I think a windows user is acessing or spying on my computer?

hello all iam not sure i posted this in the right spot but i looked at all the disscussion boards and couldnt find one better than this for my question.
So i think someone is spying or accessing my computer. Is this possible? is there away to download files, see another screen and collect date from another computer. All the other computer on my network are windows base.
Also when i open find i see under shared a "computers name" when i click it dosent connect but it is there.
So could this be occuring and Is there away to lock my computer and know when someone is spying?
thanks again and if this isnt in the right spot please aid me in getting it to the right spot

*"So i think someone is spying or accessing my computer."*
What evidence are you seeing to make you think this is true?

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  • Which is better having many Window User Accounts for the same person, so to have many Firefoxes or have many Firefoxes under one Windows Account User?

    Right now I have around 6 Window User Accounts (just for me on one computer) because I did not know that I could put more then one Firefox per account. I have to leave the tabs up when I close Firefox because if I just bookmark them I wont finish my work I was doing with those sites. Now that I know how to put multiple Firefoxes under one user account. Which would make my computer fast or does it not matter, if I put all my Firefoxes on one Window user account or have 6 Window user accounts, each with their own Firefox?

    It is more work to switch to another Windows account then to open another Firefox instance with another profile.
    If you only use the other windows accounts for using Firefox that way and not for other purposes then there is nothing against switching to only one Windows account to make it easier to manage things as backing up your personal data or copying your data between the other profiles.
    So it is up to you if you want to switch to only one Windows account.
    See also:

  • ITunes setup on a NAS with multiple windows users - how?

    iTunes setup on a NAS with multiple windows users?
    I am very confused on what is the best way to handle this setup for my friends family.  Any help would be appreciated.  Sorry in advance as I know this is a long winded post - I have a feeling this will help others faced with the same issues or questions.
    I have three new Windows 7 machines networked (two desktops and one laptop) that have four users on each - as busy family with children who need the computers for homework, projects, games, etc...  The goal of this setup is that any user can log onto any computer and have there documents available to them no matter computer was free to use.  I set this up using the library function in Windows 7 and seems to work pretty well.
    I have put a Buffalo Linkstation NAS on the system as well.  This was going to serve two purposes 1)  run some backup software to protect the computers and 2) consolidate the iTunes content in one place for all users.  There is also an iPad in the home that I should would be better served by accessing the content on the NAS without requiring any of the computers being on.  Dave is thinking about getting some other playback devices like Apple TV so thought a NAS would be a good way to go.
    CURRENT ITUNES SETUP - I have created a new iTunes library on the NAS by holding the SHIFT button down while starting iTunes and pointed to that folder on a Share on the NAS.  There was no music on the system at the time as we are planning to copy this over from an OLD machine that is now not being used.  I have also authorized all the computers and turned on the home sharing feature (although I am not sure what good that does).
    This “shift” button trick seesm to also point the default directory there without point to it in the advanced setup tab of iTunes.
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    I then logged into each user on each machine (yikes) and installed iTunes  and used the “shift” trick to connect each users iTunes to the database on the NAS.  Everything seems to work - but I have not tested it thoroughly.
    3 new Windwos 7 networked machines
    4 identical users on each machine
    1 TB Buffalo linkstation
    iTunes setup with the folder on a SHARE
    all user’s itunes connected to the iTunes folder on the NAS
    all computers authorized with home sharing turned on.
    one iTunes user account signed in on each machine
    multiple iPods and one iPad in the system
    Is there a better way to do this on a NAS?
    Would home sharing be better in some way?
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    Will there be any issues syncing that various iPods with?
    Ugh - sorry for the long post and all the questions.  I am just trying to find the best way to do this.  I wish Apple would put out a best practices document for setups like this.  Thanks in advance.

    This is a user to user support forum. Your fellow users can offer solutions or workarounds based on their experience with the application. If you think it should work differently drop a line to iTunes Feedback.
    For reasons unknown Apple haven't chosen to allow iTunes to be suspended in one profile and active in another. My recollection is that this applies even if each profile has a different library, although it is some time since I've committed a personal test.
    I'm not sure why my suggestion make less sense that your current approach?. As I understand it currently everybody is either signed into their own account when they can do something other than work with iTunes, or they sign into the special iTunes account where they can't access any of their other stuff. You don't have to disable fast user switching. Follow exactly the same steps, but make sure everyone closes iTunes before turning the computer over to another user. Disabling fast user switching helps to enforce that action.

