the names with "s" lets say,
ArrayList< String > sNames = map.get( (Character)s );
// then you can iterate through the list of sNames in whatever fashion.Hope this helps.

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    Hope that helps|Amr Fouad|MCTS,MCPD sharePoint 2010

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    You should continue with the ABAP class idea. The business objects are kind of "obsolete" already, and if there is a need to create a new "object", ABAP classes are the way to go. Business objects are still useful, but I normally use them only when an existing standard business object fulfills the requirements (possibly with slight additions) which is almost never. 
    From my point of view you can use the existing class. Depending on the circumstances I normally have just one class that I use for both workflow and the possible other functionality that is required, but you have to understand that I have this goal in my mind already when starting the development process. As your class most probably has many useful features already (such as you have the header and item data as attributes etc. (if I understood correctly?), these are also useful in in workflow (class attributes will be available in WF container etc.). 
    If you are hesitant to use the same class directly in your workflow, you could also create a new class ZCL_REQUEST_FOR_WF (with the workflow interface), and then simply add your existing class ZCL_WF_REQUEST as an attribute to this new class. Then this new workflow class could include the pure workflow stuff, and your existing class the non-workflow stuff. But this most probably will not make much sense - just implement the if_workflow interface in your existing class (this is just one possibility that you might consider.)

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    select distinct
    object_name([id]) as obj_name,
    when objectproperty([id], 'IsProcedure') = 1 then 'stored procedure'
    when objectproperty([id], 'IsScalarFunction') = 1 then 'scalar function'
    when objectproperty([id], 'IsTableFunction') = 1 then 'table function'
    when objectproperty([id], 'IsView') = 1 then 'view'
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    or objectproperty([id], 'IsScalarFunction') = 1
    or objectproperty([id], 'IsTableFunction') = 1
    or objectproperty([id], 'IsView') = 1
    and objectproperty([id], 'IsMSShipped') = 0
    and [text] like '%orderid%'
    order by
    obj_type, obj_name
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Is Oracle Text the right solution for this need of a specific search!

    Hi ,
    We are on Oracle on Solaris 10. We have the need to be able to do search on data that are having diacritical marks and we should be able to do the serach ignoring this diacritical marks. That is the requirement. Now I got to hear that Oracle Text has a preference called BASIC_LEXER which can bypass the diacritical marks and so solely due to this feature I implemented Oracle Text and just for this diacritical search and no other need.
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      ctxsys.ctx_ddl.create_preference ('cust_lexer', 'BASIC_LEXER');
      ctxsys.ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('cust_lexer', 'base_letter', 'YES'); -- removes diacritics
    With this I set up like this:
      NAME  VARCHAR2(255 BYTE)
    --created Oracle Text index
    --sample data to illustrate the problem
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
       ('PAUL HERNANDEZ');
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
       ('CHRISTOPHER Phil');
    --Now there is an alternative solution that is there,  instead of thee Oracle Text which is just a plain function given below (and it seems to work neat for my simple need of removing diacritical characters effect in search)
    --I need to evaluate which is better given my specific needs -the function below or Oracle Text.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_dia(p_value IN VARCHAR2, p_doUpper IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y')
    IF (p_doUpper = 'Y') THEN
       OUTPUT_STR := UPPER(p_value);
       OUTPUT_STR := p_value;
    END IF;
    --now I query for which name stats with  a P%:
    --Below query gets me unexpected result of one row as I am using Oracle Text where each word is parsed for search using CONTAINS...
    SQL> select * from text_test where contains(name,'P%')>0;
    --Below query gets me the right and expected result of one row...
    SQL> select * from text_test where name like 'P%';
    --Below query gets me the right and expected result of one row...
    SQL>  select * from text_test where remove_dia(name) like remove_dia('P%');
    PAUL HERNANDEZMy entire need was only to be able to do a search that bypasses diacritical characters. To implement Oracle Text for that reason, I am wondering if that was the right choice! More so when I am now finding that the functionality of LIKE is not available in Oracle Text - the Oracle text search are based on tokens or words and they are different from output of the LIKE operator. So may be should I have just used a simple function like below and used that for my purpose instead of using Oracle Text:
    This function (remove_dia) just removes the diacritical characters and may be for my need this is all that is needed. Can someone help to review that given my need I am better of not using Oracle Text? I need to continue using the functionality of Like operator and also need to bypass diacritical characters so the simple function that I have meets my need whereas Oracle Text causes a change in behaviour of search queries.

