I OS 8 deleted album artwork from I tunes, why?

I have noticed that most of my album artwork has disappeared because I've upgraded to IOS8. Why is this?

Try resetting your iPod:  Press/hold the home and sleep/wake buttons until the Apple logo appears. 
Hope this helps! 

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    i have tried the clear downloaded artwork, but this didn't work. is there any other way that i can delete album artwork from itunes? i am assuming the artwork is embedded in the files, since the clear downloaded artwork didn't work.

    I think this might have been answered before, but this is what I know.
    One way I'm aware of to clear artwork is to do a properties of any album you want to clear the artwork from, go to artwork, select the artwork and delete it.
    Iirc, iTunes holds the artwork in it's database and not physically with the audio file. I normally use "Mp3tag" to add my artwork to albums so the artwork is embedded in the audio files, I tend to steer clear of adding artwork in iTunes itself. Just be weary when adding images to the audio files themselves: The audio files will increase in size of the image itself, I think that's why iTunes doesn't physically add it to the files.

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    This info is included in the song tag, you have to edit the individual song tag to change the artwork. To do this, right click on the song with bad artwork, then choose the first option "get info". A box will open, click on the artwork tab (you may have several pieces or artwork here--delete the ones you don't like. It's possible the good art you want will be one of the choices. Make sure this appears first in the list and then you'll see it in iTunes. If you need to add the artwork, click the add button and browse/find the artwork you want to add.
    Hope this helps!

  • How to get album artwork from amazon

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    iTunes will only fetch artwork for albums that are on sale in the iTunes Music Store (and sometimes even that doesn't work if the info tags aren't identical). If you have a lot of albums that are older, obscure or simply not licensed for sale in the store iTunes won't add any artwork.
    If the artwork isn't available in iTunes you can also add images of your own manually. You'll get information on both methods at this link: iTunes for Windows - Adding artwork to songs and other items
    When you can't find the album covers you want from iTunes you can get them from various other sources. I find this site is a good source of artwork which you can copy to your computer: CD/Album Cover Art Search from SlothRadio.
    Another place for finding suitable artwork is to go to Amazon. You can also locate artwork using Google image search and put the artist or album name. Locate the album from any of those sources, right click on the image and save it to the desktop, once it's there drag it to the iTunes artwork pane. Once you've added the artwork you can either delete the original file or keep it in a folder somewhere in case you need to use it again. Alternatively there are programs like these that help locate artwork: iTunes Art Importer or MP3 Tag
    If you have a scanner you can create your own artwork files by scanning the CD cover itself, this is particularly useful when you are dealing with rare recordings.

  • Deleteing album artwork

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    Highlight the track in the iTunes library.
    Press command and i keys.
    From the panel that opens, choose the Artwork tab.
    Click on the artwork and press the delete button directly underneath it.

  • Itunes 7.1 deletes album artwork

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    sexy with big tits Windows XP

    Yes, I have the exact same problem. I copy and paste album artwork from a website and a week later it's disappeared from itunes. I have over 17,000 songs and it's taken me an age to get the artwork in now only for it to disappear on me. Very frustrating. Hopefully someone reading this may be able to help.

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    Are you talking about mail messages?
    Try Settings > Mail >  your mail account > Advanced > Delete from server, and set it to 'never'
    And if it's an IMAP account try turning on "Archive Messages".
    Message was edited by: ostiarius

  • How do I delete album artwork that came w/ a brand new ipod =no music on it

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    Hi, rebuilding your iPod's artwork cache should sort this out...
    *Rebuilding Artwork Cache*
    To rebuild the artwork cache, connect your iPod to iTunes. Locate the iPod in the Sources pane on the left-hand side, then select the Music tab. Remove the tick from *Display album artwork on your iPod*, sync the iPod, reselect the option & sync again.
    You are probably best making a samll single album playlist to do a trial sync with. That way it should be easy to tell if the unwanted artwork has been removed. If that still doesn't work then do a full restore.

  • Re: Deleting Album Artwork

    I have some albums that I can not get album artwork for. All the Beatles albums, for example. So, I thought I would drag album images off of Amazon into iTunes. Of course, I did not realize that I was only adding the image to one song at a time. The first image was too small, the second one only went to the second song.
    How do I delete these images?
    And how do I add artwork so that it will cover all songs in a given lbum?

    Right click (control+click if using a one button mouse) on the file you want to remove the artwork from, choose Get Info then the Artwork tab, click on the image and press the delete button then OK.
    To add artwork to multiple items at once without having to do them one at a time (e.g. all the songs in an album) highlight your selection (click on the first track in your list, hold down the shift key and click on the last). Right click anywhere in the selection and choose Get Info, when you are asked if you want to edit multiple items say yes. Drag your artwork to the small artwork box down on the right and choose OK

  • Since the update, I cannot delete album artwork!