  • Sharing iTunes library across 2 Windows user IDs

    My Windows XP computer is set up with 2 user accounts. iTunes is installed and all of my music is stored in my Shared Music folder (this folder is in Shared Documents, which is accessible from each user ID).
    I want to be able to use iTunes from either Windows user ID. The problem is that iTunes creates and maintains 2 separate iTunes Music Library.xml files. When I'm logged on (user #1), iTunes uses the xml file in my My Documents folder. When my spouse is logged on (user #2), iTunes uses the xml file in her My Documents folder.
    This is problematic. If I add a new song to iTunes from my Windows ID (and the song file is placed in the Shared Music folder), it is added to my library and xml file. If my spouse logs on and launches iTunes, the song is NOT in her iTunes library. She has to manually add the file from the iTunes Add File to Library command.
    I'd like iTunes to use a single library that both Windows user IDs can use and maintain. I don't want to have to manually try to keep these in sync.
    I can't find any setting in iTunes for this, and the user guide doesn't even mention this topic. Any help is appreciated!!!

    I think it works like this:
    The setting you describe is where iTunes will store the music files themselves (.aac or .mp3, etc.) However, iTunes creates an index of all of your music, and it uses that index to display all of your music in iTunes. The index file is called iTunes Library.xml
    The index is stored in the My Documents\My Music folder of the user ID you log in as. Apparently, you cannot tell iTunes to store this in a different location.
    So if you create an iTunes library under one Windows user ID, the index is created in that user ID's My Documents\My Music folder. If you then log in as another Windows user ID, iTunes does not see the index that was created by the first Windows user. Thus you do not see any of the music listed in iTunes.

  • From Windows user: Leopard

    Hi all.
    I'm a typical Windows user, never had any Macs in my life. And my English is not perfect, sorry
    Being impressed by new iMac and all that hype around Leopard and having constant pressure from my kids and wife, I bought a brand new iMac 20", wireless mouse/keyboard and AirPort station. Brought it all home, installed included Leopard and was very excited.
    Now, three days later I'm sitting here, quite confused.
    What I want from my Mac is simple: a hub/controller for all our photos, music, videos, movies, etc. And a safe computer for my wife to read mail and go online and my kids to get crazy with games and stuff.
    The way I was going to set it up was this:
    1. Replace my existing router with AirPort.
    2. Set a certain space on one of my network drives for iTunes library, photos, etc. I was going to use RAIDed drive, so back up wasn't really needed, but I was thinking that Time Machine will cover all my future needs (if any) in terms of having all important things backed up safely.
    3. Load all my media on that drive and share it with all machines in the house, Windows or Macs (this isn't going to be the only Mac in the family).
    I bet you know already where I'm going with this. But first, Leopard bugs:
    1. Dashboard quit working for admin users (me and my wife) on the first day. But it works just fine for my kids. Still can't fix it. My wife is especially frustrated about this because she was going to use some of those items quite a lot.
    2. Eject button on keyboard and all eject buttons in Finder simply don't work. Period. The only way to eject a drive or image is to drag it to the Trash.
    3. AirPort setup was a pure nightmare. I plugged it in, connected it to the modem and the yellow light started to blink. I waited for 10-20 minutes, just in case, because manual says it should be steady green right from the start. Then fired its Utility on Mac, it didn't see AirPort at all. I installed Utility on one of Windows machines with the same result. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite comfortable with networking and everything was set up correctly. The only way I was able to "see" this thing is by wiring a Win machine to it and using Windows networking tool.
    4. After I finally managed it to work and all my machines were connected I plugged one of my USB drives into AirPort (just because I was curious). AirPort Utility couldn't see it, I mean it couldn't see the drive at all. I don't really need this but still can't fix it.
    5. And, of course , the whole notion of "image mounting" drives me completely NUTS. I understand that this is a different world with its own rules and stuff, but still... If I have a bunch of files on one drive and I want to copy them to some other drive and I don't want to do this manually, why CCC and SuperDuper ask me to "mount" some kind of a "disk image" (which, as I understood, could be "sparse"/good or "not sparse"/bad) and write those files to it? What happened with plain and simple "copy these freaking files to this freaking location"? :)))
    6. It turned out that Time Machine can work only with external drives. This is really strange. I know VERY FEW people who have only one computer. For those guys, having a separate FireWire or USB drive for each machine is a waste. The ONLY logical thing to do in this case is to have one drive/server on your network for all backups from all machines. Of course, this drive should be reliable (RAID or physical mirror). Also, having file versioning in Time Machine doesn't feel right. Modern drives are 200-300 Gigs. So, theoretically, if you have 200 gigs of files and all of them has been changed, you'd need at least 1 terabyte drive to store only 5 days' history. Not realistically, of course, but... They should explain it better, I think.
    7. I noticed bunch of other smaller things in Leopard that bother me but, in general, we like our Mac and I think that Apple will fix most of bugs in the next update or so.
    Now, a suggestion to Apple:
    My family got 20 gigs of music, 4 gigs of photos and "unsizeable" amount of movies. If you really want our business then give us a possibility to load all of this on a NAS drive, share it with all machines on local subnet with parental control and control it from any machine that has been set as "admin" machine. Or something alone these lines. I'm really sick and tired of going to my Mac just to wake it up in order to continue listening iTunes on my Win machine while I'm working. And I can't set it to "never sleep".