    If all you need is LIKE functionality and you do not need any of the complex search capabilities of Oracle Text, then I would not use Oracle Text. I would create a function-based index on your name column that uses your function that removes the diacritical marks, so that your searches will be faster. Please see the demonstration below.
      2    (NAME  VARCHAR2(255 BYTE))
      3  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> Insert all
      2  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('muller')
      3  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('müller')
      4  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('MULLER')
      5  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('MÜLLER')
      6  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('PAUL HERNANDEZ')
      7  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('CHRISTOPHER Phil')
      8  select * from dual
      9  /
    6 rows created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_dia
      2    (p_value   IN VARCHAR2,
      3       p_doUpper IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y')
      5  IS
      6    OUTPUT_STR VARCHAR2(4000);
      7  begin
      8    IF (p_doUpper = 'Y') THEN
      9        OUTPUT_STR := UPPER(p_value);
    10    ELSE
    11        OUTPUT_STR := p_value;
    12    END IF;
    13    RETURN
    14        TRANSLATE
    15          (OUTPUT_STR,
    16           'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ',
    17           'AAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy');
    18  end;
    19  /
    Function created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> show errors
    No errors.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE INDEX text_test_remove_dia_name
      2  ON text_test (remove_dia (name))
      3  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> set autotrace on explain
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from text_test
      2  where  remove_dia (name) like remove_dia ('mü%')
      3  /
    4 rows selected.
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3139591283
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                           |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEXT_TEST                 |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEXT_TEST_REMOVE_DIA_NAME |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('mü%'))
           filter("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('mü%'))
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from text_test
      2  where  remove_dia (name) like remove_dia ('P%')
      3  /
    1 row selected.
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3139591283
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                           |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEXT_TEST                 |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEXT_TEST_REMOVE_DIA_NAME |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('P%'))
           filter("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('P%'))
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)

  • How can I search for partial matching words in various columns without needing to provide search text?

    I have a list of names in three columns - B2:B425, D2:406, & E2:30 where they were input by different people, so the names are worded differently. For example, I can have the name "Handler, Jones, & Wright" and someone else has the name
    listed as "Handler Corp." What I need is to find a formula or VBA macro code that can search through my list and notice the possible duplicates and highlight them. Since they are all different names, I cannot give it a unique "text" to
    I found a code posted in this forum from some time ago (for two columns) but it highlighted all these names that had no partial words in common. Perhaps you can look over the code below and modify it for me or provide me with another one? Please let me know
    if you need any further information to guide me. 
    Sub HighlightDups()
        Dim rg1 As Range, rg2 As Range, c As Range, d As Range
        Dim sTemp As String, sTempWords() As String, sTempDWords() As String
        Dim re As Object, mc As Object
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        Dim sFirstAddress As String
    Set rg1 = Range("B2", Cells(Rows.Columns.Count, "B").End(xlUp))
    Set rg2 = Range("D2", Cells(Rows.Columns.Count, "D").End(xlUp))
    Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
        re.Global = True
        re.ignorecase = True
    With Range(rg1, rg2)
        .Font.Color = vbBlack
        .Font.Bold = False
        .Interior.Color = xlNone
    End With
    For Each c In rg1
      re.Pattern = "\b\w+\b"
      If re.test(c.Text) = True Then
        Set mc = re.Execute(c.Text)
            ReDim sTempWords(0 To mc.Count - 1)
            For i = 0 To UBound(sTempWords)
                sTempWords(i) = mc(i)
            Next i
        For i = 0 To UBound(sTempWords)
            Set d = rg2.Find(What:=sTempWords(i), _
                             LookIn:=xlValues, _
                             LookAt:=xlPart, _
            If Not d Is Nothing Then
                re.Pattern = "\b" & sTempWords(i) & "\b"
                sFirstAddress = d.Address
                        If re.test(d.Text) Then
                    With c
                        .Font.Color = vbWhite
                        .Font.Bold = True
                        .Interior.Color = vbBlue
                    End With
                    With d
                        .Font.Color = vbWhite
                        .Font.Bold = True
                        .Interior.Color = vbBlue
                    End With
                        End If
                    Set d = rg2.FindNext(after:=d)
                    Loop While Not d Is Nothing And d.Address <> sFirstAddress
            End If
        Next i
      End If
    Next c
    Set re = Nothing
    End Sub

