I3 configuration questions

I've just switched to i3 and have a few questions about the configuration/customization..
I don't know whether it's ok to just ask them.. sadly I'm too busy (or lazy, you choose) to go trough the whole i3 user doc, just ~10 pages, but here it goes..
How do I set my laptop's media volume buttons to increase/decrease/mute volume (i've done it with alsamixer up to now)
How do I define a background picture for i3lock? (--image didn't work, yes it was a png, no error messages)
Can I modify the i3lock circle (changing the circle or adding a picture there as well)?
How can I define that a certain program opens up on a certain workspace (e.g. firefox always on workspace 4)
How can I name workspaces in the i3bar?
How do I alter boarder color and width?
Can I save a session (what is opened where) when restarting?
Can I minimize a window?
If i split a container (MOD4+H / V) or set to stacking/tabbing mode, how do I undo that? (having one simple container again)
Where do I put any commands (e.g. `feh --bg-scale ~/.picture.png`) that I want started on every restart?
thanks for any hint, answers and sorry in case I cause grumbling..
best regards,
Last edited by daedalus.mythos (2014-11-26 14:38:48)

ajbibb wrote:
There was a suggestion in the primary i3 thread a while back, maybe from Tribly (apologies if I've mis-attributed it) to have a directory for your wallpaper that contains a symlink to the actual wallpaper.  Then when you wish to change your background all you need to do is modify the symlink instead of modifying your .config file.  I expanded that idea to also contain my i3lock background.  Code is:
# set the screen lock PNG file
# set this variable to point to ~/.wallpaper/screenlock which
# should be a symlink to the actual picture
set $screenlock ~/.wallpaper/screenlock
Key bind to start the lock program:
bindsym $mod+F12 exec --no-startup-id i3lock -c 333333 -i $screenlock -t
the -c option provides a clean color should the background not be found
thank you very much for the hint!
snakeroot wrote:
I just started using i3 a few weeks ago, so I understand how daunting the documentation may feel.
Might I suggest that you use the i3 FAQs instead (or really as well)? These aren't really FAQs in the classic sense, but more like StackExchange (i.e., community-driven Q&A). Even if the questions aren't exactly on point, there's often useful background.
The FAQ search page is here:
Some pages germane to a couple of your particular questions (so you can see what I mean):
daedelus.mythos wrote:How do I set my laptop's media volume buttons to increase/decrease/mute volume (i've done it with alsamixer up to now)
https://faq.i3wm.org/question/125/how-t … ms-volume/
daedelus.mythos wrote:How can I define that a certain program opens up on a certain workspace (e.g. firefox always on workspace 4)
https://faq.i3wm.org/question/2155/how- … les-in-i3/
https://faq.i3wm.org/question/3389/star … e-failing/
Good luck and enjoy learning i3!
Thanks a lot for the heads up and the links!

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    Hi David,
    "Check-In" makes SCA known to CMS, "import" will import the content of the SCAs into CBS/DTR.
    1. Yes. For these three SCAs specifically (they only contain buildarchives, no sources, no deployarchives) the build archives are imported into the dev buildspace on CBS. If the SCAs contain deployarchives and you have a runtime system configured for the dev system then those deployarchives should get deployed onto the runtime system.
    2. Have you seen /people/marion.schlotte/blog/2006/03/30/best-practices-for-nwdi-track-design-for-ongoing-development ? Sooner or later you will want to.
    3. Should be answered indirectly.
    4. Dev/Cons correspond to the Dev/Consolidation system in CMS. For each developed SC you have 2 systems with 2 workspaces in DTR for each (inactive/active)
    5. You should use dev. I would only use cons for corrections if they can't be done in dev and transported. Note that you will get conflicts in DTR if you do parallel changes in dev and cons.
    6. See link in No.2 ?