    Is this thing a full blown, non-scaled down Mac? Is the actual computer capable of everything that a regular, say, Macbook could do? Are there any disadvantages to it that hold it back from all the features?
    Yes, on the inside it's a full computer, just in a smaller package. The hardware is quite similar to what was in the MacBook in its previous generation.
    It's not deliberately "crippled" in any way.
    Also, at the $600 STANDARD tech spec settings, can I run OS X smoothly and use all basic apps with maybe some light movie editing (iMovie/Final Cut)? Will it be really slow or what?
    Sure can, and no, it won't be really slow. Encoding movies might take a few minutes longer. If anything slows you down doing basic tasks, it will be that the basic Mini comes with 1GB of RAM - you might feel that if you run multiple heavier applications at the same time.
    What version of OS X does the Mac mini come with? Leopard?
    Newly shipping ones will come with Leopard. Stores with old stock may sell you one that comes with Tiger or a Leopard upgrade disc.
    Hows the transition from a long time Windows user to OS X?
    Mostly smooth, and where there are differences, it's often surprising how much the OS X way "makes sense". Installing things takes a bit of getting used to, but once you work it out it'll become natural.

  • Windows user can no longer connect to my File Sharing IP address

    Since updating to OS X 10.4.9, Windows users can no longer connect to my file sharing IP address.
    I have had no problems when I was using 10.4.8, and I have re-checked both the Windows computer and my Mac to make sure that the file sharing connection should be possible.
    I think this may be some sort of firewall / security issue (?) in that the 10.4.9 update has downloaded something which now "hides" my Mac at this IP address. I am unsure how to resolve this problem.
    Does anyone have a suggestion? Much obliged, in advance.

    Can the Mac connect to the PC?
    Have you checked the Workgroup is the same on the Mac
    in Directory Access>CIS/SMB?
    Have you tried turning off the Firewall for a test?
    Has the IP changed?
    Thank you for the suggestive questions above. I haven't "tested" any of them because I simply became exasperated with the "change" in 10.4.9 and went back to system 10.4.8
    Of course, now everything is right with the world and I can once again have my Windows computer connect to my Mac.
    Thank you for taking the time in trying to help me -- much obliged.

  • My iWeb site can not be opened by many windows users only macs.