    Programming/Code related questions should really be posed in one of the following forums
    Excel for Developers
    Microsoft Office Programming
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • I was given an assingment, but have no idea where to begin. The assingment is to create a text file using notepad with all of my digital inputs and some how make those imputs show up on my digital indicators on my control pannel

    I was given an assingment, but have no idea where to begin. The assingment is to create a text file using notepad with all of my digital inputs and some how make those imputs show up on my digital indicators on my control pannel.
    When it was explained to me it didn't sound to hard of a task, I have no LabVIEW experience and the tutortial sucks.

    StevenD: FYI, I did NOT give you the one star rating. I would never do that!
    StevenD wrote:
    Ow. Someone is grumpy today.
    Well, this is an assignment, so it is probably homework.
    Why else would anyone give HIM such an assigment, after all he has no LabVIEW experience and the tutorials are too hard for him?
    This would make no sense unless all of it was just covered in class!
    This is not a free homework service with instant gratification.
    OK! Let's do it step by step. I assume you already have a VI with the digital indicators.
    "...but have no idea where to begin".
    open notepad.
    decide on a format, possibly one line per indicator.
    type the document.
    close notepad.
    open LabVIEW.
    Open the existing VI with all the indicators.
    (are you still following?)
    look at the diagram.
    Who made the program?
    Does the code make sense so far?
    Is it a statemachine or just a bunch of crisscrossed wires?
    Where do you want to add the file read?
    How should the file be read (after pressing a read button, at the start of the program ,etc.)
    See how far you get!
    Message Edited by altenbach on 06-24-2008 11:23 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Need help with creating text anchors with tagged text.

    Can anyone tell me how to determine the correct value for a "Hyperlink Dest Index" value?
    I have a script which creates a tagged text file that specifies about about 280 pages of tables (thank heavens for autoflow) , and would like to add live links between different parts. I can create a text anchor and a hyperlink to it in InDesign. The tagged text definition for the link source is simple and in-line and exports and imports nicely as tagged text. However, I see that all the link destinations, aka  text anchors, are all exported at the very end of the tagged text files as global definitions, and thier location iin the document is specified by the property HyperlinkDestIndex. However, I can't figure out how to set this value progammatically. I've spent over an hour exporting links, and it sure isn't anything as obvious as character index in the story.
    Any advice appreciated,
      Read Roberts