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    RaviBest regards,

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    I run my Tangosol cluster with 12 nodes on 3
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    be in cluster so that the resources can be freed upon
    when other caches are loaded. I configured the
    <high-units> to be 10000 but I am not sure if this is
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    total number of objects in the cluster goes till
    15800 objects even when I configured for the 10K as
    high-units (there is some free memory on servers in
    this case). Can you please explain this?
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    the cluster? The memory command on the cluster
    doesn't seem to be giving me the correct stats. Is
    there any other utility that I can use?
    Yes, you can get this and quite a number of other information via JMX. Please check this wiki page for more information.
    I started all the nodes with the same configuration
    as below. Can you please answer the above questions
    RaviBest regards,

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    Wayne Hilburn

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    must finish first.  .
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    Wayne Hilburn

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    Assuming the "Xcopy installation" refers to using the Windows xcopy command, can you clarify what, exactly, you are installing via xcopy? Are you just using xcopy to copy the ODP.Net bits? Or are you trying to install the Oracle client via that approach?
    If you are concerned about support, you would generally want to install everything via the Oracle Universal Installer (barring those very occasional components that don't use the OUI). Oracle generally only supports software installed via the installer because particularly on Windows, there are a number of registry entries that need to get created.
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    Edited by: Christian Mika on Mar 6, 2008 11:30 AM

    has really no one ever had this kind of problem? Do you all use either one (e.g. windows) server for one application (e.g. SAP application or database) or the same server for application and database? Or don't you use virtual hostnames (aliases) for your servers, so that in all mentioned cases one CCMS-Agent on one server would fit your requirements? I could hardly believe that!
    kind regards

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    There is no such thing as 'master iPad'.  If you're using Configurator or Profile Manager control of the setup is done from a Macintosh.

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    (Edited subject to keep page from stretching. Thanks!)
    Message Edited by JOHNDOE_06 on 06-21-2007 08:57 AM

    Still kinda funny that the site survey fails. Are you using a Vista computer? Saw that using a XP computer solved someone's problem.
    If you can't get the setup software to work you really need to find out what IPs were assigned to the REs to access the IE interface or hard wire them (v2 and 3). I know it is alot of work. I guess you have to assess how much of a hassle it is.
    I don't know if the RE shows up on ipconfig/all. I guess it should since it has a unique IP address. Mines the default so I'll check and repost.
    I'm wondering what the effect is of having 4 REs in relatively "close" proximity is? When mine loses connection (infrequently), the light turns red but immediately turns blue cuz it connects to router again (got only 1 RE). Would your's connect to the router or to another RE? If it connects to another RE, I guess you lose half the speed again. Interesting....
    Also, other than the blue lights, do have any other indication that the REs are working, e.g. increased signal?
    Message Edited by Luckydog on 06-21-2007 11:53 AM
    Message Edited by Luckydog on 06-21-2007 12:02 PM
    Message Edited by Luckydog on 06-21-2007 12:13 PM

  • Oracle hardware and storage solution configuration questions

    Hi all,
    I am configuring hardware and the storage solution for a project and am hoping to have some questions answered about using Oracle as the storage solution.
    The current setup will have 2 Dell NX3100 NAS gateways each with dual quad core processors, 24GB of RAM, 12x2TB data disks, and running Windows Storage Server 2008 64bit as the OS.
    Will also have direct attached storage of 2 Dell PowerVault MD1200 disk arrays, each disk array with 12 x 2Terabyte SAS disk drives giving a total of 36TB of storage space for each NAS Gateway.
    Based on this information, is there any problem with two Oracle Standard Edition installation (1 per NAS) holding up to 36TB of data (mostly high res images) in this hardware configuration?
    Does Oracle have a built in solution for replicating data between the 2 NAS heads and down to the disk arrays? Where the application sever will write to one of the NAS+disk arrays and then that data is written from the first NAS to the 2nd NAS+disk array? Currently I've used DoubleTake in other projects but am wondering if Oracle has something similar that is built in.
    Finally, will Backup Exec Oracle agent work with this configuration for backing up the data to a Dell PowerVault ML6020 Tape backup device?
    Thanks in advance for any insight.