    My iWeb site should open for all platforms = How to do?
    I am also confused about compatability of my hard work and new iWeb sites (I love the iWeb App yet i got 4 family members all in different locations in the USA who run windows ....tell me that they could not open the web site which I announced via email.) Other Mac users did reply back saying it opened fine.
    Please send me a way to enable my work to open or if u must please tell me if the windows users need a RSS Reader and or .Mac accounts and or iTunes etc etc ...I wish to feel like the work I do on my Mac is compatable for all. As is Apple continues to isolate others and will include others only if they switch....
    Hey Macs are great so why not attract others with a platform that just includes all. Noone wants to enter a beautiful garden if the path to it is filled with thorns and at entrance others find a closed gate which reads You are not welcome.... that aint right and I'm a dumb bell old Dad who thought finally I was creating a web page that all could visit.
    Send instructions please on how all people can access my iWeb sites.
    Alex L
    My post above was replied with suggestion from Tom as seen then I followed up with thanks as seen.
    Anyone else out there have problems and answers per setting iWeb sites so all platforms can access your site???
    I really doubt there is any way for anyone to help
    you unless you provide the url which is not opening
    some some users.
    Thanks Tom for posting a reply which suggests I post my url so I have listed it below. I am just a Dad with all else so know that the guy writing this and using iWeb is a novice old man. I do like iWeb very much so if u can again reply or anyone reply how to allow all PC users to be able to visit this site than great.
    Anyone else have ideas and or same problem?

    Thanks Andy,
    I wish I could have told my sister about this as she could not open my homepage back before my new iWeb site. She now can open my site without the yet in case denial window does appear = I thank you.
    I think my iWeb site works as Noone has said otherwise from any platform etc...
    Alex L
    I do agree that should not have to be a consideration for any users so i agree that it would be great if Apple could allow simplicity to run seemlessly.
    I have had this problem since Homepage, and here is
    what has worked for me. I send out the link, and
    then for PC users I send the link with "<" after the address (without quotation
    marks. e.g., <http://site.com>).
    I also put a note that if that doesn't work, to just
    copy and paste the link into a browser. With that I
    have only had 1 person say they still can't open.
    Everyone else gets it to work.
    It's a lot to do and seems like a hassle, but you get
    used to it.
    Hope this helps!
    Andy Martini
    PS - APPLE! When are you going to fix this??! It
    seems like such a small thing yet you guys have been
    stumped for YEARS on this!

  • To Windows Users Considering Mac Pro

    When I first was considering a mac pro ( I have just bought one a week ago - end of june 2011 )
    My first few posts prior to purchasing on here were probably very defensive and pushing for reasoning.
    Only after purchasing do I understand why I got the responses I did.
    I dont want to say that MAC is God like.
    But its close to it
    So having been a windows user for so long and just switched over ( yes it did cost a lot but its worth it! )
    Here is what I have found useful
    1, The speed that it loads and shuts down is just **** dreamy! Its the way computers should run! ( windows is horrific compared on that ) That was always my biggest peeve with windows, it took forever loading its crap in the background
    2. The quality is incredible. Really solid built, super thin! ( I actually cant stop looking at this **** notebook....)
    3. Its packed with stunning applications that you would have to pay tons of money for on windows
    4. I love the magnetic charger, that prevents tons of issues that regular notebooks have with the inside part becoming loose after a few years of pulling out and putting in the cable.
    5. The trackpad, swipingin, clicking, tapping... **** its beautiful! 
    6. Their magic mouse ( i got that too ) is just magic!
    7. Everything is so much more organized, streamline and cleaner ( great for business )
    I am sure i will find many more things, but for now... if you are thinking of getting one and cant understand why they are so **** expensive.
    There are lots of reasons why. I wont give you the speal about BMW or such as I know there are lots of great PCs out there, but it really cant be compared its in a class of its own and once you have it... well i honestly cant see myself going back
    In fact... next in line is replacing my desktop  ( but i may wait till next year for that )
    Oh and.... sorry mac guys for yanking your chain and thanks for being patient with me previously
    As they say once you have mac... you wont go back!

    Actually, they're not so expensive, considered from the standpoint of value. I purchased new computers, but the old ones - one of which I've kept close tabs on since its OS9 days - still work fine. There are a few excellent Windows laptops, true, but every time a friend has used one, he says it died after three or four years.
    Unibody construction and the '09 trackpad changed it for me, and maybe Spotlight.

