I put a AVCHD movie into iMovie '09, and now . . .

I would like to export it to iPhoto '09. When it is imported into iMovie '09, is it changed in such a way that it can be put into iPhoto? If not, is there another program that will make this possible.
Thanks, Rick

All your imported video is interlaced. iMovie '08, '09 and '11 is very bad with interlaced video: It throws away half the resolution. This is called "Single-field editing".
Your best bet would be to get a used copy of iMovie '06, as part of iLife '06.
iMovie '06 can read your projects, edits and all. It's also similar to iMovie 5, so you will feel right at home.

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    Thanks for posting. My original post was not to address conversion of an iPhoto slideshow in MPEG Streamclip, but rather its saving in an MP4 container in order to strip the "Tween" track that iMovie '08 doesn't like. However, while reviewing your comment, I noted that the iPhoto slideshow export options have changed and no longer offers the "full animation MPEG-4/AAC" compression format. Unfortunately, my original post is now outdated, so here is an update:
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    No unfortunately it won't open in quicktime either.  It does the same thing that Imovie does, separates it into two file folders audio and video, and if i select video it opens to reveal 8 files that cannot be selected.  VIDEO_TS.BUP, VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.VOB,VTS_01_0.BUP, VTS_01_0.IFO, VTS_01_1.VOB, VTS_01_2.VB, VTS_01_3.VOB.  All of which cannot be opened or selected.
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    The "Import Movies..." option is for importing "edit" compatible files from a hard drive into iMovie '08. If the source files are not already "edit" compatible, iMovie '08 will not let you import them. Instead, try the ""Import from Camera..." option. If iMovie '08 properly recognizes you DVD camcorder, it will import your MPEG2/AAC content by converting all MPEG-2 "P" and "B" frames to "I" frames (which are editable), convert the AC3 audio to AIFF, and place both in an MOV file container with start and/or end time offsets to minimize drift between audio and video. The resulting file can then be edited in iMovie '08.
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    You cannot edit the movies and you cannot legally remove the DRM.
    You can't show movies in school unless it is part of the curriculum (the movie actually pertains to the studies). Simply for entertainment is not permissible (without copright owners permission).
    -> http://www.teachwithmovies.org/copyright.html

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    I ended importing my movie from iMovie into Garageband, and, with a bit of a learning curve (figuring out how to get the time instead of the beats to show in the LCD, for example), making my chapter markers and titles there. I then sent the movie to iDVD of course, and it seems to work just fine.
    So I didn't end up copying the buttons, as you suggested, but thanks very much for that suggestion. Once I figured out the Garageband controls, it was easier than I thought it would be. I guess I should have tried Garageband first; it seemed like such an unlikely solution, what with being a music composition program and all.
    Thanks John.

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    1. Insert your DVD.
    2. Open Disk Utilities (Application> Utilities> Disk Utilities). Highlight your DVD and press "New Image" on the upper toolbar.
    3. Choose the location you would like to save your DVD from the drop down menu, "Desktop" is usually the best choice. Then click Save.
    4. When finished, your DVD icon will appear on the desktop with the .dmg extension.
    5. With iMovie open, double-click the .dmg  file you created to mount it. The iMovie import window will then appear asking you to choose. Click Import All and wait for the Import to complete.

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    Any thoughts?

    Never mind.....I created a new user (again), and all is well. Also, the original question has been answered: the final quality of the converted QT movie on DVD is better than the playback in iMovie, even in best quality mode. Also, in comparing the Sanyo's MPEG-4 vs the Panasonic's QT Movie Mode, it makes me wonder why no one has created a QT-based camcorder like the MPEG-4 camcorders. Yes, the files are larger, but I would trade less recording time for better quality. I understand that Sanyo will becoming out with a 1280 v 720 "HD" version of my VPC-C6 soon, so maybe the quality will get better.
    Thanks for the help!

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    You might find that Toast 6 (well now 7 but I use 6) is a good choice - I find at times when it chokes on MPEG-1 files, I convert them to QT using a lossless codec and then use the QT files to author a DVD. Great results.
    I have even found that QT movies using the 3ivX codec or Sorenson , 1/2 hour in length yet only 500-600 MB turn out to look amazingly good in DVD format through Toast. Even though the comparable amount of DV or MPEG-2 as a source woudl be many times larger, so the QT codecs, the good ones do OK when transcoding.
    So assuming your source is a decent codec it should look OK - author a disk image first then mount it and see how it plays and looks in the DVD player. Saves a DVD blank and some time initially.

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