    Does Oracle have a built in solution for replicating data between the 2 NAS heads and down to the disk arrays? Where the application sever will write to one of the NAS+disk arrays and then that data is written from the first NAS to the 2nd NAS+disk array? Currently I've used DoubleTake in other projects but am wondering if Oracle has something similar that is built in.NAS - I still doubt during the network issues (In case of RAC - all nodes would get afftected), I would not suggest certainly for this. Let the other experts reply back.
    - Pavan Kumar N

  • SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster configuration questions

    I have few questions on , SQL Server 2012 Failover cluserting pleasse provide suggestions:
    1) In SQL Server 2012 is there a configuration for active / passive Failover Cluster installation? If so how is it done? if you could provide any links or articles that would help.
    Is this been replaced by Always ON Availability Groups?
    2) Also in our environment we have done active/active installation but at a time my understanding is only node has the ownership to the shared storage versus both the nodes, is that correct? If not please provide an explanation?
    Any additional information would be valuable in clearing my doubts?
    Thank youy

    Hi malinisethi,
    If you install SQL Server in a cluster and configure Active-Passive cluster. In the first node, select “New SQL Server Failover Cluster installation” option , when we are installing Active-Passive cluster, we have to specify one virtual/network name. (Note:
    For Active-Active clustering you have specify different network names as per the number of nodes). on the other nodes is similar to installing on the first node except that we have select the Add Node to a SQL Server failover cluster option from the initial
    menu. For more information, there is a similar issue about SQL Server 2008 Active-Passive/Active-Active cluster installation, you can review the following article.
    About Active/Active SQL Cluster, two clustered SQL Server instance are created in different nodes. Then apply Active /Active configuration of both instance. There is an example about creating an Active/Active SQL Cluster using Hyper-V. you can review the
    following article.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Remote configuration question

    Hello! I have several questions about configuration in my system that is shown on picture.
    I need to have a possibility to program the second FPGA(Virtex-6) and its flash memory. I'm going to send mcs or bit file via ethernet to FPGA 1(Kintex-7) then programming in JTAG-mode FPGA 2 or its flash. First of all, i need to develop JTAG configuration logic at FPGA-1. Then, i have a questions:
    1) Is it possible to detect in the jtag chain a flash memory of the  FPGA 2 and programm it via FPGA-1? Or its only possible to programm it only using Impact and jtag-programmer?
    2) I would like to know if my jtag-configuration logic (at FPGA-1) will have mistakes, is it possible to damage fpga-2  by sending wrong sequences of bits during configuration it "on fly"?

    XSVF is something like taking a straight-forward iMPACT programming process, and then recording the transitions of the JTAG signals.  Then what you do is to "play back" the recording to make the same thing happen within your target system.  Pretty much anything you do in iMPACT including indirect flash programming (SPI or BPI) can be converted into XSVF.
    You could also roll your own JTAG conversion code, but I think that will take a lot more effort.  I would not be too worried about damaging the FPGA, however.  Typically errors in the configuration process are detected as CRC errors and prevent the part from running bad codes.

  • ALE Configuration Questions

    Hello Experts,
    I have a few questions regarding ALE Configuration, help appreciated
    1) Is it necessary to create user for ALE transfer in both sender and receiver system ?
    2) Is it necessary to create logical system for both sender and receiver in both the systems ?
    3) Can tRFC created in sender system have a different port name than the logical system name ?
    Is it ok, if only configuration is done in the sender system, if I am looking for one way transfer of Idocs from sender to receiver ? The receiver will receive the Idocs and process internally, sender is responsible only for sending in my case.
    I have referred the below link,
    7 Steps For ALE Configuration - ABAP Development - SCN Wiki
    Best Regards,
    Ameya B.

