ICal & .mac

Has anyone else had trouble with iCal syncing through .mac (Leopard only - I have no trouble with Tiger)? I keep getting the error message "could not be synced owing to inconsistent data". I have reset calendars in the .mac, sync, advanced tab and attempted to overwrite iCal from .mac. I deleted all calendars on iCal first. I have never used iSync, so there is no sync history to clear from here.

Even if you have never used isync as in opened it and used the app., the app works in the background to perform sync services when you sync with .mac via .mac sync preferences panes, but if you cannot click on the "reset sync history" button in isync>advanced...
I would do the following: unregister your computer in .mac sync pref>sync>advanced, if you have more than one computer then unregister them all one by one. At one point during the unregister process you will see a window pop up asking you if you want to get rid of or delete all and any sync data, select all the data and get rid of it or delete it. Then choose the one computer that has the more up to date data, if you have more than one, and register it again. Then do a reset of all data from your computer to .mac, log in to .mac and make sure the info is reset and correct. Once that is done, then go to you second computer if you have one, register it in .mac, and do a sync/reset from .mac to that computer.
hope this helps

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    In order to have multiple people on multiple computers reading and writing to the same calendars there must be some kind of intermediary handling the back and forth communication.
    You are currently using MobileMe as your intermediary.  iCloud (when it launches) will also have a calendar feature, although no details in regards to sharing have been released as the product doesn't go live until the fall. 
    You are correct that in it's present form, MobileMe will only allow you and other MobileMe members to modify your calendars: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=MobileMe/Help/en/mm6b1a9479.html
    -- Non-MobileMe members can read, but not modify public calendars.
    Wait on this topic until iCloud comes out to see what changes.  It might help...it might not.  Won't know until its available.
    Use a non-MobileMe server like Google or Yahoo (or any other CalDAV service you wish to use, Google and Yahoo are just 2 examples of a free calendar service.  There may be others and if you can pay, you can have a hosting service host your own private CalDAV.)
    Use a calendar sync solution like BusyCal: http://www.busymac.com/
    If you REALLY trust these people you are sharing your calendar with then just give them your MobileMe name and password and they can add your account to their iCal -- NOT recommended at all but its still an option.
    Hope that information is of use.

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    G4 MDD Desktop Tower   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Check your iPhone Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars,>Calendars>Sync>"All Events."

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    Message was edited by: Joe Furfaro
    Message was edited by: Joe Furfaro

    Hi Joe,
    I have been confused by the same issues as I too use mail/ical/mobileme and my iphone, and i'm afraid to say you are not doing anything wrong, those are the limitations and idosyncrasies.
    I have managed to live without my ical to-do's not syncing with my iphone, as when I need to access them I can use mobileme at the office. Using notes i can e-mail them to myself, not ideal but a workaround.
    I was though pleased to hear that some of these issues will be addressed in the new software 3.0 out in the summer, i.e. notes sync will work, better support for calendars etc. Not sure about the to-do's though, will have to wait and see.
    Have a look at the links below as they may help.

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    Try going to the Calendar menu and select "Send Publish Email" Then copy and paste the url frm the email into your web browser's address box. My guess is that you needed to use an upper case 'H' in home. e.g.:
    Home is the name of one of your calendars.
    It seems to me that iCal is a good app but it is close to useless for people who work in different locations and on PC's as well as Macs. You would think that with a .Mac account at least it would be easy to find your calendar. Also ToDo lists etc. are not published on the Web page, only if you have a Mac and can Subscribe to it. Sort of negates one of the supposed benefits of .Mac.
    I am hoping there are 3rd party "real" web apps that allow editing, updating, etc. The calendar file format is a standard so it may be possible to integrate a solution on the web with .Mac and at least iCal. Too bad Apple hasn't done it.
    Wait a few months and Google will have "GCal" and then you will be able to forget about using iCal.

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    . MAC - We're having trouble fulfilling your last request. Please return to the .Mac home page
    Is there any solution for this? perhaps .Mac/iCal doesn't like 'private events' (from Outlook) for example?
    Many thanks in advance for your time and help,

    I have sometimes had issues like that when I used to
    publish calendars on .Mac. When I would publish the
    calendar on .Mac, iCal would give me a link like
    When you go to that page, the link in the your
    browser's location bar becomes this:
    Hi Dr. Zoidberg,
    Yes the link is of the format of the first link that you provided (above). I have tried renaming the calendar and republishing same but this does not help either.
    Thanks for your help,

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    OK, I was having this problem, but I have got it resolved now. First, when you say "this is the only data you have," what do you mean? You should have at least two sets, one on your computer and one on .Mac. If this is the case, the solution is to go to the .Mac preferences, go to advanced, select "Reset Sync data...", select that you want to go from the good source (your computer) to the bad (.Mac). Click OK, let it Sync, and you're done.

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    Thanks, Oliver

    Thank you so much for your help!  Your suggestion resolved my issue.
    I also made sure to set my iCal preferences to use iCloud Home for my default calendar as well as reminders.
    Thanks again!

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    I had the same problem. If you read further down the list of discussions there is one there about going to iSynch in Applications, iSynch preferences and resetting the synch history. I turned off bluetooth and reset the synch history and now, new events I enter on my iPhone (2.1) show on my iCal.
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