    How do I delete album art off of my Itunes ablums. It's for a Sony Vaio using windows 7.

    The new iTunes 12 Get Info dialog lacks right-click context menus (at least for now) but it still accepts most standard keyboard shortcuts and drag & drop actions.
    Delete Artwork
    On the artwork tab of Get Into, tap the image in question, use Backspace or Ctrl+X. Delete doesn't work.
    Or, tap the image at the top left of Get Info, this time use Backspace or Delete, it is Ctrl+X that doesn't work.
    Add Artwork
    Select artwork, press Ctrl+C to copy, tap the centre of the Artwork tab, press Ctrl+V to paste.
    Or, select artwork, press Ctrl+C to copy, tap the small image area at the top left, press Ctrl+V to paste.
    Or, you can drag & drop to, or sometimes from, the same locations.
    You can also copy artwork from the Get Info dialog to Windows Explorer with the keyboard shortcuts.
    If the source image is on a web page right-click and use Copy Image rather than copy. (With Chrome I get a one pixel wraparound so tend to go for a temporary local copy anyway - not sure whose bug this is, but it isn't new.)
    If you have multiple images embedded drag the one you want to be the primary artwork to the leftmost position.
    Replace/Remove All Artwork
    The top left image box can be used to add or delete art from multiple tracks. In either case all existing artwork in all tracks is replaced/removed.
    Old Style Get Info Dialog
    Select some items, right-click, hold down shift, then click Get Info from the context menu. (Use alt/option on a Mac)

  • Black Album Artwork from iTunes.

    I just added quite a bit of music that i downloaded to my computer, onto iTunes. When I try to get the album art information from iTunes, all that comes up is black, its not the real album art, just a black picture. I know how to get the real album art onto the library through right-click>Get Info>Past art, but when i do this, it converts the music ID or something and takes forever. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    I'd be tempted to force iTunes to rebuild the artwork cache. Close iTunes, open your iTunes folder, rename the *Album Artwork* folder, *Album Artwork (OLD)*, then restart iTunes. You should find that any artwork embeded in tracks displays properly. Scroll slowly through the library in grid mode to encourage iTunes to extract existing art. If all goes well delete the OLD artwork folder.
    If you still have some black cover art (apart from the say the Spinal Tap or Metallica covers that are meant to be black), select all the affected tracks, Get info, and put a tick against the empty artwork box on the Info tab, then click OK.

  • How can I manually transfer album artwork from my library to my iPod

    I downloaded album artwork to the songs in my library, and now I want to get the artwork onto the songs on my iPod classic. Problem is, I manually manage the songs on my ipod, instead of auto-syncing.... so when I hit the "sync" button in the latest version of iTunes (, nothing happens. There also isn't a "show album artwork on iPod" button anymore. I'm afraid to change my settings from manual to automatic syncing, because I have lots of playlists on my iPod that aren't in my library, and I don't know if these playlists will be removed during the auto-sync. So how can I manually get the album artwork onto my iPod?

    You can only backup iOS devices.
    Sadly the old trick of removing all artwork and then adding it all back again no longer works. You may get some joy if you removed the specific album, then add it back again, butgenerally once things go wrong with artwork on a classic the only option is to restore it. Not a problem if all the media is in your library and you sync with a small number of selected playlists. If you don't have all the media see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

  • How can I remove "Album Artwork" from my iPhone and iPad?

    I've posted about this before in other threads, but the silence from Apple has been deafening,  Others in the community have agreed with the request but haven't been able to answer it.
    I thought a thread of its own might get attention, since Apple won't talk to me otherwise.
    I use music on my iPhone and iPad a lot, playing through speakers in my study or through the car system.  It worked well at first, until I updated the operating systems.
    Now, where I used to have a list of albums, music, or playlists I have large blank areas where album artwork would go if there were any - which in most cases there isn't.  The iPad used to display 50 or more playlists in one screen,with some details of them.  Now, it shows 15 blank squares with a crotchet on them, and the name of the playlist.  That really isn't much use.
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can there be a way to turn OFF album artwork on the iPhone and iPad?   It wastes an enormous amount of screen space for stuff I don't have and don't want.   It's a very unwelcome new "feature" (ie "bug"). 

    Keithjillings wrote:
    (Sic), but the silence from Apple has been deafening,
    I thought a thread of its own might get attention, since Apple won't talk to me otherwise.
    Apple does not participate in these forums, so that would explain why you have not received a response.
    I am not aware of a way to turn off Album art on the devices. If you want to let Apple know of your desire for this setting, go to www.apple.com/feedback and click on the appropriate link. That is where you communicate with them. They will receive the feedback, however they do not respond to it.

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