    Hi Mili,
    You do not need to generate partner profile during the ditribution model view process (BD64). You can add manually the partner profile via WE20 for inbound and outbound parameters. As long as distriburon model has been setup and distribute, you can continue the next step for example generating IDoc and so on.
    Sometimes, you may face an issue to generate partner profile from BD64 for some reason. I found by generating manually partner profile always quick, safe and stay away from any trouble shooting for an error.
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto
    Please reward points if helpful.

  • Email configuration question

    I'm having a problem configuring my email accounts for my iPhone. I currently use an Exchange email account through school, linked to Outlook 2007 on my computer (PC). I also have a couple of Gmail and Yahoo accounts that I like to download to my iPhone and computer. My iPhone recently had to be restored and now I'm trying to figure out what I have wrong with my new settings.
    Currently, my emails all download and display properly on my computer. However, emails display twice on my phone, making it appear that they are showing up as being in both the original account and the Exchange account. This could also be an issue with how my Outlook is setup- I'm not sure- but, given the option, I'd prefer not to store outside emails on my Exchange account.
    I apologize for the long-winded question but does anyone have any suggestions?

    You need to set the outgoing mail settings to your SMTP server and port. Check you outlook settings, the standard SMTP server port is 225.

  • PI Configuration question....

    It is for PI SP12 on AIX and Oracle.
    I am configuring the CRM 5.0 to PI 7.0. The CRM 5.0 is ABAP+J2EE system. I have created two RFCs in CRM ABAP side (SAPSLDAPI and LCRSAPRFC). Both of these RFCs are pointing to PIHOST and PIGATEWAY.
    The application system has a J2EE as well so there must be a setting in visual administrator as well. So I go to Server -> Services - JCo RFC Provider.
    As far as I have understood I have to maintain two entries for two RFCs with the name of the program ID (e.g. LCRSAPRFC_<SID>).
    My question is that the values in the section <b>RFC Destination</b>  and <b>Repository</b> should point to PIHOST and PIGATEWAT or it should point to CRMHOST and CRM-GATEWAY.
    I think it should point to PIHOST and PIGATEWAY and the value of “Gateway Host” and “Application Server host” will be same.
    Please correct me if I am wrong.
    I will appreciate your help.

    Thank you for a very helpful answer.
    One more confusion/question.
    Suppose my SLDHOST and SLDGATEWAY is different than PIHOST and PIGATEWAY then
    Will your above reply  still be true?
    Because when we create an entry in SLDAPICUST in Application System we enter the HOST and PORT of system where SLD is running. We do not enter the host and port of PI system. And yes, this PI should also be poitinng to same SLD.
    Please reply.
    I will appreciate your reply.

  • SD SAP Variant Configuration questions

    Hello guys, I'm preparing for an exam and trying to find the answers for the following questions, please help me, I need them as soon as possible, full points will be given to any answer, Thanks all !
    - What is variant configuration?
    - What is characteristic?
    - What is value?
    - What is class?
    - What is configuration profile?
    - What is dependency and what are the types?
    - What is a variant table?
    - And the transaction codes for the above.

    Dear Kevin,
    Thease are possible quetions
    the possible questions could be
    1. What is item category group in VC
    2. what is the item category for the material in VC
    3. What is meant by class
    4.what is meant by Charateristics values
    5.how pricing in mapped in variant confi
    6.what are setting in material master in variant material
    7.can material type FERT can used has variant material(KMAT), if it is then how
    8.waht is requiremnt type while doing variant confi
    9.what is stragey group you will select in for vaiant material
    10.what is meant by object dependency
    11.waht arethe dependency types
    12.waht is meant by precondition,selection conditions,actions, procedures
    Hope this helps you

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    Hey, I have a T420 in which I have the factory fitted 128gb SSD and I need more space (surprise!)  I'm thinking about swapping it out for a 256gb SSD and was just wondering if there's any reason why I can't/shouldn't do that with an off the shelf dri

  • Inventory - last purchase date

    This is my first post, so my apologies if all is not correct. We were recently taken over and the new owners are trying to put a realistic value on the stock and it has fallen to me to provide the information. I need to ascertain the age of the stock