  • Unable to get Windows User Name using Oracle Forms 6i, Jinitiator

    Requirement: Get Windows User Name using Oracle Web Forms 6i.
    Tools Using: Windows NT, Oracle web forms 6i, Oracle 10g DB.
    Description: I am using GetClientInfo JBean from otn.oracle.com, which gets windows user name, IP address and machine name. The demo I got from oracle web site uses Jinitiator version While we are using the latest version Jinitiator Due to this reason, I am unable to use Javakey which comes with older version but doesn't come with newer version, that's why I can't create the new JavaBean Java identity (PJC).
    Please advise what to do. All environment variables are set everything is done, this is the only thing bothering me.
    I went through the article 202768.1 from metalink, but on step 5, it gives an error keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 Certificate.
    Also, please let me know if there is any other workaround for this requirement.
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Thanks for your kind reply. Actually there was a problem in creating a certificate, now it is okay with the same method. Certificate got imported on client and everything is ready.
    Now, the problem is when I try to set Bean Area Implementation Class property with oracle.forms.demos.GetClientInfo, it gives an error FRM-13008 Cannot find JavaBean with name 'oracle.forms.demos.GetClientInfo'.
    I went through the articles 1072329.6, 196824.1, and set ClassPath and Path variables with proper values. Also, I have copied jar file and signature file in forms60/java folder. I don't see any problems. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. My limitation is that I have to do all this in forms6i.
    I searched forums on metalink and found out that someone installed Patch 15, and everything went okay for him. Do you think I should install Patch 15? if YES, how will I do it, I mean should I first uninstall my forms and then install patch15 or install the patch on my forms?
    Thanks so much for your help.
    Thanks & Best Regards,

  • How to reset the forgotten Windows user account password

    I need Toshiba password reset! How do I reset Toshiba laptop? I would be appreciated if you help me Toshiba password recovery, etc. Well, so frequently to meet these problems in our lives. Today, we together share some ways to reset Toshiba password.
    Solution1: Toshiba recovery disks help reset lost password
    It only works if we created the recovery disks or CD before we forgot the password. The following listed are the steps to reset disk for Toshiba Windows 7 recovery:
    a. Start PC, log on Windows 7 and insert an USB flash drive into the driver.
    b. Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety -> User Accounts -> Create a password reset disk.
    c. In welcome screen click Next and select the inserted USB flash drive, click Next.
    d. Input the login password in the password field and click Next. When progress indicator shows 100% complete, click Finish to exit. Remove the USB driver from PC.
    The method is similar to create a Toshiba recovery CD. Now, the Toshiba Windows 7 password recovery disk is ok. Put it in a safe place for people may use it to reset your password.
    Steps to recover password with created Toshiba password reset disk:
    e. Click Reset Password in the Windows 7 logon window,
    f. Insert the created Toshiba recovery USB disk into the USB driver interface, and click Reset password" to open Password Reset Wizard. Click Next to continue.
    g. Choose this USB disk recovery Toshiba from the drop down box. Click Next to continue.
    h. Input a new password and re-input it again to confirm. Click Next and then Finish to close the wizard.
    Solution2: Reset Toshiba laptop by accounts with administrator rights
    If there is default or built-in admin account or other accounts with administrator privileges and rights, we can use it for Toshiba password bypass. Take Toshiba XP recovery as example:
    A. Boot system from Safe Mode by pressing F8 when PC stars.
    B. Access PC with the available account with administrator rights and privileges.
    C. Start - Local Users and Groups lusrmgr.msc in the Search box ENTER - Local Users and Groups - choose Users.
    D. Right click the account with unlocked password, select Set Password and then input and confirm the new password.
    Solution3: Reset Toshiba password with burned ISO image file
    We can burn an .iso image file into a bootable USB disk or CD/DVD and reset the forgotten password easily and quickly. Take one of the most popular Windows password reset tool Ainorsoft Windows Password Recovery as example:
    a. Download the program from an accessible PC;
    b. Burn its .iso file to a blank CD/DVD or USB disk;
    c. Bypass the lost Toshiba password with the burned CD/DVD on the locked PC.
    Things will not be tricky if we know the methods for Toshiba password reset once we forgot Toshiba laptop password! Please also remember to share them with your friends!