    Read, I'm not sure the following is going to help you. It works for external hyperlinks, but you want internal links, right? Anyway, it might give you some clues.
    A funny thing: I was reviewing some script where I got links to work, and I spotted a tiny coding error. Links seemed to be defined by two separate identifiers: a "link name", which is what appears in Edit Hyperlink dialog, and a "Dest Key", which seems to be a simple increasing number. However, due to aformentioned coding error, the dest keys between the actual link and its definition were off by '1', so there was no way that ought to have matched. But it still worked! So "Dest Key" is a red herring ...
    As far as I understand, it works like this (for hyperlinks): in your text, you have
    HplName -- this is actually the 'title' that appears in the Hyperlink palette
    HplDest -- this is the 'internal name'
    DestKey. Hm. Perhaps you could omit this, per above obsvn.
    CharStyleRef, the name of the auto-applied style
    Hid -- seems to be always '0'
    HplOff: the "offset" from this entire command to the start of the hyperlink, in InDesign characters.
    HplLen: the "length" from the hyperlinked text, in InDesign characters.
    and in the list of 'proper' definitions, those that appear at the very end of your file:
    HplDestDfn -- the internal name again
    DestKey -- see above
    HplDestUrl -- finally! A real URL! (But you must escape lots of characters, such as the forward slash and colon.)
    Hid -- again, always seems to be '0'.
    Some of these items are perhaps optional, but experimenting with what may be left out only lead to frustration The Tagged Text guide is far from complete, as I'm sure you already knew.
    As noted, some (or all) of the named items need a backslash escape for a few characters, but I can't find a definitive way to determine in advance what is 'good' and what is 'not good'.
    The following script creates a Tagged Text file with a couple of working hyperlinks in it -- I don't know if this is of any help for your internal links.
    var hyperlinkDest = [];
    var text = "This is some text with a link [http://www.jongware.com/idjshelp.html] and another one [http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1014617?tstart=0] in it.";
    var tagtext = text.replace (/\[(.+?)\]/g, function (full, match)
                        return makelink (match, 'title:'+match, match, match);
    // When done processing plain text, add the destinations at the end:
    tagtext += hyperlinkDest.join('');
    tagFile = File(Folder.myDocuments+'/__tmp.txt');
    if (tagFile.open('w') == false)
              alert ("Unable to create temporary file!");
    if (File.fs == "Windows")
              tagFile.write ("<ASCII-WIN>\n");
              tagFile.write ("<ASCII-MAC>\n");
    tagFile.write ("<dcs:HYPERLINK=<cu:1>>\n");
              tagFile.write (tagtext);
    // 'text' is the actual text that will be clickable
    // 'title' is what will appear in the Hyperlinks palette
    // 'name' is the internal name in the Edit Hyperlink dialog
    // 'url' is the actual URL that will be linked to
    function makelink (text, title, name, url)
              var destkey = hyperlinkDest.length;
              // In URL you must escape forward slashes and colons
              // .. and some other characters as well, by the way. There seems to be no list
              url = url.replace(/\//g, '\\/').replace(/:/g, '\\:');
              hyperlinkDest.push ('<HplDestDfn:=<HplDestName:'+name+'><DestKey:'+String(destkey)+'><HplDestUrl:'+url+'><Hid:0>>');
              return '<Hpl:=<HplName:'+title+'><HplDest:'+name+'><DestKey:'+String(destkey)+'><CharStyleRef:HYPERLINK><Hid:0><Brdrv:0><HplOff:0><HplLen:'+String(text.length)+'>>'+text;

  • ALE, IDOC - need to send IDOC and create a text file

    i need to send idoc to some other system and create a text file in that.
    I want sent data to Channel Cluster.
    what are the settings required for that in transactions
    SM59 - which connection is required
    WE21 - which type of port
    WE20 - which partner
    Is there any other function modules required.
    which function module is suitable like MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE.

    SM59 - Use TCP/IP Connection with connection type 'T'
    WE20 - Partner Name can be logical system name, if it is a vendor/customer you can configure it under the respective names.

  • Can I search text messages by date? I need to see a message from October.

    Can I search text messages by date on my phone or on the cloud? I need to see a message from October.

    No, search/sort by date isn't available on the  phone.

  • Need to Create Search Help Based on Condtions from one table to another tab

    Hi All,
    I have a table like ZGROUP Which contains the data below
    Filed name Filed Name Filed Name
    Whree P is Product , PS- Point of Sales, PSG-Sales Group
    Now i am going to crate another ZPROUDCT TABLE
    My Questions
    1) ZGROUPS table has 3 kinds of data P, PSG, PS type records,
    1) In Table ZPROUDCT , I want to create search help only P records for Table Zproduct of the field Product FROM zGROUPS table
    2) In Table Zsales , I want to create search help only PS records from ZGROUPS table
    3) In Table ZPSG, I want to create search help only PSG records from table ZGROUPS
    is it possible to create search help from One Master Table(ZGROUPS) table to other tables based on conditions.
    Please help me.
    very urgent

    if  <condition>
    SELECT <field>
             FROM <table>
             INTO TABLE i_tab
      CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST'                  "function module to provide f4 help to sold-to-party
          retfield        = "XXXX"
          dynpprog        = sy-repid
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          dynprofield     = '<field name>'
          value_org       = 'S'
          value_tab       = i_tab
    lkike this u can check the condition and selec the data from table and assign it into one internal table and then call the FM it will give the f4 help to particular field
    reward if helpful

  • How to set field attributes type such as enumeration / boolean / text in Search UIBB when creating search creatria dynamically using default_config?

    Hi Experts !
    I am trying to build search UIBB where I need to configure the search criteria dynamically in the IF_FPM_GUIBB_SEARCH~GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG method.
    Please can anyone tell me is it possible to set the attribute types in dynamic configuration .... because I need to create a drop down field in the selection screen.
    Thanks !

    Was it really necessary to post the whole API description?!?
    Locale[] locales = Locale.ENGLISH();ENGLISH is not a method in class Locale, so do not add the braces "( );".
    Also, the constant ENGLISH is not an array, but just a single Locale object.
    You didn't say what your problem was. What do you want to achieve with your program and what is it that you don't understand?

  • Need Ideas for Minimalist Website and Image Gallery

    I am looking for ideas for creating a minimalist online image gallery/portfolio? I want to either use html for the site and then flash for the portfolio images or some other method. I want to click on the thumbnails and then a large image will open.
    Should I use Flash, Dreamweaver, Would it be easier to load the images dynamically to a folder. Does anyone have an example they could show me. Thanks.

    I second Mahendra's suggestion for JAlbum Excellent product!  Just so you know, you don't need to use their image hosting.  Simply download the software and install it on your PC.   The beauty of JAlbum is that it generates thumbnails and HTML pages for you from your folder of images.  Lots of different Skins available. CSS can be customized.  And you can't beat the price. 
    Minimalism is nice but on the web, if you don't have some real text in the HTML markup you're essentially invisible to search engines, language translators and web assisting technologies like screen readers.  I realize this is a portfolio, but you want to maintain some degree of visibility so people can find you.  For this reason, Flash sites don't do well.  HTML is preferred.
    Good luck with your project,
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    I need help with creating a form with a special jpeg/gif seal. I never done this Java. Until now, I created all forms with ansi C++ with HP escape characters to draw lines, boxs, and text. This form will contain boxes which is populated with database information read from a text file.
    Since this form contains a special seal on the upper right, I don't think it can be done with old fashion ansi C++. How can I create a form with Java and create it as a simple exe to just print the form to a specified printer.

    I am creating a form with boxes (lines and text). What is special about this form is that it has an image jpeg or gif at the top right corner. Is is a state department seal. Up to this form, I had used ansi C++ and print out escape HP character to print out the lines, boxes, and text. I have no idea how to print out the image. I am new to JAVA and only 1 class in it. Is there sample code out there to create this type of form with the image? I need a starting point.

  • How to create a text tag that shows up in a file but not on the sceen.

    I need some help, I'm a newbie with enough skill to be dangerous.  If someone can point me in the right direction has to how to use the F keys to apply the tagging mentioned below and the direction of how to do the tagging and make the tag invisible
    in a text editor but not the text file.  That would be great.  If you wish to show some code examples that's OK, but if not I can stumble through and learn while doing it from your directions on how to get it done.
    I will start with an example of what I'm trying to do; using the old desktop pub program Ventura.  They had (what I'm calling a tag) tags in from of ASCII text in a file to tell the program what it was and what to do with it, I. E.; "Title@this
    is the title text" the next line could be "Body@this is body text".  When loaded the "Title@" would not be there on the screen.
    I'm trying to create some text that uses a similar concept but not for formatting of text like Ventura. 
    I want to be able to highlight some text in an editor and then have it place some sort of tag for the highlighted text so that I could use it to do something upon that text and only that text; in concept the text "Bob Brush was a painter." I would
    highlight Bob Brush and somehow assign a tag that would be "name" and then highlight "painter" and be tagged with "job".
    The text file would then have something in it to distinguish "Bob Brush" and "painter" as what each is name and job.  (as a note I'm not trying to make a database or form just using this simplified concept to get my idea across
    because I get to wordy).
    Thanks in advance BK

    Hi bik,
    >> how to use the F keys to apply the tagging mentioned below and the direction of how to do the tagging and make the tag invisible in a text editor but not the text file. 
    It is unclear to me. Like you mentioned F keys, how does it work for?  And Could you show us some code with a simple sample or a capture? It could be better to help us understand more.
    In addition, I found a related thread
    Tag editing in a WPF TextBox. Not sure if it is useful for you. Thanks.
    Have a nice day!
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