    Thanks for sharing this but you are talking always about Toshiba passwordthis is wrong and I think this could be a little confusing this is a workaround for windows user account password.
    As far as I know there are no password set by Toshiba.
    The user can set the windows user account password if necessary so this workaround describes how to delete a Windows user account password which is common for all computers with preinstalled Windows OS.
    However, thanks for posting ;)

  • Can I use a common music library across 2 Windows user IDs?

    My Windows XP computer is set up with 2 user accounts. iTunes is installed and all of my music is stored in my Shared Music folder (this folder is in Shared Documents, which is accessible from each user ID).
    I want to be able to use iTunes from either Windows user ID. The problem is that iTunes creates and maintains 2 separate iTunes Music Library.xml files. When I'm logged on (user #1), iTunes uses the xml file in my My Documents folder. When my spouse is logged on (user #2), iTunes uses the xml file in her My Documents folder.
    This is problematic. If I add a new song to iTunes from my Windows ID (and the song file is placed in the Shared Music folder), it is added to my library and xml file. If my spouse logs on and launches iTunes, the song is NOT in her iTunes library. She has to manually add the file from the iTunes Add File to Library command.
    I'd like iTunes to use a single library that both Windows user IDs can use and maintain. I don't want to have to manually try to keep these in sync.
    I can't find any setting in iTunes for this, and the user guide doesn't even mention this topic. Any help is appreciated!!!

    I think it works like this:
    The setting you describe is where iTunes will store the music files themselves (.aac or .mp3, etc.) However, iTunes creates an index of all of your music, and it uses that index to display all of your music in iTunes. The index file is called iTunes Library.xml
    The index is stored in the My Documents\My Music folder of the user ID you log in as. Apparently, you cannot tell iTunes to store this in a different location.
    So if you create an iTunes library under one Windows user ID, the index is created in that user ID's My Documents\My Music folder. If you then log in as another Windows user ID, iTunes does not see the index that was created by the first Windows user. Thus you do not see any of the music listed in iTunes.

  • Windows users doesn't work after migrating from old to new server!

    We have done a complete re-install on our XServe with OD. We have about 10 Windows users, and after the installation all their settings and mail are gone. All the "normal" files are there though.
    I'm not sure we have done it the right way though: We did a backup from the old server (a bootable copy with Super Duper), then we formatted and installed everything. We made new accounts (with different names if that's good to know) and copied the users home folders to the new location. The Mac clients seem to work good, but all the settings on the Windows clients are gone...
    Is there an easier way to this? We still have the workable copy from the old installation. There seems to be some kind of export/import way to do this, but I haven't got a clue how to do that...
    Please help!

    We didn't reintegrate smb.conf, but set the new server up just like the old one. We did however compare these files to see that the vital parts (netlogon, shares and so on, and of course basic settings) were correct.
    We also copied the user files and profiles and made them identical on the new server, except for placing them under the new usernames.
    Regarding the Local Settings folder, it doesn't exist on the old server, that's one of the weird things. We've checked the profile for a user on the client machine, and it is a roaming profile. That's why we're a bit puzzled as to why the login works and all files are there, but the user preferences and Outlook doesn't work.
    I know I've read somewhere that the Local Settings aren't replicated like the other files in a roaming profile, but I haven't finished checking up on that. I wouldn't expect anything else than that Windows takes care of Outlook e-mail for a roaming profile as well though; I mean, the user must be able to read his/her mail from any computer in the domain, what else would the purpose of a roaming profile be?
    Except for the weird thing about us not being able to find the user preferences or Outlook files for the client amongst the files on the server, I feel we're missing something; Apparently Windows isn't as straight forward as one would expect (not sure why I did expect anything, come to think of it).
    We're going to give it a new go next weekend. Except for doing further research we're thinking of copying /etc/smb.conf and the files in /var/samba and /var/db/samba to the new server, along with exporting and importing the old user accounts to the new server, and then see if everything works as expected.
    If so, we'll see if we can change the account names in a nice way, it's really desired to do so.
    If not, we really need to do some more research, but if I'm not mistaking, the Samba-related files I just mentioned are the ones that pretty much make up the Windows Services in OS X, isn't that so?

  • Syncing Windows users with Mac users home folders

    I have setup my 10.6 XServe to allow Windows user to connect.
    The Windows machines log into the server just fine but when they save something to their Documents, Desktop etc... it doesn't show up when they log into a Mac machine and vice versa.
    I did find a script on WazMac for a logon vbs but that does not work.
    Any help?

    Thank you Linc Davis,
    I did some investigation on the internet to see the default ACLs on the "users" folder and I noticed that I added a group access. I deleted it and ended up with the correct configuration. I have now each user accessing his own home folder with read and write access to all the folders (desktop, music, video...) and sees the others users' home folder with access denied.
    I think I can live with that configuration. Problem solved.

  • Hei , i was window user an just switched to ipone 6 , can i merge my contacts group from windows to IOS ? please quide

    hei , i was window user an just switched to ipone 6 , can i merge my contacts group from windows to IOS ? please quide

    Right, I finally managed to get it sorted out.
    iCloud only accept version 3.0 vcards, and the one I was using were version 2.1 so that's why it wasn't picking it up. So the easy way to get that sorted out is, use a gmail account.
    I know you don't wanna do it because you think it's too much hassle and stuff, but trust me it only takes 5 minutes and that's it.
    1. Create a Gmail Account.
    2. Export your Old VCard files to the Gmail Account.
    3. Now Import them from Gmail to your PC again.
    And, that's it, that's just makes the new imported version in 1 file contains your all contacts in version 3.0. Now you can just upload that on icloud and then sync it with your iphone.
    That's what I did and it worked, and I am sure if you wanna replace this file in the Contacts folder under your User Account in Windows and then try to sync Contacts in Tunes, it should work, but as I said, I did it with iCloud and it worked for me. So aye, that's pretty much it. Phewwww..
    Been searching for it for the whole day and it took 5 minutes in the end, badass...
    Anyway, don't lose hope and always Google for everything!

  • I sent a matrix,its row and column to a child window. However "Acess violation" & 'Memory cannot be reference" error occurs when I try to plot the data in the child dialogue. Why?

    My OS is Win200 professional.
    I'm running a data acquisition program. I'd got this main dialog which the user selects the input channel.
    The child dialog should show the graph.
    I'd initialise all the NI_DAQ configuration in the main dialog class. After acquiring the data, I send the matrix to the child window for it to plot. There is no compilation error.
    However when I try to plot the data, Windows complained about Acess violation and Memory cannot be accessed error.
    I'd attached my program below.
    DataAcqDlg.cpp ‏10 KB
    Ch1Dlg.cpp ‏7 KB

    I believe this problem is occurring because you are using the index operator (brackets "[","]") instead of the functional call operator (parentheses "(",")") in your code to access the matrix.
    SigCh1Vect[i] = SigCh1Max[1,i];
    The index operator is not defined for the matrix, because the C++ language does not allow a two-argument overload of this operator. Instead you have to use the function call operator for matrices and remember to use the index operator for vectors.
    I believe that what is happening is that the compiler is using one of the defined cast operators on the matrix (operator DataType) to convert the symbol "SigCh1Max" into a double pointer. It then interprets the bracket as it would any array index operation. So the compile
    r effectively sees:
    SigCh1Vect[i] = *(((Real64*)SigCh1Max) + (1,i));
    In this case, I believe the comma operator is defined to return the rightmost operand, or "i". Changing your code to
    SigCh1Vect[i] = SigCh1Max(1,i);
    should fix the problem. Please let me know if any issues exist after this fix.
    In the next release of Measurement Studio, I will recommend that the index operator be defined on the matrix classes, even if it simply throws an exception. The existence of this operator will prevent problems like this from showing up.
    Hope this helps,
    -- Chris W.
    Measurement Studio R&D
    National Instruments

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